
资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:47 评论:0
区块链作为新基建的技术之一,The chain of blocks is one of the new building technologies.被视为下一代互联网的底层技术,It is considered the bottom-of-...


The chain of blocks is one of the new building technologies.


It is considered the bottom-of-the-line technology of the next generation of the Internet.


The technology of the chain of blocks is really on the ground.


It's brought to society as a whole.


Significant innovation opportunities.


What's a block chain?


The chain of blocks is a chain of blocks after another. Each block contains a certain amount of information that is connected to the chain according to the chronological order in which it is generated. The chain is preserved on all servers, as long as there is a server in the entire system that can work, the whole block chain is secure. These servers are called nodes in the block chain system, and they provide storage space and arithmetic support for the entire block chain system. To modify the information in the block chain, it is necessary to obtain the consent of more than half of the nodes and to modify the information in all nodes, which are usually in the hands of different subjects, so it is extremely difficult to tamper with the information in the block chain.


The block chain has two core features: data are difficult to manipulate and decentralize. On the basis of these two characteristics, the information recorded in the block chain is more reliable and can help resolve mistrust.


Practice and application


Block chains are widely used. For example, block chains are used to trace merchandise, record information on imports of goods such as milk powder, wine, etc., to ensure that they do not reach consumers under false pretences; in cooperation with the courts, block chains are used to preserve evidence of offences.


Block chains are used to facilitate recycling of waste products


According to the Spanish Pioneer website, the Plastiks platform of Barcelona Nosama uses block chain technology to facilitate the trade of waste managers, recyclers and regenerative plastic buyers around the world.


Innovative practices in the area of administration of justice are emerging in the block chain.


According to the Jiangsu Provincial High People's Court, 3,779,000 electronic materials, business information, etc., have been recorded at the Jiangsu Court District Chain Node and 83 at the Upper Chain Court. To date, the People's Court of Beijing, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, and Ishijia Dao Dao have set up a sector chain platform in the area of application of the Blocks + Justice. It is known that since the first recognition of the legality of the electronic evidence in the Blocks Chain, the sector chains have been used to facilitate the resolution of evidentiary, evidentiary and authentication difficulties.


Integration of block chain technology into grass-roots village areas


On 28 March, a journalist from the Greater River newspaper, the Financial Cube of the Greater River, was informed that 11 village councils in Henan, Hebei and Hubei provinces had been placed in the “Digital Village People” project, which had been launched to promote the characteristics and winds of the local village. Users also had the honorary title of “Digital Villages” while purchasing these figures. The head of the “Digital Villages” project introduced the project as a first attempt to integrate block-chain technology into the grass-roots village area, combining the village economy with the audience and technical advantages of a web auction platform, to promote local village identity throughout the country, and to assist in the construction of digital villages through the development of digital traveler products.


Digital art on the chain generated by the “Digital Villagers” project


Block chain technology to solve cases of telecommunications fraud


In recent years, a number of telecommunications frauds have emerged under the guise of virtual money investment. Indeed, such telecommunications frauds are not entirely invisible, and the application of block-chain technology has helped the relevant sectors to trace their roots, manage their source, and maintain the popular “money bags”. For example, the Untied Laboratory under the flag of the Flame Group and its self-researched “starry” system, which focuses on chain intelligence analysis, security defense countermeasures, and wind control strategy studies, and support network security management.


Block chain technology for intelligent civil aviation construction


On May 16, South China’s electronic signature maintenance using block chain technology in China’s civil aviation was recorded in Guangzhou, leaving behind the traditional paper-based record-keeping model and opening a new era of paperless electronic record-keeping. South China’s use of block chain and face-recognition technology led to the development of paperless electronic signature systems.


Xinhua Network.


Block chain technology applied to digital collections


On April 15, the Xiamen Orbital Group issued the Xiamen Metro Digital Medal and the Carbon Score System. The Xiamen Metro Digital Medal is known to be the first digital metro ticket to be issued in the country's orbital field, encrypted by block chain technology. With block chain technology, each Xiamen Metro Digital Medal has a unique serial number, and the information is unique and personal.


Xiamen Metro Digital Medals


Deployment and planning


16 departments, including the Central Networking Office, jointly publish a pilot list of innovative applications of national block chains


In order to further develop the innovative application of the block chain, the Secretariat of the Central Network, the Offices of the Ministry of Communication, the Supreme People's Court, the Office of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Industry and Informationization, among others, have issued a joint circular in recent days, publishing a list of 15 pilot applications for innovative applications of the integrated and 164 country-specific clusters, as determined by local and departmental recommendations, expert reviews and online publicity procedures.


State Department: Encourage platform enterprises to accelerate technological breakthroughs in areas such as artificial intelligence, block chains, etc.


The State Council has recently issued a circular on the issuance of a solid economic policy package, which calls for the promotion of the platform's economic norms for healthy development and encourages the platform's enterprises to accelerate technological breakthroughs in areas such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, block chains, operating systems and processors.


Opinion of the Supreme People's Court on strengthening the application of the block chain of justice issued


On 25 May, the Supreme People's Court issued the Opinion of the Supreme People's Court on Enhancing the Use of the Block Chain of Justice, further advancing the People's Court's application of the key technologies represented by the Block Chain to accelerate the digital transformation of the People's Court, create a higher level of digital justice, promote the rule of law and the deep integration of science and technology into development, and promote the construction of the intelligent rule of law at a higher level.


The block chain is north of the river.

雄安新区:区块链护航 数字技术改变生活

Yuan New Zone: block chain escort. Digital technology changes life.


In order to avoid the risk of funds being diverted or diverted, a system of blocks for the management of government investment projects has been developed to allow for the accurate, timely and transparent disbursement of funds. To date, more than 20 billion yuan in government investment funds have been disbursed, benefiting about 180,000 farmers.


Regulation on the Promotion of the Digital Economy in Hebei Province


The people's government at and above the county level and its industrial and information-reform authorities, the development of reform departments, the online information sector at the county level, the provincial communications administration, etc., should adopt policy measures to accelerate the development of the electronic information manufacturing industry, software and information services, telecommunications television and satellite transmission services, Internet services, with a focus on modern communications, new displays, semiconductor materials and devices, automobile electronics and products, software products and services, artificial intelligence and smart equipment, network security, etc., in accordance with the requirements of the digital industry development throughout the province, taking into account local realities, so as to foster the new generation of information technology industries, such as sector chains, quantum information, virtual reality, etc.


Implementation programme for the strengthening of the modern and advanced measurement system in Hebei Province


Develop and apply advanced measuring instrument equipment. Promote the application of new technologies such as quantum chips, object networking, block chains and artificial intelligence in measuring instrument equipment, and actively promote the intellectualization and networking of measuring instrument equipment.


Original title: Cybercivilization Block Chains



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