
资讯 2024-07-13 阅读:47 评论:0
  由于各大虚拟币交易平台更多地显示自己平台上的虚拟币交易信息,如果想同时看不同平台上的虚拟币交易情况时,就要打开很多页面而且需要不停地切换页面,操作非常不方便,于是就想着做一款工具,能实时显示当前不同虚拟币交易所的价格方便操作。As t...


As the virtual currency trading platforms show more information about virtual currency transactions on their own platforms, when looking at virtual currency transactions on different platforms at the same time, many pages are opened and require constant page switching, which is extremely unwieldy, and the idea is to work as a tool to show in real time the price ease of the different virtual currency exchanges that are currently taking place.


The initial plan was to use the API provided by a platform of interest to obtain current prices in different current currencies, but some difficulties were encountered in programming:

  1、获取速度问题:比如当需要获取比特币在不同平台上的价格信息时,就要分别访问各个平台的API,想要获取5个交易平台的比特币价格时,就要分别获取5次,当如果增加币种,比如莱特币,以太坊等时,访问的次数就会成倍增长,一个简单的公式:访问次数(s)=平台数(n) × 币种数(m),这样效率非常低下;

1. The question of speed of access: for example, when it is necessary to obtain price information for Bitcoin on different platforms, it is necessary to visit the API of each platform separately, five times when it is necessary to obtain the price of bitcoin for each of the five trading platforms, and when the number of visits is multiplied, e.g., when the currency is increased, e.g., Leitco, in Taiku, etc., a simple formula: number of visits (s) = number of platforms (n) x currency (m), which is very inefficient;


2. Data format issues: API from different platforms, the type of data format returned is also very different, and when statistics are not harmonized, they are very confusing and cumbersome to process;


3. The type of French currency is inconsistent: because different countries issue different types of currency, the United States dollar, Japan yen and China renminbi, the price obtained is in different currency types, and it is not convenient to observe the need for a conversion of the prices of these different national exchanges into the renminbi at this time.




So I was wondering if I could find a trading platform where the prices of all the platforms had been aggregated, so that I could access all the exchanges'websites so that I could get prices in the different currencies of all the exchanges, compare them with many others, and find that only a few exchanges can see the prices of the different platforms: currency, sosobtc, Bitelle.


First and foremost, the exchange offers easy-to-use API, but it receives too few currencies, only a few mainstream ones, many of which are unrecorded, such as bit shares, dogs, etc., and so on.


The API of Sosobtc is very difficult to use, with only the API of Javascript, and the platforms and currencies recorded are uneven and unconsidered.


Three, followed by Bitelle, Bitelle's mobile phone APP has a global flow button, which is very convenient, as shown below, and it also helps you convert prices at the current RMB exchange rate, so that they can be used directly and, on the same website, the data format is the same specification, which is easily processed.


But the problem has come up with the following: the next 360 free wifi, the use of WiFi to connect the mobile phone, the use of PC web cards, the use of wresark and other tools to get the data for analysis, the fact that there is only a global punctuation button on the mobile phone APP, the inability to grab data using tools such as wresark, burpsuite and so on, the possibility of extracting data from mobile phones, the first idea is that the next 360 free wifi, the use of WiFi to connect the cell phone, the flow of the cell phone will go through PC web cards, the use of wresark and so on, the data can be retrieved for analysis.


Having obtained the desired data, the command line interface appeared to be exhausting and not easy to use, so pyqt5 was used as the GUI visual interface, with the following results (to be sorted according to the difference rate):


It seems to be simple and simple.









And yet...




   (/=_=)/~ ┴┴



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