Looking back at the BQ as a whole, it is possible to describe it in the eight words “circumstances of wind and climax.” Looking back at the evolution of digital assets, we can see that traditional industries are moving from skepticism to experimentation.
作为引领数字资产发展鳌头的BTB(BTC),也逐渐的进入人们的视野当中。BTB(Bitcoin)的概念最初由中本聪在2008年11月1日提出,并于2009年1月3日正式诞生。根据中本聪的思路设计发布的开源软件以及建构其上的P2P网络。BTB是一种P2P形式的数字货币 。BTB的交易记录公开透明 。加密货币的诞生是跨时代的产物,BTB的诞生更加伟大!BTB真正做到了“私有财产神圣不可侵犯”这一理念,这也使得无数人持有、信任并持续热爱,自诞生起按照初始价格,BTB的最高涨幅为上千万倍!
The concept of the BTB (Bitcoin) was originally proposed by China Harbour on 1 November 2008 and officially launched on 3 January 2009. The open-source software, designed on the basis of the Chinese sense, and the construction of the P2P network on it. The BTB is a digital currency in the form of P2P. The BTB record is open and transparent. The birth of the encrypted currency is a product of the times, the birth of the BTB is even greater! The BTB truly fulfils the concept of “sacrosanct of private property”, which has enabled countless people to hold, trust and continue to love, and since its birth, the BTB's highest increase has been ten times higher than the initial price!
In the current industry context, BTB’s opportunity is a historic challenge. The global crisis of trust has intensified in the face of global inflation, dollar interest hikes, and bankruptcy of banks. At this critical juncture, BTCDO’s organization was launched by a coalition of BTB’s most fanatics (BTB institutional funds, BTB miners, early BTB investors), with the strong expectations of Web3 advocates and global decentralised financial fans, and BTCDO provides a form of decentralized, democratized, transparent organization for BTB’s ecological governance, laying the foundation for the further development of BTB’s ecology.
DAO是英文Decentralized Autonomous Organization的缩写,中文译字“岛”,是基于区块链核心思想理念(由达成同一个共识的群体自发产生的共创、共建、共治、共享的协同行为)衍生出来的一种组织形态。是区块链解决了人与人之间的信任问题之后的附属产物。DAO是公司这一组织形态的进化版,是人类协作史上的一次革命性的进化。其本质是区块链技术应用的一种形式。DAO具有充分开放、自主交互、去中心化控制、复杂多样以及涌现等特点,BTC DAO从表面来看,就是BTB自治组织,BTB的共识已经如此强大,我们相信BTC DAO的出现可以让大家更加轻松的获得并拥有BTB,更加的容易并进入到区块链的世界里。
DAO is an organizational form derived from the core idea of the block chain (a co-creation, co-construction, co-management, co-management, and co-existence of groups that have reached the same consensus). The block chain is an accessory to trust between people. DAO is an evolutionary version of the corporate pattern, a revolutionary evolution in the history of human collaboration. Its essence is a form of technological application of the block chain. The DAO has the characteristics of full openness, autonomous interaction, decentralization, complex diversity, and emergence. BTC DAO, on the surface, is the BTB self-governing organization. The BTB consensus is so strong that we believe BTC DAO is emerging to make it easier for everyone to gain access to and possess BTB, and to enter more easily into the world of the block chain.
BTCDAO的愿景是让所有人轻松的进入BTB世界,让BTB拥有更多的支付场景,更多的人低成本获得BTB, 让BTB成为全球商业交易的主流支付方式,将全新的挖矿机制带给所有参与节点核心的伙伴,我们相信,通过BTC DAO的努力,BTB支付将实现全球化,为全世界人民带来更加开放、包容、便捷的金融体验。
The vision of BTCDO is to provide easy access for all to the BTB world, to give BTB a more pay-as-you-go scenario, to have more people access to BTB at low cost, to make BTB a mainstream payment modality for global commercial transactions, and to bring new mining mechanisms to all partners at the heart of the participating nodes. We are confident that, through the efforts of BTC DAO, BTB payments will be globalized and will provide people around the world with a more open, inclusive and accessible financial experience.
为了更好推动BTB的发展,为了更容易的让大众更低成本的获得BTB,BTC DAO组织发行了以下治理代币:
To better promote the development of the BTB, and to make it easier for the public to access the BTB at lower cost, BTC DAO has issued the following governance tokens:
BIT DAO(BTB组织)是BTC DAO的治理代币,发行总量1亿枚,其中90%的代币由挖矿产出,与BTB一样,最终会销毁到2100万枚。sBTC(sBTB)是BTC DAO中的BTB,与BTB挂钩,由质押BIT DAO(治理代币)获得,每天的产量为210万枚,每210万枚的sBTC可以兑换一个BTB,任意数量的sBTC均可兑换,sBTC的数量由市场需求决定。
BIT DAO (BTB) is the BTC DAO's governing token, issuing a total of 100 million copies, of which 90% of the coins are mined and, like the BTB, will eventually be destroyed to 21 million. SBTC (sBTB) is BTB in BTC DAO, linked to BTB, obtained by pledge BIT DAO (the governing token) and produced 2.1 million copies per day, with one BTB per 2.1 million of SBTC, any number of SBTCs convertible, and the number of SBTCs is determined by market demand.
当然,组织代币要想实现预期增值,组织自身的发展是必须的!而随着BQ越来越成熟,优质资产和用户体验无疑在平台发展中起到关键性作用!在这两方面,BTC DAO同样拥有者不俗的实力!在资产筛选方面,BTC DAO将会在全球范围内进行项目的筛选和对接。
Of course, the organization’s own development is necessary if it is to achieve the expected added value. And, as the BQ becomes more mature, quality assets and user experience undoubtedly play a key role in the development of the platform.
同样,在用户体验方面,BTC DAO致力于为用户提供专业的质押体验,采用了特有的国库质押模式,从挖矿速度和质押专业度上提高了用户体验。BTC DAO对专业体验的追求也与其团队构成有关,BTC DAO核心成员均拥有丰富的传统金融领域从业经验,其中也不乏早期BTB的矿工,对挖矿体验拥有深刻的理解!这也造就了BTC DAO在专业挖矿体验上面的优势!平台去中心化安全可靠,人性化,产出的代币以及质押的BITDAO本金随进随处,随时变现,通缩销毁挖矿的机制将保证BITDAO源源不断的上涨和发展。人人都可以低成本获得BTB,推动BTB的共识,2024年减半后BTB将会达到新高度,BITDAO也将一样辉煌并伟大!
Similarly, in terms of user experience, BTC DAO is committed to providing users with a professional pledge experience, using a unique state-bank pledge model that enhances user experience in terms of mining speed and pledge specialization. BTC DAO’s pursuit of professional experience is also related to its team composition, and BTC DAO core members have a wealth of traditional financial field experience, including early BTB miners with a deep understanding of mining experience. This also creates BTC DAO’s advantages in professional mining experience.
BTC DAO,全球BTB机构的历史性结合!2024年,BTB再次减半,BITDAO将成为引爆财富盛宴的关键!BTCDAO将引领全球,开创BTB落地的新纪元!在这个全球性的革命中,我们见证BTB的无与伦比的崛起!这是一场让人终身难忘的历史时刻!返回搜狐,查看更多
BTC DAO, the historic association of BTB institutions around the world! By 2024, BTDAO will be the key to the explosion of wealth! BITCAO will lead the world to the dawn of a new era in which BTB has landed! In this global revolution, we witness BTB's unremarkable rise! This is an unforgettable moment in history! 责任编辑:
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