摩根大通警告:主流ETF空頭頭寸水平持續降低 美股存波動性風險(20240623/00:05)

资讯 2024-07-13 阅读:46 评论:0
ETF競爭加劇 基金頻頻分紅提升產品吸引力(20240624/05:27) Choice數據顯示,截至6月20日,今年以來ETF及ETF聯接基金已分紅逾50億元,較去年同期增長逾70%...

ETF競爭加劇 基金頻頻分紅提升產品吸引力(20240624/05:27)


ETF competition data show that, as of June 20, the ETF and ETF connection fund had been more than $5 billion this year, increasing by more than 70% over the same period last year. In addition, this year only the Fund's first and second places were accounted for by ETF, with more than $2.4 billion in red money and $1.2 billion in red money.

ETF持續吸金 機構看好黃金長期配置價值(20240617/06:34)

近期,黃金價格走勢跌宕起伏,但多隻黃金ETF基金的份額卻逆勢增長。業內人士認為,儘管短期面臨調整,但黃金的中長期配置價值依舊顯著,具體操作上可採取逢低分批買入的策略。儘管近期黃金價格遭遇調整,但黃金ETF的吸引力不減。根據東方財富Choice數據,截至6月12日,5月以來包括天弘上海金ETF、嘉實上海金ETF、南方上海金ETF、易方達黃金ETF等在內的多隻ETF產品份額呈現淨增長態勢。納入統計的14隻黃金ETF產品份額在此期間合計增加了41659.98萬份。 (上證報)

Recent gold prices have been adjusted, but the attractiveness of the gold ETF has not diminished. According to the Eastern Treasury Choece, as of 12 June, the share of the gold ETF fund has grown in May, including the High Sea Gold ETF, the High Sea Gold ETF, the South Sea Gold ETF, the Middle East Sea Gold ETF, and the Middle East Gold ETF, among others, have increased the value of many of the ETF products in the country.



According to the South Fund Management Ltd. announcement, the Central 500 trading open index investment fund will be interest-free on May 17, 2024. The Shanghai Stock Exchange will adjust all outstanding contracts of the China 500 ETF period title on the same day and re-establish the new China 500 ETF title contract.



On May 6, A50ETF Wahb (15996) rose by 1.79%, and the weight of the mega-market heavy-equity pools in the states of Maotai, Ningde, and Peace in China rose by over 3% (20240506/10:13) > > > >, with the A shares up by three major indicators, the core portfolio going up, the A50ETF Huabau (159596) up by 1.79%, and the state of Mandarin, Ningde, and the China Peace Fair by more than 3%. The structure notes that the new "Nine Rules" makes new demands for quantitative funds, high-frequency transactions, the central thrust of which is to promote long-term stability in the market through the enforcement of supervisory control.

滬深300ETF放量 活躍前六ETF半日成交量近百億(20240506/11:58)



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