
资讯 2024-07-08 阅读:79 评论:0
来源:雪球App,作者: 用户7138784673,(https://xueqiu.com/7138784673/116121772)比特币十周年以来,市场起起落落,江湖飘摇浮沉。多少仁人志士投身于此,对于一个新的时代来说,每一个拓荒者都是...

来源:雪球App,作者: 用户7138784673,(https://xueqiu.com/7138784673/116121772)


Since the tenth anniversary of Bitcoin, markets have risen and fallen, and rivers and lakes have drifted. For a new era, how many human beings have come forward, and every pioneer has been on his way.


On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of Bitcoin, Ty brought you those bitcoin #34; first #34;


1, dated 1 November 2008, published in the first edition of the White Paper bitcoin

2008年11月1日,一个化名为中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)的神秘密码学极客在一个隐秘的密码学评论组上贴出了比特币白皮书《比特币白皮书:一种点对点的电子现金系统》。这是一个电子货币的新设想,比特币的概念就此面世。

On November 1, 2008, a mysterious cryptographer named Satosh Nakamoto posted the Bitcoin White Paper: An Electronic Cash System. This is a new idea for electronic currency, and the Bitcoin concept is emerging in this context.


2, on 4 January 2009, the first Bitcoin was born


Two months later (4 January 2009), on a small server in Helsinki, Finland, Nakamoto created by his own hand the Bitcoin Founding Block and was awarded the first 50 bitcoins and the first bitcoins were born.

3、 2011年3月,比特币耶稣购买人生第一个比特币

3, March 2011, Bitcoin Jesus bought the first bitcoin in life

2011年3月,Roger Ver买了人生第一个比特币,并在比特币跌至2美金一枚的时候,投资了第一家比特币创业公司 Bitinstant。此后,Roger Ver 陆续投资了许多创业公司,包括 Ripple、le、Blockchain.info、Bit、Bitpay 和 Kraken 等。CNBC 在采访他之后,发表了一篇名为"Meet 'Bitcoin Jesus,' a virtual currency millionaire"的文章,"比特币耶稣"由此而来。相传他最多时拥有30 万枚比特币……

In March 2011, Roger Ver bought the first bitcoin of life and invested in the first bitcoin business company, Bitinstant, when Bitcoin fell to $2. Since then, Roger Ver has invested in a number of start-up companies, including Ripple, Le, Blockchai.info, Bit, Bitpay and Kraken.

4、 2011年6月,中国第一家比特币交易平台BTCC成立

4; June 2011, establishment of BTCC, China's first Bitcoin trading platform


In June 2011, China’s first Bitcoin trading platform, BTCC, was founded, with its best-time share of 80 per cent of global Bitcoin transactions. In September 2017, the Central Bank 34; the ban on the use of national French currency for trading digital currency #34; and the issuance of the ban, the Shanghai-based BTCC took the lead in closing all bitcoin transactions and lost its dominant position.

5、 2011年6月23日,中国首家比特币导航网站BTC123建立

5; On 23 June 2011, the first Chinese Bitcoin navigation site, BTC123, was established


On 23 June 2011, an aliased man created China's first Bitcoin navigation site

6、 2011年8月20日,第一次比特币会议在纽约召开

6; First Bitcoin meeting held in New York on 20 August 2011


The first Bitcoin meeting was held in New York on 20 August 2011 and received a new high level of attention.

7、 2011年底,吴忌寒成比特币白皮书翻译第一人

At the end of 2011, Wu became the first translator of the Bitcoin White Paper


At the end of 2011, Wu Xiaoqin translated the Chinese version of his founding paper into Chinese, becoming the first Chinese translator of the Bitcoin White Paper. To date, his translation is the most widely disseminated version, and he is therefore known as the Bitcoin sermon.

8、 2012年11月28日,比特币经历首次产量减半

8, 28 November 2012, Bitcoin experienced its first production reduction by half


On 28 November 2012, Bitcoin received its first 34; halved capacity 34; and reduced the number of bitcoins generated from each block from 50 to 25.

9、 2013年8月19日,全球第一个认可比特币的法律和税收地位的国家

9, 19 August 2013, the first country in the world to recognize Bitcoin's legal and tax status


On 19 August 2013, Germany reported that its Government had recognized Bitcoin's legal and tax status as the first country in the world to officially recognize Bitcoin's legal identity.

10、 2013年10月29日,世界首台比特币ATM于加拿大温哥华开放使用

10, on 29 October 2013, the world's first Bitcoin ATM was opened for use in Vancouver, Canada


On 29 October 2013, the world's first Bitcoin ATM was opened for use in Vancouver, Canada.

11、 2013年12月9日,以太坊白皮书第一个版本出现

11 On 9 December 2013, the first version of the Taiyo White Paper appeared

2013年12月9日,币圈天才少年Vitalik Buterin发起Ethereum项目,并发布了以太坊白皮书的首个版本。

On 9 December 2013, Vitalik Buterin, a talented kid in the currency circle, launched the Etheium project and released the first version of the Etheraya White Paper.

12、 2013年,李笑来成中国比特币首富

12, 2013, Li smiled as Chinese bitcoin's richest.


In 2013, Li laughter came in from a visual interview claiming that he had #34; six-digit bitcoin #34; and that he bought it in 2011. So he was reded because of China’s richest bitcoin and became the industry’s top net.

13、 2014年5月,Vitalik第一次来中国被忽视

13, May 2014, Vitalik first came to China to be ignored

2014年5月份, 以太坊的创始人Vitalik Buterin第一次来到中国,传播以太坊理念。当时的现场,一部分人听得昏昏欲睡,另一部分人在一边拉盘。没有几个人真正在意Vitalik讲了什么,后来在网上传播的那张合照,Vitalik躲在后排右边的第4位,脸还被挡去了部分。

In May 2014, Vitalik Buterin, the founder of Etheria, came to China for the first time to spread Etherium’s philosophy. At that time, some people were stunned at the scene, while others were playing on the other side.

14、 2015年1月27日,美国第一家持有正规牌照的比特币交易所Coinbase开张

14; On 27 January 2015, Coinbase, the first United States Bitcoin Exchange with a formal licence plate, opened

2015年1月27日上午,比特币公司Coinbase创建的美国第一家持有正规牌照的比特币交易所正式开张 。

On the morning of 27 January 2015, the first United States-owned Bitcoin Exchange with a formal licence plate, created by the Bitcoin Coinbase, was officially opened.

15、 2016年7月20日,以太坊首次进行硬分叉

15, 20 July 2016, Ethera for the first time, hard fork

2016年7月20日,因The Dao事件,以太坊进行硬分叉,所有的以太币(包括被移动的)回归原处,目前,以太坊的"官方"版本ETH,是由其原始开发者进行维护的;以太经典ETC则是由一个全新团队进行维护。这是第一次主流区块链为了补偿投资人而通过分叉来变更交易纪录。分叉以前就持有以太币的人在分叉后会同时持有ETH和ETC,存在交易所或在线钱包中的以太币也不例外。此次分叉衍生出来的两个市场,总价值达12亿美元以上。

On 20 July 2016, as a result of the events in The Dao, a hard fork was carried out in the Tai Chamber, all of which (including those moved) returned to their place of origin, currently 34 in the Tai fort; official #34; version ETH, which was maintained by its original developer; and the classic ETC, which was maintained by a completely new team. This was the first time that the mainstream block chain changed the transaction record through a fork in order to compensate investors. Before the fork, those who held the fort held the fork would hold the ETH and the ETC at the same time after the fork, and there would be no exception to the fork in the exchange or online wallet. Two markets derived from the split, with a total value of more than $1.2 billion.


16, 15 December 2016, block chain technology was included for the first time in the National Informatization Plan


On 15 December 2016, 34; XIIIV#34; National Informatization Plan was published. The Plan mentions, by 2020, 34; digital China #34; and significant results in building, with information capacity at the forefront of the international scene, with block chain technology being included for the first time in the National Informatization Plan.

17、 2017年4月17日, EOS 首次诞生

17, April 17, 2017, EOS first born

2017年4月17日,EOS 诞生,采用DPOS共识机制。在比特股和Steemit之后,BM再次进行了区块链项目的开发,成为了区块链行业唯一一个三个区块链项目的创始人。

On April 17, 2017, EOS was born, adopting the DPOS Consensus Mechanism. After the Bit Unit and Steemmit, BM again developed the block chain project and became the founder of the only three block chain project in the block chain industry.

18、 2017年8月1日,第一个BCH诞生

18, 1 August 2017, the first BCH was born

2017年8月1日,BCH诞生。第一个Bitcoin Cash区块由坚定的大区块支持者杨海坡创立的ViaBTC在区块高度478559挖出第一个BCH。该区块包含 6985 笔交易,区块大小为1.915 MB ,是比特币原始链上区块大小的近两倍,交易吞吐量也比原始的多出了约3000笔。

On August 1, 2017, BCH was born. The first Bitcoin Cash block, created by a strong supporter of the block, ViaBTC, was dug up at its height of 478559. The block contained 6985 transactions, the size of which was 1.915 MB, nearly twice the size of the block in the original Bitcoin chain, and about 3,000 more than the original volume of the transaction.

19、 2017年12月7日,牛市标志——Coinbase APP登上应用排行榜第一名

19, 7 December 2017, cattle sign - Coinbase APP first place on the application list

2017年感恩节, Coinbase新增账户10万个,账户总数达到1310万。2017年12月7日,Coinbase单日注册人数超过三十万,比特币价格破2万$,比特币交易平台Coinbase APP登上美国苹果商店应用排行榜第一,这是牛市顶峰的标志之一。

On Thanksgiving 2017, Coinbase added 100,000 accounts, with a total of 13.1 million. On December 7, 2017, Coinbase registered more than 300,000 single-day registrations, with a flat price of $20,000 in Bitcoin, the Bitcoin trading platform Coinbase APP was ranked first in the apple shop application list in the United States, one of the peaks of the cattle market.

20 2017年12月3日,世界上首个法定数字货币"石油币"

20 December 2017, the world's first legal digit currency < #34; petroleum currency < #34;

委内瑞拉的加密数字货币"Petro"(通称"石油币")计划一路走来,从市场到政界,吸引眼球无数。 最初在2017年12月3日,委内瑞拉总统马杜罗宣布世界上首个法定数字货币"石油币"构想;2018年1月5日,委内瑞拉宣布发行1亿枚石油币,并公布了"石油币"的相关细节,"石油币"构想落地,第一次成为现实;2月20日委内瑞拉开始预售石油币,首日募资金额达到7.35亿美元,实现预期目标。

Venezuela’s encrypted digital currency 34; Petro" commonly known as 34; Oil Coin #34;) plans to travel all the way from market to politics to attract countless attention. First, on 3 December 2017, Venezuelan President Maduro announced the world’s first legal digital currency 34; Oil Coin #34; Ideas; on 5 January 2018, Venezuela announced the issuance of 100 million oil coins and announced 34; Oil Coin #34; relevant details, 34; Petroleum Coin #34; Visioned, the first time it became a reality; and on 20 February, Venezuela began to pre-sell petroleum coins and raised its first day to reach $735 million, the desired target.

21 、2017年12月17日,比特币迎来历史首次最高价

21, 17 December 2017, Bitcoin hit the highest price in history for the first time


According to coinmarkcap data, on 17 December 2017, at around 4:19 a.m., the price of bitcoin reached a historic high of US$ 20089.

22、 2018年2月4日,区块链首次被列入政府工作报告

22, 4 February 2018, block chains included for the first time in the report of the Government on its work


On 4 February 2018, at two meetings in Hangzhou City, the Governor of Hangzhou proposed that Hangzhou would accelerate the development of the block chain as a future industry. Reports indicate that for Hangzhou’s future, the block chain is second only to 34; artificial intelligence 34; 34; virtual reality 34; 34; quantum technology #34; before that, third place.


If you like the content of this session, please use your fingers to light >/b> and focus on > Ty. It's not easy for Ty. It's more exciting if there's a compliment.


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