
资讯 2024-07-12 阅读:49 评论:0
吴慧琼 上海市第一中级人民法院商事庭审判员。内容摘要Executive summary随着区块链技术的逐步成熟,已有将该技术应用于商业领域的实践。尽管智能合约能够实现自主、自动地执行,但仍不可避免在履约过程中产生纠纷,甚至是新类型纠纷。仲裁...

吴慧琼 上海市第一中级人民法院商事庭审判员。


Executive summary


As block chain technology matures, there is practice of applying it in the commercial sphere. While smart contracts are self-executing, disputes, even new types of disputes, are inevitable in the performance process.

关键词:区块链 智能合约 仲裁 存证 电子证据 审查


I. Assessment of areas in which disputes over the block chain arise


(i) Characteristics of block chain technology and its main applications


The essence of the block chain is a distributed bookkeeping database. On the basis of the same transaction agreement, all nodes in the trading system can be involved in the response to the transaction when the transaction is initiated. Recording all transaction information over a period of time and forming a block, connected around time, forms a block chain. Thus, blocks (which cannot be tampered with to record information) are combined with chains (continuously linked, sequentially linked honest data record storage structures) which form a block chain (a data system that ensures honesty) that stores all historical data from the start of the transaction to the present date and provides a search and search function for each data, which can be verified on a case-by-case basis. As a result, the academic community usually uses "four-way" to summarize the characteristics of block chain technology, i.e. decentralize, detrust, de-privilegation, de-riskization:


Decentralizing is the most basic feature of the block chain, emphasizing that the block chain is not dependent on a central processing node. Each node on the Internet is responsible for recording, storing and updating data, without the need for a dedicated database centre to maintain, so that the damage or failure of any one point does not affect the entire system.


De-trusting emphasizes that block chains use a set of open and transparent mathematical encryption algorithms that allow all nodes of the system to exchange data automatically and safely in an environment of self-confidence. Block chains rely on asymmetric encryption and reliable databases for the completion of credit endorsements, all rules are expressed in advance in the form of algorithmic procedures, participants do not need to know the creditworthiness of their counterparties, nor do participants need to rely on third-party institutions for endorsement of transactions or security certification, but trust in common algorithms is needed to build mutual trust, credit creation, trust and consensus among participants through algorithms.


Deprivilegation emphasizes the equal status of all nodes in the block chain. Each node can request or provide services individually, and the server and client can no longer be distinguished from each node, and participants in each network can search for transactions, thus distinguishing from the traditional data search model where managers only have access to complete or full-range data information.


On the one hand, the block chain will cover every transaction with a time stamp, which is actually an authentication for each transaction. The time signature is written directly on the block chain and the blocks that have been created cannot be modified in the block chain, which will result in the creation of Hashi values (HASH) that cannot be matched. On the other hand, the block chain, by broadcasting to the whole network, allows each of the maintained nodes to copy a complete copy of the database. Unless more than 51 per cent of the nodes in the system can be controlled simultaneously, the change in the logbook is ineffective and cannot affect the content of the data at other nodes.


The first phase is the first application of block chain technology, which, at the legal level, is mainly national regulation of electronic currency and less entry into the area of disputes. The third phase is based on the application of smart contracts in a wide range of areas of society, rather than limited to part of the second phase, which leads to the formation of a block chain ecology.



Smart contracts are generally understood to be self-executing contracts. Smart contracts work in a way that is similar to a computer program's if-then statement, where people pre-assemble a program code that triggers the automatic implementation of the corresponding contract terms by the system when the conditions set by the program are met, thus completing the transfer of transactions and smart assets, the earliest example of which is in daily life an ATM.


Automatic execution is characterized by automatic, autonomous and enforceable nature. In reality, the most typical manifestation of automatic repayment is credit card, and, on credit card repayment days, the computer system automatically completes the transaction. The most straightforward example of autonomous execution is the shopping process: under the current model, when a buyer selects a particular commodity, the price paid is transferred to the seller’s account before it is transferred to the seller’s account until confirmed by the seller’s receipt; and under block-chain technology, buyers and sellers can create smart contracts with the buyer’s confirmation of receipt before transferring the money, and, upon confirmation by the buyer, automatically execute the transfer contract by computer, thus significantly reducing the transaction cost. Smart contracts therefore allow for credible transactions without a third party, and these transactions are traceable, irreversible, safer than traditional contractual methods, and less costly.


Smart contracts based on block chains fall into three broad categories: first, “smart contract codes”, commonly referred to as block chain codes. Second, “intelligent legal contracts”, which are used to refer to specific applications of the technology, such as the use of block chains to supplement or replace existing legal contracts, become the integration of smart contract codes and traditional legal languages. Under these models, such as the ErisIndustries double integration system, the PrimaveradeFillipi legal framework for encrypting book transactions, and the Smart Contract System of the Block Chain Alliance R3, Corda follow this basic line. Third, “intelligent alternative contracts”, i.e., the creation of a new form of contract with commercial value using smart contract codes, such as the M2M (machine-to-machine) business model, where dishwashers can automatically buy cleaning agents and cars can automatically pay refuelling charges.


II. Options for dispute resolution in relation to the block chain


(i) A forward-looking outlook for disputes related to the block chain


On the basis of the above-mentioned characteristics of an intelligent contract, it has been suggested that an intelligent contract can completely eliminate the occurrence of a dispute, since once the parties to the agreement have been reached, the transaction will be automatically executed in a discrete manner, with no artificial interference and no dispute will come to an end.


The first is that the view is based on the assumption that the parties to an agreement deal in a perfect world limited to digital exchanges, where the content of the agreement can be expressed in the form of an enforceable computer directive and covers all possible situations. From a practical point of view, most of the acts required in a commercial contract take place in the physical world, the performance of the contract cannot be carried out solely through computers, and the performance of the contract is often preceded by unforeseen circumstances requiring artificial interference or subjective judgement.


The second is that smart contracts can be executed automatically, but it is an open question how to deal correctly and appropriately with contract enforcement in the event of an accident. Through smart contracts, for example, a seller or bank recovers the right to use a car that has not yet paid its full price or loan.


The third is the detrusting nature of a smart contract, which means that an intelligent contract cannot be corrected in a timely manner if there is a mistake in the contract, or even if one party incorporates fraudulent procedures in the design of the contract code in order to illegally acquire the property of the other. In reality, these problems can be eliminated by a centralized system, but not by an intelligent contract. Such a system could lead to new disputes.


In summary, I believe that, as far as available technology is concerned, although it is possible to avoid some disputes by pre-empting an automated intellectual contract, it is not possible to completely avoid all disputes, or even new types of disputes based on the characteristics of intelligent contracts.


(ii) Comparison of resolution of disputes involving the block chain


The prevailing methods of dispute resolution include mediation, arbitration, and litigation. Since conciliation is not adjudicatory in nature, the main methods of dispute resolution are arbitration and litigation, which have advantages and disadvantages. On the basis of the characteristics of the two modes of dispute resolution, I believe that arbitration is the ideal way to resolve disputes related to the block chain.


First, the non-State nature of arbitration facilitates the cross-border resolution of disputes involving the block chain. The technology of block chain transactions and the transnational character of the parties to the agreement make cross-border enforcement of arbitral awards under the New York Convention a significant advantage in the resolution of disputes involving the block chain.


Second, the flexibility of arbitral proceedings can be synchronized with that of new types of disputes. The arbitration procedure can be customized by the parties to the agreement to meet the evolving needs of block chain technology and to synchronize dispute resolution mechanisms with the development of the dispute itself. Furthermore, the flexibility of arbitration helps to avoid procedural distress caused by the use of pseudonyms by the users of the block chain and the immutable nature of the published blocks.


Third, the professional nature of the arbitral tribunal is conducive to the ultimate resolution of disputes involving block chains. The contents of smart contract terms are different from those of traditional contracts, which are more difficult to interpret. Traditional contract content is often documented in natural languages, such as Chinese or foreign text.


The first is that judges and people’s assessors form collegiate panels that include computer experts as expert people’s assessors to assist judges in interpreting smart contracts. But the flexibility of expert people’s jurors is far from equal to that of arbitrators, since expert people’s assessors are usually pre-determined by the courts. Although they are computer experts, they are not experts in specific fields of dispute resolution because of limitations on the number of expert people’s assessors or because the courts are not aware of the professional nature of the dispute.


The second is the introduction by the parties of expert witnesses in court of their expertise in block chain techniques to explain and explain the content to the trial organization. But expert witnesses testify in court is not a simple exercise, and they need to prepare very much material, collect evidence in the case and then make concluding remarks, which ultimately takes time to reflect the costs of the proceedings. Moreover, as expert witnesses are requested by a party, it is difficult to avoid giving professional opinions in court in favour of the applicant, which deviates from the criteria of objective neutrality.


Third, after the judge consults with a number of expert scholars who are familiar with computer technology to assist in the interpretation and interpretation of the content of the contract. But the opinion given by the invited expert scholars without being fully aware of the circumstances of the case may be one-sided, and there is a greater risk that it will be used as a basis for finding the facts without being heard. Moreover, this practice is contrary to the protection of the confidentiality of the trial.


By contrast, arbitral proceedings better address the professional obstacles in the decision process. Since the parties are best acquainted with the professional issues in the dispute, they know the experts in the field, and the selection of arbitrators is dominated by the parties, even through a specific arbitration clause, the parties may appoint experts to whom they trust, thereby facilitating the professional adjudication of the dispute.


Finally, arbitration is also conducive to achieving a closed-ring solution to block chain disputes. The arbitral tribunal may take evidence stored in the block chain and make its decision, while storing the award in the block chain (and, if the award relates to transactions involving digital assets, the award can also be enforced automatically). In fact, the moot arbitration has been successfully conducted on the block chain.


III. Challenges to arbitration and responses to block chain disputes


Evidence is at the core of dispute resolution. Compared to traditional dispute resolution, evidence relating to block chain disputes is mostly electronic evidence, how such evidence can be legitimately and reasonably documented, and how the arbitral tribunal determines the electronic data on which the evidence is stored, is an urgent issue for arbitration.


(i) Documentation of block chain disputes


Documented business processes related to block chains include, inter alia, user registration and real name authentication on the business platform, user access to platform-issued digital certificates, user operations on the platform, business platform electronic data after business nodes retain electronic signatures, complete transactions and store transaction content into block chains.


The aforementioned process involves, in particular, the following key nodes:


The user is registered on the business platform, the business platform needs to authenticate the identity of the user, the user requires verification of the identity of the individual or the business, personal verification is done mainly through information such as name, ID number, negative photo of the identity card, bank card number, face recognition, etc., and enterprise verification is done mainly through information such as the name of the business, legal representative information, proxy information, corporate uniform credit code or organizational code.


Second is the generation of pending data. Each time a user performs a critical business operation, it performs a reliable electronic signature of the operational content and a genuine expression of will to the electronic signature action. An electronic signature is the data contained in the data message in electronic form, which is used to identify the signatory and indicate its approval by the signatory. It is commonly said that an electronic signature is an electronic signature of the electronic document through password technology, not a digital visualization of a written signature, which is similar to a handwritten signature or seal, or an electronic stamp.


Third is data storage. The chain of blocks contains transactional information, resulting in evidence data to be stored through the first two steps, consisting of searchable markings and electronic signature results, which, in accordance with the principle of block chain data storage, are competitive rights to account by distributed account nodes, which, when a node competes for rights to account, packs the evidence data to be stored together with a time stamp on the node of the block chain. Since the block chain is a fully distributed structure, all nodes possess this data. Since the third-party record platform is a particular node in the system, it also records the electronic data of transactions in the system accordingly.


(ii) Linked evidence review of block chain disputes


The review of this part of the electronic evidence continues to revolve around three elements of the evidence, namely authenticity, relevance, legitimacy. Given the virtuality, vulnerability, invisibility, etc., of electronic data, this leads to the authenticity of electronic data and objectivity becoming the focus of the parties' dispute in dispute resolution. The review of the authenticity of electronic data focuses on the generation, collection and preservation and transmission of electronic data.


The first is the generation of electronic data on the chain. This part examines, inter alia, whether the electronic data source is unique and certain. For the generation of electronic data, both its storage medium and the process of running it will affect the authenticity of electronic data. From the storage medium, whether the electronic data is generated in a normal cyberspace or diskette function will affect the authenticity of electronic data. From the operating process, the failure of the process of generating electronic data, its proper operation and whether it will be subjected to human interference may affect the authenticity of electronic data. Because of its distributional properties, the data stored on each node of the system, the data damage at a small part of the node will not affect the operation of the system and will safeguard the authenticity of the stored electronic data.


The second is the collection of electronic data on the chain. This part examines whether the extraction of electronic data is complete, compatible with objective, complete and appropriate requirements, and whether there is a possibility of modification. In the collection of electronic data, it is important to ensure the integrity of electronic data by using the principle of comprehensive collection as a basis for the collection of electronic data.


Three are the preservation of electronic data on the chain. Electronic data are not easily perceptible and sensitive to the storage of software or carriers. It is difficult to recognize, even if changes occur, during the preservation process. It is also difficult to identify bad practices, such as errors, deletions, etc. During the preservation process. Data-processing systems based on block chains are distributed and self-trusted, and damage or failure of any node does not affect the entire system. Distributed storage of electronic data guarantees the security of electronic data and ensures that all nodes throughout the system are able to exchange data automatically and safely in a trusted environment.


The aim of the chain of custody is to protect the authenticity of the evidence, thereby preventing the prosecution from questioning the reliability of the evidence. The current electronic data transfer, which does not guarantee the authenticity of the chain, may be rejected by the arbitral tribunal for reasons of authenticity. The technical characteristics of the chain, such as open transparency and collective maintenance, should be taken into account. The chain of custody should be able to form a closed “line”, i.e. the chain of custody of the electronic data.


As noted earlier, in the course of performing an intelligent contract, the relevant transaction data are synchronized over each node of the block chain and are not easily modified and form a complete chain of custody. The arbitral tribunal can generally directly confirm the authenticity of the electronic evidence on the chain.


(iii) Non-chained review of evidence related to block chain disputes


As noted here, blocks chains are not applied in a perfect digital world, but often involve the physical world. Thus, non-synchronous evidence is also available in block chain disputes (e.g., under-theline consultations between the parties during the signing or performance of the contract or evidence involving non-contracting parties), and the parties may record non-chain evidence through a third-party platform to the block chain at the time of the dispute. Since the record occurred after the transaction, the examination of such evidence was distinguished from evidence in the chain that was stored simultaneously in the chain at the time of the transaction.


First, it reviews the qualifications of the record-keeping platform. It reviews primarily whether the third-party record-keeping platform is independent of the parties to the case, such as the shareholders of the third-party record-keeping platform and its scope of operation, and is neutral.


Second, to examine the credibility of forensic techniques. To examine whether the technology employed by the third-party record-keeping platform ensures protection against virus and wooden horse infections and whether it obtains, for example, a website security level certification certificate. If the above-mentioned conditions are met, the third-party record-keeping platform should be found to have a secure environment for electronic data storage, without adverse evidence to the contrary. For example, when the third-party record-keeping platform receives a web page URL, it automatically requests a target address in the Internet environment, the target address returns automatically to the status code and web information to confirm that the requested URL is a valid access address, thus ensuring that the link is captured in an Internet environment.


Third, to review the integrity of electronic evidence preservation. Because of the difficult character of block chains to modify and delete, the integrity of the content of electronic evidence can be determined by confirming that the electronic data in dispute has been stored in the block chain. Thus, the integrity of electronic evidence is to examine whether the electronic data has been uploaded to the block chain and can be reviewed from the point of view of whether the electronic data has been genuinely uploaded and uploaded to the electronic data. On the basis of the fingerprint (i.e. the Hashi value) displayed by the party, the search and comparison in the block chain can be made, on the one hand, to determine whether the electronic data has been genuinely uploaded and time of uploading, and, on the other hand, to ascertain whether the electronic data has been tampered with by comparing the consistency of the digital fingerprints, thus confirming the integrity of the preservation of electronic evidence, i.e., that it has remained intact and unmodified from the upper chain to the present.


Although no significant number of block chain disputes have yet arisen, the rapid pace of technological innovation has made it possible for block chain technology to be used extensively in business practice in the near future. To this end, it is proposed to adopt a forward-looking vision of block chain disputes with a view to preparing for new types of disputes that are about to come.


Shanghai City Law Society welcomes your contribution.





Source: Shanghai Law Study, vol. 17, 2019 (Shanghai International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission volume).


Original title: Oh Hye-jun: Choice and application of dispute resolution in relation to the block chain


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