The majority of the summer closings of the popular conglomerate are low and the bird software is available at
中国绿色农业跌近24%,宝盛科技跌近20%,开心汽车跌超11%,唯品会跌超6%,拼多多、爱奇艺跌超5%,哔哩哔哩跌近5%,迅雷、红黄蓝跌超4%,京东、HM>汽车之家 券商股集体下挫,富途控股跌超23%,老虎证券跌超14%,海川证券跌近3%。 Collectively, the stockholders fell by more than 23 per cent, Tiger securities ///span> 新能源汽车股涨跌不一,蔚来汽车涨0.4%,小鹏汽车涨0.2%,理想汽车跌0.4%。 //span> /span-0.4% car up 0.2% car up,
美股周二收跌,主要股指连续第二个交易日下滑。强劲的企业财报未能提振已处在接近纪录高位的美股继续上行。 The dollar fell on Tuesday, and the main share was the second consecutive day of the transaction. Robust corporate returns failed to boost the United States stock, which was close to record highs, and continued to do so. 道指跌256.33点,或0.75%,报33821.30点;纳指跌128.50点,或0.92%,报13786.27点;标普500指数跌28.32点,或0.68%,报4134.94点。 A drop of 256.33 points, or 0.75 per cent, or 33821.30 points; a drop of 128.50 points, or 0.92 per cent, or 13786.27 points; a decline of 28.32 points, or 0.68 per cent, or 4134.94 points, was reported. 领涨中概股列表: Summary Table: 领跌中概股列表: : (截图来自新浪财经APP 行情-美股-中概股热门板块)下载新浪财经APP
热点资讯 Hotspot Information 讯鸟软件登陆纳斯达克 IPO首日飙升逾50% The first day IPO went up by more than 50%. 北京客服机器人公司讯鸟软件(Infobird)周二登陆纳斯达克,股票代码为IFBD,IPO首日开盘上涨75%,报7美元,IPO发行价为每ADS 4美元。截至收盘,该公司股价报6.03美元,涨幅50.75%。 Infobird's Infobird software landed on Tuesday at Nasdak. The stock code increased by 75 per cent for IFBD, IPO's first day opening, by $7 and IPO's release by $4 per ADS. As of the closing date, the company's share price increased by 50.75 per cent by $6.03. 招股书显示,讯鸟软件是提供呼叫中心AI驱动或人工智能支持的SaaS解决方案供应商,其在专注于为金融行业的客户提供服务的同时,亦将业务发展至包括教育、公共服务、医疗保健和消费品等行业中。 富途控股宣布增发950万股ADS has announced an additional 9.5 million shares of ADS. 富途控股公布,计划发行950万股美国存托股票(ADS),每份ADS代表8股A类普通股,集资规模达19.4亿美元(折合约150亿港元)。美国银行及海通为承销商。 Affordable Holdings announced plans to release 9.5 million shares of United States Deposited Stock (ADS) each representing 8 shares of A-class general stock of $1.94 billion (a bargain of 15 billion Hong Kong dollars). US Bank and Ocean China as underwriters. 富途控股计划授予承销商30天的选择权,以购买额外至多142.5万股美国存托股票。 The wealth holding scheme grants the underwriter a 30-day option to purchase up to a maximum of 1,425 million United States stock holdings. 李想:理想汽车自研的自动驾驶系统明年完全可以和华为、特斯拉正面较量
理想汽车CEO李想在微博表示,理想汽车现在和以后,所有车型的辅助驾驶和自动驾驶都是完全标配的,包含软件、数据服务、地图服务、算力硬件、传感器等,既不收软件激活的费用,也不收订阅的费用,无论什么价位的车都一样标配。理想汽车自研的自动驾驶系统(标配508Tops算力和激光雷达)明年完全可以和华为、特斯拉正面较量。 car CEO Lee wants to drive at next year. 北京市控烟协会对电子烟监管新规持反对态度 Beijing City Tobacco Control Association is opposed to the new regulation of electronic smoke 北京市控烟协会对增加“电子烟等新型烟草制品参照本条例中关于卷烟的有关规定执行”的提议持反对态度。 The Beijing Municipal Tobacco Control Association is opposed to the proposal to add “the implementation of new tobacco products, such as electronic tobacco, in the light of the provisions of the Regulations on rolling tobacco”. 工信部此前发布《关于修改〈中华人民共和国烟草专卖法实施条例〉的决定(征求意见稿)》,向社会公开征求意见,反馈意见截止日期为2021年4月22日。征求意见稿表示,鉴于电子烟等新型烟草制品与传统卷烟在核心成分、产品功能、消费方式等方面具有同质性,对电子烟等新型烟草制品应当参照《实施条例》中关于卷烟的有关规定执行。 The Ministry of Information and Communications previously issued the Decision on Amending the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Implementation of the Tobacco Monument (Consultation Draft). The deadline for feedback was 22 April 2021. The Consultation Draft states that, in view of the homogeneity of new tobacco products, such as electronic smoke, with regard to core components, product functions, consumption patterns, etc., new tobacco products, such as electronic tobacco, should be implemented in the light of the relevant provisions of the Implementing Regulation on rolling tobacco. 对于《征求意见稿》,北京市控烟协会4月20日表示,对增加“电子烟等新型烟草制品参照本条例中关于卷烟的有关规定执行”的提议持反对态度,认为国家烟草专卖局本质上是在执行烟草总公司的企业职能,不适合作为电子烟的监管单位。 With regard to the Quoting Draft, on 20 April the Beijing Municipal Association for Tobacco Control expressed its opposition to the proposal to add “the implementation of new tobacco products, such as electronic tobacco, by reference to the relevant provisions of this regulation on smoking”, arguing that the National Tobacco Specialized Authority is essentially a business function of the General Tobacco Company and is not suitable as a regulatory unit for electronic tobacco. 哔哩哔哩将于5月13日发布2021年第一季度财报 The first quarter of 2021 will be released on May 13th. 哔哩哔哩宣布,将于美国东部时间2021年5月13日美国股市开盘前(北京时间5月13日晚)发布2021年第一季度财报。 财报发布后,B站管理团队将于美国东部时间5月13日上午8点(北京/香港时间5月13日上午8点)召开电话会议,解读财报要点,并回答投资者和分析师提问。 Following the release of the Bulletin,
作业帮据称考虑在美国上市 筹集至少5亿美元 The strong group is said to be considering raising at least $500 million in the United States. 知情人士透露,中国的在线教育平台作业帮正在考虑在美国首次公开募股,可能筹资至少5亿美元。 Informed sources have revealed that China's online education platform operators are considering raising their first public equity in the United States, with the possibility of raising at least $500 million. 由于信息不公开而要求匿名的知情人士说,这家教育初创公司正在与顾问机构就潜在的股票发行进行合作,股票发行最早可能会在今年下半年。 An anonymous source of information was requested because the information was not publicly available, saying that the Educational Start-up Corporation was working with consultancy agencies on potential stock issuances, which were likely to take place at the earliest in the second half of the year. 新东方2021财年第三季度净利润1.5亿美元 同比增长9.9%
新东方公布了截至2021年2月28日的第三财季未经审计的财务业绩:净收入超11.9亿美元,同比增长29%;净利润1.5亿美元,同比增长9.9%。 The new East published unaudited financial performance for the third fiscal season up to 28 February 2021: net income exceeded $1.19 billion, an increase of 29 per cent over the same period; net profit of $150 million, an increase of 9.9 per cent over the same period. 三季度,新东方学生报名人次约为229.68万,同比增长43%。截至2021年2月28日,学校总数为118家;学校及学习中心总数达1,625家,与去年同期相比净增209家( 2020年同期学校及学习中心总数为1,416家),与上季度相比净增107家。 In the third quarter, the number of students enrolled in the new East was approximately 2,296,000, a 43 per cent increase. As at 28 February 2021, the total number of schools was 118; the total number of schools and learning centres was 1,625, representing a net increase of 209 compared to the same period last year (the total number of schools and learning centres in the same period in 2020 was 1,416) and a net increase of 107 compared with the previous quarter. 截至2021年2月28日,新东方拥有现金和现金等价物15.698亿美元,而截至2020年5月31日时为9.151亿美元。此外,新东方拥有11.478亿美元的定期存款,33.607亿美元的短期投资。 As at 28 February 2021, the New East had cash and cash equivalents of $1,569.8 million, compared with $915.1 million as at 31 May 2020. In addition, the New East had time deposits of $1,147.8 million and short-term investments of $3,360.7 million.
高盛分析师Piyush Mubayi发表报告表示,首予知乎“买入”评级,目标价15.60美元。 Mubayi在报告中表示,截至第四季度,知乎拥有4.69亿独立访客和7570万活跃用户,是中国最大的问答式在线内容社区。该分析师预计,到2023年,知乎的年营收增长率将达97%,并在2023年实现盈利,该分析师表示,对知乎的长期前景表示乐观。 Mubayi states in his report that, by the fourth quarter, he knew that he had 469 million independent visitors and 75.7 million active users, and was China’s largest online content community with question-and-answer sessions. The analyst estimated that by 2023, he would have achieved a 97 per cent annual growth rate and a profit in 2023, and expressed optimism about the long-term outlook. 宝盛科技聘请项目负责人准备启动比特币挖矿业务 Technology has hired project leaders to start bitcoin mining operations 在线营销公司宝盛科技聘请项目负责人启动比特币挖矿业务并签订了购买不超过1000台挖矿机的协议。 The online marketing company, Bosun Technology, engaged the project leader to start the Bitcoin mining business and signed an agreement to purchase no more than 1,000 mining machines. 首席执行官钟文秀在声明中说“公司将谨慎地逐步投入资源试水”。 In his statement, the CEO, Chung Wen-su, stated that “the company will carefully and gradually invest in resource testing”. 宝盛科技未披露购买挖矿机的条款。 Treasure technology does not disclose provisions for the purchase of mining machines. 爱点击宣布推出全新SaaS跨境电商解决方案iSmartGo likes to click to announce the launch of a new SaaS cross-border power provider solution iSmartGo 爱点击(ICLK.US)近期宣布推出全新的企业数字化运营解决方案产品iSmartGo。这套SaaS跨境电商解决方案,将全方位助力国际品牌在微信生态中高效搭建和运营私域流量,优化商业决策,深度挖掘中国消费市场的潜力。 The ICLK.US recently announced the launch of a brand-new corporate digital business solution, iSmartGo. This SaaS cross-border power provider solution will allow the full range of assistive international brands to efficiently build and operate private area flows in micro-trust ecology, optimize business decision-making, and tap deep into China’s consumer market potential. 责任编辑:张玉洁 SF107
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