Ether is an open-source, decentralised block chain platform that is widely used in encryption currency, decentralised application (DApp), smart contracts. Using the Ether block browser as a tool for viewing information on the ether block chain not only provides easy access to users of the platform, but also provides essential help to developers in testing and debugging smart contracts.
The following are the main features of the Etherm block browser.
1, browse data on transactions and blocks on the Etherpo block chain
Through an Ether block browser, users can easily view Ether transactions, see the balance of an Ether address, send and receive records, as well as detailed information about the height of the latest block, the time stamp, etc.
2, see the smart contract on the Etherkom block chain
以太坊的智能合约使得去中心化应用(DApp)的开发成为可能。以太坊区块浏览器可以查看某个智能合约的源代码和ABI(Application Binary Interface),用户可以通过该功能查看合约具体实现和部署情况。
Ether’s smart contract makes it possible to develop a decentralised application (DApp). The Ether block browser can view the source code of a smart contract and the API, which allows users to view the actual implementation and deployment of the contract.
3, monitor developments related to the Etherno address
Users can subscribe to a dynamic of transactional changes, balance changes, etc. at an eBay block browser, allowing users to monitor their ePa assets in real time.
The following is the way to open the Chinese version of the Taiwan Block Browser:
Etherscan是以太坊最常用的区块浏览器之一,提供的服务包括ETH、ERC-20代币交易记录、智能合约编译等功能,支持多种语言,包括中文版。用户只需在浏览器中输入 https://cn.etherscan.com/ 即可打开中文版。
Etherscan is one of the most commonly used block browsers in the Taiku and provides services such as ETH, ERC-20 transaction logs, and smart contract compilations, which support multiple languages, including Chinese. Users simply have to enter https://cn.etherscan.com/ into the browser to open the Chinese version.
Blockchair是一个支持多种区块链的区块浏览器,包括以太坊。它提供了多颗节点的API、即时更新的交易池,以及社区区块链数据分析。用户可以通过以下网址打开中文版 http://cn.blockchair.com/ethereum 。
Blockchair is a block browser that supports multiple block chains, including Ether. It provides multiple nodes of API, instantaneously updated trading pools, and community block chain data analysis. Users can open the Chinese version at http://cn.blockchair.com/othereum.
Ethplorer是一款专业的区块浏览器,用户可以查看区块链上的交易、地址余额等详细数据信息,并且支持自定义交易排序方式和筛选器。用户可以在浏览器中输入 https://ethplorer.io/ 后,选择中文版以进入中文界面。
Ethporer is a professional block browser that allows users to view detailed data on transactions, address balances, etc. in the block chain and supports custom transactions sorting and filtering. The user can enter https://ethplier.io/ in the browser and select the Chinese version to enter the Chinese interface.
The Taiyo Block Browser is one of the important tools of the Taiyo platform through which users and developers can get detailed information on the block chain.
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