What's a bitcoin? Simply put, it's an encrypted code, but the technology behind it is complex and fascinating.
Bitcoin is an open-source electronic currency generated by P2P software, also known as digital assets. It is issued without any personal or organizational interference and is decentralised. Anyone who downloads and runs a bitcoin client can participate in bitcoin. Bitcoin flows depend on electronic signatures and a P2P distributed network, and every bit of bitcoin is generated and consumed online and prevents the possibility of repeated consumption.
比特币与黄金的相似之处为什么我们将比特币比作黄金?原因在于它们都具有稀缺性。自2009年1月以来,比特币有一个确定的总量限制 - 不超过2100万个,并且每隔四年,产量就会减半,这意味着到2140年时,比特币的开采将会结束。
Why do we compare bitcoin to gold? Because they're all scarce. Since January 2009, Bitcoin has had a defined total limit - no more than 21 million, and every four years, production will be halved, meaning that by 2140, bitcoin mining will be over.
In order to get bitcoin, you need to prepare computers, miners, wires, and wallets. The higher the computer's configuration, the better, you can also choose a dedicated miner to dig. In addition, a stable network connection and a proper wallet are essential. The wallet functions include calculating your bitcoin balance, backup, trading, etc.
Bitcoin mining is a highly skilled and competitive activity. The number of diggers is high, and the amount of bitcoins per ten minutes is limited, making mining very difficult.
In short, while the bitcoin concept is relatively abstract, it has attracted increasing attention and investment as a new digital currency. Whether you want to understand the basic bitcoin concept or want to get bitcoin through mining, it needs to be well prepared.
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