
资讯 2024-07-09 阅读:181 评论:0
imToken 2.0是一款支持多种数字资产管理的移动端钱包应用程序。要添加USDT的TRC20代币到imToken 2.0钱包中,您可以按照以下步骤进行操作:ImToke...

imToken 2.0是一款支持多种数字资产管理的移动端钱包应用程序。要添加USDT的TRC20代币到imToken 2.0钱包中,您可以按照以下步骤进行操作:

ImToken 2.0 is a mobile wallet application that supports multiple digital asset management.


In order to be safe, it is not recommended that you download a few websites at random, and that you download a USDT wallet app at the script house. In the current environment, newcomers recommend larger exchanges (e.g., Oui, currency, fire, etc.) where older people and some with special needs can use anmtoken, tokenpocket, meta fox wallets, etc. The other wallets are not as secure as recommended above.


The 1-imtoken wallet is in fact a smart digital wallet, one of the most dominant wallets in the current currency circle, and a new one-stop management model of accounts is in place, where users can perform bill-paying operations.

2、imtoken钱包有很多实用性功能,比如说资产管理,私钥本地安全保存,资产一目了然, 支持多种钱包类型,轻松导入导出, 助记词备份防丢,多重签名防盗。

2-imtoken wallets have a number of practical functions, such as asset management, secure local preservation of private keys, a clear view of assets, support for multiple wallet types, easy import export, backup of words against loss, multiple signature against theft.


3. Imtoken is also able to focus on major global exchanges, and there are price reminders that allow you to ease my investment opportunities and to send many industrial information and technological developments, with dimensions that allow you to discover investment opportunities.

1. 打开imToken钱包应用程序并进入主界面。

Open the imToken wallet application and enter the main interface.

通过右上角的管理,添加 你想支持的网络与钱包。

Through top right corner management, add the network and wallet you want to support.

2. 点击“钱包”选项卡,然后选择“添加钱包”或者 "添加币种"。选择TRX

Click & ldquao; Wallet & rdquao; tab and select & ldquao; Add Wallet & rdquao; or &quat; Add Currency &quat;. Select TRX

3. 在“添加钱包”页面中,选择“TRON”作为区块链网络。

In “ Add Wallet & rdquao; Page, select & & & & & tron& rdquao; as a block chain network.


When you enter, you will automatically appear a few seconds later, and now you have finished adding trc20 to usdt. If there is no USDT, you can refer to the method of adding ERC20.


How to collect & nbsp;

点击usdt选项,然后进入界面,最下面就会出现 收款与转账两个选择,根据需要自行选择就可以了。

Click on the usdt option and then go into the interface, and the bottom of the line will be the two options of collection and transfer, as you need to choose.


ERC20 is based on ETH.


So we chose the bottom left wallet front page, and the wallet network was after ETH entered.


1. Through the right + number

2.搜索 Token名称 我们这里输入USDT

Search for Token's name. We're entering USDT here.


3. Select the first, only USDT has no other character


Click and enter if you see this interface below, it means it's done.

如果想收款、转账点击 USDT进入就可以看到了。将图片与地址分别发给对方就可以了。

You can see it if you want to collect, transfer, and click on USDT. Send pictures and addresses to each other separately.

1. 在添加TRC20地址之前,确保您已经拥有该代币或有人给你转基于TRC20的USDT。

1. Ensure that you already have the currency or have the USDT transferred to you based on TRC20 before adding the TRC20 address.

2. 如果您不知道TRC20代币的合约地址、代币名称和代币符号,可以在代币发行方的官方网站或区块链浏览器上查找。

2. If you do not know the contractual address, name and symbol of TRC20, you can find it on the official website of the issuing party or on the block links browser.

3. 添加TRC20地址时,请确保输入的信息准确无误,否则可能会导致资产丢失。

3. When adding a TRC20 address, ensure that the information entered is accurate or accurate, otherwise it may result in the loss of assets.


1. Fast pace of transactions: The wave network is very fast, supporting more than 2,000 transactions per second.


2. Low-cost transactions: The market network has extremely low currency transaction costs, with only a few TRX transfers per transfer. 3. Ecosystems are growing rapidly: they are growing and have excellent environments in terms of smart contracts, developers, communities, etc.


Flexibility in the management of funds: The flexibility in the management of funds in the ERC20 currency makes it a digital currency standard that is closer to market demand.


2. Broad application: ERC20 is widely used in numerous ICO projects and is one of the important criteria for digital currencies.


3. A large number of developers and technology companies are supporting: there are a large number of developers and technology companies in the Taiwan ecosystem, and these people are increasingly innovative in promoting the application and development of ERC20.


This is how the Imtoken wallet adds the USDT TRC20 address? More information about the Imtoken wallet, please follow other relevant articles from the Script House!

Tag:imToken   usdt   trc20  

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