区块链起源于比特币,2008年11月1日,一位自称中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)的人发表了《比特币:一种点对点的电子现金系统》一文?[4],阐述了基于P2P网络技术、加密技术、时间戳技术、区块链技术等的电子现金系统的构架理念,这标志着比特币的诞生。
The chain of blocks originated in xff0c; November 1, 2008 xff0c; a person claiming ; this 公有链是指全世界谁都能够读取的、任何人都可以发送交易且交易能获得有效确认的、任何人都能参与其中共识过程的区块链——共识过程决定哪个区块可被添加到区块链中和明确当前状态。公有链通常被认为是“完全去中心化”的。它的特点是不可篡改,匿名公开,技术门槛低,是真正的去中心化。每个参与者可以看到全部的账户余额和其全部的交易活劢。公有链的主要应用有比特币,以太坊等。 联盟链通俗来讲就是“被阉割的公有链”,是指其共识过程受到预选节点控制的区块链。它主要的应用在机构间的交易、结算或清算等B2B场景 。举个例子,像银行间进行支付、结算、清算的系统就能够采用联盟链的形式,将各家银行的网关节点作为记账节点。 Union chains are commonly referred to as “public chains of castrated” & #xff0c; they refer to blocks in which consensus processes are controlled by pre-selected nodes. They are mainly applied to B2B scenarios such as inter-agency transactions, settlements or liquidations. Examples are & #xff0c; systems such as inter-bank payments, settlements, liquidations can take the form of a chain xff0c; and the network nodes of banks are used as accounting nodes. 私有链按照字面意思就是完全私有的区块链,即是写入权限仅在一个组织手里的区块链。读取权限或者对外开放,或者被一定程度地进行了限制。区块链上的读写权限、参与记账权限按联盟规则来制定。整个网络由成员机构共同维护,网络接入一般通过成员机构的网关节点接入,共识过程由预先选好的节点控制。私有链的特点是交易速度快,保护隐私,而且交易成本极低;但是它也有一些缺点,私有链可以被操作价格,也能够修改代码的,风险较大。 1、去中心化 所谓去中心化,是指由于区块链使用分布式核算和存储,不存在中心化的硬件或管理机构,任意节点的权利和义务都是均等的,系统中的数据块由整个系统中具有维护功能的节点来共同维护。 2、开放性 所谓开放性,是指区块链系统是开放的,除了对交易各方的私有信息进行加密,区块链数据对所有人公开,任何人都能通过公开的接口,对区块链数据进行查询,并能开发相关应用,整个系统的信息高度透明。 The so-called open xff0c; refers to blocks chain systems that are open xff0c; except for encryption of private information of the parties to the transaction xff0c; block chain data that are publicly available to all xff0c; anyone who can access the open interface xff0c; query block chain data xff0c; able to develop applications xff0c; and information that is highly transparent throughout the system. 3、自治性 区块链的自治性特征建立在规范和协议的基础上。区块链采用基于协商一致的规范和协议(如公开透明的算法),使系统中的所有节点都能在去信任的环境中自由安全地交换数据,让对“人”的信任改成对机器的信任,任何人为的干预都无法发挥作用。 4、信息不可篡改 所谓信息不可篡改,即一旦信息经过验证并添加到区块链,就会被永久地存储起来,除非同时控制系统中超过51%的节点,否则单个节点上对数据库的修改是无效的。正因为此,区块链数据的稳定性和可靠性都非常高,区块链技术从根本上改变了中心化的信用创建方式,通过数学原理而非中心化信用机构来低成本地建立信用,出生证、房产证、婚姻证等都可以在区块链上进行公证,拥有全球性的中心节点,变成全球都信任的东西。 The so-called information cannot be tampered with xff0c; once the information is authenticated and added to the block chain xff0c; it will be permanently stored xff0c; unless more than 51% of nodes in the system are controlled simultaneously xff0c; changes to the database on individual nodes are invalid. That is why xff0c; the stability and reliability of the block chain data are very high xff0c; block chain technology fundamentally changes the central credit creation xff0c; low-cost credit is built through mathematical principles rather than central credit institutions xff0c; birth certificates, real estate certificates, marriage certificates, etc. can be publicly authenticated on the block chain #xff0c; there is a global central node xff0c; there is a global trust. 5、匿名性 所谓匿名性,是指节点之间的交换遵循固定算法,其数据交互是无须信任的,交易对手不用通过公开身份的方式让对方对自己产生信任,有利于信用的累计。 区块链的基本结构如下图所示: The basic structure of the block chain is shown in figure xff1a below; GameFi游戏主要有以下几个: The GameFi game consists mainly of the following xff1a; 1、开发平台 Ethereum 1. Develop a platform, Etheeum Ethereum是目前全球除了比特币以外第二大的区块链项目,它就像一台遍及全世界的分布式计算机 Etherum is the second largest block chain project in the world except Bitcoin xff0c; it's like a distributed computer all over the world. 2、共识机制 2. Consensus mechanism 共识机制决定了运行DAPP的各节点如何达成共识及获取奖励,目前最常用的共识机制有POW、POS以及DPOS等。 The consensus mechanism determines how to reach consensus and obtain incentives at the various nodes running DAPP; the most commonly used consensus mechanisms are POW, POS and DOS. 3、代币分发 3. Currency distribution 挖矿:以比特币为例,任何拥有计算资源的人都可以加入到比特币的挖矿中来,通过挖矿奖励来获取新的比特币。 Excavation xff1a; by collecting other coins already mature on the market xff0c; converting them into 20% in the DAPP xff0c; anyone with a calculated resource xff0c; acquiring new bitcoins through a mining incentive. 2008年11月1日,一个真实身份至今未知的神秘人化名中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto),发表了一篇论文《比特币:一种点对点的电子现金系统》(也称比特币白皮书),陈述了他颠覆性的设想。中本聪开发出了比特币系统的程序代码并开源共享,2009年1月3日,比特币第一个区块由中本聪挖出,而后一直绵延至今。 1 November 2008 xff0c; Satoshi Nakamoto & #xff0c; published a paper 比特币是一个价值传输网络,参与比特币系统运作的人(包括用户),就是网络中一个个节点,节点彼此等权,没有中心,相互之间连接完全自由,各自保存着完全一致的比特币账本,运行着遵循相同规则的比特币程序。任何人都可以加入比特币网络,新加入比特币网络的节点,都可以向原有节点要一份比特币账本。 Bitcoin is a value transfer network & #xff0c; people involved in the operation of the Bitcoin system (including users) & #xff0c; is a node in the network & #xff0c; no central xff0c; complete freedom of connection xff0c; each keeps a fully consistent bitcoin account & #xff0c; runs a bitcoin program that follows the same rules. Anyone can join the Bitcoin network xff0c; new bitconet node #xff0c; can ask for a bitcoin account to the original node. 我们可以随机生成一个私钥,私钥也是一个256位的二进制数。抛256次硬币,正面朝上记成1,反面朝上记成0,这样也能随机生成一个私钥。然后用椭圆曲线数字签名算法(ECDSA)对私钥进行运算,生成公钥,再对公钥进行哈希运算,就得到了地址。私钥生成公钥的过程也是不可逆的,从公钥无法反推私钥,想试出私钥得试到天荒地老。用椭圆曲线数字签名算法生成的公钥可以配合私钥,进行非对称加密。 We can generate a private key at random xff0c; a private key is also a 256-digit binary number. Throw 256 coins xff0c; head-to-face 1xff0c; reverse-to-face 0xff0c; so we can also generate a private key randomly. Then use the elliptical curve digital signature algorithm (EDCSA) to calculate the private key xff0c; generate the public key xff0c; run the public key xff0c; get the address. The private key generation process is also an irreversible xff0c; cannot reverse the private key xff0c; want to test the private key to become obsolete.
ICO:?可以简单理解为众筹。通过收集市面上已经成熟的其他代币,根据一定比例兑换为本DAPP内的代币来完成。Ethereum就是按照 1BTC/2000ETH的比例通过ICO众筹到了很多比特币作为起始资金。这种分发方式在国内已被禁止。
strong ICO:? can be understood as simple. By collecting other coins already mature on the market xff0c ; converting them into 20% in the DAPP < < #xp/ruffp >
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