
资讯 2024-07-15 阅读:53 评论:0
原文标题:Miner and Exchange Reserves Hit New Lows as Bitcoin Flounders Original title: Miner and...

原文标题:Miner and Exchange Reserves Hit New Lows as Bitcoin Flounders

Original title: Miner and Exchange Reserves Hit New Lows as Bitcoin Floors




Original source: substack


Compose: White block chain


As bitcoin prices stagnated and fell, the reserves of miners and trading platforms were extremely low, a phenomenon that could provide an important clue to the current situation in bitcoin.


By all accounts, we should now be on the edge of the cattle market. The price of bitcoin has been hovering for months between 60,000 and 70,000 dollars, and the price of $70,000 is just one step away from the highest point of Bitcoin history of $73,000.


There is an interesting data point in the market that relates to the bitcoin reserves held by relevant industry companies. , for example, reserves held at the Bitcoin trading platform are currently at the lowest level in the last three years. From this data alone, many possible conclusions can be drawn, but they are particularly important when compared to another: the reserves held by mining companies are at the lowest level in the last 14 years!


After halving by 2024, mining companies faced a number of unique challenges, particularly in the ETF era. Miners had to struggle to reach higher prices several months after halving each time, but prices actually peaked shortly before halving in the current cycle. With this event, many companies were forced to accelerate normal plans to upgrade equipment, integrate capital and find new sources of income.


These sales are necessary for many mining companies to maintain basic operations, but they also have a chaining effect on the bitcoin itself. The Bitcoin whales have been accused of selling their assets at an exaggeration rate as one of the reasons for Bitcoins’ lowness, but this analysis ignores the fact that many of these whales are actually miners.


, despite the fact that mineral reserves are at their lowest level in 14 years due to industry difficulties, trade platform reserves represent a completely different sales pressure. , in fact, the low level of trading platform reserves is a clear sign that bitcoin sales pressure has actually declined. After all, if everyone is selling, how can the trading platform be short of bitcoins? Who is buying these assets? On the contrary, the low level of trading platform reserves indicates that the market is in a high accumulation period, although it is not clear who is buying these stocks.


The after all, there have been many underlying economic factors that have been encouraging in recent times. However, the reasons that have led to a large number of people buying or selling bitcoins may include frustrating choices. For example, Bitcoin has been below the $70,000 price point for almost two weeks, with the result that the trend will continue. From some perspective, if Bitcoin breaks the threshold, everyone will gain, but if it does, the amazing $1.67 billion of these empty positions will evaporate overnight.


Unfortunately, if Bitcoin's abstract bets hope that prices will fall further, then bitcoin's bets have been struggling. New data from the Chicago Trade Platform show that the new ETF has contributed almost entirely to the revival of Bitcoin futures arbitrage and base line trading.


Despite these unfortunate signs, there are many positive signs in the market. , for example, Bitcoin has finally regained the dominance of its block chain, trading more than 90% of the chain for the first time in a few months as a regular BTC deal. Earlier, agreements like Ordinals and Runes had led to severe blockages in the block chain, but bitcoin transfers now far exceeded them.


In general, it is difficult to predict price movements in the next few days or weeks precisely. The main message that can be inferred from the low reserves is that bitcoin miners contribute to the pressure on the currency, but the pressure is finally decreasing. Even if the German government unexpectedly throws a large amount of bitcoins into the market, market sentiment still indicates that traders are accumulating. Whatever happens, bitcoins will persist, and it is important to remember that we have broken a record. Prices have never held for so long since they surged, and may rise again. For bitcoin, we will hold them for a long time. 责任编辑:


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