由于围绕全球经济放缓的担忧不断,加密货币仍受宏观经济逆风的支配,现在整个市场对于加密货币都是看跌的状态。不过即使如此,依旧有投资者选择投资加密货币,目前市场上排名前十的比特币交易所有币安、欧易、Coinbase、火必、Bitstamp、BitMEX、Kraken、KuCoin、Bitflyer、CoinEx。其实经济的不确定性还可能会促使投资者追逐美元的安全性,而美元往往与比特币呈负相关。很多投资者都想要进一步的了解哪些软件可以买卖 比特币?下面就让小编为大家介绍一下排名前十的比特币交易平台。
Even so, investors still choose to invest in encrypted currencies, and the top ten bitcoins currently traded in the market, all coins, euro, Coinbase, Fire Pistol, Bitstamp, BitMEX, Kraken, KuCoin, Bitflyer, CoinEx. Economic uncertainty may also encourage investors to pursue the dollar, which is often related to bitcoins.
Many investors do not know how to choose an encrypted currency exchange in the course of investing in encrypted money. For investors, the choice of a better ranking than that of a previous exchange is more robust for newcomers. Here, the editor will present the ranking of the top 10 Bitcoin exchanges in 2023.
欧易(点此注册)OKX创建了世界领先的加密交易系统,如统一交易账户,推出了MetaX,并提供多链无托管钱包、OKX NFT市场、DEX、Dapp和其他产品。OEC作为其自主研发的公共链,生态建设也正在兴起,可以满足用户对各种数字资产业务的需求。未来,OKX将继续向Metaverse、Web3.0、GameFi等领域发展。
3.Coinbase Pro
Coinbase是一家美国数字货币交易所,拥有正规的运营执照,Coinbase实际上是世界上最大的数字货币交易所之一。Coinbase交易所有两个不同的品牌开展业务,Coinbase是一个品牌,Coinbase Pro是另一个品牌。Coinbase更专注于以法定货币购买比特币的人群,而Coinbase Pro是更高级的数字货币交易平台。Coinbase Pro可以通过电汇和信用卡进行入款。
Coinbase is a United States digital currency exchange with a formal operating licence, and Coinbase is actually one of the largest digital money exchanges in the world. Coinbase has two different brands, Coinbase is a brand, Coinbase Pro is another brand. Coinbase is more focused on people buying bitcoins in statutory currencies, and Coinbase Pro is a more advanced digital money trading platform. Coinbase Pro can make money through wire transfers and credit cards.
Bitstamp是欧洲的老牌国际站,曾经排名世界第三。BitStamp创始人是纳杰克科德里奇(Nejc Kodric),2011年8月,他与戴米安联合创立BitStamp。2013年10月,Bitstamp获1000万美元投资,投资者为Pantera Capital Management。2015年1月,Bitstamp不幸遭遇黑客攻击,价值510万美元的比特币惨遭洗劫,平台一度关闭。不久,Bitstamp劫后重生,目前已恢复正常运营。
Bitstamp, the oldest international station in Europe, was ranked third in the world. Bitstamp was founded by Nejc Kodric, who co-founded Bitstamp with Damien in August 2011. In October 2013, Bitstamp received $10 million in investment, with investors in Pantera Capital Management. In January 2015, Bitstamp was unfortunately hit by hackers, and $5.1 million worth of bitcoin was looted and the platform was shut down.
BitMEX, established in the Republic of Seychelles, is the most advanced bitcoin derivative international station, which provides up to 100 times the leverage for bitcoin-type products, as well as high leverage for other digital currency products. BitMEX uses the latest multifactor security mechanism from inside to outside, with high security performance. BitMEX also provides various types of contracts.
Kraken was established in 2011 as the international station for bitcoin, with the largest volume of transactions in the euro, and can also be traded in Canadian dollars, United States dollars, pounds sterling, and Japanese yen. Kraken has been rated by independent media as the best and safest international station for bitcoin. Kraken was the first international station to show the price and volume of transactions on the Bloomberg terminal, the first to pass an encrypted foreign exchange reserve audit and to be a partner in the first encrypted currency bank.
Kucoin, a globally renowned platform for digital money trading services, supports multi-digital asset transactions. Established in September 2017, it has grown into one of the most popular digital money trading service platforms, providing a one-stop service for 5 million users in 207 countries and regions around the world in currency, French, contract, Pool-X, and borrowing. In “ in a universal trading service platform & rdquo; in a known place of operation for Seychelles, Kucoin provides multi-language, 7X24-hour passenger service teams for users, while Kucoin has established localized communities in Korea, Japan, Spain, Italy, Viet Nam, Turkey, Russia, India, etc., to provide the most localized services for users everywhere.
Bitflyer由高盛前员工创立,意图填补MtGox倒下后日本比特币交易市场的空缺,目前已获两轮融资,投资方包括三菱UFJ金融集团旗下的三菱UFJ资本有限公司(Mitsubishi UFJ Capital Co.,Ltd.),日本电通集团旗下的风 投 公 司 电通数码控股公司(Dentsu Digital Holdings,Inc.)等。
Bitflyer, founded by a former employee in Goldman Sachs to fill the gap in the Japanese Bitcoin trading market after MtGox fell, has now received two rounds of financing from Mitsubishi UFJ Capital Co. Ltd. (Mitsubishi UFJ Capital Co., Ltd.) under the auspices of the Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, and from the Japanese Telecoms Group Wind Investment Division (Dentsu Digital Holdings, Inc.).
CoinEx, founded in December 2017 and led by BITMAIN (Bite Continent), is a global-oriented professional digital asset-trading service provider. It was ranked first on the global exchange in July 2018. Innovative digital assets were brought together at the core, with good project service levels and high-quality asset screening capabilities over the years, providing global users with comprehensive and high-quality investment options. CoinEx now provides derivative trading functions such as currency transactions, durable contracts, and supports 15 languages such as C/E/D/K/RO, serving global users in nearly 100 countries and regions.
After several months of challenging experience, the encrypt currency market, driven by its biggest market asset & mdash; — and Bitcoin (BTC), recorded another slow growth, and Bitcoin recently crossed the critical threshold for the first time since the collapse of the encryption trading platform FTX. Indeed, recent graphs show that, for the first time since the collapse of one of the world’s largest encrypted currency exchanges, Bitcoin confirmed that it had broken its 50-day moving average. After a breakthrough of $16,857, the next key drag point, which must be broken in order for the encrypt currency to continue to rise, is now in the region, at approximately $17,600, with the next resistance at $19,031.
以上就是哪些软件可以买卖 比特币?排名前十的比特币交易平台的详细内容,更多关于比特币交易平台排名的资料请关注脚本之家其它相关文章!
This is what software can buy and sell bitcoin? The top ten bitcoin trading platform details, more information about bitcoin trading platform rankings.
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