
资讯 2024-07-15 阅读:40 评论:0


The last number of the vehicle

shall be a double number. The last Arabic number shall enter the restricted-line area by reference to the rules of passage for the calendar date “single, two-day” for the last date of the Shenzhen (including personalized plates, temporary plates). The last number shall be a single-day, one-day, three, five, seven and nine-day pass for 0, two, four, six and 8. The second day of recess on Saturday, 31 August, 1 September, Sunday, 31 August, and the second day on 1 September.



2. Entry is unlimited. Vehicles that have entered the restricted area before or during the implementation of single-double-number restrictions are not subject to single-double restrictions for leaving or remaining in the restricted area; however, once they have left, the restricted area for re-entry is subject to single-double-code restrictions.


Shenzhen is a restricted city, and according to the traffic plan, Shenzhen has a number of restricted vehicles in the following areas:

1. 福田区:福田区的所有道路都限车单双号。

Fukuda district: All roads in Fukuda district are restricted to a double number of vehicles.

2. 罗湖区:罗湖区的东园路、北园路、南山园路、罗湖园路、罗湖区罗湖区东园路东段、罗湖区罗湖区东园路南段、罗湖区罗湖区深南大道东段、罗湖区罗湖区深南大道南段等12条道路限车单双号。

2. Lake Roh: 12 road-limits, including 12 road-limits, east or south of Lake Roh, north orient road, south mountain road, south or south of Lake Roh, east or east of Lake Roh or the south of Lake Lo.

3. 南山区:南山区的所有道路都限车单双号。

3. South Mountain: All roads in the South Mountain region are restricted by a double vehicle number.

4. 宝安区:宝安区福永街道、西乡街道、固戍街道、宝体街道、宝安区石岩街道等5个街道的部分道路限车单双号。

4. Bian District: Part of the road block number of the five streets of Bian District, Foyong Street, West Town Street, Stretch Street, BS Street, Stone Street, Boan District, etc.

5. 福田区香蜜湖街道:香蜜湖街道的部分道路限车单双号。

5. Fukuda Lake Street: Part of the Lake Literary Street is a double-barrel number.


It should be noted that these restrictions may be adjusted by factors such as traffic conditions and weather.


(a) The Kano Lake crossing (train station area, including the road to peace);


& nbsp;. Restricted sections: access to the traffic building, train station square or along the river by Peace Road (south of the crossing);


& nbsp; restricted object: an empty rental vehicle;


The entry is prohibited if both numbers are odd or even.


& nbsp; single double limit at the East Gate Midway (Deep South to Sunbow Road);


& nbsp; restricted object: empty leased vehicle; restricted segment: East Gate Centre, two-way north-south

时间限制:每天12: 00至22:00;

Time limit: 12:00 to 22:00 per day;


Restricted rules: A single double number, with the last arabic number corresponding to the end of the date.


During the traffic control period, the motor vehicle list is restricted by double number, with a single day (one, three, five, seven, 9) at the end of the licence plate, and a double day (two, four, six, eight, zero) at the end of the licence plate, whichever is the first of the letters. The vehicle in Shenzhen is restricted by the issuance of a motor vehicle number in the city of Shenzhen.


Passenger vehicles with road transport documents (excluding rented cars) and passenger vehicles with medium or higher.


There's no limit. There's no limit.

深圳本地车牌是不限号的,他无论在哪个县限道只要是正常行驶的 时间段都可以行驶。

Shenzhen's local license plate is open-ended, and he can travel for as long as he's normal in any county.


The so-called Shenzhen restrictions were only for vehicles in the field and for a number of Shenzhen large trucks, which were not allowed access to certain routes for the specified period of time.


In order to reduce traffic congestion and ensure children's safety of movement, the Shenzhen traffic administration may adopt a policy of restriction on special holidays, which is a more special one. In addition, Shenzhen has adopted a policy of restriction on important holidays on several occasions in the past.
If you need to drive on a day of six children's day, it is recommended to know about the policy of restriction in advance, to plan the journey and to avoid unnecessary problems.
At the same time, care must be taken to ensure the safety of children's travel and to take the necessary preventive measures with regard to transportation.


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