
资讯 2024-06-27 阅读:48 评论:0
编者按:本文来自微信公众号 元宇宙之心MetaverseHub(ID:MetaverseHub),作者:MetaverseHub,创业邦经授权发布。Editor by: This paper is from the Micro-Custom...

编者按:本文来自微信公众号 元宇宙之心MetaverseHub(ID:MetaverseHub),作者:MetaverseHub,创业邦经授权发布。

Editor by: This paper is from the Micro-Customs, MetaverseHub (ID:MetaverseHub), author: MetaverseHub, published with the authorization of the State of Enterprise.


For the majority of young people, a phrase that has suddenly become popular for branding during the recent spring season, as a “digital collection” derived from NFT, has gained a lot of brand preference, and they have launched their own digital collection as a gift for the new year, such as the National Photo Book, which attracts over 200,000 appointments, although the total amount of the collection is only 10,000, and the same number of artistic certificates for the “North Manda Winter Olympics” have also received nearly 200,000 appointments.


It can be said that the remote term digital collections suddenly appeared on the marketing list, but what really changed it was the heat of the global NFT, which began with the “CryptoKittys” five years ago, the “million dollar” image (jpg), which was used by a friend Jinjin a few years ago, and that the encrypt cats brought tremendous influence to their first NFT hosts and attracted the attention of tens of millions of users around the world.


It is the fire of encrypt cats that often paralyses their transactions, but only because encrypt cats are used in block chains that are developed on the Internet on the Etherton, and are therefore subject to the efficiency problems of the Etherm itself, and because they are prone to network congestion and high transaction costs when a large number of users actually use them, leading to a significant decrease in the sense of experience and the exclusion of some users.


Faced with this problem, one begins to wonder whether there is a network of block chains that can carry the application of the block chain, so that millions, if not millions, of users will not experience congestion paralysis in the use of the block chain, which is why the fly public chain was born.


As the first network of block chains to focus on consumer-level applications, the Flow public chain has been of interest to a number of users since its inception, even as a result of last year's heat of NFT, which became a network of a small number of out-of-circle block chains.

那么,当我们抽丝剥茧的来观察Flow公链时,究竟是什么样的原因吸引了如此多关注,并获得了NBA、华纳音乐、Google Cloud、西甲、三星这些巨头的关注?

So, what is the reason why we draw so much attention and get the attention of these giants, NBA, Warner, Google Cloud, Nishika, Samsung?


Flow’s public chain official defines itself as “a block chain built for the next generation of applications, games, and digital assets.” And the Flow chain is the fastest growing block chain in the world. According to recent data, the Flow’s public chain (hereinafter “Flow’s chain”) has reached a record high of $1 billion in NFT transactions. In addition, the Flow chain is the only block chain for consumer-level applications, and is the bottom platform of Web3.0.


First is the use of resource-oriented programming in the technology architecture and the creation of a programming language, Cadence, which saves resources directly in the memory of an account, and allows assets to be tied directly to an account with assets. This ownership of digital assets means that users own the resources in their accounts, rather than relying on the entry in an intelligent contract.


Such a structure is closer to the concepts of accounts and transfers in reality, giving users a more realistic sense of ownership, and even if intelligent contracts are tampered with, user ownership will not be violated.


In contrast to the traditional block chain, Flow is the only block chain in all of the world's current block chains designed in a multifunctional node structure, which makes it very easy to expand. We have four main functional nodes: Collect, which collects node information; Consensus node, which completes the packing of a block; Calculating Node, which completes the calculation of all transactions; Validation Node, which completes the validation of all transaction results. Finally, the two messages are packaged in one block, which is done in the form of a waterline. Because each different node type is responsible for its own unique set of functions, it is very easy to target the extension, compared to a node that is used in the Taikum, where information is stored simultaneously in smart contracts and requires transaction validation, and the design of the node is extremely efficient and avoids the complications posed by the fragments.


In the near future, transaction costs are usually expressed in gas, which is a dedicated unit. On the Flow chain, users do not need to purchase a pass to pay for purchases, and the platform will directly bear this cost as a third party.


The Flow chain is based on a completely new architecture that enables the performance required for mainstream applications and does not affect distribution. So developers on the Flow chain can build secure and collable applications. For example, the FCL service on the Flow chain has access to a standard library where the user can configure all wallets and applications according to the standards and provide compatibility and convenience for the project.


In addition, the Flow resource model allows resources to have other types of assets or resources, i.e., NFT assets on the Flow chain have original scalable and scalable capabilities. For example, the Flow application, which is called Flovatar, allows users to buy different NFT components to form their own head like NFTs, which, like collage, greatly stimulates the imagination of creators.

提到Flow公链,我们就绕不开其背后的开发团队Dapper Labs。Dapper Labs是一家位于加拿大的区块链服务商,专注于提供基于游戏体验和数字藏品的服务,致力于重塑用户使用数字世界并与之互动的方式,最大程度的挖掘区块链技术的潜力。

Turning to the Flow public chain, we cannot bypass the development team behind it, Dapper Labs. Dapper Labs, a Canadian block chain service provider, focuses on providing a game-based experience and digital collection that seeks to reshape the way users use the digital world and interact with it, maximizing the potential of the block chain technology.

当前,Dapper Labs已经成功打造了众多为众人所熟知的明星项目。包括总销售额达到10亿美元以上、注册用户突破200万的NBA Top Shot、历史上第一个火爆出圈的NFT游戏CryptoKitties、去中心化应用程序Dapper、拥有超过1000个项目的全新公链Flow以及前不久推出的UFC on Flow。

Today, Dapper Labs has successfully built many well-known star projects. These include NBA Top Short, with a total sales value of more than $1 billion, with two million registered users, the first NFT game in history to explode, CryptoKittys, the decentralized application Dapper, the completely new public chain Flow, with over 1,000 projects, and the recent launch of UFC on Flow.

除此之外,体育领域还有NFL、板球Critics都基于Flow推出交易市场,受到了数十亿球迷粉丝的追捧。其中,UFC Strike首期上线10万个NFT一售而空,板球交易市场FanCraze上线半个月不到,在印度等国家就收获超100万球迷粉丝注册。

In addition, NFL, Cricket Critics, both based on Flow’s roll-out of the trading market, has attracted billions of fans. Of these, UFC Strike’s 100,000 NFTs were sold out in the first round, and the cricket trade market, FanCraze, has been on the line for less than half a month, registering more than 1 million fans in countries like India.

而随着NFT元年的到来,Dapper Labs成为了投资机构的宠儿。2021年3月,Dapper Labs完成了3.05亿美元融资,迈克尔·乔丹及凯文杜兰特等著名NBA运动员参与其中,半年之后,Dapper Labs再一次以76亿美元的最新估值获得了2.5亿美元融资。

In March 2021, Dapper Labs completed $305 million in financing, with the participation of Michael Jordan and Kevin Duran’s leading NBA player, and six months later, Dapper Labs again received $250 million in the latest valuation of $7.6 billion.

除此之外,YouTube、a16z、USV、华纳音乐集团、Venrock等众多明星投资人向Dapper Labs伸出了橄榄枝,他们不仅仅是Dapper Labs的投资方,更是Dapper Labs的合作伙伴。

In addition to this, many star investors, such as YouTube, a16z, USV, Warner Music Group, Venrock and others, extended olive branches to Dapper Labs, not only as investors to Dapper Labs, but also as partners to Dapper Labs.

Dapper Labs的CEO Roham Gharegozlou在2013年遇到了CTO Dieter Shirley,那个时候Roham 所拥有的公司叫做Axiom Zen,和区块链技术没有任何关系。Dieter让Roham感受到了区块链技术的魅力,并且让其萌生了让10亿人了解区块链的愿景,Roham相信只有好玩的东西才能推动这项技术的普及,而毫无疑问游戏和娱乐是完美的媒介。

The CEO Roham Gharegozlou of Dapper Labs met with CTO Dieter Shirley in 2013, when Roham owned a company called Axiom Zen, which had nothing to do with block chain technology. Dieter made Roham feel the charm of block chain technology and gave it a vision of a billion people to understand the chain of blocks, and Roham believed that only fun could promote its spread, and that games and entertainment were undoubtedly the perfect medium.


In 2017, Dieter introduced the ERC-721 pass standard and went online to CryptoKittys. But, as never expected, CryptoKittys once caused Etheria's network congestion, greatly reduced the user's experience and made Roham aware of Ether's own problems.

Roham在2018年组建了Dapper Labs,将其从Axiom Zen脱离出来,并且搭建了全新的公链Flow公链,开启了一种全新的商业模式。

Roham formed Dapper Labs in 2018, separated him from Axiom Zen and built a brand-new public chain, a brand-new business model.

自此,Dapper Labs拉开了围绕Flow公链构建游戏和数字藏品生态帝国的序幕。

Since then, Dapper Labs has set the stage for the creation of games around the free chain and the eco-imperialist of digital collections.

Dapper Labs自从Crypto Kitties开始就致力于创新,探索未知的方向。而不满足于以太坊的功能和性能的他们,随后便自己动手打造出了更好地适用于区块链应用落地的Flow公链,而Flow从此便成为了他们的创新基地,Dapper Labs也在Flow上面打造出新的传奇。

Dapper Labs has been working on innovation and exploring unknown directions since Crypto Kitties began. Instead of being satisfied with Ether’s functionality and performance, they have built themselves the Flow public chain, which is better suited to the location of block-chain applications, and Flow has since become their base for innovation, and Dapper Labs has built new legends on Flow.

Crypto Kitties的成功带火了一种链游的商业模式,一时间各类加密宠物类游戏如雨后春笋般迅速冒了出来,影响深远,甚至也启发了如今爆火的Axie Infinity。而另一方面,生成Crypto Kitties的NFT标准——ERC721,也由此火遍全网,成为了当下NFT应用中最有影响力的NFT标准了。

The success of Crypto Kitties has set fire to a business model of chaining, with various types of encrypted pet games coming out fast after rain, with far-reaching implications and even inspiration for the now-fired Axie Infinity. On the other hand, the NFT standard that generates Crypto Kitties – ERC721 – is also on the net, making it the most influential NFT standard in the current NFT application.

但在Crypto Kitties之后,不断推出的NFT应用基本都是Crypto领域原生的项目和资产,或者是收藏类的艺术NFT,很长一段时间,业内还没有一种更好的商业模式出现。

However, after Crypto Kitties, the ongoing NFT applications are basically original projects and assets in the area of Crypto, or the collection of art NFTs, for a long time there is no better business model in the industry.

此时,Dapper Labs再次站到台前引领行业的发展潮流,在2020年10月,一款由Dapper Labs开发的基于Flow区块链的NBA数字收藏品项目NBA Top Shot正式开启公测。

In October 2020, a NBA digital collection, developed by Dapper Labs and based on the Flow block chain, was officially launched by NBA Top Short.


This is a NFT version of the ball card that allows users to view the video or GIF movement that the NFT card represents. These cards are divided into three types of cards: ordinary, rare, and legendary, and have a different value depending on the ball star and the ball. They can be obtained randomly by buying the NBA card package, or by trading with others, with the official charge of 5% of the transaction.

从NBA Top Shot 的Beta版本数据来看,用户的留存达到了90%,上线后到现在1年的时间达到了接近10亿美金的粉丝经济收入,并且拥有了超过150万的用户,其中80%是主流用户,之前从来没有接触过区块链的,而NBA Top Shot也创造了历史,它是历史上增长速度最快的marketplace,这也让其背后的Dapper Labs团队身价暴涨,并获得了多轮上亿的天价融资。

According to the NBA Top Short version of Beta, users have retained 90 per cent of their earnings, reached close to $1 billion in fan economic income in one year, and have more than 1.5 million users, 80 per cent of whom are mainstream users and have never been exposed to block chains before, while NBA Top Short has made history, which is the fastest-growing marketplace in history, which has also given the Dapper Labs team a surge in prices and a multi-billion-dollar daily financing.

而之所以NBA Top Shot能有如此傲人的成绩,得益于它在商业模式层面上的创新十分成功。它其实是把现有的实体球星卡,结合区块链的特性以NFT的形式展现出来。原有的实体球星卡,有种种问题阻碍着其发展,比如由于是线下的实体卡,卡包的销售速度会很慢,并且当从他人那里买卖卡片时,会遇到需要鉴别卡片真伪,交易双方距离很远,互不信任等等问题,甚至由此诞生了专门提供各类球星卡的销售,鉴别真伪,卡片二级市场的公司。

And the NBA Top Short is so proud of its success, thanks to its innovation at the business model level. It actually shows up in the form of NFT with the existing real-world card, which combines the characteristics of the block chain. There are problems that prevent its development, for example, because it's a real-line card, the card's sales are slow, and when you buy and sell cards from others, there are problems with the authenticity of the card, the distance between the two parties, mistrust, and so on, and even the company that specializes in selling the cards, identifying the authenticity, the secondary market of the card.

但是这些问题,放到区块链上就不再是问题了。由于区块链可以传递价值,并且不可篡改,所以NBA Top Shot在线上不仅可以很方便快捷地售卖卡包,还能支持相距很远的人很容易地交易卡片,因为NFT很容易查真伪,也就不用担心之前的种种问题了,如此一来,极大地减少了信任成本,降低了交易门槛,其交易量自然节节攀升,远超原有的商业模式。

These problems, however, are no longer a problem on the block chain. Since the block chain can deliver value and cannot be tampered with, NBA Top Short not only can sell cards easily and quickly, but also supports the easy trade of cards by distant people, because NFT can easily detect authenticity and do not worry about previous problems, so that trust costs are greatly reduced, transaction thresholds are lowered, and the volume of transactions rises naturally beyond business patterns.

所以,NBA Top Shot成功开创了一种新的方向,简单来说,就是将现实中基于大IP的成熟商业模式搬到区块链上,并结合NFT的特性,解决以往许多难题,从而获得远超原有商业模式的发展空间。

Thus, NBA Top Short succeeded in creating a new direction, simply by moving the reality of mature business models based on large IPs to the block chain and, by combining the characteristics of NFT, solving many of the problems of the past, thereby gaining a space for development far beyond the original business model.

另外, 在NBA Top Shot中背后团队通过不断创新,持续对IP的挖掘和对整个产品机制的不断完善让其具备了很强的用户黏性,比如和实际NBA赛季情况的挂钩,又比如积分系统的推出。

In addition, the team behind the NBA Top Short provides strong user stickyness through continuous innovation, continued excavation of IP and continuous refinement of the entire product mechanism, such as linking to actual NBA seasons and roll-out of the scoring system.

在NBA Top Shot中,考虑到让玩家有长期的参与感,其团队设计了一个非常重要的系统,就是藏家积分系统。它为Top Shot的每一个高光时刻提供了更强的目标引导和成就驱动。藏家积分会为玩家拥有的每一个高光时刻分配一个分值,而这个分值取决于其稀缺性、等级、系列以及玩家获取它的方式,获得高分可以让玩家有资格获得之后发售的,独家的稀有或是传奇品类的NFT卡包,玩家可以通过收集来自同一团队或者同一组的其他时刻,从而提高单个时刻的积分值。

In NBA Top Short, given the long-term sense of participation of players, its team designed a very important system, the Hider Score System. It provides a stronger target orientation and achievement drive for every high-light moment in Top Short. The Hider Score allocates a fraction for every high-light moment the player owns, which depends on its scarcity, grade, series and the way the player acquires it, and obtains a high score that allows the player to qualify for the rare or legendary NFT package, which the player can increase in individual moments by collecting from the same team or from other moments of the same group.


And the Tibetan credit system has three distinct advantages:


First, a collector's factor driven by the behaviour of fans replaced the value of the account itself with the price of assets as the sole measure of dimensions, becoming the primary indicator for the collector's consideration, making it more stickier;

第二,藏家积分系统为收藏增加策略和可玩性,并为Top Shot上的冷门卡牌带来了关注和实际应用;

Second, the Tibetan credit system has increased the strategy and playability of the collection and has brought attention and practical applications to the cold door card cards on Top Short;


Thirdly, the design of Tibetan credits raises the threshold for the acquisition of a particular package and ensures that legends and rare bags fall into the hands of genuinely interested fans, rather than speculators who participate on an ad hoc basis for the purpose of the card.

另外,还一个比较重要的尝试是Dapper Wallet,它是以信用卡支付的方式来让Web2世界的用户进行NFT的消费和使用,在这个过程中我们隐藏了全部的加密技术,当一个消费者进入NBA Top Shot的时候,他不会直接接触不加密或者说区块链的相关信息,而仅仅是NBA收藏卡片本身的精彩 。

In addition, there is a more important attempt by Dapper Wallet, a credit card payment that allows users of the Web2 world to consume and use NFT, in which we hide all the encryption technology, and when a consumer enters NBA Top Short, he does not directly access information about unencrypted or block chains, but just the beauty of the NBA collection card itself.

当然,NBA Top Shot的发展也离不开默默支持它的底层技术Flow公链。除了NBA Top Shot带来的商业模式上的创新,Flow链的创新之处,还在于它有更深远的立意。不同于许多公链在朝着性能更好的公链的角度走,Flow链则是反过来考虑,未来消费级的区块链应用会是怎样的,这些应用又需要怎样的底层公链?

Of course, the development of NBA Top Short cannot but support its bottom-of-the-line public chain. In addition to the innovations in the business model that NBA Top Short has brought, the bottom-of-the-line innovation is more far-reaching.

同时,Flow链一方面专注于生态落地应用的发展,同时也在为用户带来新的体验,诸如对DeFi应用的深耕,我们看到Flow最近推出了FLOW USDC,还在Chainlink上推出了Flow/USD的喂价机制以及wFlow的推出,都是在DeFi领域的创新。

At the same time, while focusing on the development of ecological landing applications, the Flow chain is bringing new experiences to users, such as deep-farming of DeFi applications. We have seen FLOW USDC, Flow/USD feeding mechanisms on Chainlink, and the introduction of wFlow, both innovations in the area of DeFi.


Thus, we can see not only the technological upgrading of the Flow chain, which provides a lower public chain with higher performance for future consumer-level block-chain applications, but also, at the development level, the ongoing commitment of the Flow chain to supporting more block-chain commercial applications aimed at becoming leaders in consumer-level block-chain applications.


If the block chain application that started with CryptoKittys is just a small spruce, the products that have developed into the block chain today are already grotesque, whether the prosperity of the DeFi, the fire of the NFT, or the replacement of the block chain game, or the beauty of the DAO, all seem to present us with the special charms of the sector chain industry.


And the public chain that explores the commercial landings of block chains, such as the Flow public chain, is still at an early stage, but we can already see a whole new experience brought about by the many traditional brands interacting with it, which many block chain projects cannot match, and which attests to their position: it is now a solid step forward in becoming the first network of block chains to be the dominant consumer-level applications.


Of course, we still have a lot of expectations about the future with respect to the Flow public chain, especially the “NFT+DAO” or “NFT+DeFi” products, which are still in their early stages, and which add up may bring us more unexpected stories, especially the fact that NFT is gradually entering the horizon of more entrepreneurs and VCs, and perhaps more innovation from the emergence of such cross-border products.

根据CryptoSlam最近数据显示,诞生于Flow公链的爆款应用NBA Top Shot在过去30天内销售额达到5889万美元,同比增长26.2%,有超过66800名用户参与交易,即使已经经历了一年多的市场角逐,依然排在前列,这既证明了NBA Top Shot本身产品的成功,也佐证了Flow公链方向的正确性。

According to recent CryptoSlam data, NBA Top Short, born in the Flow public chain, sold $5.88 million over the past 30 days, an increase of 26.2 per cent over the previous 30-year period, with more than 66,800 users involved in the transaction and still at the forefront, even after more than a year of market competition, attesting to both the success of the NBA Top Short product itself and the correctness of the direction of the Flow public chain.

而最近,随着冬奥会的举办,北京冬奥会官方授权手游《Olympic Games Jam: Beijing 2022》已经成功在Flow链上发行,该游戏基于Flow链构建,允许玩家使用信用卡支付游戏内道具,并将赢得的通证和NFT转至外部钱包和各个DEX,据悉该游戏由Animoca Brands子公司nWay与国际奥委会合作推出。

Recently, with the Winter Olympics, Olympic Games Jam: Beijing 2022, an official-authorized tour of Beijing Winter Olympics, was successfully launched on the Flow chain, based on the Flow chain, allowing players to use credit cards to pay for their insiders and to transfer the earned pass and NFT to external wallets and various DEXs, which are known to have been launched by the Animoca Brands subsidiary nWay in cooperation with the IOC.

我们有理由相信随着Flow公链生态的完善,会有更多像NBA TopShot和《Olympic Games Jam: Beijing 2022》这样商业级的区块链应用出现,而另一个备受期待的应用UFC(世界上最顶级和规模最庞大的职业综合格斗赛事)产品,一经推出也表现出了火爆的场面,其中UFC Strike线上销售了2次,每次都是半日内售罄 。

We have reason to believe that, with the ecological improvement of the Flow public chain, there will be more applications at the commercial level, such as NBA Topshot and Olympis Jam: Beijing 2022, while another highly expected UFC (the world's top and largest multi-occupational competition) product, once launched, also shows a hot scene, with two sales on the UFC Strike line, each sold out in half a day.


Of course, in the future, we may see more gameFi products on the Flow chain, but whether there will be more games with more playability and good quality is what users expect, because, in terms of long-term values, that is the key dimension that determines its life cycle. With NFT content, we can break through the closed ecological cycle of the game and circulate in a way that goes beyond the environment of the game itself, which changes the ecology of the traditional game, thereby importing more network effects from the outside.


But DeFi may also be a double-edged sword, and DeFi can add more to the game when the market environment rises, but DeFi’s strong price anchoring may also accelerate stock contraction when it does. Thus, the playability of the game itself is fundamental, and DeFi provides only a factor or even an exponential acceleration in the growth of the game.

我们相信,Flow Network正在朝着成为消费级区块链应用的领先者前行着,这条路不会越来越窄,只会越来越开阔和平坦!

We believe thatlowNetwork is moving towards becoming a leader in the use of the consumer block chain. This road will not get too narrow, it will only become more open and peaceful!


Please contact the original author at editor@cyzone.cn>.


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    希壤元宇宙是一款非常好玩的休闲手游,这款游戏采用了元宇宙的游戏概念,超级自由的游戏玩法,在这里没有什么标准限定,你可以自由的在这里进行着一切你想做的事情,游戏比较的休闲和放松,没有什么操作难度,感兴趣的小伙伴们可以来007游戏网下载这款非常有趣的希壤元宇宙吧!˂a href=http://m.yx007.com/key/xxsy" target="_blank" , a game that uses the concept of meta-cosm, super-free p...
  • 【CoinCentral 合作內容】加密貨幣 Decred 正式推出 2018 發展路段線圖

    【CoinCentral 合作內容】加密貨幣 Decred 正式推出 2018 發展路段線圖
    早些時候,加密貨幣Decred發表了一篇博客文章,概述了他們2018年的正式發展路線圖。Earlier, encrypt currency Decred published a blog article outlining their official road map for development in 2018.在這個路線圖中,團隊在為他們制定營銷宣傳之前,明確地表明他們於建立和發布可交付物品的成果,同時將他們的營銷集中在項目的核心組成部分。Decred團隊正在研究一些...
  • 跨接在两个网络间的语音记录仪设计

      摘  要: 设计了语音记录仪。该语音记录仪桥接在通信设备之间,同时提供3种桥接接口:以太网接口,支持在IP通信方式下的各通话组的直通及录音功能;二线接口,支持模拟二线方式下的直通及录音功能;音频接口,支持模拟音频方式下的直通及录音功能。同时话音记录仪提供FTP服务器,可以通过局域网对语音记录仪保存的语音文件进行下载和管理。此外,该设备支持语音回放功能。 extracts & nbsp; to : The voice record...
  • 元宇宙概念股有哪些 元宇宙概念股一览表

    元宇宙概念股有哪些 元宇宙概念股一览表
    元宇宙概念股排行精选 元宇宙概念股一览表(2022/11/08),下文就随小蔡来简单的了解一下吧。The contours of the meta-cosmology unit are in the list of the meta-cosmological concept units (2022/11/08), so let's get to the bottom of this with Little Choi. 元宇宙概念股龙头有:The contou...