How does bitcoin buy and sell? How does bitcoin buy and sell in 2024? Bitcoin buys and sells directly on bitcoin trading platforms, mobile phones and computers can operate, generally buying bitcoins requires downloading a trading platform app to complete the purchase of bitcoins online, and the country's currently more secure exchange platforms have kx and coins, and the little editor then brings a detailed description of bitcoin purchases and transactions.
how to buy and trade bitcoin?
i, entering the currency circle must be available
1. Finding a formal centralized exchange, recommended only: Euro/coin
In order to ensure financial security, it is strongly recommended to use these two well-known exchanges. The OK exchange is also a good option, simple to register, and can be registered using cellular numbers or mailboxes. The operating guidelines in this paper are based on the Oi Exchange and are suitable for new hands. Avoid using anonymous exchanges because they run high risks. These exchanges usually attract investors with low fees and high back-to-back maids, but in fact they are more concerned about your investment capital.
strong >II,
For beginners, it is sufficient to focus on the following three operational guidelines:
1. 资金转入转出指南
1. Guidelines for the transfer of funds
2. 现货交易指南
Guide to spot transactions
3. 不同交易所之间资产转移指南
3. Guidelines on asset transfers between different exchanges
At the beginning of the process, beginners learned about the two guides on transfer of funds and on-the-shelf transactions. Attention must be paid to the summary evaluation in the guide on transfer of funds!
1. Guidelines for the transfer of funds
A. The following two concepts need to be understood by beginners:
- 资金转入:使用人民币(银行卡、支付宝、微信)购买USDT(也可以通过朋友介绍)
- Transfer of funds: purchase of USDT in renminbi (bank card, payment treasure, micromail) (also available through friends)
- 资金转出:将USDT出售换成人民币
- Transfer of funds: exchange of USDT for RMB
Due to certain regulatory restrictions, it has not been possible to purchase most of the encrypted currency directly from the renminbi since 2017. Therefore, we need to use the USDT for encrypted currency transactions. The USDT is a stable currency, with relatively small fluctuations, and can be considered a net dollar, with an exchange rate almost equal to that of the dollar.
B. Information on the transfer of funds to and from:
(1) Selection of Trusted Exchanges
The two exchanges are more strictly regulated than the other two-line, three-line platform.
(2) In the selection of traders, the following points are examined:
You don't have to think about business, you have to be careful about selling U, because if you come into contact with black money, there is a legal risk.
- 注册时间(不建议选择注册时间在1年以内的,最好从2年起步)
- Time of registration (no selection of within one year is recommended, preferably from 2 years)
- 成交单数
- It's a deal.
- 成功率
- Success rate
- 认证(视频认证、手机认证)
- Certification (video certification, mobile phone certification)
- 冻结保证金
- Freezing the bond.
- 商家标志
- Business sign.
Click on the head of the business to see if it has a full registration time, number of transactions, success rate and certification. Generally speaking, businesses with long registration periods and frozen bonds are less likely to become bad traders! (Please refer to the chart guide below for details)
(3) The transfer of funds should not be too frequent
(4) When selecting a trader, do not select the most advantageous single-priced business merely for the purpose of pursuing the lowest price.
2. Guide to spot transactions
A. The following concepts need to be understood by beginners:
- 买现货:使用USDT购买币
- Purchase of cash: purchase of currency using USDT
- 卖现货:将持有的币卖出并换成USDT
- Sale of cash: sell the currency held and replace it with USDT
In our previous entry and exit tutorial, we learned how to buy USDT through the renminbi. Now, we'll use USDT to buy money, for example, with Doge's dog money.
Before doing business, we need to understand the following concepts. When searching Doge, there are three options: &ldquao; currency & rdquao; & & rdquao; & & rdquao; and & & ldquao; & leverage & rdquao;
- 币币:现货交易
- Currency: spot transactions
- 永续:合约交易(新手不需要关注)
- Forever: contractual transactions (newcomers don't need attention)
- 杠杆:杠杆交易(新手不需要关注)
- Leveraging: Leveraging transactions (newcomers don't need attention)
In currency transactions, we find the following three transactions for Doge:
- Doge/USDT:使用USDT进行Doge交易
- Doge/USDT: Doge transactions using USDT
- Doge/BTC:使用BTC进行Doge交易
- Doge/BTC: Doge transactions using BTC
- Doge/ETH:使用ETH进行Doge交易
- Doge/ETH: Doge transactions using ETH
我们一般不持有BTC 比特币俗称大饼,ETH以太坊俗称二饼。所以我们都选择Doge/USDT交易。
We don't usually have BTC bitcoin, commonly known as pies, or ETH, commonly known as biscuits. So we all choose the Doge/USDT deal.
B. Attention to spot transactions
In general, I recommend that newcomers use “ price-limiting & rdquo; i.e. choose what you want & & & & rdquo; buy & & & rdquao; or & & & & rdquao; the price of & & & & & & rdquao; buy & & rdquao; or & & & & rdquao; when you sell & & & rdquao; the price, the order will be paid automatically!
If you are in a hurry to buy or sell a currency, you can trade with the market price of the moment when you choose & & & rdquao; buy & & rdquao; or & & & rdquao; sell & & rdquao.
Price-limiting purchases are lower than market-priced purchases, but sometimes there are high fluctuations per second, so let's see how you choose when you buy money.
This is also a very important business strategy, but as this is a newer course, I will not introduce you. If you want to know more about encryption money, please pay attention to my knowledge, and I will share more about it.
3. Guidelines for the replenishment
A. Need first to understand the meaning of &ldquao; &rdquao; sometimes referred to as &ldquao; & & rdquao;
If you use only one exchange, you can not look at this part for the time being.
& quot; Recharge Repository & quot;: refers to the transfer of assets from one exchange (A exchange) to another (B exchange), which may be encrypt currency or stabilize currency USDT.
* It needs to be noted that many newcomers can easily confuse & quot; recharge & & quot; and & quot; access & quot; concepts that need to be clearly distinguished!
提现是将交易所的币提走到其他交易所或者钱包。出入金是只把币换成USTD 然后换成你要的人名币。
The cash is to take the exchange’s currency to another exchange or to a wallet. The cash is to exchange the currency for USTD and then for the human currency you want.
B. Attention to currency charges
The network has to be identical (very important). Unlike the network, the money is gone!
Prior to the first replenishment and liquidation, it is recommended that a small number of asset test transfers be made to prevent accidental errors.
*Care to be noted: The theory and operation of a coin charge is very simple! But care must be taken of the two above, otherwise it may lead to an instant zero in your assets!
strong >iii, newer needs to know before and after entering the currency circle
before entering the currency circle
Attention for newcomers before entering the crypto-currency market:
1. 加密货币基础知识:了解加密货币的定义、区块链技术的基本原理,以及加密货币市场的基本特点和术语。可以通过多种途径获取相关信息,最简单就抖音多搜这些关键词。包括可以了解:比特币,以太坊,铭文,web3,NFT,DFI等。
1. Encrypted money base: Understanding the definition of encrypt currency, the rationale for block chain technology, and the basic features and terminology of the crypto-money market. The information can be obtained through a variety of channels, and the key words can be searched more simply.
2. 不同的加密货币:研究并了解不同币种的基本面,包括比特币、以太坊和其他重要的加密货币。了解它们的特点、用途和潜在风险。(非小号上有详细介绍,这部就类似股票的基本面研究)
2. Different encrypt currencies: study and understand the basics of different currencies, including bitcoin, ephemeral and other important encrypting currencies.
3. 加密货币市场:了解加密货币市场的运作方式,包括交易所、价格波动、市场参与者和投资策略。(目前世界知名的头部交易所只有欧意币an。
3. Encrypted money markets: Understanding how the market for encrypted money operates, including exchanges, price volatility, market participants and investment strategies. (The only leading exchange in the world is currently Euro-Iiican.)
4. 风险管理:学习如何评估和管理投资风险,包括分散投资、设置止损点和了解市场波动性。(在币圈风险和收益是成正比的!)这个需要实战经验,有股票期货投资的比较容易李杰,感兴趣的可以加q交流241890370。
4. Risk management: Learning how to assess and manage investment risks, including diversification, establishment of cut-off points and understanding of market volatility. (The risk and return ratio is positive in the currency circle!) This requires practical experience, which is easier for stock futures investments, and interested in adding up 241890370.
5. 情绪控制:理解加密货币市场的波动性和不确定性,学习如何控制情绪,并避免冲动的投资决策。(这点对于合约用户尤其关键,新人只建议现货交易.合约的话杠杆太大,关注我写的另外一篇文章,知乎有)
Emotional control: understand the volatility and uncertainty of the encrypt currency market, learn how to control emotions and avoid impulsive investment decisions. (This is particularly critical for contract users, who recommend only spot transactions.) The contract is too leveraged to focus on another article I wrote.)
after entering the currency circle
1. Avoid entering the new currency, whose prices are highly volatile and their newcomers difficult to grasp!
If you're not sure what digital currency to buy, choose Bitcoin and Etheria!
3. Do not invest in single-digit currencies except Bitcoin and Etheria! Especially small ones, which may be worthless!
> >
Currency Exchange Trading Steps
In 2024, with the passage of the Bitcoin ETF, it pushed the bitcoin to a wave of climax, followed by a four-year reduction in half.
How do you play the coin ring?
The currency circles are usually in secondary markets, i.e. exchange platforms, where there are currently mainstream exchange platforms such as Binance and EUX, where there are too many ways to run without recommendation.
There's probably two dominant trading patterns in the exchange.
spot: similar to stocks, can only buy up
Contract: An additional purchasing direction that buys up, can buy down, can leverage, but with a bursting mechanism, the risk is much greater
下面就来讲一下大家最想了解的充值、提现,出入金 Here's what you'd like to know most about the full value, the cash, the cash. 充值提现 Fill Present 充值提现操作 charge-up operation 充值提现不同于C2C的交易,是将持有的现货在不同平台之间转换,或者是与钱包之中转换 The charge-up is a transaction different from C2C that converts the stock held between platforms or with the wallet. 注意:充值提现是需要手续费的,转入转出之前注意有没有对应主网的代币作为手续费 N.B. The full value is now subject to a fee, and prior to transfer, be aware of the existence of a coin corresponding to the main network as a charge. 下面以欧意转币安为例 Let's take the example of Euro-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I. 此时回到币安 This is the time to return to Yuan An. 以上便是充值提现的全部流程,转去其他平台或者钱包也是类似操作 That's all the process that's up to the full value, and moving to other platforms or wallets is a similar operation. 一定一定一定要注意,两边的主网和地址得是一样的!!!转错,币会消失,无法找回!!! "Strong" must be aware that the main network on both sides is the same address!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 出入金 Access money 我们应该先了解出入金是什么 We need to know what the entry and exit money is. 出金:USDT变成CNY Gold: USDT becomes CNY 入金:CNY变成USDT Intake: CNY becomes USDT USDT名为泰达币,为币圈中的流通币种,可以用来购买其他的币种,汇率与美元1:1挂钩 USDT, known as Tedar, is the currency in circulation in the currency circle and can be used to purchase other currencies, with the exchange rate pegged to US$ 1:1 出入金注意事项: Access money attention: 建议是在幤安,平台对商家的审核机制比较严格,相对好一点,但是仍然有需要注意的地方 The recommendations are in Dao An, where the platform has a more rigorous and relatively good audit mechanism for businesses, but where attention still needs to be paid. 入金的时候,可以选择在快捷区进行购买 When you pay, you can choose to buy in the fast track. 出金的时候,在自选区里面选择成交量大,成交率高的商家(最好是神盾商家) When the money is paid, you choose a trader with a high turnover from your constituency. 注意:购买之后有T+1限制(可以交易,但是不能转出) Note: T+1 restrictions after purchase (dealable but not transferable) 如何购买比特币? How do you buy bitcoin? 用USDT去购买想投资的币种 Use USDT to buy the currency you want to invest in. 成功购入之后,现货账户里面会显示对应的购买数量 When the purchase is successful, the spot account shows the corresponding amount of purchase. 以上就是全部流程了,以上不代表任何投资建议 That's the whole process. That doesn't represent any investment proposal. 建议先多了解,再做决定 I suggest we get to know each other better before we make a decision. 欧易交易所购买方法
New hand users who purchase digital currency for the first time must first complete the KYC certification and then use the easy-to-eat fast-purchase function to own their digital assets in a simple three-step process.
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