
资讯 2024-06-21 阅读:45 评论:0
以太坊今日价格:$1,589.48 at Taiga today's price: $1,589.48 24H最高: 1,629.5624H最低: 1,562.93历史...


at Taiga today's price: $1,589.48

24H最高: 1,629.5624H最低: 1,562.93历史最高: 4,881.74历史最低: 0.420897
24H成交量: 2.539亿24H成交额: 52.41亿发行总量: 1.202亿市值: 1911亿
24H换手率: 2.74%24H波幅: 4.26%流通数量: 1.202亿市值占比: 17.64%
昨开: --昨收: --流通率: 100.00%完全稀释后市值 1911亿

以太坊当前价格为 $1,584.76,24 小时交易额为 $141.59亿。以太坊的价格在过去 24 小时内上涨了 0.38%。目前,以太坊市值排名为第 2 名,实时市值为 $1,904.91亿,流通供应量为 1.21亿 ETH,最大供应量为 1.21亿 ETH。我们会实时更新 Ethereum/USD 的价格。

At a current cost of $1,584.76, 24 hours is $14,159 million. At a price of 0.38 per cent in the last 24 hours, it is now ranked second in real time, $190,491 million in real time and $121 million in circulation, with a maximum supply of 121 million. We will update the prices of Etheum/USD in real time.

今日$ 5.190.33%
7 天$ -4.26-0.26%
30 天$ -45.06-2.76%
3 个月$ -98.00-5.82%


In August 2015, the first public launch (ICO) took place in Etheria, where it was sold in a currency known as Ether.


After the initial public sale, the price of the taunty currency began at $0.31 and doubled in the following months until it reached a maximum price of $16.34 at the beginning of 2016.


The year 2017 was the best of its times in the Taiwan, where the momentum to catch up with Bitcoin was remarkable.


At the beginning of 2017, the price in the Tai currency was only around US$ 10, but by the end of the year it had reached its highest value of US$ 1389.


During the year, the Etherno network was also rapidly upgraded, and its smart contracts and decentralized applications are being used by an increasing number of companies and institutions.


After a peak in 2017, there was a period of volatility in the prices of the taupulega.


At the beginning of 2018, the collapse of the crypto-currency market led to a significant decline in the prices of the etherms, which fell even to $83.


In 2019, there was a rebound in the price of Taiwan, but it did not return to its 2017 level, with a maximum price of only $364.


With the gradual recovery of the market, there has been a steady recovery in the prices of the taupulega.


In 2020, the gate was broken at a cost of US$ 300, close to a high price of US$ 400.


By 2021, there had been a more rapid increase in the price of Taiwan, breaking the threshold of $2,000 and $3,000, once reaching $4,000.

以太坊是能够支持智能合约的第1层区块链(Layer 1)。以太坊网络是一个完全去中心化的公共分类账,账户可以存储数字资产,如加密货币或NFT。

Ether is the first block chain that can support smart contracts (Layer 1). The Ethernet is a fully decentralised public ledger with accounts that can store digital assets, such as encrypted currency or NFT.

您可以从欧易交易所购买 ETH。欧易交易所为 ETH 提供了许多交易对,其中最受欢迎的包括 ETH/USDT 以及 ETH/USDC 等交易对。你也可以直接用法定货币 购买 ETH 或者将您的数字货币兑换为 ETH。

You can buy ETH from the OEX Exchange. The OEX Exchange provides many transactions for ETH, the most popular of which are ETH/USDT and ETH/USDC. You can also buy ETH directly or convert your digital currency to ETH.

在欧易交易所进行交易之前你需要先 创建交易账户。要用您首选的法币购买 ETH,请点击顶部导航栏“买币”下的“刷卡购买”。要交易 ETH/USDT 或 ETH/USDC,请点击“交易”下的“基础交易”。在同一选项卡下,点击“闪兑”将加密货币转换为 ETH。

You need to create a transaction account before a transaction is carried out by the ELEX exchange. To purchase ETH in your preferred French currency, click on the top navigation bar “ buy the currency &rdquao; below &ldquao; brush cards to buy &rdquao; to trade ETH/USDT or ETH/USDC, click on &ldquao; trade & & rdquao; base transaction & & rdquao; click & & ldquao; flash &rdquao; convert encrypted currency to ETH under the same tab.

或者,访问我们新的数字货币计算器功能。选择 ETH 代币和您期望转换的期望使用的法定法币,以查看大致的实时兑换价格。

Or, visit our new digital currency calculator function. Select the ETH token and the legal currency you expect to use to see the approximate real-time exchange price.


The OEX Exchange provides a highly secure local euro wallet that allows for the efficient storage of various encrypted currencies, including ETH. You can use your ETH for trading, lock storage, or any other euro exchange service available locally.


At the OCEX, we suggest that you study any encrypted currency before investing objectively. Encrypted currency is considered a high-risk asset, prone to large price fluctuations. So we want you to invest only in assets that you are willing to take risks.


Like all encrypted currencies, the ETH is highly volatile and has investment risks. So, before investing, you should do your own research and study (DYOR) to assess your risk preferences.


At present, there are about 122 million ETHs in circulation in Taiku.


1, : Currency Circle & ldquo; Larger & rdquo; Most Exchanges


Currency exchange: currency circle & ldquao; bulkier & rdquao; highest number of exchanges


Coinbase (United States): The most international exchange


4. BitMEX (Hong Kong, China)


5. Chinese currency (ZB)

6 、Bitfinex



8. Currency Exchange


9. MXC tea exchange


Network A (AOFEX)


This is detailed in the analysis of the price of Tai Hoon today, the latest price of Tai Hoon's love dollar on October 17, and more information about E Tae Hoon and other relevant script house articles!


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