2024 London Block Chain Conference > Day2
币界网现场报道,5月22日,2024年伦敦区块链大会(LondonBlockchain Conference2024)进入了第二天,继续吸引着众多与会者,人们重点关注人工智能、比特币矿业、数字货币监管框架等关键主题,以及促进区块链技术和区块链风险投资的增长等方面。
On 22 May, the day after the London Block Chain Conference (London Blockchain Conference 2024) continued to attract a large number of participants, focusing on key topics such as artificial intelligence, the Bitcoin mining industry, the digital monetary regulatory framework and the promotion of block chain technology and the growth of venture investment in the block chain.
In a panel discussion on the theme “Demining and dealing with - how mining will evolve after the halving of Bitcoin”.
Pantheon合伙人Jim Niemeijer、比特币首席历史学家兼GorillaPool 联合创始人Kurt Wuckert Jr 以及CS Global Energy 业务发展与战略副总裁Jacopo GilCasas三位嘉宾分享了他们的精彩见解。分别探讨了即将到来的比特币减半事件对矿工盈利能力的影响,比特币挖矿经济学、挖矿补贴与交易手续费的区别,以及为何未来的挖矿业务需要转型为交易处理业务才能在竞争中保持优势。
Pantheon’s partner Jim Niemeijer, the chief historian of Bitcoin and co-founder of GorillaPool, Kurt Woockert Jr., and CS Global Energy’s three guests, Jacobo GilCasas, Vice-President of Business Development and Strategy, shared their excellent insights. Each explored the impact of the upcoming halving of Bitcoin on the profitability of miners, the difference between bitcoin mining economics, mining subsidies and transaction fees, and why future mining operations need to be transformed into transaction processing operations in order to maintain a competitive advantage.
Jim Niemeijer highlighted the challenges and transformational needs of the mining industry in the post-bitcoin era. He pointed out that traditional mining practices relied on efficient computing equipment and large amounts of electricity, with the goal of obtaining block incentives by completing Hashi calculations in the fastest time possible.
Jim Niemeijer also mentioned that the core of mining is in fact the conversion of electricity into computing capacity, which is done through specialized ASIC equipment and then invested in the pits to validate blocks and get incentives. As the block incentives are reduced by half, this means that miners have to become more dependent on transaction fees.
As a result, Jim said that miners needed to change their roles and focus more on dealing with transactions than simply on block incentives to sustain their business. This shift required miners to optimize their business models, reduce costs, and improve transaction processing efficiency to ensure that they retained an advantage in future competition.
比特币首席历史学家兼GorillaPool 联合创始人Kurt Wuckert Jr:
Kurt Wuckert Jr.:
KurtWuckert Jr讨论了比特币挖矿的难度和价格之间的关系。他指出,随着比特币价格上涨,挖矿设备的成本也在变化。过去比特币价格高时,新的ASIC设备价格也很高,而现在虽然比特币价格相对较低,但新的设备更加高效且成本更低。这种变化使得挖矿难度不断增加,因为越来越多的矿工投入到网络中。
KurtWuckert Jr. discussed the relationship between the difficulty and price of mining by bitcoin. He noted that, with the price of bitcoin rising, the cost of mining equipment also changed.
He also mentioned that the difficulty of mining is now at an all-time high, and that many miners need more efficient equipment and optimal operating strategies in the face of increasing competition and costs. Kurt stressed that the core of mining is the balance between Hashprice and Hashvalue, which is a key factor in determining the profits of miners.
Block incentives will be further reduced as half is reduced, meaning that miners will need to rely more on transaction fees to maintain profitability. Kurt argues that in the future, the mining industry will gradually turn into a transaction processing business, and miners will need to remain competitive by optimizing their computing capacity and improving the efficiency of transaction processing.
CS Global Energy 业务发展与战略副总裁Jacopo Gil Casas:
JacopoGil Casas主要讨论了交易手续费模型以及其对挖矿行业的影响。他指出,随着区块奖励的减少,交易手续费将变得越来越重要。对于用户而言,低交易手续费是一种吸引力,但对于矿工来说,交易手续费是维持盈利的关键。
JacoboGil Casas discusses, inter alia, the model of transaction fees and their impact on the mining industry. He notes that transaction fees will become increasingly important as block incentives decrease.
Jacobo stresses that future mining operations will rely more on transactional processing than block incentives. Miners need to adapt their business models to this shift.
Jacobo expects that transaction fees will be the main source of revenue for the mining industry over the next decade, which will require miners to continuously optimize their operational strategies to ensure that they maintain a strong competitive edge. He also notes that miners need to pay more attention to the overall efficiency and security of the network to ensure the stability and reliability of the Bitcoin network.
Boss Wallet,图片来自币界网
Boss Wallet, photo from the currency network.
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