
资讯 2024-07-16 阅读:21 评论:0
前言:小编为你整理了5篇跨国贸易参考范文,供你参考和借鉴。希望能帮助你在写作上获得灵感,让你的文章更加丰富有深度。 跨国公司是指通过对外直接投资等方式,在其他国家(或地区)设立分支机构或当地资本合股拥有企业,并在母公司统一决策体系下...




multinational companies that establish branches or local capital pools in other countries (or regions) and are engaged in internationalized production and operations under a unified decision-making system for parent companies. Currently,


II. Impact of intra-TNC trade on international trade


Intra-TNC trade refers to trade in products, technologies, services, etc. between parent TNCs and foreign affiliates, and between foreign affiliates and third-country affiliates. In order to reduce transaction costs, avoid risks, and harmonize intra-firm relations, TNCs conduct internal trade. While internal transactions bring benefits to TNCs, they also have an impact on international trade.


1. Positive impact of internal trade


(1) The expansion of intra-national trade among TNCs optimizes the allocation of resources based on the comparative advantages of regional elements in different countries. This has resulted in a more refined division of labour, mainly as a small component of a product produced by a country or an enterprise, or even a single production process for that product. At the same time, this configuration has broadened the scope of collaboration globally. For example, spare parts suppliers for Apple, iPhone, come from 13 regions across Asia, the Americas, Europe, Africa and South America, where the largest number of suppliers are China, 349; Japan, 139; and the United States, only 60. In order to achieve optimal allocation of resources, TNCs have established production points in various regions of the globe.


(2) One of the major reasons why TNCs have been able to grow since World War II to boost their trade in technology is that new technologies, new products, and new production processes are largely in the hands of TNCs globally. In order to prevent firms’ technological products from being copied by competitors when they deal externally, it is meaningful to internalize trade in order to prevent them from causing huge losses to firms. In order to maintain their technological edge in increasingly competitive international markets, 500 large TNCs in developed countries monopolize 90% of the technology produced in industrial developed countries, 75% of international trade in technology, and 70-80% of them are internal trade.


(3) The impact of intra- and intra-commodity trade on the structure of international trade can be seen in two main ways. On the one hand, the share of primary commodities in international trade has declined significantly, from 63.3 per cent in 1937 to 45 per cent in 1960 and 20.5 per cent in 2003. On the other hand, the share of manufactured and intermediate goods in international trade has increased significantly, from 36.7 per cent in 1937 to 55 per cent in 1960 and 79.5 per cent in 2003. In order to preserve sovereignty over natural resources, host countries have forced changes in the content of trade within TNCs, moving away from the production and processing sectors of certain primary commodities to the labour and resource-intensive manufacturing sectors.


2. Negative effects of internal trade


(1) Internal trade affects the transfer of prices by freely competing TNCs for the benefit of firms through internal trade. When the parent company trades with subsidiaries, subsidiaries and subsidiaries for products, technology, services, etc., the purpose is to profit by deliberately regulating prices at prices higher or lower than market prices under the arm's length principle. However, such actions can have a considerable damaging effect on international market price mechanisms, affecting the relationship between international market prices and supply and demand. Moreover, intra-TNC trade can, to some extent, lead to the loss of traditional national market boundaries for international trade, the formation of a closed trade market, arbitrary pricing, the crowding out of competitors, and distortions in external markets.


(2) Internal trade undermines the ability of host country TNCs to transfer prices through internal trade to avoid tariff barriers to commodity imports and exports and to reduce the tax fees they need to pay, not only affecting free competition in the market but also having a negative impact on the host country. For example, when parent firms trade with subsidiaries in the host country, they deliver goods at very low prices to subsidiaries of high-tariff countries, reduce the tariffs they pay and reduce import costs, thereby increasing the profits of their subsidiaries and increasing their competitiveness in international markets. While transfer prices are beneficial to TNCs, they reduce the host country’s tax revenues and discourage the host country’s corporate operations. According to relevant sector data, foreign firms in China lose more than 40 per cent of their profits and in some regions reach 75 per cent, so that many joint ventures have no profits and even annual losses. As a result, it is clear from this that high transfer prices through internal trade can be detrimental to the long-term development of international trade.


Measures to address the negative impact of internal trade


Intra-TNC trade is a double-edged sword, a double-edged trade that promotes international trade and hinders it. We should avoid it, magnify its positive effects, and take active and effective measures against the negative effects of internal trade.


1. Surveillance of transnational corporations'transfer prices


It is imperative to monitor the transfer of prices by transnational corporations (TNCs), which, while beneficial to TNCs, undermines market price mechanisms and affects free competition and harms the interests of host countries. However, most TNCs belong to developed countries and suffer from a lack of relevant information and experience in host countries, while most of them have not developed so far, making it difficult to regulate the transfer of prices by TNCs.


2. Empowering the country itself


In the face of the disadvantages of intra-TNC trade to host countries, host countries should first and foremost strengthen their own capabilities. On the one hand, host countries could join international trade organizations such as WTO, or strengthen their cooperation with the countries concerned. On the other hand, they should enhance their position at the international level and strengthen their own capabilities. On the other hand, host countries should implement macroeconomic policies and terms of trade conducive to domestic enterprise development, taking into account their basic circumstances, and increase the international competitiveness of their enterprises.


3. Strengthening international legislation and improving production technologies


Keywords: courses on international trade; English for business; cross-cultural awareness




The twenty-first century is a new era in the continuous development of communications and information technology, with more frequent cooperation among countries across the globe in the cultural, political, and economic spheres. However, cultural differences among countries have a profound impact on the conduct of international trade, in terms of customs, ways of thinking, values and so on.


I. The need for cross-cultural communication in business English


English is the language that is commonly used in international trade. The English language course in commerce aims to bring international business talent to society, not only by improving the English language skills and abilities of students, but also by making them aware of the different aspects of international trade. Thus, the English language of commerce is taught while imparting basic language knowledge.


II. Form and status of courses on international trade


International trade is a very important system of disciplines in business trade and international economic professions. International trade includes courses in international trade in kind, foreign trade operations, international finance, the world economy, business curricula, etc. International trade is a more fundamental and important course in international economics and commerce in English. International trade courses are a solid and effective learning of expertise and a solid empirical and theoretical basis for in-depth learning. International trade courses cover mainly the theoretical and policy aspects of international trade, which are subject to changes in the form of international trade and its development. Compared with the 1990’s, the new century’s forms of international trade have changed markedly: most of the relationships highlighted by international trade are multilateral trade, and small parts are bilateral trade; international trade competition is dominated by trade in goods and trade in services; the object of international trade is constantly being transformed from a simple mix of expertise to a regional economic bloc; international trade policy has also been transformed into a form of harmonization, liberalization; international trade is also more diversified and regulated by the way of international trade.


III. Intercultural awareness-building strategies for international trade courses in business English-language instruction


(i) The teaching of international trade should choose an integral part of the teaching. 1. The teaching of one or more international trade issues should be analysed in depth, not only in the present world, but also in a way that enhances students’ understanding of international trade, cross-cultural interaction and interest. The presentation should not be limited to an area or issue, but should also demonstrate the combined scientific strength of the teaching team in order to increase the breadth of the teaching content.


(ii) The teaching of international trade should take a variety of pedagogical approaches. The teaching of business real scenes should create a linguistic environment in international trade, business English-language classroom simulations in which students can learn about the proper use of commercial English and international trade, creating a linguistic environment in which they can learn professional theory and multidisciplinary knowledge. The teaching of the application of the teaching environment can create a more authentic linguistic atmosphere for students.[3] The teaching of scenarios can mobilize creativity and motivation of students through practice, enabling students to understand the knowledge they have learned more deeply. The building of business real scenes creates a linguistic environment in which students can acquire real experience and practice, learn about the proper use of commercial English and international trade in communication, learn how to use the knowledge of international trade and commerce in which students can use the knowledge and practice of technology in order to enhance the effectiveness of the teaching methods in the classroom.


(iii) International trade teaching should be integrated into cross-cultural knowledge. 1. The inclusion of a cultural teaching system in the curricula helps students to develop intercultural communication skills, which must be culturally taught. The development of cross-cultural communication skills has gradually become an important part of the teaching of commercial English.


Concluding remarks


In the course of international trade and business English, it is particularly important to help students build cross-cultural communication skills. In essence, this capacity is developed by teaching to increase tolerance, sensitivity and the comprehensiveness and flexibility of students to cultural differences, reduce cultural differences and cultural barriers in business activities, and enhance the quality and efficiency of business communication. Therefore, teachers are expected to optimize teaching methods, enrich teaching content, and update educational concepts in international trade curricula and in business English, both in terms of developing students’ professional and English language skills, as well as improving the interculturality of students to meet the needs of the talent market for applied and highly qualified English-speaking business talent.




[1] Ho-soo. Exploration of the path to business culture awareness development in the English language of business [J]. Journal of the Jamus Vocational Institute, 2020, 36 (2): 216-217.


[2] Importation of cross-cultural awareness in business English teaching [J]. International Public Relations, 2020 (2): 251-252.


[3] Huinjian... on intercultural awareness development among students in English business teaching [J]. Secondary and external entrepreneurs, 2019(25): 168.


[4] Animation of business English teaching and business culture development [J]. English Square, 2018(12): 101-102.


Keywords: block chain technology; international trade; cross-border payments; new modalities


In international trade, payments are a common concern of both sides of the trade and an important link in settling risks. As web-based information technology evolves, more and more businesses start to choose electronic modes of payment.


I. Reasons for the technical security and efficiency of the block chain


Research shows that the central advantage of block chain technology is “decentralization”, i.e., that there is no need to introduce any third-party intermediaries throughout the block chain system, and that the rights and obligations on each node and between nodes are the same. If problems arise, such as the damage or loss of a node in the whole block chain technology system, the normal functioning of the entire system is not affected. Since each node is protected by the relevant nodes throughout the system, the application of block chain technology to the area of cross-border payments in international trade, supported by the “decentralization” model, can ensure the transparency and openness of transactions between trading parties, thereby effectively reducing the risks associated with information asymmetry in international trade payments and increasing the efficiency of the chain of trade.


II. Analysis of external factors for the application of block chain technology


From the current state of affairs, it can be seen that there are no other sector-chain technologies operating in the market, other than Bitcoin itself, that form a business model. There are other factors that constrain the further development of this technology, in addition to the technical disadvantages (e.g., the current up to seven operations per second in the territorial chain and the fact that this technology does not meet real demand for some of the larger financial transactions) and transaction risks.


1. Lack of clarity in legal and regulatory systems


As block chain technologies are mainly used in the financial sector, many of the existing laws and regulations and regulatory regimes are not suitable for this technical requirement, which undoubtedly puts new pressure on the legislative and regulatory sectors. Since block chain technologies are generated in the context of new technologies, there is no precedent for legislation and related institutions to undertake adequate market research before laws and related policies are developed, and targeted regulatory frameworks can only be developed in a context of reality.


2. Lack of uniform standards for technology applications


In the case of international trade, inconsistent accounting and application cycles between the trading sides will create some problems of connectivity in the follow-up work, thereby reducing overall benefits. Our Ministry of Trade and Industry is now aware of this problem, and the White Paper on the Development of China’s Block Chain Technology and Applications has enabled the establishment of a road map for the standardization of the country’s block chain.


3. Establishment of mechanisms for cooperation among industrial actors


For block chain technology, different types of subject matter are involved throughout the chain, from technology research and development to market application. The multiplicity of subject types makes work in the area of block chain technical cooperation more complex and more difficult to coordinate.


III. Prospective analysis of the application of block chain technology in the area of cross-border payments


In global economic development, the dynamic effects of the financial services sector are more evident. In financial markets as a whole, as asymmetrical information prevents the effective establishment of credit mechanisms between the two parties to the transaction, and the emergence of information intermediaries in this context hinders the functioning of the system and increases the transaction costs of money. Non-diversion and disclosure are fundamental attributes of block-chain technology and provide opportunities for the construction of trust mechanisms in the “decentralized” model that can alter the financial infrastructure, thus giving rise to promising developments in the financial sector. In financial transactions, payments are the basis. The application of block-chain technology in the payment chain of international trade can significantly simplify payment chains, improve settlement efficiency and maximize transaction costs through effective linkages between payments, and help to build new models of cross-border payment.


First, the application of block chain technology can further accelerate transactions.


In the case of traditional cross-border payments, many links require manual reconciliation, and banks deal with the accounts at the end of the day, usually with the fastest round of 24 hours. In the case of cross-border payments, the use of block chain technology can effectively reduce manual operations through its 7* 24-hour continuous service, thus significantly shortening the settlement time. For example, in the case of the Ripple distributed financial treatment programme, a Canadian bank would pay $1,000 to a German bank by cross-border means for a total of only eight seconds, while in the case of traditional modes of cross-border remittance, it would take about six working days to complete the transaction, and in the case of cross-border payments, it would be possible to further accelerate the pace of transactions by applying block chain technology.


Second, the application of block chain technology can reduce transaction costs.


Traditional cross-border payment patterns suggest that they involve more costs in the transaction and payment chain, including processing, receiving, and accounting costs, but the application of block-chain technologies can effectively remove intermediation, make funds more mobile, and enable real-time monitoring of the transaction chain with the help of information technology, thus avoiding unnecessary cost waste. Consideration by financial institutions of the use of block-chain technologies for cross-border payments can change their cost structure and make them more profitable. For end-users, they can reduce transaction costs and make some of them more costly, but the large cross-border payment operation becomes possible, thus playing an important role for enterprises and individuals throughout the cross-border payment chain to achieve economic benefits more effectively.




[1] Lu Zhiqiang, An applied study on cross-border payments of the blocks chain [J]. Southwest Finance, 2018


[2] Zhao Jin-kyu. Block chains create new patterns of cross-border payments for international trade [J]. Enterprise economy, 2017


Keywords: cross-border power suppliers; traditional international trade; impact; change




With the further development of our electricity suppliers and the country's advancement at the international level, cross-border electricity suppliers have evolved into an indistinguishable force and gradually have had an impact on traditional international trade.


2 Impacts and changes of cross-border power suppliers on traditional international trade


2.1 Impacts and changes of cross-border power suppliers on traditional international trade per se


The effects and changes of cross-border electricity suppliers on traditional international trade itself are all-encompassing. The traditional international trade marketing practices, namely, research, analysis, targeting, and re-marketing of products, have become increasingly unworkable. In this context, a new marketing approach that focuses more on the actual needs of customers and individualized needs has begun to emerge, and has gradually become widely applied. Not only has it greatly enhanced customer satisfaction, but it has also contributed to the improvement of international trade efficiency. Third, it is based on the development of information technology, Internet technology, and so on.


2.2 Impacts and changes of cross-border power suppliers on the traditional international trade law system


The impact of cross-border electricity suppliers on the traditional international trade law regime and the changes in international trade legislation are mainly reflected in regulatory approaches. First, in the context of the development of cross-border electricity suppliers, traditional forms of regulation of international trade are gradually being transformed into source-based regulatory mechanisms. Second, in the context of the development of cross-border electricity suppliers, the multiplicity of contracts and their related information data relate to issues such as the validity of evidence. In this regard, there is a need to adjust and transform traditional international trade law accordingly. 2.3 The impact of cross-border electricity suppliers on traditional international trade theory and the prevailing traditional international division of labour theory, according to which differences in natural resources, human resources, and so on, are the basis and cause of the trade dominance of countries. In the context of the development of cross-border electricity suppliers, information technology has gradually become the ultimate factor of production and resources in international markets, which undoubtedly has a bearing on the traditional international division of labour doctrine currently prevailing.


3 Recommendations for cross-border power suppliers on impacts and changes in traditional international trade


On the whole, the impact and changes of cross-border electricity suppliers on our traditional international trade are positive and positive, and, if properly utilized, can better contribute to the development of our traditional international trade and cross-border electricity suppliers. In the light of the specific circumstances of our current situation, the following four points need to be achieved.


3.1 Emphasis on the establishment and soundness of information systems


There is a need to establish a sound credit system for cross-border electricity suppliers, not only in their own country, but also in other countries. In particular, it is necessary to do two things. First, it is important for our authorities to focus on improving the credit system between exporting and exporting firms and banks so as to help exporting and exporting enterprises to better understand the credit situation of another trader in order to avoid risk effectively. Secondly, through the information system that has been built, and in order to facilitate its implementation, our authorities should also adopt different policies, depending on the credit profile of exporting and exporting enterprises, that will enable them to raise the profile of corporate credit.


3.2 Enhancing the building of an information facility


The formation and development of cross-border electric power suppliers has always been linked to the development of corresponding information-based facilities, which are currently very uneven in the various regions of the country. Cities, despite their high level of construction, are largely capable of meeting the development needs of current cross-border electricity suppliers.


3.3 Improved management of enterprises


The emergence and development of cross-border electric power suppliers have had an impact on traditional international trade in a comprehensive and multilayered manner. On the one hand, the development of cross-border electric power suppliers has led to an increasing frequency and depth of communication between our enterprises and their external counterparts. On the other hand, cross-border electricity providers themselves have placed high demands on enterprises.


3.4 Further promotion of cross-border power suppliers


Although the current position of cross-border electric power suppliers in traditional international trade is not too important, as technological, economic and other developments further develop, cross-border electricity suppliers will occupy a very important place in the future global economy. To that end, we need to focus on the development of cross-border electricity suppliers. Given the current lack of public awareness of cross-border electricity suppliers, the focus should now be on increasing awareness of cross-border electricity suppliers.


4 Concluding remarks


The emergence and development of cross-border power suppliers have had an all-encompassing and multilayered impact on traditional international trade, not only on traditional international trade itself, but also on the building-up of traditional international trade law, the theoretical underpinnings, etc. The further development of cross-border electricity suppliers and traditional international trade requires constant adaptation, improved credit systems, and the building of information-based facilities.




[1] Song Hongjong. Impact of cross-border power suppliers on traditional international trade [J]. Modern economic information, 2017(3).


[2] Hu Qiuhua. Impact of the development of cross-border power suppliers on China's traditional international trade under the new normal state of the economy [J]. Commercial economic studies, 2017 (20).


Keywords: cross-border power suppliers; traditional international trade; impact




As a result of rapid socio-economic development and the increase in the gross domestic product (GDP), the country’s income and living standards have increased considerably, and this has led to an increase in the share of cross-border electric power suppliers in the global market, which in turn has contributed indirectly to the rapid growth of cross-border electricity suppliers in our country. It is undeniable that cross-border electricity suppliers are more easily consumed. First, they have a global character, which is one of the advantages of cross-border electricity suppliers.


II. Strengths of cross-border power suppliers over traditional international trade


At the same time, many Chinese consumers can deal more directly with offshore traders and reduce the complexity of transactions. The easier way to buy international goods across the globe, so that firms can not only become global consumers, but also face the population in their own countries.


III. Impact of cross-border electricity suppliers on traditional international trade


1. Promoting changes in the way international trade is regulated


Cross-border consumers use modern and advanced science and technology, providing scientific patterns and different patterns of traditional international trade. At the same time, cross-border consumers focus on using networks to trade platforms, providing a broader market environment for traditional international trade.


2. Cross-border power suppliers drive international trade towards intangibles


As the Internet continues to develop, the Internet environment continues to improve, providing good opportunities for the growth of cross-border power suppliers. Similarly, international trade is needed, and online transactions are a great facility for cross-border transactions, after all, conscious of global integration, but not as far as the global village is concerned.


3. Cross-border power suppliers drive international trade towards instantaneous development


The rapid development of modern science and technology has led to a rapid updating of the mode of communication, in which the exchange of information on goods has been limited in time and geography in the traditional mode of dealing, resulting in numerous transactions being postponed or missed. This has left many items untraded.


IV. Development prospects for cross-border power suppliers and traditional international trade


1. Prospects for the development of cross-border power suppliers


For China’s export trade, however, the main points that need to be built and enhanced are the timely resolution of the sudden temporary situation of foreign-trade firms, effective market expansion and branding. From an international perspective, each country is engaged in a policy of encouraging more export trade.


2. Development prospects for traditional international trade


In contrast to domestic economic trade, the international economy and trade are governed by the practices and rules of international trade, and enterprises are required to accept new rules in their trade, understand new systems, and help innovate the economic trade consciousness of our traditional enterprises, allowing them to re-examine their products and services and to further improve their products and services from a new perspective. Secondly, cross-border electric power suppliers have gradually advanced international trade, relying on one another to optimize their industrial structure.




[1] Wang Wenjin... Study on the management of cross-border electronic foreign exchange payments by third-party payment agencies [J]. West Finance, 2013, 12 (03): 79-83.


[2] Huang Yongjiang. Study on the construction of our system for managing cross-border e-commerce and foreign exchange payments [J]. Financial accounting, 2013, 20 (07): 22-29.


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