花20万购买数字货币 钱没赚到账号却被冻结了

资讯 2024-07-15 阅读:54 评论:0


Bitcoin makes people “crazy” and brings virtual money into public view. Bitcoin started to “blow and blow” from US$0.000076 per piece in 2009 to a maximum of US$19780, on December 17, 2017.


When each currency is issued, investors want it to be the next “bitcoin.” Some buy it at a low price, sell it at a high price, and a few make a full fortune in the Ragsaw war, while most are trapped in a trap where they are “cut off” their blood.


On 4 September 2017, the Central Bank and seven other ministries issued a circular on protection against the risk of financing the issuance of tokens: the collection of so-called “virtual” currencies, such as bitcoins and e-dollars, from investors is essentially an unauthorized act of illegal public financing... and explicitly demands that, as of the date of the issuance of this bulletin, the financing of various forms of money issuance should cease immediately.


In order to catch up with the ban on “operational” in the country, a number of virtual money exchanges have “reversed” their identity as foreign subjects. Since virtual money is not protected by the law in the country, many exchanges “run” and investors have no access to them, and one of them is the investor Sofia.


Image by ICphoto




Virtual currency, also known as digital currency, is a virtual, decentralized digital currency.


In 2017, Sofia, an investor from the north of the lake, became aware of a digital currency exchange in Chengdu, and bought CEN, which spent over 200,000 dollars that year, “I remember that CEN was 0.4-0.5 dollars/mules, rising continuously one or two months later, reaching its highest point, close to one dollar/mule.” According to her, the CEN in her hand was roughly 3.4 million yuan. “How long, however,” Sofia said, just a week later, CEN began to collapse, “a minimum of four cents or so, and fell by more than 96 per cent over the highest price.” She also failed to fix it.


Since the first half of this year, Sofia has applied several times to the platform to unfreeze. Until now, the funds in the account have remained frozen.


Later, she attempted to assert her rights through a legal process, but counsel, after learning about the Platform's User Service Agreement, said that the “rights are more costly”.


Sofia said that it was also after she had read it carefully that the Agreement stated that the dispute had to be brought before the Hong Kong arbitral tribunal and that three arbitrators had to be present. Sofia said that the cost in Hong Kong was very high, that “the arbitrators were required to pay fees, the lawyers were required to pay fees, the lawyers were charged a separate fee, and that the entire process would cost tens of thousands of dollars”.


Similarly, Sofia was outraged by the fact that the Platform had a right to change the agreement at any time, without notifying users. “Isn’t that not a hegemonic clause?” Sofia knew that more than one investor such as her, and that the platform’s purpose was to prevent users from doing so indirectly.


Reporter Experience >/strange


User service agreements can be changed at any time

随后,记者登录该货币交易所网站,在公司介绍中记者看到:这是一家位于香港的虚拟资产交易平台和自主监管的托管平台……具备存储和安全设施,为投资者提供托管服务以保护他们的资产安全。记者看到,该网站有“邀请返佣政策,好友注册并完成交易后,将获得他/她交易手续费的返佣奖励。”而记者想要注册成功,则必须勾选“我已阅读并同意 《隐私政策》 和 《用户服务协议》”。

Subsequently, journalists entered the money exchange website, where they saw in the company's presentation that it was a virtual asset-trading platform in Hong Kong and an autonomous hosting platform with storage and security facilities in place to provide hosting services to investors to protect their assets. Journalists saw that the website had a “invited home leave policy, friends register and complete the transaction, and they would receive a reward for his/her transaction fees.” If journalists wanted to register successfully, they had to tick “I have read and agreed to the Privacy Policy and the User Service Agreement”.


The press noted that the Agreement reads: “The Platform reserves the right to modify, add or delete parts of this Agreement at any time...after publication of the changes, if you continue to use this website and platform, accept and agree to the changes on your behalf, and agree that all subsequent transactions shall be governed by this Agreement.”


At the same time, the Agreement states that “this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region... the place of arbitration shall be Hong Kong and the number of arbitrators shall be three”.


In this connection, the journalist interviewed the relevant staff of Chengdu, an exchange company, who said, “Changdu does not do this business (the digital money exchange). If you are talking about another Hong Kong company that we work with, then ask Hong Kong's company that we have no real legal relationship with it.” “We do not evaluate any of the company's operations in Hong Kong, which is our partner's protection.” “Unless they authorize us,” he says he can contact Hong Kong's company, and then no one answers when journalists ask how to do the interview and call it again.


Image by ICphoto



“币圈”套路深 很多都在“割韭菜”

the currency traps are deep, and many of them are .


Sofia's not just an example, because there's a lot of investors being cut.


Why is this happening? According to industry sources, there are now four cases of virtual currency markets, which have nothing to do with the fast doubling of bitcoin.


According to public reports, from October 2009, when the initial price of Bitcoin was about US$0.00076/me, by December 17, 2017, Bitcoin had reached its highest price ever, with a single bitcoin as high as US$780. Although as of September 4, the price of single bitcoin was RMB 74308.59, the “diving” was significant, but it was still a significant increase compared to the initial price.


Thinking that investors who bought bitcoin at a low price are now in sharp swings and that many investors are looking for it, a number of new virtual currencies are emerging.


"The spread of virtual tokens is simple, and they don't go too far." According to the source, Bitcoin is a real case. All you have to do is tell investors: "The first money is paid when you buy it at a low price, sell it at a high price later, and lie down." So a lot of investors buy it quickly, and a lot of virtual tokens are stolen only a few minutes later."


According to this source, they also manipulate secondary market prices in order to bring more people into the market. Unanimously ordering investors, “when and how much they are required to buy until the price of the virtual tokens is raised and sold to the second group of participating investors at a higher price.” This would result in a violent rise in the price of the virtual tokens, which would lead to an influx of more and more investors.


But in reality, a lot of virtual tokens end up with "one chicken hair."


According to it, this year's RMB VDS, which is similar to the traditional money plate and distribution, has a 12-tier distribution split using the “pull head” model. From the initial issuance, the amount of $0.62/mere rose to a maximum of $12.8/me, with a circulation market value of RMB 7.2 billion, but the 20-fold rise continued for only a limited period of time, triggering a sharp drop. So, “most of the late investors have been cut.”


For domestic investors, however, many of the subjects of the virtual currency exchange are out of the country, “the industry lacks regulation.” And because of the technical characteristics of the virtual currency itself, “decentralization, non-recording, and non-realistic systems, all operational traces are virtual, so it is difficult to trace them.” Thus, if virtual currency becomes problematic, investors will be left without a complaint or blood.


As journalists have seen, in the User Service Agreement (CPA) of the digital currency trading market, which Sofia has invested in, it is clear: “All investment decisions are made by Your Excellency. We have no responsibility for such decisions or for any circumstances, notwithstanding the terms of this agreement or otherwise.”


Journalists have learned that the virtual currency exchange market is now joined by many large distribution communities in the country, launching virtual tokens of a distribution nature and conducting offline publicity throughout the country.


According to industry sources, distribution is linked to these decentralized, unrecorded and non-realized virtual currencies, and the illegal collection of funds will become more difficult to trace, with what purpose? “It is therefore difficult not to link them to the `circumstance of money'.”


He reminded consumers of the need to be alert to these reprofiling marketing projects and not to participate in the illegal operations of the so-called “Overseas” digital currency exchange.


Police alert:



Do you really believe in digital currency transactions?


In his view, the digital currency is now similar to the investment model that used to be popular in the past, such as futures and spotting. “Take advantage of people’s desire to make money and greed, and make you invest in people’s ways.” “How are the prospects for investing in projects better?” “The sooner the money comes in, the better.” But in his view, “the so-called digital currency is a technology, a string of characters. It has no value in itself, and it is simply a value given by the scavenger.” “So many digital money is insecure, in the form of fraud.”


Li Gwang introduced: For example, the current “air coin” is a company or a group of people, using block chain technology, to issue a currency for their own money. “In a man-made way, you are called upon to invest, to pull up the value of the currency in a short time, and then immediately drop, or even run away, and the investors will have nothing to lose.”


And now in China, digital currency transactions are not guaranteed by law, and the State does not recognize virtual currency exchanges, which “can be said to be prohibited.” So these virtual currency exchanges are held abroad, like Singapore, Japan, South Korea, etc.


“The current bitcoin and Etheria, for example, are virtual currencies recognized by the general public and, whether profit or loss, are personal investment actions of investors, and even if the loss is reported to the public security organs, the public security organs cannot find legal provisions to deal with the case.” Lee Gwang said.


Is it against the law to issue money?


Li Gwang said that this would also have to be qualified on the basis of which law was violated by his final operational conduct.


According to him: “In the light of the domestic detection of a blow to virtual currency investment, it may be characterized as distribution or illicit enrichment”.


Then why can't they be regulated in advance?


Lee Gwang explained why many of the platform fraud cases were not opened until after something had happened, because of the uncertainty of the prior period.


“If the purpose and purpose of a project is to collide money through distribution, then it is illegal.” But Li Gwang told Red Star journalists that the block chain was inherently a new thing, and that “normally, it is a good, new project. Whether P2P is good, other financing projects are good, and if all previous operations are legally compliant, creating a normal and legitimate project, the relevant government departments cannot be characterized.” Like the traditional cyber finance platform, it only intervenes when the warehouse explodes.


“and, even if it is an explosion, and if it is licensed, all operations are legal, and the explosion is merely an investment failure, and only an application for bankruptcy and a process of bankruptcy.”


thus reminds investors that block chain technology is a new thing, and that many companies want to start up in this area, but also to be cautious about the illegal financing problems that result from it. Digital money is currently not protected by law in the country, it is not guaranteed, and it is difficult to recover from fraud or damage, so it is important to be careful to invest.


The “Network 2019” campaign, launched by the National Cyber Security Service, is now under way, and everyone must be prepared to avoid falling into a cyber-fraud trap.

红星新闻记者 胡挺 章玲

Red Star reporter, Hu-Jan, Jo-Ling.

编辑 官莉

Editor, Officer Lee.


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