
资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:25 评论:0
  图片来源:美国《福布斯》双周刊网站   智慧城市使用的相关技术包括人们已熟悉的人工智能和物联网等,以及5G、智能停车、区块链等方兴未艾的技术。这些技术能让人更容易获得高效的服务,降低公民的碳足迹和生活成本,更好地保护环境并...



Intelligent cities use technologies such as familiar artificial intelligence and object networking, as well as emerging technologies such as 5G, smart parking, block chains, etc., that make it easier to access efficient services, reduce citizens’ carbon footprint and cost of living, better protect the environment and improve the quality of life.




Smart cities refer to cities that use relevant technologies and sensors to collect data for integrated resource management. Technologies include well-known artificial intelligence and network of things, as well as emerging technologies such as 5G, smart parking, block chains, etc. Forbes websites in the United States have recently described the technological prospects for future intelligent cities.


Smart parking system


Smart parking systems provide viable solutions for parking management in scarce urban areas. This innovation will allow citizens to book parking spaces through mobile applications, reduce time to search parking spaces, minimize urban traffic stress, reduce carbon footprints and save fuel.


A German company has invented a smart parking system to address parking difficulties, which only provides space for two spaces, but can accommodate 15 vehicles. The parking system is small and can be built in only five days, and is popular once launched.


Water-saving technology


Water scarcity was listed by the World Economic Forum in 2019 as one of the greatest global potential risks over the next decade, and water resources are becoming a valuable and scarce resource. The use of real-time weather data and physical networking to optimize water use will become the mainstream. Water conservation is essential to ensure water use for future generations, and humans should use technology to maximize water conservation.


Reports indicate that by 2030, it is expected that the access solution will have a positive impact on water use of nearly 230 billion cubic metres, and that about 35 per cent of the impact will come from improved intelligent (water) grid operation.




The realization of autonomous auto-drives will fundamentally change the way intelligent cities operate. With auto-drives, intelligent cities will be able to automate transport in many ways, with far-reaching implications for people’s access to food, medicines and other necessities.


Toyota Japan's autopilot platform e-Palette, with a pure power drive, carries a self-researched autopilot system that can be used in the future as a vehicle for people to travel in cities or as a mobile commercial space for express delivery, catering, entertainment, etc., with different interior components.


Smart traffic management system


Smart traffic management systems will create safer and more liveable cities. The use of cloud-based software can reduce operational barriers between transport systems and emergency response personnel, integrate integrated command centres, and use intelligent sensors to reduce emergency response times and save lives more efficiently.


The Smart Traffic Signal Network in Barcelona, Spain, together with other facilities, provides emergency services & ldquao; green lights & rdquao; routes to enable vehicles such as ambulances and fire trucks to provide emergency assistance more quickly.


Smart Environmental Management


Smart environmental management relies on artificial intelligence and innovative climate and geospatial technologies driven by data analysis, which have the potential to improve people's response to climate change and improve the overall environmental quality of intelligent cities.


& & ldquo, New York, United States; a new generation water management plan & & rdquo; and sensors installed throughout the Hudson River. These sensors transmit the physical, chemical, and biological data of the river in real time through the network to the back-office computing center. Data are generated without interruption, processed and compared to historical data to restore and maintain clear water quality and a beautiful environment.


Internet connection


With the rapid growth of physical networking, technicians are testing new network structures to deal with the inevitable surge in the amount of data attached to the increase in the number of connection devices, one of which is the increasingly visible network.


In cities like New York, webnets make the Internet accessible to all. The entire city’s buildings & & & & & & & & & &, are highly secure and dispersed for a series of connected routers nodes and Internet exchange points, and these systems can maintain communication in the event of a failure of the wider Internet infrastructure.



The 5G technical specifications require at least 10 times faster speed than the current 4G network and have lower delays, lower battery power and capacity to handle more connections from individual radios.


Ernst and Young found that 56 per cent of British companies plan to invest in 5G in three years. Not only is 5G a new wireless standard, it could change the future of communications and contribute to the next generation’s increased reality and virtual reality, as well as the rapid development of the meta-cosmos, making digital life richer, more interconnected and more collaborative.


Contamination and Noise Control Technologies


Today, there is growing concern about the serious impact of poor air quality on human health, and innovative tools to control and reduce pollution and noise deserve special attention. Megacities are beginning to suffer from smoke, but smart urban technologies can provide timely warning and take measures to stabilize the environment.


British scientists have recently developed a new air quality measurement facility capable of performing & ldquao; scanning & rdquao; over the city. The equipment can be installed on satellites, thus providing detailed information on harmful gases in the air.


block chain


Block chain technologies are essential for creating safer, more transparent, efficient, and resilient cities. The use of block chain technologies in intelligent cities can play a key role in urban development and management, addressing social issues and improving day-to-day operations.


In the case of “ Wisdom Dubai & & rdquo; for example, the Government hopes to use block chain technology to make Dubai the happiest and most intelligent city in the world. Examples of developing block chain are emerging in a number of areas, including finance, education and transport.


At present, no fewer than 200 smart cities projects are being implemented around the world under the above-mentioned technologies, and Toyota Japan is building a new generation of smart cities & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, where a full deployment of all kinds of front-line technologies, such as robotics, autopilots, artificial intelligence, etc., is planned.


According to Forbes, these technologies allow people to interact in a more interconnected, automated and intelligent manner, improve access to efficient services, reduce the carbon footprint and cost of living of citizens, improve safety, protect the environment and improve the quality of life.


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