Bitcoin is a digital monetary ecosystem based on a range of concepts and technologies.
A narrow “bitcoin” represents the currency unit in the system xff0c; it is used to store and transfer value. Users use the bitcoin system xff0c mainly via the Internet; other networks are also available. Bitcoin protocol xff0c in the form of a variety of open source software; these software can run xff0c on a variety of devices, such as laptop computers, smart phones, etc.; and allow users easy access to the bitcoin system.
Unlike the traditional currency xff0c; Bitcoin is completely virtual. It does not have a physical xff0c; there is no virtual item in essence that represents Bitcoin. bitcoin is implicit in the transfer record of the money received or received. Users simply have the key xff0c; unlock xff0c with the key; they can send bitcoin .
Bitcoin is a distributed point-to-point network system. There is therefore no central server & #xff0c; there is no central issuer.
Bitcoin solves a mathematical problem by xff0c, which is generated by “mining”; mining is a competition to verify bitcoin transactions while participating in them. Any participant xff08; for example, a person running a full agreement store xff09; can be a miner xff0c; use their computer computing to verify and record transactions. On average, one can verify the transactions of the past 10 minutes xff0c; he will get a new currency as a return on his work.
The Bitcoin agreement provides for xff0c; halving the amount of new currency mining every four years xff0c; and limiting the total amount of eventual bitcoin mining to 21 million. This xff0c; the amount of bitcoin in circulation is very close to a curve xff0c; it will reach 21 million in 2140. Because bitcoin is mined at a reduced rate over time xff0c; xff0c; Bitcoin is a deflationary currency in the long term. xff0c; it is not possible to “inflation” by “printing” the new bitcoin.
Bitcoin is a protocol, a network, a distributed word for innovation. Bitcoin is the first practical application of this innovation.
Bitcoin represents the culmination of decades of cryptography and distributed systems xff0c; it's a unique and powerful combination xff0c; it brings together four key innovation points. Bitcoin is made up of xff1a;
- 一个去中心化的点对点网络(比特币协议)
- 一个公共的交易账簿(区块链)
- 一个去中心化的数学的和确定性的货币发行(分布式挖矿)
- 一个去中心化的交易验证系统(交易脚本)
通俗的讲比特币就是一种基于分布式网络的数字货币,没有发行中心,总量恒定,并加入了4年减半,pow挖矿共识等机制,而且实行了账本公开、交易全网验证模式,让交易变的更公开化、为防止多重支付问题, 加入了以最长链为共识机制验证交易。这一系列的规则,让比特币的变的更独特,从而让比特币的价值也变的更大。
The popular word bitcoin is a digital currency based on distributed networks xff0c; no distribution centre xff0c; total constant xff0c; and has joined mechanisms such as halving by four years xff0c; pow mining consensus xff0c; and has introduced open books, full-network authentication mode xff0c; making transactions more open, preventing multiple payments xff0c; adding the maximum chain as a consensus mechanism.
关于什么是比特币,可能每个人的理解都不同,从中本聪的白皮书中可以得知,比特币的本质是:一个纯粹的点对点版本的电子现金系统,本质是一个可以转账的手段,并且不通过金融机构,面对支付商业 上的亿万流通,中本聪说:"我们真正需要的是一种基于加密证明而非基于信任的电子支付系统,允许任意双方在不需要信任第三方的情况下直接交易。"从而解决中间商问题,杜绝虚假信息,真正达到点对点交易,仿佛回到了 物物交换时代,只不过比特币的模式让交易更方便而已。
With regard to what is a bitcoinxff0c; it may be understood differently by everyone xff0c; xff0c; ff0c; x34; what we really need is an electronic payment system based on cryptographic evidence rather than trust xff0c; a purely point-to-point version of electronic cash system xff0c; xff0c; and not through financial institutions xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xxff0c; xxff0c; xy; xxff0c; i.e. it's back to the era of exchange of goods xff0c; it's nothing more convenient than a bitcopic pattern.
挖矿是消耗计算资源来处理交易,确保网络安全以及保持网络中每个人的信息同步的过程。它可以理解为是比特币的数据中心,区别在于其完全去中心化的设计, 矿工在世界各国进行操作,没有人可以对网络具有控制权。这个过程因为同淘金类似而被称为“挖矿”,因为它也是一种用于发行新比特币的临时机制。
Mining is a process that consumes computing resources to deal with transactions & #xff0c; ensures network security and synchronizes information for everyone in the network. It can be understood as a bitcoin data centre & #xff0c; the difference is that it is completely decentralized design & #xff0c; miners operate xff0c in countries around the world; no one has control over the network. This process is called “mining” #xff0c, because it is similar to gold mining; it is also an ad hoc mechanism for issuing new bitcoins.
However, xff0c; unlike gold mining, xff0c; bitcoin mining provides incentives for services that ensure the safe operation of payment networks.
The mining software listens to trade radios & #xff0c via the P2P network; the proper task is performed to process and confirm these transactions.
The completion of these tasks by 新的交易需要被包含在一个具有数学工作量证明的区块中才能被确认。这种证明很难生成因为它只能通过每秒尝试数十亿次的计算来产生。 矿工们需要在他们的区块被接受并拿到奖励前运行这些计算。随着更多的人开始挖矿,寻找有效区块的难度就会由网络自动增加以确保找到区块的平均时间保持在10分钟。 因此,挖矿的竞争非常激烈,没有一个个体矿工能够控制块链里所包含的内容。 The miners need to run these calculations before their blocks are accepted and rewarded. As more people start digging xff0c; the difficulty of finding effective blocks is automatically increased by the network to ensure that the average time for finding blocks is 10 minutes. “去中心化”是一种现象或结构,其只能出现在拥有众多用户或众多节点的系统中,每个用户都可连接并影响其他节点。通俗地讲,就是每个人都是中心, 每个人都可以连接并影响其他节点,这种扁平化、开源化、平等化的现象或结构,称之为“去中心化”。 “Decentralization” is a phenomenon or structure & #xff0c; it can only be found in a system with many users or nodes & #xff0c; each user can connect and influence other nodes. Generally speaking & #xff0c; that is, everyone is the centre & #xff0c; everyone can connect and influence other nodes & #xff0c; this flatening, open-source, egalitarian phenomenon or structure & #xff0c; known as “decentralization”. 同时“去中心化”是区块链的典型特征之一,其使用分布式储存与算力,整个网络节点的权利与义务相同,系统中数据本质为全网节点共同维护, 从而区块链不再依靠于中央处理节点,实现数据的分布式存储、记录与更新。而每个区块链都遵循统一规则,该规则基于密码算法而不是信用证书, 且数据更新过程都需用户批准,由此奠定区块链不需要中介与信任机构背书。 At the same time, “decentralization” is one of the typical features of the block chain xff0c; it uses distributed storage and arithmetic xff0c; it uses distributed storage and arithmetic xff0c; the rights and obligations are the same for the entire network node xff0c; the data essence of the system is the full network node xff0c; thus the block chain is no longer dependent on central processing node xff0c; it is distributed, recorded and updated. Each block chain follows uniform rules xff0c; the rule is based on cryptographic algorithms rather than letters of credit xff0c; and the data update process requires user approval xff0c; thus, the creation of the block chain does not require an intermediary and a trusted institution to back the letter. 区块链就是很多的区块按一定顺序连接。这些区块分散地存储在世界各地的电脑主机中,也就是“分布式”特征。虽然这些单个计算机都是处在风险环境中,但是因为数据分布在无数个主机中,这就保证了数据是不能少数人控制或者篡改的。 is a sequenced chain of blocks . These blocks are widely stored in computer hosts around the world & #xff0c; or `distributive' features. Although these individual computers are in risk environments & #xff0c; but because the data are distributed in countless hosts xff0c; this ensures that the data cannot be controlled or tampered with by a few. 每一个区块都是一个数据集。 区块之间的连接方式采用密码学中的哈希函数。哈希函数有一个特点,就是它是非对称的。例如一串数据经过哈希函数处理变成另一数据,这个过程是很简单的。但是通过结果却很难还原出原来的数据。而且即使稍微对原数据做出一点改动, 在经过哈希处理后这些微小的差异会被放大很多, 轻易就可以被其他人发现异常之处。这保证了区块链参与者都可以对交易进行验证而无法篡改交易数据,极大地提升了加密的安全性。 Each block is a data set. The connection between blocks is based on the Hashi function in cryptography. The Hashi function has a feature & #xff0c; that is, it is asymmetric. For example, a series of data that has been processed by the Hashi function to become another & #xff0c; this process is simple. But it is difficult to restore the original data by the results. And even with a slight change in the original data xff0c; these minor differences are magnified by xff0c; others can easily discover anomalies. This ensures that participants in the block chain can verify the transaction without tampering with the transaction data xff0c; and significantly improves the security of encryption. 后一个区块指向前一个区块。有一点比较有意思,不同参与者的区块可能是不一样的,区块顺序等都会不同。 The latter block points forward to a block. One interesting point is xff0c; the different participants may have different xff0c; the order of blocks will vary. 综上,区块链实际上是一个没有管理员的,去中心化的,每个节点都拥有全部数据的分布式存储系统。只要你愿意,你随时可以成为区块链中的一个节点,并参与区块的生成与写入,比特币就是基于这个分布式存储上的电子货币。 Combining xff0c; block chains is actually an unsupervised xff0c; decentralised xff0c; each node has a distributed storage system for all data . Any time you want to xff0c; you can be a node in the block chain xff0c; you can be involved in the generation and writing of blocks xff0c; Bitcoin is an electronic currency based on this distributed storage. 有区块链技术才有比特币,区块链是密码学技术,p2p技术等技术柔和一起达成一共共识机制,形成一种分布式账本, 使得每一个参与者都有平等记账机会,防止链上篡改,让经济体不在单一化,通过这种信任机制创造出可信任的一条跑在计算机上的链, 使用共识防止出现攻击现象。 The block chain technology is Bitcoin & #xff0c; the block chain is cryptography & #xff0c; technology such as p2p technology is soft to come together to reach a total consensus & #xff0c; a distributed account book & #xff0c; equal opportunity for each participant to account & #xff0c; preventing manipulation of the chain xff0c; keeping the economy from being monopolized xff0c; creating a trusted chain on a computer #xff0c through this trust mechanism; and using consensus to prevent attacks. 在区块链上运行的同时密码学技术创造一种价值产物,就是比特币,所谓挖矿,只是用来证明谁的记账更多,任 何节点都有权收集最新的交易记录放到一个区块中,然后把这个区块提交投票审核。 While running on the block chain, cryptography creates a value product & #xff0c; it is Bitcoin & #xff0c; so-called mining & #xff0c; it is merely used to prove who has more & #xff0c; let nodes have the right to collect up-to-date transaction records in a block & #xff0c; and then submit the block to a vote for
- Proof of Work 工作量证明。字面意思,就是谁做的活越多,谁话事权越大,一定层面上类似现实生活的多劳多得的概念。
- 拿比特币为例子,比特币挖矿就是通过计算符合某一个比特币区块头的哈希散列值争夺记账权。这个过程需要通过大量的计算实现,简单理解就是你进行的计算量大(工作量大),你就有大概率获得记账权,即矿工的挖出的区块并入主链。
- 区块头,区块链中的区块的头部。你有一个饭盒,饭盒第一层,形象为动物头部,称之为头部。第一层放着米饭,米饭就是头部装载着的东西,哈希散列值,一种通过数学公式计算得出的值。
- 哈希:数学中的散列函数
- 散列值: 通过哈希函数得出的值
- 例如加法公式:1 + 2 = 3。那么哈希公式:hash(1,2) = 结果
- 区块头的哈希散列值,饭盒第一层装着的是饭。那么这里的这个值就是区块头装着的东西。记账权,话事权,谁挖出的区块是有效的。
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