
资讯 2024-07-04 阅读:50 评论:0
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In the digital age, Bitcoin has become a powerful investment modality, and many people want to know how to buy and trade bitcoin. So how does bitcoin buy and sell?


Bitcoin is an encrypted digital currency based on block chain technology, whose records of transactions are recorded in a distributed database, resulting in decentralised and anonymous transactions. Bitcoin values fluctuate with market supply and demand, making them attractive to investors.


First, you need to create a bitcoin wallet, which corresponds to your digital wallet, in which you store bitcoin.


Second, you can buy bitcoin through the Bitcoin exchange, which is an online platform that allows users to buy and sell bitcoin.


Bitcoin transactions are carried out through a network of block chains, each of which is packaged into a block and is connected to the previous block by calculating the Hashi value generated, forming an undisguised chain. The transaction is encrypted and declassified by private and public keys, ensuring the security and anonymity of the transaction.


When dealing in bitcoin, sound trading strategies and risk control measures are developed. Do not go blind, choose the right time to buy and sell, depending on market trends and their own circumstances.


As the Bitcoin market grew, more and more people began to focus on and participate in the Bitcoin deal. In the future, Bitcoin could become a global digital currency, changing the pattern of traditional financial systems, and promoting innovation and development in financial science and technology.


By learning and doing so, you can learn the skills and know-how of Bitcoin transactions and achieve the twin objectives of value addition and risk management. I hope this paper will provide you with some help and inspiration in the area of Bitcoin trading.

  1. 打开欧易OKX交易所官网,点击页面右上方【注册】按钮进入注册页面,在首页输入邮箱地址。

    Open the OEOKX Exchange Officer Network and click on the [Registration] button above the right page to enter the registration page and enter the mailbox address on the first page.

  2. 向右滑动滑块,完成拼图进行验证,然后输入邮箱收到的验证码,验证码有效时间为10分钟。

    Slide to the right, complete the puzzle for validation, and then enter the authentication code received in the mailbox, which is valid for 10 minutes.


Then enter a mobile phone number and click on "Certify immediately"


4. Enter the six-digit digital authentication code received on the cell phone for the same period of 10 minutes

5 .选择居住国家/地区,勾选服务条款、《风险与合规披露》及隐私政策与声明

5. Selection of country/area of residence, ticking of service terms, Risk and Compliance Disclosure and privacy policies and statements

6.创建密码需要符合长度为 8-32 个字符、1 个小写字母、1 个大写字母、1 个数字、1 个符号,如:!@ # $ %等条件

6. The creation of passwords requires the following conditions: 8-32 characters, 1 lowercase letter, 1 capital letter, 1 number, 1 symbol, e. g.! @#$%


7. Identification (KYC authentication) is required for the transaction, access to the identification page and complete basic LV.1 authentication, advanced LV.2 authentication and LV.3 video authentication on page alerts.




(1) The higher the level of authentication, the easier it is to match better-quality businesses and more favourable prices when dealing in French currency.


(2) The LV.3 video authentication cannot be performed by the NVnet, please download EuroAPP to complete the authentication.


8. Click on the transaction - basic transaction, enter the transaction page


9. Click on BTC/USDT to show current bitcoin prices


Enter the number of bitcoins for purchase, click for purchase, click for sale, and then click for sale. Note: Bitcoin has a minimum transaction volume of 0.00001 BTC.

据小编了解目前欧易OKX交易所Lv 1-VIP 8交易手续费分别是:挂单成交手续费:0.080%——-0.005% 吃单成交手续费:0.100%——0.020%。

According to the editor-in-chief, the current transaction fee for the EuroOKX Exchange Lv 1-VIP 8 is 0.080 per cent--0.005 per cent per transaction fee per single transaction fee: 0.100 per cent-0.020 per cent.

在计算手续费等级时,若币币交易量、交割和永续合约总交易量(USDT 交割合约、币本位交割合约、USDT 永续合约、币本位永续合约)、期权合约交易量、资产量满足不同手续费等级的条件,则用户享受其中最高等级的手续费优惠。

In calculating the fee level, the user is entitled to the highest-level fee discount if the total transaction volume of the currency, the delivery and the permanent contract (USDT contract, the currency contract, the USDT contract, the currency contract), the volume of the option contract transaction and the volume of assets meet the requirements of the different fee levels.

例如,某用户最近30天币币交易量为20,000,000 USD(满足VIP 2),最近 30 天USDT 交割合约、币本位交割合约、USDT 永续合约、币本位永续合约的总交易量为200,000,000 USD(满足VIP 3),最近 30 天期权交易量为5,000,000 USD(满足VIP 1),当日 0点快照资产量为5,000,000 USD (满足VIP 4)。则该用户享受的手续费等级为VIP 4,所有业务线交易均可享受VIP 4的优惠条件。

For example, the last 30-day amount of currency transactions was 20,000,000 USD (satisfactory with VIP 2) for a user, the last 30-day USDT contract, currency value contract, USDT permanent contract, currency value permanent contract with a total transaction value of 200,000 USD (satisfactory with VIP 3), the last 30-day amount of options with 5,000,000 USD (satisfactory with VIP 1) and the same day's 0-day snapshot of assets with 5,000,000 USD (satisfactory with VIP-4), while the user's fee level was VIP 4, and all line transactions were eligible under the terms of VIP 4.

欧易已于2022年5月26日 (HKT) 对手续费率体系进行升级,届时VIP 5将增加资产量考核要求,用户的资产量或交易量任一条件符合 VIP 5 等级要求均可享受该等级的手续费率,大幅降低用户享受VIP手续费及权益的门槛。最新手续费率体系将在2022年5月26日16:00 (HKT) 更新并且生效,用户的最新手续费等级将在2022年5月27日07:00 (HKT) 更新并且生效,

On May 26, 2022 (HKT), Eurola upgraded the system of processing rates, by which time the VIP 5 will increase the asset measurement requirement, and the user will be entitled to the level of processing rates for any asset or transaction volume that meets the VIIP 5 rating requirement, significantly reducing the user threshold for payment of VIP fees and entitlements. The latest processing rate system will be updated and effective on May 26, 2022 at 16:00 (HKT), and the latest user fee levels will be updated and effective on May 27, 2022 at 07:00 (HKT).


注册有任何问题请添加 微信:MVIP619 拉你进入群

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