Web3.0即将迎来爆发 欧科云链搭建一站式数据分析平台

资讯 2024-06-24 阅读:23 评论:0


Currently, an Internet-based form based on block chain technology is rapidly emerging, known as the “value Internet” and “Web 3.0” (the third generation of Internet), and more recently, the United States, Japan and Singapore have introduced policies to deploy it, with the influx of numerous institutions and entrepreneurs, with subversive applications in the making.


Simplely, Web3.0 is a value Internet supported by block chains. The Web1.0 era is the first page + superchain, which can be called the Internet read-only age; Web 2.0 allows users to produce content into the "read + Write + Interactivity" era; and Web 3.0, supported by block chains, enables all elements of the Internet to be assetized, form ownership and enter the "read + Write + Own " era, the value Internet.


For the definition of Web3.0, different institutions have provided their own insights. The CSV believes that Web3.0 is the next-generation form of the Internet, centred on technologies such as block chains, and is seen as one of the key directions for the future of the Internet. The CSV states that Web3.0 is committed to building a network ecology based on block chain technology, user-led, decentralised, and in Web3.0 users meet their needs by interacting with each other and use block chain technology to achieve value creation, distribution and circulation.


Looking to the future, Web3.0 will undoubtedly be a big blow. For example, the Hong Kong Treasury Department’s earlier Policy Declaration on the Development of Virtual Assets in Hong Kong, Web3.0, which has the potential to become a trend in the future of finance and commerce, will also improve efficiency and transparency, and Hong Kong’s financial openness will enter the Web3.0 era; for example, Eron Mask, which has spent $44 billion to buy Twitter, will shape Twitter into a more mature Web3.0 community in the future; and, in addition, prominent investment institutions such as Redwood Capital have taken up the field.


Also of concern is the construction of a data bridge between Web2 and Web3 as the original Web3 company dedicated to data on the chain, which allows traditional enterprises to travel quickly.


To date, the Ocowin chain has set up the Web3.0 one-stop data analysis platform, covering 1000+TB data storage, 30+ public chain data full analysis, 6.3 billion transactional data, 2.7 billion address label data for multi-ecological role-driven, including digital asset traders, investment agencies, application developers, etc., and the corresponding analytical tools can be used by universities, media, scientific institutions, advisory bodies, government think tanks, etc.


In terms of technology development, the Ocowin chain promotes the deployment of block-chain large data products such as the OKLink multi-chain block browser, the SkyEye on the chain, and the Guardian on the chain, through technological innovation in block-chain data, in many areas of continuous empowerment, and in order to promote the deployment of block-chain science, technology and innovation applications.


For example, the OKLink Block Chain Browser, which selects the spectra-based, technically robust public chains, cleans the big data while deepening the business scene behind each transaction, dissects and visualizes the transaction data. To date, the OKLink Multiple Chain Browser has become one of the largest number of public recording chains worldwide, covering the largest number of users. All its information is free of charge to all Internet users, and the browser has half a million UV (user views) per day, with 80 million users, both within and outside the sea.


It is to be hoped that in the future, a company such as the Ocowin chain of powerful block chain technology will continue to contribute to the needs of the upcoming Web3.0 and that the Web3.0 world will be fairer, more transparent and more convenient.


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