Recently, the central bank’s digital currency DCEP was hot, triggering popular debate. Many people confused digital currency with virtual currency. Today, let’s find out what happened.
To trace the origin of the currency, the main points are as follows:
金属货币的辉煌 —— 金银铸币,稀有而贵重,正如马克思所言:“金银非天生货币,货币却天生金银。”
The glory of the metal currency — gold and silver mounds, rare and precious, as Max said: “Gold and silver are not natural currencies, but they are natural”.
信用货币的兴起 —— 纸币铜钱,依托国家信誉,价值非自持,而是信之所赋。
The rise of the — coins and coins in banknotes, based on the credibility of the nation and not on its own value, but on faith.
In modern times, currency patterns change:
电子化的步伐 —— 法定货币的数字化身,银行卡、微信支付宝,数字跳动,实则法定货币的信息化足迹。
The pace of
数字货币的前沿 —— 如DCEP,非简单支付工具,而是法定数字货币,与存款等值,尚待正式登场。
The frontier of
Virtual currency, e.g. bitcoin, unofficially recognized:
No central bank endorsements, no State credit, like airhouses, have been emboldened by the anonymity of underground transactions.
Technically, the decentralization of Bitcoin, despite its advanced philosophy, is incredibly inefficient, with one transaction, one moment, half a day, daily use.
Bitcoin's ploys are often exaggerated as a potential substitute for the legal currency. They are capital playing fields, virtual stock markets exist and should not be followed blindly.
As for Queens and others, they are virtual tokens in the game, far away from the nature of the currency. Lieutenant-in-law’s warmth warns that investment needs to be careful against financial fraud under false currency names.
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