广电运通投资设立区块链科技公司 重点拓展供应链金融
上海银行开立国内首单区块链信用证 ■本报见习记者 邢 萌 润和软件
On 22 May, Shanghai Bank signed a sector strategic cooperation agreement with Jiangsu
上海银行今年将供应链金融作为发展重点之一,立足搭建线上化平台,结合区块链、大数据等技术手段运用,打造“合作、开放、共赢”供应链金融服务体系,解决中小企业融资难、融资贵难题,切实履行金融机构社会职责。润和软件作为国内金融行业软件服务上市企业,在区块链领域具有丰富的开发经验和产品体系,此次上海银行与润和软件共建“区块链平台”,将发挥双方在不同领域的优势,加快供应链金融创新步伐。 The Shanghai Bank has made supply chain finance one of its development priorities this year, building on a web-based upscaling platform that combines technical tools such as block chains and big data to create a “cooperative, open, win-win” supply chain financial services system that addresses the financial and financial challenges of SMEs and effectively fulfils the social responsibilities of financial institutions. As a listed enterprise in the domestic financial sector with extensive development experience and product systems in the area of sector chains, this Shanghai bank and software will build a “block chain platform” that will leverage each other’s strengths in different areas and accelerate the pace of financial innovation in the supply chain. 当天,上海银行与建设银行还签署了区块链合作协议,并开立了国内首单基于区块链技术的国内信用证。不同传统信用证开立的方式,区块链信用证基于区块链密码学及共识机制,将代开信用证中涉及的各种纸质凭证、合同、发票、报关单等信息影像上链,使得这些信息不可篡改。同时,随着代开信用证联盟链参与节点的不断增加,构建成一套多方参与、多节点、安全完整的信用证据链。 On the same day, Shanghai Bank signed a block-chain cooperation agreement with 责任编辑:何凯玲
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