
资讯 2024-07-01 阅读:106 评论:0


While the price of bitcoin fell sharply from $60,000 to $30,000 today at the beginning of the year 2021, the number of investors interested in bitcoin is still high, except for the conversion of the spot from bitcoin to futures transactions, where it is well known that bitcoin futures are invested at prices that can be compared to bitcoins without directly owning bitcoin, and that they can leverage their profit space, and are therefore favoured by investors, but in order to be successful in bitcoin futures, it is important to know what Bitcoin futures are cut. So what does that mean?



By definition, it means delivery, cession, i.e., by the day of delivery, both sides will force a forced clearance at the current futures market price.


After the delivery, the profit settlement is completed, and the traders can start again. Of course, buying and selling operations can still take place at any time before the delivery date, not necessarily until the delivery date.

目前比特币期货交割合约的到期交割日有;"当周交割"" 次周交割"" 季度交割" "次季交割"这几个交割时间。

Currently, the due date for delivery of the Bitcoin futures contract is: &quat; &quat; &quat; &quat; Quarterly delivery & & quot; & & quot; Quarterly delivery & quot; and the timing of these deliveries.


The price assumed in Bitcoin was 500 USDD/BTC, which was bought at a price of 500 USDD, and then 50 more BTC virtual contracts could be made. If the BTC price rises to $750, with a 50% increase, the contract gain is 3.33333 BTCs, with a profit of $2,500 on sale at this price, proving that the return is five times the principal. If not understood, it can be understood as a hand-on delivery, when the contract reaches the cut-off date, it will be cut to a point on the platform.


It is common to say that a contract is signed between the parties, in which it is stated that 20 dollars will be used to buy the goods after two months, and that an increase of 10 dollars in the price of the goods after two months will be equal to the difference in the amount of 10 dollars earned at a lower price. If the price becomes one dollar after two months, it is equally necessary to buy the goods at the original price of 20 dollars. That is how it is understood. The price of bitcoin in the contract is different.


First, bitcoin futures are the future price for trading bitcoins. Investors make money when the price for buying futures is lower than the price at which they fall; conversely, investors lose money.


In traditional stock markets, the mood amplification of futures delivery days is usually very large, as many times the profits and losses of investors on that day will be compulsorily settled, and they will then choose to raise or press prices by buying or selling stocks in large quantities, thereby allowing them to earn more in futures markets.


By the same token, in the digital money market, when it comes to delivery, you also choose to raise or crush the price of bitcoin on the day of delivery, thus ensuring that you get a more favourable price in the futures market. Like a long run, the last 200 meters will sprint, as reflected in the digital money market, where the rate of swings on the day of delivery is dramatically increased.


Although it seems to me that every time I get close to delivery, can I say future delivery = drop? The answer is no.


Technically, the effect of future delivery cuts on prices is largely reflected in


1. The market has done much of the final fighting time, and the previous losses can continue to hold positions in the form of death and additional deposits, but on the day of delivery, the loss must be honoured, so that the powerful party will, at the last moment, force the other side to make a profit by force of capital.


2. Unprofessional investors do not know the futures cut, but only know that several drops in history have been associated with futures cut, and that each near-term cut will be sold in an ingenious manner ahead of time. But it is clear that large segments of the market that really shape the market are not unprofessional investors.


These effects do not lead directly to the conclusion that future delivery = collapse. Indeed, the BTC-led boom on July 17 was due in large part to CBOE’s futures cutting.


So the future delivery cutting effect is only more likely to cause high volatility, and does not mean that it will collapse, using “ inverting & rdquo; and synthesizing it may be more appropriate if the link between future delivery cutting and price trends is to be said.


This is the answer to what is meant by the future delivery of the currency ring, which is intended to remind investors of the fact that, when playing bitcoin futures, active futures are selected for trading, active futures are generally selected for periods of booming months and booms, transactions are conducted at very fair competitions, markets are very fragmented, there is often a risk of market manipulation, and it is preferable to choose a few different types of commodities for investment, since similar commodities are often collapsing and non-commodity of commodity prices are often reversed, so that the choice of different types of goods for ordering can be mitigated.


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