金屬貨幣(Metallic Currency)
Metal currency means as currency material at .
Metal coins have gradually replaced natural and other commodity coins in circulation, which is the inevitable trend in the development of the world’s currencies.
First, the metal currency is strong and non-perishable and is in circulation and suitable for preservation.
Since the currency is used as a medium of exchange, it needs to circulate over time among producers of /a> in the middle of the commodity . Some people also use the currency as long-term preservation to meet their needs, while storage means .
The second is that the metal is evenly divided, and then it can be returned to its original form after melting, which is particularly appropriate for currency purposes.
=A href = https://wiki.mbalib.com/zh-tw/%E5 = 95.6% E5%93%E4%B%B%B7%E5% BC'tile = "Commodity Value" commodity value , which should be reflected in the coin, while the gold is often the same as the gold as the pure quality, which is the same quality that makes them a standard size of 8% E5%E93%EB%B%B7%E5%EC'title = value > > E/a's value is the difference between the gold and the metal, which is the difference between the skin and the fur and the fur, which is the difference between the seabrea and the seab, which is the same value of 9% E.
(1) Discovery and exploitation of metal deposits.
(2) The second large social division of labour ( is separated from the agricultural sector. Metals appear, and the inventions of many molten techniques gradually make the metal the main counterpart in the exchange, often entering the circulation process, from which the metal becomes the currency.
(3) Metals have an irreplaceable advantage in real currency. (The value is stable, easily divided, preserved, etc.)
AC5 = 86% E5%E53%B8F%E5%E5%Etle= "Commodity Economy" was adapted, but (2)金屬貨幣經歷了從稱量貨幣到鑄幣的演變。金屬貨幣最初是以條塊狀流通的,每次交易時要稱其重量估其成色,這時的貨幣稱作稱量貨幣。英鎊的“鎊”,五銖錢的“銖”都是重量單位,從中可以看出稱量貨幣的蹤跡。稱量貨幣在交易中很不方便,難以適應商品生產和交換髮展的需要。隨著社會第三次大分工——商人階層的出現,一些信譽好的商人就在貨幣金屬塊上打上印記,標明其重量和成色,進行流通,於是出現了最初的鑄幣,即私人鑄幣。當商品交換突破區域市場的範圍後,金屬塊的重量和成色就要求有更具權威的證明,於是國家便開始管理貨幣,並憑藉其政治權力開始鑄造貨幣,於是經國家證明的、具有規定重量和成色的、鑄成一定形狀的國家鑄幣出現了。
(ii) Metal coins have been transformed from . Metal coins are initially flowing from a block, and each transaction is valued at its weight at its weight, which is called its weight at the time.
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