
资讯 2024-07-14 阅读:50 评论:0
随着市场情绪渐暖,多枚加密货币展现牛市端倪,其中Thorchain(RUNE)、Akash Network(AKT)、Kava(KAVA)与EOS尤为引人瞩目。本文将深入剖析这四者的近期动态及未来展...

随着市场情绪渐暖,多枚加密货币展现牛市端倪,其中Thorchain(RUNE)、Akash Network(AKT)、Kava(KAVA)与EOS尤为引人瞩目。本文将深入剖析这四者的近期动态及未来展望,为投资者揭示潜在价值洼地。

As the market’s mood warms, a number of encrypted moneys show up in cattle markets, among them Thorchain (RUNE), Akash Network (AKT), Kava (KAVA) and EOS, which are particularly interesting. This paper will provide an in-depth analysis of recent developments and prospects for the future of these four, revealing potential values to investors.



1. **复苏势头强劲**:RUNE价格已跃居200天指数移动平均线(EMA)之上,自2023年底起展现出强劲反弹态势,预示着市场信心的回归。

1. **The recovery has been strong**: RUNE prices have jumped above the 200-day index moving average (EMA), showing a strong rebound since the end of 2023, heralding a return in market confidence.

2. **HODLers青睐**:RUNE吸引大量长期持有者关注,预期价格将迎来显著攀升,进一步提振市场热度。

2. **HODLers preferred**: RUNE attracted the attention of a large number of long-term holders, and prices are expected to rise significantly to further boost market heat.

3. **技术面看涨**:RUNE的市场指标与技术指标均呈明显看涨趋势。MACD绿柱持续放大,平均线向上倾斜,且50/200日EMA形成黄金交叉,暗示短期内或将迎来重大价格突破。若上涨势头延续,RUNE有望挑战7.310美元的历史高位;反之,若趋势反转,则可能考验5.360美元支撑位。

3. **Technology **: RUNE's market and technology indicators show a clear upward trend. The MACD green column continues to zoom in, the average line is tilted upwards, and the 50/200 day EMA formed a golden cross, suggesting that a major price breakthrough will occur in the short term. RUNE is expected to challenge the historic high of $7.310 if the upward trend continues; conversely, if the trend reverses, it may test the US$ 5.360 supporting position.

Akash Network(AKT):去中心化云服务引领风潮

1. **创新聚焦**:去中心化云计算热度攀升,AKT凭借其创新模式吸引大量目光。市场情绪极度乐观,贪婪指数高达82分,交易量激增。

1. **Innovation focus**: Decentralizing cloud computing heat rises, AKT attracts a lot of attention with its innovative model. Market sentiment is extremely optimistic, the greed index is as high as 82 points, and the volume of transactions surges.

2. **亮眼表现**:过去30天中,AKT录得18个上涨日,占比达60%,现价逼近周期高点6.24美元,且24小时内涨幅达14.91%。过去一年,AKT涨幅高达1,510%,超越97%的同类币种,彰显其强大竞争力。

2. ** bright performance**: In the last 30 days, AKT recorded 18 days of increase, or 60 per cent, with current prices approaching a near-term high of $6.24 and an increase of 14.91 per cent in 24 hours. AKT increased by 1,510 per cent over the past year, exceeding 97 per cent of the same currency, highlighting its strong competitiveness.

3. **未来展望**:鉴于其创新特性与坚实的社区基础,AKT币有望持续增值。预计至2024年底,最高价格或触及4.82美元,为投资者带来丰厚回报。

3. ** Outlook for the future**: Given its innovative character and solid community base, the AKT is expected to continue to add value. By the end of 2024, the highest price is expected to reach $4.82, yielding substantial returns to investors.


1. **产品升级**:MetisL2与KAVACHAIN上的Wagmi杠杆产品提案以压倒性优势获通过,将于下周在Kava部署,并即日起在Metis网络激活杠杆功能。

1. ** Product upgrade**: The Wagmi Leverage proposal on MetisL2 and KAVACHAIN was overwhelmingly adopted and will be deployed in Kava next week and will activate leverage on the Metis network as of that date.

2. **里程碑达成**:Kava Chain于2024年1月1日实现通胀归零的重要里程碑,成为首个硬顶、高度去中心化的权益证明第一层区块链。半数以上KAVA代币被安全锁定于社区控制的战略金库中,彰显强大社区治理能力。

2. ** Milestones **: Kava Chain's important milestone in achieving zero inflation on 1 January 2024 became the first hard-top, highly de-centralized block chain of rights. More than half of KAVE's indents are safely locked in strategic vaults under community control, demonstrating strong community governance.

3. **市场反馈积极**:Kava Chain展现出卓越的创新力与领导力,持续推动Web 3领域发展。本月KAVA价格连续走强,交易量高企,贪婪指数达81,市场信心充足。现价1.033250美元,日内涨幅6.86%,过去一个月中21个交易日收阳,流动性良好。相较于200日简单移动平均线(SMA),KAVA溢价31.13%。

3. ** Positive market feedback**: Kava Chain showed remarkable innovation and leadership and continued to drive development in the Web 3 area. KAVA prices continued to improve this month, with a high volume of transactions, a greed index of 81, and sufficient market confidence. The current price is $1.033250, with an increase of 6.86 per cent per day, with 21 transactions growing in the past month and good liquidity. Compared to 200 days'simple moving average (SMA), KAVA premium of 31.13 per cent.

4. **未来展望**:在战略合作与社区拓展的双重推动下,KAVA有望在2024年实现重大突破,币价最高或触及2.43美元,平均价格预计维持在2.20美元附近,为投资者提供极具吸引力的投资机遇。

4. ** Outlook for the future**: KAVE is expected to achieve a major breakthrough in 2024, driven by a combination of strategic cooperation and community outreach, with a maximum or touch value of $2.43, with an average price expected to remain close to $2.20, providing an attractive investment opportunity for investors.


1. **重大决策**:EOS首席执行官Yves La Rose宣布将总供应量削减一半,引发投资者热烈讨论。此消息促使EOS价格迅速升至1.2102美元,市场反响积极。

1. **Major decision**: The announcement by EOS CEO Yves La Rose that the total supply would be cut by half has triggered a lively discussion among investors. The news has led to a rapid rise in EOS prices to $1.2102, and the market response has been positive.

2. **市场情绪**:尽管比特币冲击68,000美元关口,EOS的利好消息使其现价稳定在1.25美元左右,恐惧与贪婪指数达81,投资者信心占据上风。

** Market sentiment**: Although Bitcoin hit the $68,000 threshold, the good news of EOS stabilized its current price at around $1.25, the fear and greed index reached 81 and investor confidence prevailed.

3. **供应减半效应**:市场普遍预期EOS减产后市值将突破20亿美元,币价有望超过2美元,吸引更多投资,重塑市场格局。分析师与投资者密切关注EOS后续发展,期待新供需平衡带来的价格上行空间。

3. **The effect of supply halving**: There is a general expectation in the market that the market value of the EOS postpartum reduction will exceed US$ 2 billion, and that the currency is expected to exceed US$ 2 in order to attract more investment and reshape market patterns. Analysts and investors are closely following subsequent developments in EOS and looking forward to the price upscaling space offered by the new balance of supply and demand.


In summary, RUNE, AKT, KVA, and EOS have demonstrated a huge investment potential based on their unique advantages and positive market signals. Investors should closely follow the latest developments in these encrypted currencies, take advantage of market opportunities, and organize future gains.


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