產品差異化,產品特色化(product differentiation)
Product differentiation, product differentiation
The variation of products means that the enterprise changes essentially the same products in one way or another so that believes that these products differ.
The product differential is divided into and vertical difference is the difference between 比如我們大家都非常熟悉的寶潔公司。國內現有六個寶潔公司的洗髮水品牌。由於寶潔公司巧妙地運用了產品差異化,設計了六個品牌各自的個性化定位,從而實現了在洗髮水行業驕人的戰績。
For example, , which is well known to all of us. There are six shampoo brands in the country. From that have artificially carried out a variety of products, designed the individual positioning of six brands, from the experience of the champions in washing water. 從消費需求角度來看,產品差異包括消費者對類似產品的不同態度。因而,產品差異的原因就包括了引起購買者決定購買某種產品而非另一種產品的各種原因。具體地,產品差異的原因可以概括如下:
From the perspective of from the point of view of who consumes
1 mass or design reasons;
2 The reason why the information is shut down or incomplete. That is, the difference between the essential performance and quality of the products to be purchased (e.g. ) is not known by the consumer;
3 Specially promoted by sellers, and service-induced brands, labels or ;
The difference between the geographical location of the same type of business.
While the reasons for the differences are varied, the reasons for differences in different industries differ.
例如,由於消費者信息閉塞,易受廣告宣傳的引誘,所以,廣告在產生產品差異方面扮演重要的角色,這尤其表現在肥皂,香煙和酒等產品的差異上;而電氣裝置和汽車則主要是產品設計上的差異。同時,研究者還發現,消費品行業比生產品行業的產品差異程度要大,因為在後一行業里,消費者對所購產品的質量及技術情況瞭解甚多,許多產品又是標準 化的,因而,產品有形差異並不多。顯然,在農業、林業、水產業及礦業等行業中,產品差異顯得微不足道,而在批發、零售、服務業、建築業、運輸業中,產品差異卻顯得很大。
For example, since , exposure to publicity < >, advertising plays an important role in generating differences in products, especially in > ; 1.在產品的核心層次上,通過技術創新和產品功能的系列化,實施產品的差異化。
1. Differentiation of products at the core of the product through technological innovation and the serialization of product functions. (l)技術創新
(l) 產品差異化是技術創新的表現形式。因此,企業要加大在R&D方面的投人,積極追蹤世界科技和同行業科技的發展動態,研究本企業所需設備、原材料的最新科技發展趨勢,正確地進行技術決策、產品決策,確定發展什麼樣的新產品。
Product differentiation is a new form of technology innovation. Therefore, companies need to increase their investment in R&D, actively track developments in technology and peer technology worldwide, study the latest developments in technology and technology in raw materials for their own industry, and make the right technical decisions, , and determine the type of product to be developed (2)功能系列化
(2) Seriesing of functions 功能系列化是指根據消費者消費要求的不同,提供不同功能的系列化產品供給,如增加一些功能就變成豪華奢侈品(或高檔品),減掉一些功能就變成中、低檔消費品。消費者可根據自己的習慣與承受能力選擇其具有相應功能的產品。
Functional serialization refers to the supply of a series of different functions, depending on the user’s demand, such as a luxury (or a high-quality product) with additional functions, and a low- and medium-cost consumer with reduced functions. Consumers can choose their respective products according to their habits and affordability. 例如,手機是用來移動通話的,如將其功能向縱深方向發展,增加手機的貯存功能、與電腦聯通上網功能、移動股市行情反映功能,甚至於啟動家庭智能電器等功能,以滿足不同層次消費者的需要。再如美國寶潔公司面對中國洗髮水行業激烈的市場競爭,通過再細分市場,找出產品差距,進行產品開發。首先對準頭皮屑類的常見病,推出了“海飛絲”洗髮香波,僅三年時間,這種除頭屑的香波已成為中國最暢銷的洗髮劑。隨後又推出了“維他命原B5”、“擁有健康,當然亮澤”的潘婷、“柔順”的飄柔和“保濕”的沙營。這種差異優勢的創造,給消費者留下了深刻的印象,併在市場競爭中起著先人為主的作用。
For example, mobile phones are used to move messages, e.g. to increase mobile phone storage by 82% E5%C%A%E7%A%E7%B%B%E4%Title= "Market Competition" to satisfy the needs of different layers of consumers. As in the case of American treasure companies, > 2.在產品的形式層上,優化品牌形象,提高質量,美化包裝等方面,實施產品的差別化。
2. Differentiation of products in terms of form, brand image, quality improvement, packaging glorification, etc. (l)優化品牌形象
(l) Enhanced brand image 品牌雖然處在產品形式層,但對於產品的意義已超越了簡單的區別於其他產品的標記.它更多地表示產品的形象,它是產品差異化的外在表象。如啊在眾多的同類產品中引起消費者的註意和知曉,使消費者產生購買欲,這就需要企業通過CI設計和品牌戰略,提升和塑造品牌形象,突出個性,創造品牌形象差異優勢。
, although in the form of the product, means more than simply a label for the product than for other products. 海爾品牌的成功之處,除了質量服務好之外,最主要是在品牌形象塑造上。當國內電冰箱廠家的廣告戰打得如火如茶時,海爾首家通過1509(X)0認證,產品直接打進了美國市場,並且在美國成立了海外公司。當國內廠家分別誇贊自己的產品時,海爾把中央電視臺的攝製組請進了海爾的管理現場,讓消費者現場體驗海爾科學的管理;當國內企業家進軍MBA之時,張瑞敏被哈佛大學邀去做企業兼併報告等等。通過一系列活動,海爾品牌的國際形象競爭力就顯著提高,並使消費者從觀念上達到了對該品牌形象差異的認同。
brand success, most notably at (2)提高質量
(2) Increase in quality 質量不僅是產品的適用性、耐久性、可靠性、安全性和經濟性等自然屬性在內的狹義質量,而且應包括其社會屬性,如消費者的主觀感受,滿足特定需要的能力與預期之間的差距等、質量的社會屬性對於產品的差異化具有非常重要的作用。
Quality is not only the suitability of the product, durability, , safety and economic properties of nature, but also their social attributes, such as the primary perception of the consumer, the difference between the ability to satisfy a particular need and the expected period, and the importance of quality social attributes for the differentiation of the product. (3)美化包裝
(3) Beautification wrapping 由於包裝能改進產品的外觀,提高消費者的視覺興趣,激發消費者的購買欲望,因此它能形成產品差異,促進銷售。
As a result of wrapping up the appearance of a product, increasing the consumer's visual interest , it creates product differences and promotes sales. 3.在產品的附加層上,從加強服務,實行價格差異化、分銷渠道差異化、促銷差異化等方面,更好地滿足消費者需要,來實施產品的差異化。
3. On the add-on layer of the product, the differential distribution channels from enhanced service, , (l)加強服務
(l) Enhanced services 在市場競爭過程中,隨著科技水平的提高和競爭的加劇,企業相互之間的模仿、滲透使得產品同質化的傾向非常明顯,同類產品在功能、質量、式樣等方面的差距越來越小。但由於服務是沒有止境的,企業可以通過優質服務,提高消費者的滿意程度,從而產生消費者忠誠,通過消費者滿意的不斷積累,通過消費者的口碑效應不斷增加新的消費者忠誠。在這當中,實施產品的差異化。
In the course of the market competition, the convergence of products 例如,江蘇“小天鵝”在眾多企業中獨樹一幟推出“紅地毯”服務,該公司規定維護人員進門之前須套上自帶的塑料鞋套,專備一塊紅地毯,專門用於放零件和工具,以免弄髒消費者的地板,維修後主動把垃圾帶走等等.這些看似平淡的小事在消費者心中留下了深刻的印象,創造了服務差異優勢,提高了消費者忠誠度。
For example, Jiangsu's “Swan introduced a "red carpet" service at a single tree in a wide range of enterprises, and the company's regulations set out that the defender should have his own plastic shoes set up before entering the house, a red carpet specially designed for spare parts and tools to keep the floors of the spender from getting dirty, after which the garbage was taken away, etc. These seemingly flat little things made a strong impression in the mind of the consumer, creating a difference in the service and increasing the loyalty of . 需要指出的是,企業有必要將服務的層面加以擴大,不僅重視售後服務,還應對售前服務、售中服務、咨詢服務、技術指導等方面給予重視。
It is important to note that businesses need to expand their services not only to post-sale services, but also to address , , advisory services, technical guidance, etc. (2)價格差異化
(2) price differential 價格差異化是在充分考慮產品差異、消費者需求差異、時間差異、地點差異等基礎上,以不反映成本費用的比例差異而制定不同的價格。如企業對不同型號或形式的產品分別制定不同的價格,而不同型號或形式產品的價格之間的差額和成本費用之間的差額並不成比例。
is based on a full consideration of differences in product differences, differences in user needs, time differences, location differences, etc., in order not to reflect differences in prices of 價格差異化是產品差異化的重要市場表現形式,因此,企業可以通過價格差異化,來反映產品差異化。
Price differentiation is an important form of market performance for product differentiation, so that firms can reflect product differentiation through price differentiation. (3)分銷渠道差異化
(3) Differentialization of distribution channels 分銷渠道差異化是在同類產品中根據自己的產品差異和企業的優勢,選擇合適的銷售渠道,以方便消費者購買,這樣就要求企業在交易地點、空間距離與交易手段、交易方式、結算方式、送貨上門、服務手冊等方面提供全方位的方便。如美國雅芳公司根據化妝品的特點,採用上門直銷的獨特方式,從而取得非凡的經營業績。
Discreparation of distribution channels is based on the advantages of the same product to facilitate , (4)促銷差異化
(4) Promotion of Diversification 產品差異化對消費者的偏好具有特殊意義,尤其是對購買次數不多的商品,許多消費者並不瞭解其性能、質量和款式,所以,企業應通過促銷差異化,即對促銷的工具,如廣告、銷售促進、人員推銷以及公關宣傳活動進行有效的整合,以給消費者留下偏好的主觀形象。
The preference of , 大體說來,企業可通過以下策略實現產品差異化:
In general terms, businesses can achieve product differentiation through the following strategies: (1)R&D策略。企業為使自己的產品區別於同類企業的產品並建立競爭優勢,就要大力開展研究和開發工作,努力使產品在質量、式樣、造型等方面發生改變,不斷推出新產品,滿足顧客需要。
(1) R&D strategy. To distinguish their products from those of their peers and to create , businesses will have to develop and develop research and development efforts to bring about changes in quality, modeling, modeling, etc., and continue to launch new products to meet customers' needs. (2)地理策略。企業產品的生產地和銷售地的選擇均以地理便利為基礎,由此帶來位置和運輸上的好處。這種地理差異對於企業節省成本、廣攬顧客有著重要作用。
(3) /b> promotional strategy . The differences in products have special significance for the preference of consumers, especially for the purchase of a few commodities whose properties, quality and style are not known to many consumers, so the business should give preference and opinion to the consumer through advertising, marketing publicity, packaging appeal and . (4)服務策略。在現代市場營銷觀念中,服務已成為產品的一個重要組成部分。企業可通過訓練有素的職員為消費者提供優質服務、縮短結帳過程等,滿足消費者的合理的差異需求。事實上,許多消費者不僅樂意接受優質服務,而且願意為產品中包含的信息和訓練支付費用。
(4) service strategy/b>. In >. 1.企業應將產品差異化貫穿於整體產品的三個層次,實施全方位的差別化。
1. Enterprises should apply the full range of differences in product diversity through three layers of the whole product. 如果產品差別化僅僅體現在核心產品層上,就難以具有持久性,因為單一差別優勢很可能迅速被競爭對手模仿。相反,如果差別化整合,就讓競爭對手很難在短時間內投入更多資金進行全面模仿,從而保證了該優勢的長久性。
If the product is differentiated only on the core layers now, it is unlikely to be sustainable because is likely to be quickly competed against the hand. Conversely, if the difference is integrated, is unlikely to invest more money in the short term to fully replicate the advantage, thereby ensuring its long-term sustainability. 2.實施產品差異化與企業供應鏈之間的關係。企業應同供應廠商建立密切關係,在具有成本優勢的前提下,建立專有的組織機構,從而為實施產品的差異化奠定基礎,這樣就能取得長期的差別優勢.也為競爭對手設置了重重障礙。
2. The relationship between product differentiation and the supply chain of companies. Firms should establish close relationships with suppliers and, subject to cost advantages, create specialized organizations that can provide the basis for implementing product differentiation so that they can achieve long-term differential advantages... and create barriers to competition. 3.要掌握產品差異化的度,不要過分誇大。企業生產誇大了的差別化產品,意味著企業進人了一個比較狹小、容量有限的市場,這種過於細化的市場,其差別優勢所帶來的效益難以抵銷相應的成本費用。另一方面,企業的產品質量或服務水平超過了用戶的需要,那麼這個企業相對產品質量適當、價格相當的競爭對手的競爭地位就很脆弱。例如,歐洲超音速“空中客車”客機,其科技含量、硬體設施水平及服務水平均屬世界一流,然而由於其飛機票價格過高,市場反映冷淡,產品差異化優勢很快便不復存在。
3. On the other hand, the business or service levels
Life risk product differentiation means that a life risk company differs from other life risk companies with similar products in terms of the material elements of the product provided, or in terms of the process of providing the product, and is sufficient to create specialities that give rise to consumer preferences and to distinguish it from similar services provided by other life risk companies in order to achieve a favourable position in market competition. 一、我國壽險產品差異化的必要性
I. The need to diversify our life risk product 1.我國壽險產品同質化現象嚴重
1. Our national life insurance is seriously present 產品同質化已成為制約我國壽險公司發展的瓶頸之一。具體表現在:一是險種針對性差。目前國內大多數壽險公司通常採取的經營方式還是“一張保單賣全國”,未能充分考慮我國各地經濟社會發展不平衡,地區間需求差異大的客觀實際,難以適應和滿足不同地區、不同層次消費者的差異化需求。二是壽險公司採取“拿來主義”。當我們在市場中看到不斷有新產品出現時,這些“新”產品往往不過是將發達市場中一些現有產品複製後進行重新包裝的結果。這種脫離中國國情的簡單模仿,很容易造成壽險產品的“水土不服”現象,即表現為產品的市場定位不准確、定價不合理等。這種將尚未成熟的產品匆忙推上市場的行為通常並不能夠給公司帶來預期的收益。三是華而不實,在文字翻新上做文章,不註重在產品價值創造上下功夫。
The product homogenization has become one of the clasks developed by our country's life insurance company. It is shown in the following: “E” (a) or “E” (a) (a) (a) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b)) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) 有的壽險公司一年投放市場的新產品達70多個,但其中40多個產品沒有或者只有很少的保費收入。不少壽險公司的業務主要集中在少數幾個險種上,壽險市場上真正有規模和特色的產品並不豐富。
Some life insurance companies put more than 70 new products on the market a year, but more than 40 of them do not have or have very few . Many life insurance companies focus on a few risks, and 2.壽險產品同質化現象嚴重的原因
2. Reasons for the serious homogenization of life-threatening products 要開發一個新的壽險產品,壽險公司不僅需要掌握大量關於保險事故發生以及相關損失的信息,而且需要對這些信息進行仔細分析以計算出最優的費率。而這些工作都要求壽險公司投入大量的資源。然而,作為所有這些努力的成果,一份保險合約難以像其他的有形商品那樣獲得知識產權的保護。首先,保險合約的內容是公開的,因此,無法作為一項商業秘密被開發者持有。其次,關於保險合約中所涉及的知識產權非常難以界定。一個完整的保險合約包含非常多的條款。如果競爭對手在複製了一個保險產品後對一些非關鍵性條款作出細微改動後加以重新包裝,這就很難對其中是否涉及侵權作出明確的界定。這些原因使得新的保險產品在一定程度上具有公共物品的特性,即非獨占性和非競爭性。經濟學原理告訴我們,當一個物品具有公共物品的特性時,理性的經濟主體提供它的激勵將大大減弱,而都希望能夠通過“搭便車”獲利。換句話說,在新的壽險產品的研發上,壽險公司可能通過延後開發而獲取一種“後發優勢”。一方面,後發的企業可以通過複製先期投入研發的競爭對手的產品而節省研發成本;另一方面,還可以通過對產品市場反應的進一步觀測而對產品做出改進從而提高其收益。雖然一個公司搶先推出新產品可能在早期獲得更大的市場份額,但如果其產品的設計不完善,定價不准確的話,則很容易被跟隨其後的對手超越。
However, as a result of all these efforts, an insurance agreement cannot obtain 正因如此,我國壽險產品同質化現象十分突出,壽險公司之間的競爭並沒有建立在差異化的基礎上,導致“重覆建設”和惡性競爭,降低了市場競爭的效率。
That is why our national life risk product homogenization is striking, and the competition between life risk companies has not been built on the basis of differentiation, leading to and 二、我國壽險產品差異化的具體策略
"b" II. A specific strategy for the variation of our life-threatening products 1.風險保障的深化
1. Deepening risk guarantees 目前我國的壽險產品在風險保障的深度上還比較有限。隨著生活質量的不斷提高,人們對風險保障的需求強度、需求深度和需求的個性化越來越高。壽險公司可以採用擴大險種組合的策略,增加新的險種系列,拓寬組合寬度,加深組合深度。例如將原有的某個險種擴充成一個系列,這樣不僅滿足了多方面的需要,也擴大了壽險公司的經營範圍。
At present, life risk products in my country are more limited in their depth of risk security. With the constant increase in the quality of life, risk security , the depth of demand and individualization of demand are increasing. 2.險種功能強大化
2. Explicit functionality 從國內保險公司開發的現有壽險險種來看,功能普遍比較單一,與其他金融產品的競爭力相比也還有待提高。
In terms of the current life-risk scenarios developed by domestic insurance companies, the functionality is generally uniform and needs to be improved compared to the competitive power of other financial products. 在壽險產品的功能上,可以從以下方面開展差異化:其一,增加變更保險內容的自主性,提供帶有轉換功能的靈活的險種,顧客可以在一定的條件下進行險種替換,也可以增加或減少保額,以滿足顧客在不同時期的需求變化。其二,擴大交納保險費的自主性,可以在期交方式或躉交方式的轉換、保單現金價值抵交或紅利抵交等項目上給客戶一定的彈性。除了採用貨幣的給付方式外,還可以引進實物給付方式,比如由保險公司派出看護人員對需要看護的保單持有人進行看護等。其三,目前的年金保險都不是純粹的生存保障產品,它們包含了一部分死亡保障的內容,而有的客戶特別關註的是生存時的保障,對於死亡後的賠付卻並不感興趣,因此可以針對這種需求,開發強化生存保障性的年金保險。
"Eref = https://wiki.mbalib.com/zh-tw/%E8%B8%B4%Tit = "BreB"", 3.消費對象的細化
3. Specification of consumption 美國學者厄特巴克研究發現,60%-80%的產品創新是需求拉動的。因此,應根據不同的壽險消費對象的差異性,開發出滿足人們多方位、多層次的壽險需要的產品。
A study by U.S. scholar Ertbuck found that 60-80% of was demand-driven. So, depending on the variability of the different life risks, products should be developed to meet the multi-level and multi-layered life risks. 在消費對象的細分上,重點應考慮沿海與內地消費者之間的差異,城市與農村消費者之間的差異,不同收入水平、不同風險承受能力與風險偏好的消費者之間的差異,不同性別和不同風險狀況的消費者之間的差異,有基本醫療保險和沒基本醫療保險的消費者之間的差異,不同職業類型的消費者之間的差異等等。
In terms of the nuance of consumption, the focus should be on differences between coastal and interior consumers, differences between urban and rural consumers, differences between income levels, risk tolerance and risk preference consumers, differences between different sex and risk consumers, differences between /a'a href=https://wiki.mbalib.com/zh-tw/%E5%E5%B%E5%C%C%B%B%E7%E7%E7%E9%E7%E7%E9%E9%E9%E9%Eh%E9%A9%E9%E4%Eh%A9%EtxE9%A', etc. 綜上所述,產品同質化問題已成為制約我國壽險公司發展的瓶頸之一,壽險公司在現階段和未來的發展只有重視和加快產品創新,以產品差異化構建其競爭優勢,才能在激烈競爭中立於不敗之地,進而才能實現我國保險業的做大做強。
As noted above, the issue of product homogenization has become one of the bottling necks for the development of our National Life Risk Company, which, at present and in the future, will only be able to build its competitive advantages by focusing on and accelerating product creation, building on product differentiation, in a highly competitive and neutral manner, and making progress towards the realization of our national insurance. 現階段的中國建築企業,正處於從傳統計劃經濟體制向現代化市場經濟體制的變革時期,伴隨著建築市場的繁榮,建築企業之間的競爭日趨激烈。因此,對建築市場產品差異化的要素及其特點等的研究,對於提高建築企業的市場競爭能力,具有一定的現實意義。
The Chinese construction enterprise of the current segment is undergoing a period of transformation from the conventionally planned economic system to the modern economy , accompanied by 一、建築市場產品差異化
i. Construction market product differentiation 產品差異化是研究市場結構與市場競爭的一個重要概念。產品差異化是指同一產業內相互競爭的不同企業生產的同類商品,由於其在物理性能、銷售服務、信息提供和消費者偏好等方面存在著差異,導致產品間不完全替代關係的狀況[4]。建築市場產品差異化是指企業提供異質服務的能力和潛力。業主需求的零散性和多樣性,導致建築企業類型和規模的多樣性,也使得建築企業提供的工程服務水平、質量和技術特點也存在明顯不同。由於建築工程遵循先簽訂合同再進行施工的生產過程,產品沒有完成前,業主和客戶難以確切知道承包商可能提供的產品質量,因此,從這種意義上說,建築市場提供的產品是一種後驗產品。建築市場產品差異包括縱向差異和橫向差異。
Ea href = "https://wiki.mbalib.com/zh-tw/%E5%82%E5%C%BA %7BA %E7%BB%93%E6%84'title = "Market Structure" market structure Even if the difference is that all consumers share the same preference for most of the characteristics mentioned. For owners, is now building product is now 橫向差異是指由於人們的偏好不同,對於某些特性,最優選擇與特定消費者有關。事實上,建築企業獲得工程項目的過程中,主要的決定因素並不僅僅限於這些內容。由於業主行為不規範,約束機制不健全,建築企業所能提供的額外服務與利益成為工程採購中不可忽視的重要因素,其中比較突出的是墊資施工能力、對拖欠工程款的容忍程度以及尋租行為[5]。此外,企業由於隸屬關係受到所屬地區或者行業的額外照顧或者歧視,也是構成建築產品差異的重要因素。
In fact, construction enterprises received E2 二、建築市場產品差異化的主要內容
ii. Main contents of the variation in construction market products 由於建築企業生產產品之前,建築企業、業主就已經知道或者大致明瞭產品的大概情況。產品價格在生產前就已經基本確定,規避價格競爭似乎已無必要,而一旦建築企業著手生產,意味著它面對的不再是激烈的市場競爭,而是“一對一”的雙邊壟斷交易關係。所以,對產品差異化的理解應該深入到其本質中去。在市場交易中,物質交換的背後是所蘊涵的權利交換而不是物質交換本身[6]。因此,產品差異化歸根結底來源於企業生產差異化產品的能力。也就是說,建築市場產品差異化的實質在於建築企業提供給業主需要的差異化產品的能力。這也正是建築企業競爭優勢的關鍵所在。
The price of the product seems to have been largely determined before the production, and once the construction enterprise has made its own production, it is no longer faced with a fierce market competition, but with a “one-on-one” two-sided trading relationship. So, the understanding of the variation of the product should go deep into its essence. In the market transaction, the exchange of the goods is followed by the exchange of the rights and not the exchange of the goods itself 建築市場產品差異化主要內容如下:
The main elements of the variation in construction market products are as follows: (一)社會影響力
(i) Social influence 由於建築業是服務性行業,所以企業的社會影響力,從某種角度來說就是企業品牌的力量,顯得格外重要。它包括:資質等級、市場活動範圍及市場占有率、聲譽等。
Since construction is a service industry, the social impact of business is particularly important in one way or another: . It includes: 資質等級在我國被賦予特別的含義,是企業提供潛在差別化產品的前提條件。我國建築企業主要依靠資質管理來實施市場準入政策,《建築企業資質管理規定》和各類資質標準規定的實施,目的是為了整頓建築市場秩序,調整建築業產業結構,提高我國建築業的整體素質,引導市場良性發展。在我國,建築業企業資質是建築企業進入建築市場,開展經營活動的法定有效證件,是建築業企業從事建築、施工活動的社會許可[7]。沒有取得建築業企業資質證書的建築企業,沒有資格也不准登記註冊領取營業執照,更不准營業。它是企業組建成立、承包工程的必備條件。
In my country, quality has been given special meaning by the fact that companies offer potentially different products. My construction enterprise relies mainly on capital management for the implementation of market entry policies, the Regulations on the Management of Construction Industries and the Standard Rules for the Administration of Materials, in order to complete the construction of the market order, to restructure the construction industry , to improve the overall structure of my country's construction, to direct the development of the market. 市場活動範圍和市場占有率則昭示著該企業生產差異化產品能力的歷史。
The extent of market activity and market occupancy show the history of the company’s ability to produce different products. 聲譽是企業從事項目的成功經驗和提供業主需求能力的反映。企業的信譽是其在行業中立足的根本,特別是在這樣一個越來越把企業誠信度看作衡量一個企業是否值得合作的標準的時代,每個企業要取得長足的發展,必須建立良好的企業形象,提高企業信譽度,對於靠“口碑”生存和發展的建築企業來說,尤其重要。信譽資源主要包括:客戶對品牌和產品質量、耐久性和可靠性的理解,供應商和分包商對效率、效益、支持性以及“雙贏”關係和交往方式的理解。
A reputation is a reflection of the enterprise's success in the project and its ability to provide the owner's needs. Business's credibility is fundamental to its existence, especially in a time when business's credibility is increasingly seen as a standard measure of whether an enterprise is worth cooperating (二)融資能力
(ii) Capacity to finance 目前,國際國內建築市場上,項目業主為減少對貸款機構的負債率,從而降低其可能面臨的金融風險,業主都將更多地要求承包商帶資承建,甚至要求承包商共同參與項目的融資[8]。因此融資能力的高低已成為承包商生產能力差異化的重要因素,它包括:融資能力、資本保值增值能力。隨著建築市場競爭的加劇,墊資施工已經成為建築企業能否取得項目的關鍵。儘管很多建築企業在建築市場上以其項目管理能力已經建立了良好的信譽,並積累了豐富的經驗,完全有能力拿到更多的項目,但是由於資金不足,很多項目也只能放棄,擁有雄厚的資金和很強的融資能力已經成為能否贏得工程項目要因素。這在國際著名的承包商那裡得到了體現,它們大都是產業資本與金融資本相結合,融承包商和投資商為一體,或者以實力雄厚的金融機構為後盾。如日本大成公司就和其國內十家以上銀行有長期的銀企合作關係,美國福陸丹尼爾公司的股票有近四分之一是由金融機構持有的,瑞士斯勘斯卡公司與多個銀行財團有聯繫[8]。
Currently, on the international domestic construction market, the credit institution (三)技術能力
(iii) Technical capacity 技術對於中國建築企業而言,水平差距不大,技術特點和特色不明顯,形成不了太大的差異化。眾多企業在相同層次上競爭,導致大企業不能生產技術複雜、要求高的項目,中小企業對一般的項目卻又望洋興嘆。技術能力主要包括:設計力量、擁有的技術力量、R&D及技術創新力量、信息技術。其中,設計力量表現在企業對設計單位的設計提出建設性的改進能力,擁有的技術力量主要指企業的技術人才儲備狀況,R&D及技術創新力量反映企業技術進步從而獲得生產差異化產品技術的水平,而信息技術側重於企業管理和項目管理中所使用的新方法和手段。
Technology does not differ from level to level for construction enterprises in China. Technology does not differ significantly, and technology features and features are not visible. Many enterprises compete on the same level, causing large enterprises to create complex and demanding projects 建築業的發展離不開科技的推動與支撐。科技能使建築提高質量,降低成本,縮短項目周期,更快地交付使用。在電子網路不斷發展的今天,建築業只有跟上時代發展的步伐,才有可能在激烈的競爭中生存下去。多媒體的發展給人們展示了一個前所未有的世界,建築業的發展必須緊跟其後。多媒體在建築業的運用包括以下幾個方面:第一,運用專門軟體進行工程報價和投標工作,準確、迅速,可以使工程提前施工和交付使用,從而節省成本;第二,運用專門的設計軟體設計工程項目,省時省力,精確度前所未有,還可以通過電子網路,征求分佈於全球各地的專家意見;第三,通過電子商務系統,對於項目建設需要的設備材料進行全球範圍內的採購,也可以減少中間環節,縮短時間,節約成本;第四,運用電子管理工作系統工程,通過電腦遠程管理平臺,實現線上管理方式,可以縱攬全球各國的工程進展情況,使項目管理承包方式成為可能,同時大大降低管理成本和勞動力成本[9]。
Multimedia developments have shown people an unprecedented world where the construction industry has to follow suit. Multimedia operations in the construction industry have included the following aspects: first, engineering costs and projecting with a dedicated software have been increased, reduced costs have been reduced, the project cycle has been reduced, and use has been made faster. Today, construction has only kept pace with the development of the electronic network. The construction industry has been able to survive in a fierce competition. Multimedia developments have shown people an unprecedented world, and construction development must follow. Multimedia operations in the construction industry have included the following: (四)工程管理的能力
(iv) Capacity for engineering management 建築企業生產能力差異化重點體現在工程管理方麵包括:質量、工期、成本控制、合同管理、合作能力、安全管理、環境管理、風險管理等。
The construction business production differentials are now in engineering management areas including: mass, duration, , 三、建築市場產品差異化的特點
(b) III. Features of variation in construction market products.............................................................................................................. 由於建築市場競爭的層次性,對整體建築市場的差異研究還不能充分反映建築業的產品差異。因此,差異分析應建立在由提供類似產品的企業構成的相對獨立的建築業細分子市場上。為了便於分析,根據建築企業提供的產品特點的異同,並結合施工技術和管理複雜程度,對建築業子市場進行適當的分類[10]。建築市場的子市場主要有住宅建築市場、公共建築市場和大型專業性項目市場等三個,各個市場的產品差異特點如下:
As a result of the level of competition in the construction market, the differences in research on the overall construction market do not fully reflect the differences in the output of the construction industry. Therefore, the differential analysis should be based on the separate construction industry market of firms offering similar products. For analytical purposes, according to the similarities in the product characteristics provided by the construction industry, and the complexity of construction techniques and management, the appropriate sub-classification of the construction market /sup>. (一)住宅建築市場
(i) Home construction market 當前住宅建設是我國經濟建設的重要增長點,住宅建築產品的市場需求量很大,總體上來講,該市場對於企業的技術和管理水平要求不高,目前每一個工程的施工工藝和方法相似,可複製性較高。住宅建築子市場所要求的必要資本少,規模經濟不明顯,進入壁壘也較低。在這一市場上,小型建築施工企業,尤其是鄉鎮、集體建築企業在住宅建築市場占據相當大的份額。這一類企業數目多,施工能力相差不大,業績相似,所以這一子市場所提供的產品差異較小。
The construction of the former dwelling was an important growth point in my country's economy and, according to the headline, the market is less demanding for the technical and management level of the enterprise, and the construction of the technology and methods of each project is similar and more replicable. This is less than the necessary capital for each project. (二)公共建築市場
(ii) Public construction market 公共建築市場包括中小型公共建築市場和大型公共建築市場。中小型公共建築包括多層和低層辦公樓、旅館和教學樓等工程,這類工程雖然技術有一定特點,但是並不明顯。因此,在中小型公共建築市場中,以技術、管理和服務為主的縱向差異並不明顯。但是由於該層次企業眾多,市場競爭更為激烈,墊資施工能力、拖欠工程款以及尋租等橫向差異對於企業獲得競爭優勢顯得更為重要。大型公共建築的主要特點是投資比較大、目前較為複雜,對於建築企業的技術和管理水平要求較高,並要求企業具有承擔過類似工程的經驗。大型公共建築市場規模經濟明顯,要求的必要資本高,進入費用較高,所以在大型公共建築市場內,現階段的骨幹力量仍是國有大型施工企業。這類企業資質較高,信譽較好,技術水平較高,但普遍問題是企業經營不靈活,欠缺激勵機制。這些企業在爭取獲得項目的過程中,企業的業績、實力的作用占據了重要地位,代表了企業提供建築產品的能力。所以,與住宅建築市場相比,公共建築市場的縱向差異更為明顯。
Public buildings include small and medium-sized public buildings and large public buildings. Small and medium-sized public buildings, including multi-storey and low-storey public buildings, hotels and teaching buildings, have some special features, but they are not obvious. Thus, in small and medium-sized public construction markets, there are no obvious differences in technology, management and service-based regulation. But, with a large number of sub-enterprises, market competitions are more intense, capital construction capacity, delays in engineering and rent-seeking are much more important in competing businesses. (三)大型專業性項目市場
(iii) Large specialized project market 大型專業性項目市場政策限制嚴格,具有較高的進人壁壘,因此,所提供的產品差異非常明顯,包括核電站、地鐵輕軌、大型隧道、大跨度橋梁、港口工程、海洋工程和水利工程等,這類工程對技術的獨特性、企業的技術和管理的整體實力要求高,市場中只有少數技術和管理力量雄厚的施工企業才有能力承擔。由於需要特殊的專業技術人員、大型專用設備、豐富的工程管理經驗以及良好的專業工程業績,這一市場一直處於壟斷或寡占局面,很少有市場外的一般建築企業涉足。
The large-scale specialized project limits the strict state and has a relatively high number of entrance walls. As a result, the range of products provided is very wide, including nuclear power stations, subway lightness, large tunnels, large crossing bridges, 這類工程大都為國家重點投資項目,工程交易過程受到嚴格監督。因此,其產品差異主要體現為縱向差異。
This type of project is mostly a country-focused investment project, and the process of processing the project is strictly monitored. As a result, the main product difference is now more pronounced. 對建築市場整體而言,業主需求的零散性和多樣性,導致建築企業類型和規模的多樣性,也使得建築企業提供的工程服務水平、質量和技術特點也存在明顯不同。而建築市場的產品差異是建築企業提供產品的能力的差別,這就決定了建築業整體而言是一個高度差異化的產業。
For the construction market as a whole, the fragmented and multi-variate nature of the needs of the owner, which leads to a multiplicity of types and patterns of construction enterprises, also makes it clear that the level, quality, and technical features of the engineering services provided by the construction enterprise vary. The differences in the production of the construction market are the differences in the capacity of the construction company to provide the product, which determines that the construction as a whole is a highly variable industry. 提供差異化的產品和服務是建築企業提高市場地位、構築行業進人壁壘的重要手段,建築企業應該建立差異化競爭的理念。在建築業中,產品和服務的差異主要體現在工程質量、資金實力、管理水平、員工素質、服務質量、技術實力等方面,因此擁有不同層次的建築企業才能滿足市場上的多元化需求。現階段我國建築業的產品和服務差異化並不明顯,雖然一些大型建築企業嘗試通過產品和服務創新,以及對目標市場的重新定位,鞏固並提高自己的市場地位,但仍有許多建築企業受傳統經營思想和管理理念的束縛,忽視產品和服務的差異化,缺乏技術創新的能力和動力。通過擴大建築產品差異程度,我國建築企業可以構築一道無形的非價格壁壘,作為一種有效的非價格競爭手段;利用建築產品的差異化,可以促進建築市場結構的優化,有效對抗市場上的激烈競爭[11]。
The provision of differentiated products and services is an important means of upgrading the market status of construction enterprises, which should establish . The construction industry should create [編輯]
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