在比特币中,1 sat 是多少美元?

资讯 2024-07-12 阅读:43 评论:0
普通人绝对想不到,比特币能在2024年达到这个价值,早知道的话,我当初就是破釜沉舟也得买一个啊。No ordinary man could have...


No ordinary man could have expected #xff0c; Bitcoin could have reached that value by 2024; if I had known, #xff0c; I had to buy one, too.

而在4月19号,也将迎来比特币再次减半。减半并不是说玩家手中的比特币要被突然减去一半,而是在后续的挖矿过程中,奖励减半。他的机制就是每开采210000个区块后,奖励减半。比如以前的旷工算出来1 + 1 = 2;后,可以得到10块钱奖励,那么4月19号以后,你费电,费机器,通过算出1 + 1 = 2;后,只能得到5块钱奖励了。

And on April 19 xff0c; it will also halve Bitcoin again. Half by half does not mean that the player's bitcoin is suddenly reduced by half xff0c; half by half in the follow-up mining process xff0c; half by half. His mechanism is xff0c; half by half. For example, one & #43; 1 #61; 2xff1b; xff0c; after xff0c; after April 19; your electricity #xff0c; your machine #xff0c; by counting 1 & #43; 1 & #61; 2ff1b; ff0c; after 5 dollars.


A lot of people are excited about xff0c; xff0c; quantity is going down; prices are going up again xff0c; prices are going up xff0c; let's get started. I don't think he's going to have to xff0c; he's going up his xff0c; what's going down xff0c; what's going on xff0c; what's going on xff0c; what's going on xff0c; what's going on xff0c; what's going on xff0c; what's going on xff0c; what's going on xff0c; what's going on is not going on.



1 sat

2 获取当前比特币的价格

3 封装获取价格方法?

4 根据聪和比特币价格,换算美元价格


1 sat

sat ,可以喊它为“聪”,当然不是他很聪明,而是有个叫“中本聪”的玩意,他是比特币的创始人,所以人们为了纪念这个“人”,将费率命名为“聪”。

Sat & #xff0c; it can be called "Hear" & #xff0c; it is certainly not he who is smart #xff0c; it is a thing called "Middle-Hear" & #xff0c; he is the founder of Bitcoin & #xff0c; so people remember this person & #xff0c; and the rate is named "Hear".


For example, how much you're going to pay for truancy xff0c; people say how much. The smallest unit of bitcoin is xff0c; 100 million is a bitcoin. If you have time left, xff0c; xff0c; you can try water. So every hearing is 0.000001 BTC.

2 获取当前比特币的价格


If you're developing web3 & #xff0c; then there's certainly a demand for the current bitcoin price. But this price changes very quickly xff0c; it fluctuates almost every second xff0c; so you want to get xff0c more frequently; you see your needs xff0c; sometimes the product requires a minute xff0c; 10 minutes.



The following codes are obtained: xff1a;


这个price 字段就是需要获取的价格

This price


3 封装获取价格方法?

因为这个方法是异步的,肯定会有很多地方需要使用,所以需要将方法封装起来,返回一个promise这样,当其他地方需要的时候,通过async / await 的方式获取价格,代码如下:

Because it's a step-by-step xff0c; there's bound to be a lot of places to use xff0c; there's a need to encapsulate the method xff0c; to return a promise like xff0c; xff0c when needed elsewhere; to get prices xff0c through async/await; code xff1a;


4 根据聪和比特币价格,换算美元价格


For example, a service fee of 2,000 deaf #xff0c; conversion of xff0c based on the ratio of deaf and bitcoin; look at code xff1a;



But what needs to be noted is xff0c; this translates xff0c; it must be a long decimal xff0c; so the front end needs to convert to match(2) for presentation.


But this value is also used to calculate & #xff0c; a previous value infoFixed(2) is needed to calculate & #xff0c; is it more accurate?




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