XRSPACE攜手海洋大學 全球首座海洋永續元宇宙大學正式啟動

资讯 2024-07-10 阅读:46 评论:0
全球首座海洋永續元宇宙大學正式啟動 海洋大學攜手元宇宙開拓者 XRSPACE   共創元宇宙教育新局 〔2022年 6 月 28日?台北〕世界第一所海洋永續元宇宙大學正式啟動!國立臺灣海洋大學與元宇宙開拓者未來市股份有限公司(...


海洋大學攜手元宇宙開拓者 XRSPACE   共創元宇宙教育新局


〔2022年 6 月 28日?台北〕世界第一所海洋永續元宇宙大學正式啟動!國立臺灣海洋大學與元宇宙開拓者未來市股份有限公司( XRSPACE ) 攜手打造全球第一所 GOXR 海洋元宇宙大學 (GOXR Metaverse University) 於6月28日正式上線,海大今日起除實體校園空間外,更創立海大元宇宙分校,海大元宇宙空間模擬海大校園美景,提供院系及社團多人互動交流空間。海大將利用元宇宙技術,規劃系列語言學習、數位創作及各系所特色應用元宇宙課程,培養海大學生科技應用實力。海大攜手 XRSPACE 以海洋永續為目標,共同創造跨越國界的海洋教育新局!



The President of the University of the Sea said Thai: "The National Taiwan Ocean University, as the leading international institution in the maritime domain, attracts outstanding scholars from overseas to undertake research, and Chairman Zhou Yong-min is a friend of the 74th class of the Great Sea Electrics Department, and is also a friend of the Board of Directors of the Global Business and Industry Board of Administration in 110, and in 2011 he was awarded the first-ever Doctor of Trade in the Sea.



XRSPACE 為元宇宙世界開拓者,旗下 GOXR 元宇宙技術平台,整合多種新型虛實相融應用科技,透過 3D 虛擬空間互動技術,建構多人即時互動的海洋大學校園元宇宙場域,虛擬空間展現海大以海洋為主體的全球最完整海洋特色院所,每一個系所皆具備不同領域之海洋專業,七大學院院長以數位虛擬分身,向元宇宙訪客智慧介紹學院及系所特色。藉由多人即時互動技術,實現跨校、跨國、跨社群的獨特社交性。

RSPE: 400; >XRSPE: pioneers for the world of the Woncoastal, under the banner of the GOVXR meta-cosm technology platform, integrating many new virtual applications of technology, through 3D virtual space interactive technology >The building of a multi-person marine campus of time-to-time oceanic campus, a virtual space-to-space-to-space-to-space-to-space-to-sea-to-ocean, inter-to-space technology-to-to-space-to-to-to-to-space, inter-to-space-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-the-to-to-to-to-to-to-man, inter-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-man-to-to-to-to-the-to-to-to-to-to-the-to-to-to-to-us-to-to-to-us-to-to-to-to-to-to-us-to-to-to-to-to-to-us-to-to-to-to-the-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-man.-to-to-to-to-to-to-the-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-the-to-to-to-to-to-to-the-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-


XRSPACE 董事長兼執行長周永明表示:「很高興能以海大校友身分,協助母校建立全世界第一所海洋永續為主軸的元宇宙大學。教育一直是元宇宙技術最大應用之一, XRSPACE 持續思考如何翻轉教育生態,以技術協助提供學生更身臨其境的學習空間。此次與海洋大學合作,除創建元宇宙學習空間外,海大學生也能實際透過參與元宇宙建置與各類活動,理解元宇宙技術及其應用內涵,藉此培養海大學生科技實力。」

RSPAACE Chairman and Executive Director Zhou Yongming said: "It's a pleasure to build the first meta-cosmology university in the world as an alumni of the sea. Education has always been one of the greatest applications of meta-cosm technology, with XRSPAACE continuing to think about how to turn educational life and help students to become more visible in their field.



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海洋大學利用 GOXR 元宇宙平台特性,透過沉浸式的體驗學習促進海洋永續行動,後續更將發展元宇宙講堂,將實際教育課程躍上元宇宙,打造高互動性的虛擬科技課堂。不管在任何地方,海大學生都可透過數位分身進入元宇宙校園學習,全世界也都可暢遊海大元宇宙。元宇宙可以提供公平以及高品質的教育,並消除教育中的一切歧視,確保所有的學子都習得必要的知識與技能而可以促進永續發展。

through immersional experience >      

海大社團學生可利用多人元宇宙互動交流空間,舉辦各類社團活動、跨校聯誼、交流研習等學生活動。海大學生也將有機會與 XRSPACE 產學合作,至新創企業學習相關元宇宙技術,雙方攜手積極培育具海洋人文素養與社會競爭力的人才。未來,XRSPACE 旗下 PartyOn 虛擬音樂世界也會加入海大元宇宙世界,協助學生用音樂互動體驗生活。

Society students can use multi-dimensional universes to interact with each other to organize student events such as group events, cross-school relationships, and exchange studies.


XRSPACE 董事長兼執行長周永明為海大傑出校友,擁有多年的資訊科技產業經驗,在策略、領導與營運成就上,不斷締造產業輝煌紀錄。在全球數位化浪潮席捲之下,於2017年在台灣成立XRSPACE,願景為打造用戶可以隨時隨地暢遊的元宇宙社交世界。

The XRSPAACE Chairman and Executive Director, Zhou Yongming, a friend of Hai Dae-jung, has many years of experience in information technology and technology, and continues to make a track record of production in terms of strategy, leadership and operational achievements. Under the global digital wave, XRSPACE was established in 2017 in Taiwan to create a meta-cosm social world where users can travel at any time.


6/28 全球首座GOXR海洋永續元宇宙大學正式啟動,進入元宇宙世界:bit.ly/GOXRMetaverseUniversity

The first Global GoXR Ocean Era Cosmos: bit.ly/GOXRMetaversity





XRSPACE 成立於 2017 年,不斷突破 XR 技術研發,期望透過創新科技將人類的社交溝通帶到下一階段,為全球帶來輕鬆上手的 XR 體驗。XRSPACE 於 2021 年推出全球首創元宇宙平台 GOXR 以及 PartyOn 虛擬音樂世界,任何用戶透過手機、平板與虛擬實境頭戴顯示器,即可走入多元元宇宙即時互動空間。

RSPACE was founded in 2017 to break through the XR technology, hoping to bring human social communication to the next stage and to provide easy XR experience for the world. XRSPAACE launched in 2021 the global premier cosmopolitan platform GOXR and PartyOn virtual music world, using cell phones, flats and virtual real-world displays, so that any user can walk into the atmosphere of diversity.

XRSPACE 結合 5G XR 跨終端、跨平台內容與體驗,開創人與人互動的嶄新可能,以最直覺無負擔的方式,隨時隨地暢遊元宇宙虛擬社交世界。




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