山西警方破获一起利用虚拟货币洗钱案 21人落网涉案3.8亿余元

资讯 2024-06-29 阅读:45 评论:0
晋城沁水警方破获一起利用虚拟货币USDT进行洗钱的诈骗案件,抓获犯罪嫌疑人21人。 晋城警方供图   中新网晋城7月18日电 (记者 李庭耀)记者18日从山西省晋城市公安局获悉,晋城沁水警方破获一起利用虚拟货币USD...
晋城沁水警方破获一起利用虚拟货币USDT进行洗钱的诈骗案件,抓获犯罪嫌疑人21人。 晋城警方供图

  中新网晋城7月18日电 (记者 李庭耀)记者18日从山西省晋城市公安局获悉,晋城沁水警方破获一起利用虚拟货币USDT进行洗钱的诈骗案件,抓获犯罪嫌疑人21人。经公安机关侦查,该犯罪集团帮助利用信息网络犯罪人员支付结算5480余万USDT,折合人民币约3.8亿余元。

On 18 July, a journalist (journalist Lee Tung Yeo) from Jinxi Province, Jinxi City Public Security Bureau, was informed that Jinxi Police had uncovered a fraud case using the virtual currency USDT for money-laundering and captured 21 suspects. Following investigations by the public security authorities, the criminal group helped to settle over USDT 54.8 million, which was equivalent to about RMB 380 million, by using information cybercrime personnel.


On 1 April of this year, during a review of the leads, the police found that Zhao, a resident of the town of Hong Kong in Jinhua County, had an unusual flow of funds in a bank's name and that there was a serious suspicion of “run-down” money-laundering.


The police conducted an in-depth investigation and found that it was a criminal offence to use the virtual currency USDT for money-laundering purposes. Because of the large number of people involved in the case, including Guangxi, Jiangxi, Henan, Anhui, etc., a group of police draw-up officers travelled to various locations to conduct arrests.


Since October 2021, it has been found that one week, through the formation of an off-site group of USDTs, the purchase of USDTs at a low price and the sale of cash at a high price through a micro-credit group, a “run-down” platform, has helped persons using information cybercrime to pay settlements between USDT and the renminbi for illicit profit.


According to the police, the so-called “run score” is a method of “money-laundering” whereby accounts such as their own bank cards, POS machines, micro-mails or payment bonds, two-dimensional codes, and virtual currency are used to collect for other people, and then transfer to a designated account, where they earn commissions. The USDT is a virtual currency in a chain issued by a foreign company, which, because of its ease of dealing, anonymity, etc., is the preferred platform for virtual currency “runs”.


To date, 21 suspects in this case have been subjected to criminal coercive measures in accordance with the law, and the case is being further investigated. (concluded)


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