UTC is xff0c; BJT is Beijing time xff0c; UTC time is equal to BJT minus 8. xff0c; now xff0c; your program is going to read an integer xff0c; means BJT time and minutes. Integer places and 10 points xff0c; 100 and thousands of hours. If hours are less than 10 xff0c; if hours are less than 10 xff0c; if thousands xff1b; if hours are 0xff0c; if hours are not 0 and xff1b; if hours are less than 10 points xff0c; if 10 hours xff0c; if hours are less than 10 points xff 0; if 10 points 0 0; if 10 points 0 points 0 0; if 1124 hours are not more than 11:24 xff0c; if 905 points 5 points xff 0c; if 36 points 0ff 0; if 0 points 0 points 7 points;
The effective input range is 0 to 2359, that is, your program cannot read from the test server to input data from 0 to 2359.
Your program is to export UTC time & #xff0c; the same format and input xff0c for this time; xff0c; i.e., xff0c for an integer xff0c; xff0c; hundreds and thousands of hours. If hours are less than 10xff0c; if hours are less than 0xff0c; if hours are 0xff0c; if hours are less than 0xff1b; if hours are less than 10xff0c; if hours are less than 10xff1b; if hours are less than 10xff0c; if there is no need for ten.
Reminders & #xff1a; be careful to convert across days.
Entering format:
An integer xff0c; means BJT hours and minutes. Integer bits and ten points xff0c; hundred and thousands of hours. If hours are less than 10xff0c; if thousands xff1b; if hours are 0xff0c; if 100 xff1b; if hours are not 0 xff0c; if hours are less than 10 xff0c; if ten xff1b; if hours are less than 10 xff0c; no need to keep 0 10.
output formatxff1a;
An integer & #xff0c; means the time and minutes of the UTC. Integer bits and ten points & #xff0c; hundred and thousands of hours. If hours are less than 10xff0c, there are no thousands xff1b; if hours are 0xff0c; there are no hundred xff1b; if hours are not 0 xff0c; if hours are less than 10 xff1b; if hours are 0 xff0c; there is no need to keep 10 0.
输入样例:803? ? ? ? ?输出样例:3
Enter sample xff1a; 803? strong> Output sample xff1a; 3
Tip: mainly trans-days xff0c; when T1 is less than 480min xff0c; imagine reducing T1 from 480 xff0c first; then reducing the difference from 24*60min xff0c; or T
code #xff1a;
? code #xff1a;
int main()
? ? int UTC,BTC,a,b,c,d,T,T1;
? ? scanf("%d",&BTC);
? ? a=BTC/1000;
? ? b=BTC/100-BTC/1000*10;
? ? c=BTC%100/10;
? ? d=BTC%100-c*10;
? ? T1=(a*10+b)*60+c*10+d;
? ? T=T1-480;
? ? if(T>=0){
? ? ? ? UTC=T/60*100+T-T/60*60;
? ? ? ? printf("%d",UTC);
? ? ? ?}
? ? if(T<0){
? ? ? ? T=24*60-(480-T1);
? ? ? ? UTC=T/60*100+T-T/60*60;
? ? ? ? printf("%d",UTC);
? ? ? ? }
? ? return 0;
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