
资讯 2024-07-16 阅读:54 评论:0
原标题:链东方主办2019粤港澳区块链发展高峰论坛Original title: Hosting of the 2019 Australasia Block Chain De...


Original title: Hosting of the 2019 Australasia Block Chain Development Summit Forum in the Eastern part of the chain


On 8 January, the 2019 Hong Kong Australasia Block Chain Development Summit Forum was inaugurated at the Shenzhen Exhibition Centre, hosted by the Shenzhen Internet Society, the East of the Chain and the Longer Clouds, and directed by the China Mobile Communications Federation (CMCA) International Block Chain Innovative Applications Alliance, the Block Chain Innovative Applications Alliance and the Hoyobei Online Institute for Digital Economics.


亚洲区块链产业研究院院长、中国经济体制改革研究会产业改革与企业发展委员会专家委员会委员陈柏珲院长、CMCA 国际区块链联盟特聘专家、中国互联网金融研究院专家组成员赵永新、深圳市人大代表、罗湖区新的社会阶层专业人士联合会会长黄迈、深圳市人大经济工委会委员、深圳市互联网金融商会会长向隽、国专知识产权评估认证中心董事长、深圳文化产权交易所专家委员会委员邹刚、CMCA国际区块链应用联盟专委会副主任、深圳文化产权交易所专家委员会委员于斌、深圳市互联网学会副会长、凤凰卫视、深圳卫视评论员、链东方联合创始人高圣涵、深圳市互联网学会秘书长梓炎、深圳市安防协会常务副会长邓文杰、深圳市电子信息产业联合会常务副秘书长贺斌、深圳市互联网金融商会秘书长张国栋、深圳市金融商会秘书长、前海财金董事总裁智文学、澳洲主板上市公司TTG CE熊科淼、深圳思路名扬通讯技术股份有限公司董事长、甲骨链创始人左杨、厦门蚁族网络信息科技有限公司CEO吴鹏、深圳市启创联合信息技术有限公司董事长杨斌等作为特邀嘉宾隆重出席,盛装亮相。

The Director-General of the Asia Block Chain Industry Institute, the Director of the China Council of Experts on Industrial Reform and Enterprise Development, the CMCA International Block Chain Alliance, the Special Expert of the CICA International Block Chain Alliance, the Vice-President of the China Internet Finance Research Institute, Zhao Yongxin, the Great Representative of Shenzhen City, the President of the New Federation of Social Sector Professionals in Lo Lake Region, Huang Mai, the Chairman of the Henzhen City People's Committee of Economics and Industry, the President of the Shenzhen City Internet Finance Chamber, the Director of the National Specialized Intellectual Property Assessment and Certification Centre, the Deputy Director of the Shenzhen Cultural Property Exchange Committee of Experts, Xujun, the Deputy Director of the CMCA International Blocks Association, the Expert Council of the Shenzhen Cultural Property Exchange of Shenzhen City, the Secretary-General of the Shenzhen City Internet Society, the Secretary-General of the Shenzhen City Financial Chamber of Shenzhen City, the former Director of the Shenzhen Shenzhen Environment Review, the co-founder, the founder of the Shenzhen Information Technology Company, Inc.



& & ldquo; we know that in 2018 all industries seemed to have experienced a cold winter, especially the financial sector, with an increasing influx of people into the sector from the beginning of the chain of blocks, but it may not be clear what the chain of blocks would solve, what it would do and what it would do, so today it is a great honour to invite entrepreneurs, leading experts in the field of research, to share with you & & rdquo; and, in his address as host of this Summit Forum, to welcome the arrival of leaders and guests.



Professor Zhao Yongxin gave a presentation on the difficulties of private enterprise financing, the use of supply chains in finance, and effective ways of helping supply chains to address the difficulties of private enterprise financing. He considered the digitalization of traditional industries to be necessary for a linear transition, and appreciated the launch of the Hong Kong-Australian Block Chain Development Summit by the Internet Society; he believed that block chains plus supply chains could effectively address the problems of SME financing.



The topic of the traditional sector of block-chain empowerment has been a subject of intense discussion. During the keynote address, Zou just described the potential of real enterprises from the visual block chain; he saw one of the highlights of the CDC: the new IT technology, which is a combination of big data, blocks and artificial intelligence, could help CDC to create a new generation of video electronics and address the credit gap in the video investment.



With the advent of the 5G era, the opportunities offered by the digital economy are infinite. Dr. Ubin shared the 5G+ talent development program, considering that the 5G+ talent is the engine of the digital economy.



The topic of the block chain plus industry has always been a hot topic, and he shares his views on the development of the block chain network through his presentation of the OCE Oracle Project. By pointing out the combination of the three technological areas of the Internet, the block chain, and artificial intelligence, he can push human science and technology into better latitudes.



Wu Peng uses the characteristics of the block chain to apply the combination of DPOC and Pow to power buyers.

Memo Labs 创始人阙小耕


Small-scale farming, on the theme of building distributed storage infrastructure, describes the concepts associated with distributed storage and points to current storage problems, using the core characteristics of the block chain and the impact of the block chain on storage, which can open new avenues for software storage; it can reduce costs, enhance security and be more efficient than traditional cloud storage, but it also presents a corresponding challenge.


In order to provide businesses with an opportunity for a broad exchange of dialogue, the Summit Forum also set up round-table salons on the topics of “ future trends in block chain technology & & rdquo; and discussion and sharing of experiences among guests from the Centre for Fragmentation of Block Chains in the Huaco Region, the founder of the Oracle Chain, Xiaomei Yu, Director of the Long Clouds Business, and Mr. Zhang Jinxing, President of the Links Network Science and Technology Corporation.



As a result, the 2019 Hong Kong Australasia Block Chain Development Summit was set to a perfect end. At the Summit, the future of China’s block chain technology was inspired by a vision of culture, science, technology, innovation, the creation of traditional industries, the emergence of intellectual collisions, the exchange and dissemination of cultural awareness, the effective promotion of creative thinking, the consolidation of resources in all sectors, and the promotion of technological development in the sector chain.


The strategic media for the Summit were: People's Network, South Metropolitan News, Shenzhen Special Region, Shenzhen Business Journal, Daejung Network, Xinhua Network, Phoenix Network, Internet Lei, Tesquito, Search for the Fox Book, Gircon, Future Finance, Intellectual Links, Bee360, BTC123, Hubox, Money Know, Stocktown Finance, 900 million finance books, Blue Sea Finance, Purple Finance, Chain Finance, Coin White, Large Chain Finance, Peaches, Node Planet, Chain World, Manchurian District Association, Mari Da Chau, Time Treaty Chain, mustard rings, and Biston.

媒体支持为:布道财经、41财经、时讯财经、陨石财经、链与财经、牛讯网、三洋财经、西柚财经、壹佰区块链、兰链、七七之家、bitv、起云财经、区块链3+1、确定财经、世链财经、禧钥财经、新财经、赢和财经、中链传媒、DAPP DISCOVER、雲禾财经、星云财经、币圈头条、币上财经、格时财经、加密世界极地哨所、久链财经、巨人财经、链合财经、链氪财经、链司令、吉田财经、币圣财经、链财经、链叨叨、链道学社、链虎财经、链解密、链炼财经、链圈大咖说、链团财经、链讯财经、米又财经、CBC环球财经、in Chat、链球、贝博、币航线、币虎财经、币社区、波比财经、大象区块链、第一站财经、多拉财经、宏链财经、喇叭君、大皮皮虾、小狐资讯等。

The media support is: sermon finance, 41 finance finance, time finance, meteorite finance, chains and finances, cattle communication networks, 3-ocean finance, 1-synchronous finance, 1-System chain, blue chain, 7-System, bitv, cloud finance, 3-plus-System finance, identification of treasury, world-chain finance, key finance, new finance, wins and finances, medium-chain media, DAPP DISCOVER, cloud finance, star cloud finance, currency ring head, currency on account, time finance, encryption of the world's polar posts, long-chain finance, giant finance, chain finance, chain finance, chain finance, chain finance, chain management, chain finance, CBC, telecommunications, telecommunications, telecommunications, telecommunications, telecommunications, telecommunications, telecommunications, telecommunications, telecommunications, telecommunications, telecommunications, telecommunications, telecommunications, telecommunications, telecommunications.

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