
资讯 2024-07-09 阅读:60 评论:0
来源:蓝狐笔记 距离离比特币减半还有30多天,比特币的历史性时刻逐步来临。而3月中旬的加密市场大跌让人们有充分的理由质疑这两个事情: 比特币的“数字黄金”叙事以及其避风港特性比特...



  • 比特币的“数字黄金”叙事以及其避风港特性

  • 比特币的减半效应


In a previous article, Blue Fox notes have explained views on “bitcoin digital gold” & #xff08;


what is the halving effect of Bitcoin #xff1f;


In short, xff0c; halving bitcoin's reward per 210,000 blocks xff0c; about every four years xff0c; two times in history xff0c; 2012 and 2016 respectively. The total supply of bitcoin is 21 million xff0c; the next halved block is 630,000 xff0c; expected to be around 14 May 2020.


xfff08; 37 days to be halved; source(xffff0c); source(s)


To halve xff0c; block incentives will be reduced from 12.5btc to 6.25btc, equivalent to an additional 54,000 btc, per month; sharply reduced to 27,000btc per month. At the current price of btc xff0c; reduced by nearly $200 million a month xff0c; i.e. xff0c; dropped from $400 million xff0c; turned to only $200 million. This means a significant reduction in supply xff0c; demand remains constant xff0c; this means an increase in value of btc.


It is based on this expectation that xff0c; xff0c in the encryption market; xff0c; xff0c in the article on the “50-percent effect” of Bitcoin; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c in the middle of March; xff0c; xff0c in the middle of March; xff0c in the heart of the market; xff0c in the market; xff0c in the eye; xff0c in the eye of the people who see it; xff0c in the face of the forecasters.


So xff0c; how to see the half-percent effect of Bitcoin xff1f; whether it's “theorology” xff0c; or whether it's a real “effect” xff1f that has a real impact on the market; two issues that are of the highest concern xff1a;

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Many people think that xff0c; that xff0c as half has come; that the half effect has already been factored into the price of Bitcoin. By mid-February, Bitcoin prices had exceeded $10,000 xff0c; and that xff0c; this suggests that the half-percent effect has already been factored into bitcoin prices. But the subsequent collapse has left price-bearing hypothesis in a state of difficulty xff0c; in particular, the so-called effective market hypothesis xff0c; that xff0c as expected with bitcoin being halved; and that bitcoin prices are already reflected in the halving scenario.


If historically xff0c; indeed there is a halving effect. And the halving effect has different results at different time scales. Because people’s emotions are often vulnerable to short-term price fluctuations xff0c; it is difficult to see the halving effect of Bitcoin at a longer time scale xff0c; and there is a variety of controversy.


In terms of halving 2016, xff0c; according to CMC statistics xff0c; the price of Bitcoin was $666.52 on 9 July 2016. The overall trend in Bitcoin was upward xff0c one year before halving; of course, there was constant fluctuations between xff0c; this was also the normal pattern in Bitcoin. Nevertheless, xff0c; before halving xff0c; a slight emphasis was placed on the effect of halving. xff0c in about half a month before halving; there was a clear pull-off and subsequent decline xff0c; and then a flat period of more than four months.


The apparent boost lasted nearly a month xff0c; it started on 20 May 2016 and ended on 17 June 2016. The price rose from US$ 438.72 to US$ 763.78 xff0c; in less than a month xff0c; the price rose by more than 70%. But xff0c; more than half a month before the halving of 9 July 2016 xff0c; price adjustment xff0c; down to US$ 666.52; even so xff0c; more than 50% higher than a month ago. But after the halving, xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; ktco; the high of US$ 763.78 xff0c prior to the halving of the gap; xff0c; until the end of 2016 xff0c; xff0c; a new high of US$ 1000; from this halving, the historical trajectory of xff0c; and the start of the market at the start of the 50 per cent.


So xff0c; if you look at xff0c at a larger timescale; if the half of 2016 is the start of the 2017 cattle market. There is a small increase of xff0c in almost a month before the reduction; but xff0c in the framework of the entire cattle market for more than a year; this is only a small episode.


In other words, xff0c; xff0c by half in 2016; real price accounting for the halving effect of bitcoins is not a two-month event xff0c; it may be more than a year. One of the most important reasons behind this is a sharp drop in the supply of bitcoins xff0c; it is not immediately reflected in bitcoin prices xff0c; its impact on the bottom of the market xff0c; and it takes more than a year to really digest.


Of course xff0c; the effect of halving in 2016 was not the first time. The first was the event of halving the cattle peak on 28 November 2012. There was also an increase before halving xff0c; but the increase was not clear xff0c; about five months after halving xff0c; it was partly similar to the one in 2016 xff0c; it was not until then that there was a significant climb xff0c; however xff0c; its arrival at the cattle peak was shorter than xff0c in 2016; its arrival took some more than one year; xff08; xff0c in 2016; due to a large price base xff0c; the peak period of arrival at the cattle market took about one and a half years. xff09; assuming that, according to this logic, ff0c; halving by 2020 xff0; the entire market may need a longer time to cool down by x0; if it takes two years x0; this means of starting at the end of 20202020; 2020202000 ff.


xff0c the year before the first halving on 28 November 2012; the price of Bitcoin rose more than 300% xff0c; the price of bitcoin did not rise before reaching xff0c; prices rose more than 1000% xff0c the year after halving; the largest price in Bitcoin history crossed xff0c; bitcoin entered 1000 United States dollars from the $10 level. xff0c the year before the second halving on 9 July 2016; bitcoin rose by about 100% xff0c; and the year after halving by more than 280%.


Of course xff0c; the market environment and factors are different at every time to halve xff0c; from the point of view of the blue fox notes xff0c; this change must not be based on the predicted “play” xff0c; all predictions are naturally watery. So you cannot fully predict xff0c according to historical scripts; you have to adjust your views at any time to market changes.


In summary, xff0c; xff0c from a one-year time scale; due to an overall upward trend in bitcoin xff0c; therefore xff0c before and after halving; the overall trend is upward. From the angle of the blue fox notes xff0c; even so xff0c; based on historical data xff0c; or two features xff1a;


The half-per-cent effect of Bitcoin is mainly xff0c; it is not to be realized before it is halved. Price growth after the first and second xff0c; price growth after the halving of Bitcoin is to be exceeded by price growth before it is halved.


xff0c; first halves take a year to reach the peak xff0c; over $1,000. The second takes a year and a half to reach the peak xff0c; nearly $20,000. Third halves xff1f; what happens xff1f;


Why is Bitcoin always so volatile? #xff1f;


Bitcoin was more than $10,000 xff0c in mid-February; by mid-March it became $5,000 xff0c; it fell by 50% a month. Perhaps it looked very volatile xff0c; but this is the cryptomarket xff0c; this is something that has happened repeatedly in the history of xff0c; and it is no surprise.


How to understand the volatility of bitcoin fluctuations xff1f; how the volatility is so great xff0c; why there are still people who have the title “digital gold” xff1f;


The volatility of the Bitcoin market is certainly caused by more than one xff0c; one xff0c; one xff0c; one xff0c; one xff0c; one xff0c; one xff0c; one , ,


For example, in mid-February, black swans were associated with large economic environments such as the outbreak of the epidemic and oil price competition xff0c; they were also associated with the overall structure of the encryption market. The economic environment at that time led to a liquidity crisis worldwide xff0c; bitcoin and gold that could not be avoided. The triggers of these crises xff0c; the decline in the encryption market xff0c; the natural dispersion of the cryptotrade site xff0c; the triggering of the liquidation xff0c; the consequent rapid decline xff0c; and the unsoundness of the encryption market structure.


At the same time xff0c; participants in the Bitcoin market xff0c; investment funds, currency holders, short-term traders, arbitrators, etc. are unable to maintain rationality in the face of collapse xff0c; this further exacerbates the decline. The combination of multiple factors xff0c; and directing the perfect storm of 3.12 black swans.


After this black swan, xff0c; on an encrypted exchange xff0c; lying silently on over $1 billion USDT and USDC Stable Currency. xff0c; part of it is hedge money. This also shows xff0c; currently looking xff0c; whether it is a stable currency to act as a safe haven for assets. xff08; noteworthy xff0c; if at current prices xff0c; these funds are sufficient to absorb the new currency in five months after halving. xff09 is still sufficient.



Leaving aside these almost unpredictable market environments, black swans, etc. xff0c; then why is bitcoin always volatile xff1f; here is a fundamental factor xff0c; that is, bitcoin's own design mechanism determines its volatility.


Bitcoin’s game mechanism is an important factor in determining price volatility. Bitcoin’s ultimate goal is whether it is digital gold & #xff0c; a safe haven for assets & #xff0c; or a global clearinghouse. Before reaching its ultimate goal & #xff0c; the huge volatility of Bitcoin prices & #xff0c; it must be around it. In a sense xff0c; this is from its own attributes & #xff0c; not its own flaws.


There are two most important designs for the monetary policy of Bitcoin xff1a;


One is xff0c; fixed cap xff0c; only 21 million.


The second is xff0c; the incentive is reduced by half for every 210,000 blocks.


The currency distribution mechanism in Bitcoin determines xff0c; all miners can compete only for fixed amounts of tokens xff0c; this is a complete zero-sum game mechanism. The acquisition of a miner means the loss of other miners in the market. The game mechanism xff0c, on the one hand, leads miners to reward xff0c; struggles to increase their arithmetic xff0c; and gets a larger share of the reward. But the core of the calculation is efficiency and electricity costs.


So xff0c; xff0c for miners; mining is always a cruel cost battle. It's determined by Bitcoin's own game mechanism. Bitcoin's inflexible distribution mechanism xff0c; leading to incentive competition among miners.


Bitcoin is very rigid in monetary policy & #xff0c; there is no elasticity & #xff0c; and interestingly & #xff0c; bitcoin is very resilient in another way. Bitcoin's difficulty adjustment brings sufficient elasticity to bitcoin. The difficulty adjustment itself is designed to achieve the necessary mechanism for its fixed currency issuance.


The hard-to-reform game mechanism & #xff0c; it is also inherently self-adjusted by the price of the bitcoin itself. When bitcoin prices are too high & #xff0c; when bitcoin mining unions rush into #xff0c; it also includes a number of inefficient miners & #xff0c; they can also make money from it xff0c; because the price relative to cost #xff0c; bitco’s price is enough to support inefficiencies.


But Bitcoin has a stronger demand to sell bitcoin in order to achieve its fixed distribution xff0c; when the miners compete strongly xff0c; it will increase the difficulty xff0c; this will result in losses for formerly profitable miners. In order to maintain mining costs xff0c; inefficient miners have a stronger demand to sell bitcoin. If xff0c at this time xff0c; there are other triggers to decline xff0c; for example, the 3.12 Black Goose incident has caused the price to fall by nearly 50% xff0c; in this case xff0c; inefficient miners are simply unable to sustain xff0c; this has led to a downward adjustment in the market.


It can be said that xff0c; that xff0c, as the subject of a market that can generate $400 million a month, xff0c; that xff0c , ,


Overall #xff0c; #xff0c before Bitcoin reaches its final mission; its own attributes determine that it is bound to fluctuate.








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