GCT ACT ETH 分别是啥意思啊?

资讯 2024-06-18 阅读:49 评论:0
展开全部 GCT:硕士专业学位研究生入学资格考试(Graduate Candidate Test, GCT)是中国在职研究生的入学资格考试的一种形式。考试于每年6-8月进行报名,并在10月进行考试,且其考试成绩有效期均为一年。G...

GCT:硕士专业学位研究生入学资格考试(Graduate Candidate Test, GCT)是中国在职研究生的入学资格考试的一种形式。考试于每年6-8月进行报名,并在10月进行考试,且其考试成绩有效期均为一年。GCT考试内容包括语言表达能力(语文)、数学基础能力(包括初等数学,一元微积分,线性代数等)、逻辑推理能力(类似于GMAT)及外语运用能力。GCT考试主要是针对在职人员。

GCT: The Graduate Candidate Test, GCT. Examination is a form of entrance qualification examination for China's current graduate students. The examination takes place in June-August of each year and in October of each year, and the results of the examination are valid for one year. The GCT examination covers language expression (language), mathematics fundamentals (including primary mathematics, first-degree calculus, linear algebras, etc.), logical reasoning (similar to GMAT) and foreign language applications.

ACT:ACT是个多义项词条,常用作词语简称或者名称简写。其中代表的是ACT考试,前称“American College Testing”,中文名称为“美国大学入学考试”。同时还是澳大利亚首都地区简称、动作类游戏简称、一种音乐格式以及一种月刊简称和社团的简称。通常对于游戏玩家比较熟悉的是ACT代表的是动作类游戏的名称。

ACT: ACT is a multi-word word that is often used as a acronym or short name. It represents the ACT examination, formerly known as the American College Testing, and the Chinese term “American University Admission Examination”. It is also the Australian Capital Territory acronym, action-type games acronym, a music format, and a monthly and community acronym.

ETH:苏黎世联邦理工学院(又名瑞士联邦理工学院,德语名 Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich,简称ETH Zürich,英文名 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich ),坐落于瑞士苏黎世,是享誉全球的世界顶尖研究型大学,连续多年位居欧洲大陆高校翘首,享有“欧陆第一名校”的美誉,在2020年QS世界大学综合排名中列世界第6,超过剑桥大学,位列欧洲第二位,欧洲大陆第一位 [1]  。ETH还以其极高的教学淘汰率及极低的录取率闻名,录取率只有不到10%。

ETH: Sitting in Zurich, Switzerland, is the world's leading research-oriented university, known as the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and known as Eidgenö sische Technische Hochschule Zürich, known as ETH Zürich, whose name is Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, located in Zurich, Switzerland, and who for many years has been at the top of high schools on the continent of Europe, enjoying the reputation of “the first university in Europe and the land”, the sixth in the world in the QS World University's combined ranking in 2020, surpassing Cambridge University, the second in Europe, and the first & nbsp on the continent of Europe; [1] & nbsp; & nbsp; ETH is also known for its extremely high school phase-out rate and very low enrolment rates, with a rate of less than 10 per cent.

GCT:是国家面向在职人群的“硕士学位研究生入学资格考试”(Graduate Candidate Test)的简称,是中国在职研究生的入学资格考试的一种形式。
ACT:是美国大学入学考试,全称“American College Test”。它是美国大学本科的入学条件之一,也是奖学金发放的重要依据之一,由ACT INC主办。

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