multinational companies that establish branches or local capital pools in other countries (or regions) and are engaged in internationalized production and operations under a unified decision-making system for parent companies. Currently, 二、跨国公司内部贸易对国际贸易的影响 II. Impact of intra-TNC trade on international trade 跨国公司内部贸易是指跨国公司母公司与国外子公司之间,以及国外子公司与第三国同系子公司之间在产品、技术、服务等方面的贸易活动。跨国公司为了达到降低交易成本,回避风险,协调公司内部关系等目的,进行内部贸易。在内部交易给跨国公司带来效益的同时,也对国际贸易产生了影响。 Intra-TNC trade refers to trade in products, technologies, services, etc. between parent TNCs and foreign affiliates, and between foreign affiliates and third-country affiliates. In order to reduce transaction costs, avoid risks, and harmonize intra-firm relations, TNCs conduct internal trade. While internal transactions bring benefits to TNCs, they also have an impact on international trade. 1.内部贸易的正面影响 1. Positive impact of internal trade (1)内部贸易扩大国际分工跨国公司内部贸易依据不同国家地区要素的比较优势,将资源进行优化配置。这使得生产分工更加精细化,主要体现在某个国家或某个企业只生产某种产品的一个小部件甚至只是该产品的某一生产工序。同时,这种配置扩大了协作在全球的范围。例如,提供苹果公司iPhone的零件供应厂商来自13个国家地区,这13个协作的国家跨越了亚洲、美洲、欧洲、非洲和南美洲。其中供应厂商数目最多的是中国,有349家;位列第二的是日本,139家;而美国厂商排在第三位,只有60家。跨国公司为了实现资源最优配置,在全球各个地区设立生产点。无论是垂直型经济分工或水平型经济分工还是混合型经济分工,它们都加快了国际生产的专业化与协作化发展,扩大了国际分工。 (1) The expansion of intra-national trade among TNCs optimizes the allocation of resources based on the comparative advantages of regional elements in different countries. This has resulted in a more refined division of labour, mainly as a small component of a product produced by a country or an enterprise, or even a single production process for that product. At the same time, this configuration has broadened the scope of collaboration globally. For example, spare parts suppliers for Apple, iPhone, come from 13 regions across Asia, the Americas, Europe, Africa and South America, where the largest number of suppliers are China, 349; Japan, 139; and the United States, only 60. In order to achieve optimal allocation of resources, TNCs have established production points in various regions of the globe. (2)内部贸易推动技术贸易二战以来,跨国公司能够不断发展壮大的重要原因之一便是全球的新技术、新产品、新生产工艺基本都掌握在跨国公司的手里。为了防止公司的技术产品在公司外部交易时,被竞争对手抄袭而给公司带来巨大损失的发生,贸易内部化就显得很有意义。据统计,发达国家的500家大型跨国公司垄断了工业发达国家生产技术的90%,国际技术贸易的75%,而其中70%-80%属于内部贸易。内部贸易可以让技术贸易发生在公司内部,防止那些优势技术扩散出去,从而获得高于技术本身价值的效益,创造巨额利润,增强跨国公司在国际市场的优势和竞争力。跨国公司为了在竞争日益激烈的国际市场中保持技术优势,往往会让新技术和高技术含量的产品在公司内部流动,产生高收益。这将促使跨国公司不断开发新高技术,推动技术贸易在国际贸易中的发展。 (2) One of the major reasons why TNCs have been able to grow since World War II to boost their trade in technology is that new technologies, new products, and new production processes are largely in the hands of TNCs globally. In order to prevent firms’ technological products from being copied by competitors when they deal externally, it is meaningful to internalize trade in order to prevent them from causing huge losses to firms. In order to maintain their technological edge in increasingly competitive international markets, 500 large TNCs in developed countries monopolize 90% of the technology produced in industrial developed countries, 75% of international trade in technology, and 70-80% of them are internal trade. (3)内部贸易优化商品结构内部贸易对国际贸易商品结构的影响主要体现在两个方面。一方面,初级产品在国际贸易中的比重大幅度地下降,从1937年的63.3%降至1960年的45%,再到2003年的20.5%。另一方面,制成品和中间产品在国际贸易中的比重大幅度地上升,从1937年的36.7%升至1960年的55%,再到2003年的79.5%。东道国为了维护自然资源主权迫使跨国公司内部贸易内容发生改变,退出某些初级产品的生产加工部门,转向劳动、资源密集型的制造部门。而且随着跨国公司生产技术的提高,开发出新型材料来代替初级产品的进出口而在公司内部流动,降低了其在国际贸易中的比重,同时增加了制成品和中间产品的比重。跨国公司的内部贸易内容的改变及技术的进步减少了初级产品的进出口,增加了科技含量高、附加价值高的制成品和中间产品的生产贸易,从而使得国际贸易商品结构高级化,优化了商品结构。 (3) The impact of intra- and intra-commodity trade on the structure of international trade can be seen in two main ways. On the one hand, the share of primary commodities in international trade has declined significantly, from 63.3 per cent in 1937 to 45 per cent in 1960 and 20.5 per cent in 2003. On the other hand, the share of manufactured and intermediate goods in international trade has increased significantly, from 36.7 per cent in 1937 to 55 per cent in 1960 and 79.5 per cent in 2003. In order to preserve sovereignty over natural resources, host countries have forced changes in the content of trade within TNCs, moving away from the production and processing sectors of certain primary commodities to the labour and resource-intensive manufacturing sectors. 2.内部贸易的负面影响 2. Negative effects of internal trade (1)内部贸易影响自由竞争跨国公司为了企业利益,通过内部贸易采取转移价格。当母公司与子公司、子公司与子公司之间进行产品、技术、服务等贸易时,有意地调节价格以高于或低于正常交易原则下的市场价格进行交易,以此达到获利的目的。但是,这种行为会对国际市场价格机制造成不小的破坏作用,影响国际市场价格与供求之间的关系。而且,跨国公司内部贸易在一定程度上可以使传统的国际贸易的国别市场界限消失,形成一种封闭的贸易市场,随意定价,排挤竞争对手,造成外部市场扭曲。这些都不利于市场自由竞争。 (1) Internal trade affects the transfer of prices by freely competing TNCs for the benefit of firms through internal trade. When the parent company trades with subsidiaries, subsidiaries and subsidiaries for products, technology, services, etc., the purpose is to profit by deliberately regulating prices at prices higher or lower than market prices under the arm's length principle. However, such actions can have a considerable damaging effect on international market price mechanisms, affecting the relationship between international market prices and supply and demand. Moreover, intra-TNC trade can, to some extent, lead to the loss of traditional national market boundaries for international trade, the formation of a closed trade market, arbitrary pricing, the crowding out of competitors, and distortions in external markets. (2)内部贸易损害东道国利益跨国公司通过内部贸易采取转移价格避免在商品进出口时遇到关税壁垒以及减少所需上交的税费,这不仅影响了市场自由竞争,也对东道国产生了负面影响。比如,母公司与在东道国的子公司进行贸易时,母公司会对设有高关税国家的子公司以极低的价格发货,减少所需缴纳的关税,降低进口成本,以此来增加子公司的利润,提高其在国际市场中的竞争力。虽然,转移价格有利于跨国公司获利,但是,这会减少东道国应有的税收收入,不利于东道国的公司经营。根据相关部门数据显示,中国境内的外资企业亏损比重高达40%以上,有些地区甚至达到75%,因此许多合资企业的中方无利可分,甚至连年亏损。从中我们可以看出通过内部贸易进行高进低出的转移价格会损害东道国的利益,不利于国际贸易的长期发展。除此之外,有些跨国公司为了母国的利益,将那些高能耗、高污染、高排放的三高项目设立在东道国,尤其是发展中国家,造成了东道国生态破坏及环境污染严重的情况。因此,内部贸易让东道国在制定外贸政策时显得更加左右为难,东道国即希望通过跨国公司带动国内企业的发展,但又不得不面对跨国公司内部贸易的转移价格及自然破坏带来的损失,而限制外资投入国内。 (2) Internal trade undermines the ability of host country TNCs to transfer prices through internal trade to avoid tariff barriers to commodity imports and exports and to reduce the tax fees they need to pay, not only affecting free competition in the market but also having a negative impact on the host country. For example, when parent firms trade with subsidiaries in the host country, they deliver goods at very low prices to subsidiaries of high-tariff countries, reduce the tariffs they pay and reduce import costs, thereby increasing the profits of their subsidiaries and increasing their competitiveness in international markets. While transfer prices are beneficial to TNCs, they reduce the host country’s tax revenues and discourage the host country’s corporate operations. According to relevant sector data, foreign firms in China lose more than 40 per cent of their profits and in some regions reach 75 per cent, so that many joint ventures have no profits and even annual losses. As a result, it is clear from this that high transfer prices through internal trade can be detrimental to the long-term development of international trade. 三、应对内部贸易负面影响的措施 Measures to address the negative impact of internal trade 跨国公司内部贸易是把双刃剑,有利也有弊,它既能促进国际贸易发展,也能阻碍国际贸易发展。我们应该扬长避短,放大正面影响,并针对内部贸易带来的负面影响积极地采取有效措施。 Intra-TNC trade is a double-edged sword, a double-edged trade that promotes international trade and hinders it. We should avoid it, magnify its positive effects, and take active and effective measures against the negative effects of internal trade. 1.监控跨国公司转移价格 1. Surveillance of transnational corporations'transfer prices 转移价格虽然有利于跨国公司,但是它会破坏市场价格机制,影响自由竞争,损害东道国的利益,因此监控跨国公司转移价格是势在必行的。但是,多数跨国公司属于发达国家,吃亏的东道国为发展中国家,而大多发展中国家的跨国公司发展并不久,缺乏相关的信息和经验,因此要管制跨国公司转移价格会存在一定的难度。当前发展中国家首要任务应该是完善相应的法律法规,建立健全跨国公司信息库,开展国际税务合作。有关部门应及时采集、统计、更新境内跨国公司会计信息数据和国际市场行情及相关国家的税率情况,加强对外资企业财务报表的审核。一旦发现问题,便可以采取及时有效的措施。 It is imperative to monitor the transfer of prices by transnational corporations (TNCs), which, while beneficial to TNCs, undermines market price mechanisms and affects free competition and harms the interests of host countries. However, most TNCs belong to developed countries and suffer from a lack of relevant information and experience in host countries, while most of them have not developed so far, making it difficult to regulate the transfer of prices by TNCs. 2.增强本国自身实力 2. Empowering the country itself 面对跨国公司内部贸易给东道国带来的种种不利,东道国首先应该增强本国自身的实力。一方面,东道国可以加入像WTO这样的国际性贸易组织,或者与有关国家加强合作。以此来提升本国在国际上的地位,增强自身实力。另一方面,东道国应该结合基本国情实施有利于本国企业发展的宏观政策和贸易条件,增加本国企业的国际竞争力。 In the face of the disadvantages of intra-TNC trade to host countries, host countries should first and foremost strengthen their own capabilities. On the one hand, host countries could join international trade organizations such as WTO, or strengthen their cooperation with the countries concerned. On the other hand, they should enhance their position at the international level and strengthen their own capabilities. On the other hand, host countries should implement macroeconomic policies and terms of trade conducive to domestic enterprise development, taking into account their basic circumstances, and increase the international competitiveness of their enterprises. 3.加强国际立法和提高生产技术 3. Strengthening international legislation and improving production technologies 关键词:国际贸易课程;商务英语教学;跨文化意识 Keywords: courses on international trade; English for business; cross-cultural awareness 引言 Introduction 21世纪是通信和信息技术持续发展的新时代,全球各国在文化、政治、经济等方面有着更加频繁的合作。但是,各国间的文化差异深刻影响着国际贸易的开展,主要表现在风俗习惯、思维方式、价值观念等方面。若是不了解文化差异,就会出现交际问题,甚至导致隔阂与误解。针对不同文化的敏感性,降低各种文化间的差距,增强学生的跨文化交际水平和能力是现阶段商务英语、国际贸易课程的核心任务和主要的教学内容。将国际贸易、商务英语教学和增强跨文化交际水平有机结合,能够有效处理师生在学习不同价值观、不同文化、不同语言过程中面临的各种各样问题,提高学生的跨文化交际水平,使他们更好地了解和掌握语言差异。各国都拥有着独特的习俗、文化和语言,文化背景不同的人们若想更顺畅地交流,需要克服彼此间的文化障碍并实现相同的目标。因此国际贸易、商务英语教师要重视提升学生的跨文化交际能力。 The twenty-first century is a new era in the continuous development of communications and information technology, with more frequent cooperation among countries across the globe in the cultural, political, and economic spheres. However, cultural differences among countries have a profound impact on the conduct of international trade, in terms of customs, ways of thinking, values and so on. 一、在商务英语中进行跨文化交际教学的必要性 I. The need for cross-cultural communication in business English 英语是国际贸易中经常使用的语言。商务英语课程要实现为社会输送国际商贸人才的目的,不但要提升学生的英语水平和能力,也要使学生了解国际贸易实施的不同环节。所以,商务英语教学要在传授基础语言知识的同时,重视培养和提升学生的跨文化交际能力。但因为缺乏应有的认识以及各种条件的影响和限制,我国现在的商务英语教学依旧停留在“国际贸易知识+商务知识+英语”的基本层面,存在很多弊端。在进行国际贸易活动时,并非仅仅具备商务知识和外语能力就能够顺利地完成商务活动,获得预期商务结果。就表面而言,跨国商务活动属于各个国际公司间进行的业务往来,而本质上则是不同文化国家的人开展的跨文化交流与合作[1]。实际上,一些在校学习成绩优秀的学生就业后开展工作却面临很多困难,其主要原因不是语言能力不足,而是不具备相应的文化能力。由于在实际交际过程中,他们会不知不觉地应用母语的思维方式、文化背景、交际习惯、使用规则来阐述自己的思想,和不同的文化因素间出现碰撞和交叉,进而产生冲突和误解,甚至对谈判是否成功造成影响。所以,增强跨文化意识、提高跨文化能力和丰富商务文化知识是国际贸易与商务英语教学的重点环节。 English is the language that is commonly used in international trade. The English language course in commerce aims to bring international business talent to society, not only by improving the English language skills and abilities of students, but also by making them aware of the different aspects of international trade. Thus, the English language of commerce is taught while imparting basic language knowledge. 二、国际贸易课程的形式与现状 II. Form and status of courses on international trade 国际贸易是商务贸易和国际经济专业中非常重要的学科体系,是教学中不可缺少的课程[2]。国际贸易包括国际贸易实物、外贸业务课程、国际金融、世界经济、业务课程体系等。国际贸易是国际经济、商务英语课程中比较基础的且非常重要的课程。学习国际贸易课程是为更扎实、更有效地学习各种专业知识,为深入学习奠定坚实的实践经验和理论基础。国际贸易课程主要包括国际贸易理论、政策两个方面,教学内容要随着国际贸易形式及其发展趋势的变化而随之调整。与20世纪八九十年代相比较,新世纪国际贸易形式出现了明显变化:国际贸易所彰显出的关系大部分是多边贸易形式,小部分是双边贸易;国际贸易竞争以货物贸易为主逐步转变为以服务贸易为主;国际贸易对象从之前的简单一体不断转变为区域经济集团;国际贸易政策也不断转变成协调化、自由化的形式;国际贸易方式也更加多元化、规范化。现在大部分高校教师授课时直接宣读书本内容,以实现有效应对考试为目的,在教学时基本采用灌输式、填鸭式教育方式,在课堂上特别重视讲解语法知识、句型分析、单词等,轻视培养学生的语音准确度、英语语感、英语语言背景知识等,机械、单纯地记忆造成学生难以灵活应用知识,很多学生说不好、不敢说、不会说。教师在教学中没有彰显出学生的主体地位,没有激发起学生的学习兴趣,更没有提升学生的跨文化交际水平。 International trade is a very important system of disciplines in business trade and international economic professions. International trade includes courses in international trade in kind, foreign trade operations, international finance, the world economy, business curricula, etc. International trade is a more fundamental and important course in international economics and commerce in English. International trade courses are a solid and effective learning of expertise and a solid empirical and theoretical basis for in-depth learning. International trade courses cover mainly the theoretical and policy aspects of international trade, which are subject to changes in the form of international trade and its development. Compared with the 1990’s, the new century’s forms of international trade have changed markedly: most of the relationships highlighted by international trade are multilateral trade, and small parts are bilateral trade; international trade competition is dominated by trade in goods and trade in services; the object of international trade is constantly being transformed from a simple mix of expertise to a regional economic bloc; international trade policy has also been transformed into a form of harmonization, liberalization; international trade is also more diversified and regulated by the way of international trade. 三、商务英语教学中国际贸易课程的跨文化意识培养策略 III. Intercultural awareness-building strategies for international trade courses in business English-language instruction (一)国际贸易教学应选择与时俱进的教学内容1.以科研推动教学发展国际贸易课程和商务英语教学要不断丰富教学内容,将科研当作突破口,将授课内容和学术成果妥善结合,既要在课堂上呈现个人科研成果,也要展示教学团队的综合科研实力,以增加教学内容的宽度。2.全面组织国贸专题讲座实践和理论有机结合才能调动学生学习的积极性,而开展专题讲座则是此结合的最佳方式。专题讲座深度分析一个或几个国际贸易问题,不但能使学生了解现在的世界,也能够提高学生认识国际贸易、跨文化交际的兴趣。专题讲座不能只分析某一领域或某一个问题,应该以保证数量为前提并实现内容扩散。3.了解国际动态,重视国际形势变化国际贸易课程既要重视国内金融、贸易、经济等发展动态,也要重视国际贸易动态、经济发展及国际发展方向与趋势。认识国际形势,既可通过相关部门网页、新闻、公告,也要经常借鉴国际知名高校“慕课”和国外网站内容。另外,教师要建立终身学习的思想,增强个人专业技能,扩大自身文化视野,提升本人西方文化底蕴,引导学生认识和学习纯正的英文。教师既是传授学生知识的人,也是与学生共同合作学习的人。授课过程中教师要采取多样化教学方法,通过活跃、和谐的气氛,激发学生的学习兴趣,让学生更有效地学习知识,更充分地认识西方背景文化,以饱满的热情投身学习活动中。 (i) The teaching of international trade should choose an integral part of the teaching. 1. The teaching of one or more international trade issues should be analysed in depth, not only in the present world, but also in a way that enhances students’ understanding of international trade, cross-cultural interaction and interest. The presentation should not be limited to an area or issue, but should also demonstrate the combined scientific strength of the teaching team in order to increase the breadth of the teaching content. (二)国际贸易教学应采取多种教学方法1.情景教学法在国际贸易、商务英语课堂上模拟某种商务场景,建立起相关语言环境,学生可以在此情境中学习专业理论和多领域知识。应用情景教学法为学生营造较为真实的语言氛围[3],可以调动学生的创造性和参与积极性,通过实践让学生更深刻地理解所学到的知识。构建商务真实场景营造出商务英语的语言氛围,让学生获得真实的体验与实践,在交流与互动中学习如何正确使用商务英语和国际贸易知识,增强实战技能和交际能力,进而实现增强课堂教学效果的目的。在课堂上,可以将班级当作一个公司,教师就是此公司的董事长,设置不同部门,学生是工作人员,所有学生都在各个部门负责相应的工作。用“上班”代替“上课”,学生能够在模拟商务环境中实践,加深了解实际商务活动进程,深入理解国际贸易与商务知识,进而增强学生运用知识和具体操作的能力。2.交际法此方法用于促进学生交际能力的发展,与培养“语言”能力有明显区别。交际法是兼顾语言的功能性和结构性开展交际教学。英语教师既要帮助学生具备听说读写等语言技能,也要引导学生在英语交流洽谈时能够灵活运用这些语言技能。例如,在传授telephoneskill课程时,教师向学生提供不同商务交流情境下的听力材料,学生仔细聆听并进行模仿,找到自己喜欢的习惯性表达方式,而后勤加练习,进而能够熟练运用。开展国际贸易、商务英语教学的最终目的是要求学生在某一语境下使用相应的语言进行英语交流,培养兼备跨文化交际能力和商务专业技能的人才。所以,在国际贸易、商务英语教学中已大量应用交际教学法并获得了较理想的教学效果。3.案例教学法此教学方法以案例为基础,通过案例提出一系列开放式问题,没有固定的处理方法。在教学中教师充当设计者,引导和鼓励学生主动进行讨论,研究出有效的解决方案。比如在分析现金周转时,教师可以引导学生通过书籍、互联网等途径在课前搜索现金周转有哪些办法,而后分析适合课本中公司具体情况的方法有哪些。在讨论过程中,学生能够更加深刻、全面地理解知识点。案例教学法需要教师具有大量的知识储备,能够掌控处理案例的多种方法,不断提升和完善自己,进而更好地开展教学。 (ii) The teaching of international trade should take a variety of pedagogical approaches. The teaching of business real scenes should create a linguistic environment in international trade, business English-language classroom simulations in which students can learn about the proper use of commercial English and international trade, creating a linguistic environment in which they can learn professional theory and multidisciplinary knowledge. The teaching of the application of the teaching environment can create a more authentic linguistic atmosphere for students.[3] The teaching of scenarios can mobilize creativity and motivation of students through practice, enabling students to understand the knowledge they have learned more deeply. The building of business real scenes creates a linguistic environment in which students can acquire real experience and practice, learn about the proper use of commercial English and international trade in communication, learn how to use the knowledge of international trade and commerce in which students can use the knowledge and practice of technology in order to enhance the effectiveness of the teaching methods in the classroom. (三)国际贸易教学应融入跨文化知识1.在教学大纲中列入文化教学体制帮助学生增强跨文化交际能力必须进行文化教学。跨文化交际能力的培养已逐步成为商务英语教学中的重要部分,所以要在国际贸易、商务英语大纲中列入文化教学体制,以符合社会对专业性、复合型人才的要求[4]。若是教师将文化引领融入教学过程,则能够培养学生在国际贸易中的交际意识,增强跨文化交际能力。但目前商务英语教师特别重视语言能力,继而关注语法、词汇教学。为增强学生的交际能力,教师要积极在教学中确立提升学生跨文化交流合作水平这一目标。2.在商务英语教学中开展文化教学,帮助学生提高跨文化意识在语言学习时,词汇有异质性特征和多元性含义,其在不同文化背景下体现出不同内涵。所以,教师要经常提醒和引导学生对西方国家名言名句、成语、常用俗语进行学习和积累;积极为学生寻找更多的情境练习机会,不断增强他们对不同文化的认识和体验。3.鼓励学生通过互联网和新媒体学习跨文化知识互联网平台和因跨文化交际建立起的覆盖全球各国的网站,能够让人们认识不同国家的风俗文化。目前,人们借助互联网和各个国家的人开展贸易往来和商业沟通。所以,要鼓励学生有效利用网络平台学习跨文化知识,增强跨文化交际能力[5]。教师要引导学生通过网络获得更多跨文化交际资料和多种类商务资源,并与同学讨论、交流和分享。例如,学生在教师的指导下在网络平台上搜索华为公司发展的案例,借助新媒体动态展示出来;让学生通过搜索找到最前沿的商务知识,进而发现不同公司在商务合作、商务洽谈、商务往来中的成功与失败经验等。 (iii) International trade teaching should be integrated into cross-cultural knowledge. 1. The inclusion of a cultural teaching system in the curricula helps students to develop intercultural communication skills, which must be culturally taught. The development of cross-cultural communication skills has gradually become an important part of the teaching of commercial English. 结束语 Concluding remarks 在国际贸易、商务英语教学过程中,帮助学生增强跨文化交际能力是特别重要的。培养此能力从本质上说是通过教学提高学生对文化差异的宽容性、敏感性以及应对文化差异的全面性、灵活性,降低商务活动中的文化差异和文化障碍,增强商务交际的质量和效率。因此,教师要在国际贸易课程和商务英语教学中优化教学方法、丰富教学内容、更新教育观念,既要培养学生的专业能力和英语语言能力,也要提升学生的跨文化交际水平,使其符合人才市场对应用型、高素质商务英语人才的需要。 In the course of international trade and business English, it is particularly important to help students build cross-cultural communication skills. In essence, this capacity is developed by teaching to increase tolerance, sensitivity and the comprehensiveness and flexibility of students to cultural differences, reduce cultural differences and cultural barriers in business activities, and enhance the quality and efficiency of business communication. Therefore, teachers are expected to optimize teaching methods, enrich teaching content, and update educational concepts in international trade curricula and in business English, both in terms of developing students’ professional and English language skills, as well as improving the interculturality of students to meet the needs of the talent market for applied and highly qualified English-speaking business talent. 参考文献: References: [1]何树秀.商务英语教学中商务文化意识培养路径探索[J].佳木斯职业学院学报,2020,36(2):216—217. [1] Ho-soo. Exploration of the path to business culture awareness development in the English language of business [J]. Journal of the Jamus Vocational Institute, 2020, 36 (2): 216-217. [2]王继昂.商务英语教学中跨文化意识的导入研究[J].国际公关,2020(2):251—252. [2] Importation of cross-cultural awareness in business English teaching [J]. International Public Relations, 2020 (2): 251-252. [3]胡茵芃.论商务英语教学中学生跨文化意识的培养[J].中外企业家,2019(25):168. [3] Huinjian... on intercultural awareness development among students in English business teaching [J]. Secondary and external entrepreneurs, 2019(25): 168. [4]仇迪.商务英语教学与商务文化意识培养初探[J].英语广场,2018(12):101—102. [4] Animation of business English teaching and business culture development [J]. English Square, 2018(12): 101-102. 关键词:区块链技术;国际贸易;跨境支付;新模式 Keywords: block chain technology; international trade; cross-border payments; new modalities 在国际贸易中,支付是贸易双方共同关注的问题,也是结算风险产生的重要环节。随着网络信息技术的不断发展,越来越多的企业开始选择电子支付方式。传统国际贸易中的电子支付方式需要经过汇出银行、央行、和收款银行等很多金融机构,并且在经过每一个机构时,机构内部都会进行账务清算和处理,同时各个机构之间也需要花费较长时间建立关系,使得整个跨境支付程序比较复杂,中间的结算成本高、处理速度慢,使得整体的结算效率比较低。因此,也使得支付风险大大提升。鉴于此,在互联网技术蓬勃发展的背景下,金融科技也实现了新一轮的创新,“区块链”技术的出现为国际贸易跨境支付提供了新的支付模式,有人称其为“第四次科技革命”,显然,区块链技术为国际金融领域的进一步发展创造了新的机遇,为国际贸易支付环节提供了更大便利。 In international trade, payments are a common concern of both sides of the trade and an important link in settling risks. As web-based information technology evolves, more and more businesses start to choose electronic modes of payment. 一、区块链技术安全高效的原因 I. Reasons for the technical security and efficiency of the block chain 相关研究表明,区块链技术的核心优势就是“去中心化”,即在整个区块链体系中,不需要引入任何第三方中介,每一个节点上的和节点之间的权利和义务都是一样的。如果出现问题,比如在整个区块链技术系统中有一个节点被损坏,甚至是失去,都不会影响整个系统的正常运行。因为在整个系统中,每一个数据块都有与之相关的节点对其实施保护,所以,将区块链技术应用于国际贸易中的跨境支付领域,可以在“去中心化”模式的支持下,确保贸易双方交易的透明性和公开性,从而能够有效降低国际贸易支付中由于信息不对称而带来的风险,提高跨境支付效率。同时,在整个区块链系统中,每一个节点都会受到与之相关的交易信息,因此在校验过程中,各个节点都参与其中,然后在保证交易真实性的基础上,将校验记录和结果输入到区块链中,提高了工作效率。对于国际贸易来说,使用区块链技术能够有效构建起一个贸易双方共同参与的交易平台,在这个平台上,双方可以共同对贸易信息进行维护,进一步提高支付信息和发货信息的真实性,从而可以有效降低国际贸易跨境支付中的结算风险,提高了支付安全性。除此之外,对于区块链系统来说,经过验证的信息被添加到区块链之后,就会及时的被储存,只有在区块链系统中超过半数节点的支持下,信息才能被修改,单一节点不能达到修改信息的目的。所以,这就保证了区块链系统中信息的可靠性和安全性。在国际贸易支付环节,如果进口商已经完成了跨境支付行为,那么数据信息就具有不可更改的特征,从而进一步保证了在“去中心化”模式下,国际贸易信息的真实性和可靠性。 Research shows that the central advantage of block chain technology is “decentralization”, i.e., that there is no need to introduce any third-party intermediaries throughout the block chain system, and that the rights and obligations on each node and between nodes are the same. If problems arise, such as the damage or loss of a node in the whole block chain technology system, the normal functioning of the entire system is not affected. Since each node is protected by the relevant nodes throughout the system, the application of block chain technology to the area of cross-border payments in international trade, supported by the “decentralization” model, can ensure the transparency and openness of transactions between trading parties, thereby effectively reducing the risks associated with information asymmetry in international trade payments and increasing the efficiency of the chain of trade. 二、制约区块链技术应用的外部因素分析 II. Analysis of external factors for the application of block chain technology 从当前现状可以分析得出,在市场中运行中,除了比特币自身,还没有其他形成商业模式的区块链技术出现。对这一现象的原因进行分析,除了技术上的劣势(例如,比特区块链当前在每秒最多只能处理七笔业务,对于一些规模较大的金融交易业务,这一技术还不能满足现实需求)和交易风险之外,还有其他因素制约着这一技术的进一步发展。 From the current state of affairs, it can be seen that there are no other sector-chain technologies operating in the market, other than Bitcoin itself, that form a business model. There are other factors that constrain the further development of this technology, in addition to the technical disadvantages (e.g., the current up to seven operations per second in the territorial chain and the fact that this technology does not meet real demand for some of the larger financial transactions) and transaction risks. 1.法律和监管制度不明确 1. Lack of clarity in legal and regulatory systems 区块链技术主要在金融行业中使用,因此,很多现有的法律法规和监管制度不适合这一技术要求,无疑给立法部门和监管部门带来了新的工作压力。由于区块链技术是在新技术背景下产生的,没有先例,各个立法部门和相关机构在制定法律和相关政策之前必须要开展充分的市场调研工作,只有结合实际情况,才能制定出针对性的管理框架。另外,由于这一技术是在全球范围内使用的,因此相关部门还需要对国际市场进行调查,使得立法的时间会更长。 As block chain technologies are mainly used in the financial sector, many of the existing laws and regulations and regulatory regimes are not suitable for this technical requirement, which undoubtedly puts new pressure on the legislative and regulatory sectors. Since block chain technologies are generated in the context of new technologies, there is no precedent for legislation and related institutions to undertake adequate market research before laws and related policies are developed, and targeted regulatory frameworks can only be developed in a context of reality. 2.技术的应用缺乏统一标准 2. Lack of uniform standards for technology applications 当前,区块链技术在国内外的使用标准还不统一。如果在国际贸易中,贸易双方的账本和应用周期不一致,会在后续的工作中产生一些互联互通问题,从而会使整体效益大打折扣。我国工信部目前已经认识到这一问题,了《中国区块链技术和应用发展白皮书》,使得我国的区块链标准化路线图得以确立。但是,国际贸易是涉及双方和多方的,还需要结合国际发展状况,制定适合国际贸易的统一应用标准。 In the case of international trade, inconsistent accounting and application cycles between the trading sides will create some problems of connectivity in the follow-up work, thereby reducing overall benefits. Our Ministry of Trade and Industry is now aware of this problem, and the White Paper on the Development of China’s Block Chain Technology and Applications has enabled the establishment of a road map for the standardization of the country’s block chain. 3.建立产业主体合作机制 3. Establishment of mechanisms for cooperation among industrial actors 对于区块链技术来说,从技术研发,一直到市场应用环节,整个产业链中涉及了不同类型的主体。由于主体类型比较多,使得区块链技术合作领域的工作比较复杂,协调难度也比较大。因此,要想提高区块链技术的实际应用价值,就要对与之相关的企业、监管部门和市场参与者进行有效整合,加强合作,提高整个系统的运行效率。 For block chain technology, different types of subject matter are involved throughout the chain, from technology research and development to market application. The multiplicity of subject types makes work in the area of block chain technical cooperation more complex and more difficult to coordinate. 三、将区块链技术应用于跨境支付领域的前景分析 III. Prospective analysis of the application of block chain technology in the area of cross-border payments 在全球经济发展中,金融服务业的动力效应比较明显。在整个金融市场中,由于信息的不对称,使得交易双方的信用机制无法有效的建立,信息中介在此背景下出现,使得系统运行受到阻碍,资金的往来成本也不断增加。不可篡改和公开是区块链技术的根本属性,也为“去中心化”模式的信任机制的构建提供机会,可以对金融的基础架构进行更改,因此,这一技术在金融领域的发展前景一片光明。在资金融通过程中,支付是基础环节。在国际贸易的支付环节中运用区块链技术,能够大大简化支付环节,通过支付双方的有效联系,提高结算效率,最大化的降低业务成本,有助于跨境支付新模式的构建。以下,从区块链技术在国际贸易中创造的潜在效益角度对其发展前景进行考虑: In global economic development, the dynamic effects of the financial services sector are more evident. In financial markets as a whole, as asymmetrical information prevents the effective establishment of credit mechanisms between the two parties to the transaction, and the emergence of information intermediaries in this context hinders the functioning of the system and increases the transaction costs of money. Non-diversion and disclosure are fundamental attributes of block-chain technology and provide opportunities for the construction of trust mechanisms in the “decentralized” model that can alter the financial infrastructure, thus giving rise to promising developments in the financial sector. In financial transactions, payments are the basis. The application of block-chain technology in the payment chain of international trade can significantly simplify payment chains, improve settlement efficiency and maximize transaction costs through effective linkages between payments, and help to build new models of cross-border payment. 第一,区块链技术的应用能够进一步加快交易速度。 First, the application of block chain technology can further accelerate transactions. 在传统法跨境支付工作中,很多环节都需要人工进行对账,银行在每日终了时对所涉及的账务进行处理,一笔交易一般最快也得需要24小时。而在跨境支付中,引用区块链技术,能够通过它的7*24小时的连续服务,有效减少人工操作,从而使得结算时间被极大地缩短。例如,应用Ripple分布式金融处理方案,一个加拿大的银行要将1000加元的款项通过跨境手段支付给德国的一家银行,总共用时只有八秒,而如果是采用传统模式进行跨境汇款,完成这笔交易大约需要6个工作日,可见,在跨境支付中,应用区块链技术,能够进一步加快交易速度。 In the case of traditional cross-border payments, many links require manual reconciliation, and banks deal with the accounts at the end of the day, usually with the fastest round of 24 hours. In the case of cross-border payments, the use of block chain technology can effectively reduce manual operations through its 7* 24-hour continuous service, thus significantly shortening the settlement time. For example, in the case of the Ripple distributed financial treatment programme, a Canadian bank would pay $1,000 to a German bank by cross-border means for a total of only eight seconds, while in the case of traditional modes of cross-border remittance, it would take about six working days to complete the transaction, and in the case of cross-border payments, it would be possible to further accelerate the pace of transactions by applying block chain technology. 第二,区块链技术的应用能够使交易成本降低。 Second, the application of block chain technology can reduce transaction costs. 从传统的跨境支付模式来看,其在交易和支付环节所涉及的成本比较多,包括处理、接收,以及对账成本,但是应用区块链技术,能够有效去除中介作用,使资金的流动性更快,并且可以借助信息技术对交易环节进行实时监控,从而能够避免不必要的成本浪费。从金融机构进行考虑,运用区块链技术进行跨境支付,能够改变其成本结构,使得其盈利能力大大提高。而对终端的用户,能够使其交易费用降低,使得原来一些成本高,但是交易数额大的跨境支付业务变成可能,因此对于整个跨境支付环节中的各个企业和个人更有效的实现经济利益都发挥重要作用。四、结语综上所述,随着经济全球化的不断发展,各国经济联系逐渐加强,国际贸易的交易和支付也更加频繁,传统的跨境支付模式已经逐渐不能满足日益增长的国际贸易需求。区块链技术是在新技术背景下出现的一种新型跨境支付模式,能够有效简化支付环节,提高跨境支付效率,在国际金融领域中发挥重要作用。 Traditional cross-border payment patterns suggest that they involve more costs in the transaction and payment chain, including processing, receiving, and accounting costs, but the application of block-chain technologies can effectively remove intermediation, make funds more mobile, and enable real-time monitoring of the transaction chain with the help of information technology, thus avoiding unnecessary cost waste. Consideration by financial institutions of the use of block-chain technologies for cross-border payments can change their cost structure and make them more profitable. For end-users, they can reduce transaction costs and make some of them more costly, but the large cross-border payment operation becomes possible, thus playing an important role for enterprises and individuals throughout the cross-border payment chain to achieve economic benefits more effectively. 参考文献: References: [1]卢志强,葛新峰.区块链在跨境支付中的应用研究[J].西南金融,2018 [1] Lu Zhiqiang, An applied study on cross-border payments of the blocks chain [J]. Southwest Finance, 2018 [2]赵增奎.区块链开创国际贸易跨境支付新模式[J].企业经济,2017 [2] Zhao Jin-kyu. Block chains create new patterns of cross-border payments for international trade [J]. Enterprise economy, 2017 关键词:跨境电商;传统国际贸易;影响;变革 Keywords: cross-border power suppliers; traditional international trade; impact; change 1引言 Introduction 随着我国电商的进一步发展,以及我国在国际上地位的提高,跨境电商已经逐渐发展成了一股不可小觑的力量,并逐渐对传统的国际贸易产生了影响,发生了变革。 With the further development of our electricity suppliers and the country's advancement at the international level, cross-border electricity suppliers have evolved into an indistinguishable force and gradually have had an impact on traditional international trade. 2跨境电商对传统国际贸易的影响与变革 2 Impacts and changes of cross-border power suppliers on traditional international trade 2.1跨境电商对传统国际贸易本身的影响与变革 2.1 Impacts and changes of cross-border power suppliers on traditional international trade per se 跨境电商对传统国际贸易本身的影响与变革是全方位的,不仅体现在经营主体、客体上,也体现在营销方式、管理方式、成交方式上。其一,跨境电商发展背景下,传统国际贸易原本的实体市场经营主体不但发生了变化,也出现了新的网络虚拟公司之类的主体。而客体则不再局限于有形的产品,信息技术商品、旅游等新客体也逐渐出现。其二,依托跨境电商的发展。传统国际贸易原本的营销方式,即先调研、分析、确定目标市场,再针对性推销产品的做法,已经越来越行不通。在这种情况下,更加注重顾客实际需要和个性化需求的全新营销方式开始出现,并逐渐得到广泛的应用。其不但能够大大提升顾客的满意度,也有利于国际贸易效率的提高。其三,依托于信息技术、互联网技术等的发展。跨境电商一方面有效压缩了交易成本,进一步提高了全球市场之间联系的紧密度,另一方面,更是优化了原有的传统国际贸易经营方式,突破了原有的以单向物流为主的传统国际贸易运作格局。其四,跨境电商主要是借助电商网络平台自动处理的方式来促使交易成交。这就有效排除了传统国际贸易成交方式中的种种如纸张之类的不确定因素,避免了时间延误的出现。同时也有利于国际贸易成交工作效率的提升,从而大大压缩了国际贸易的周期,促使国际贸易进一步发展。 The effects and changes of cross-border electricity suppliers on traditional international trade itself are all-encompassing. The traditional international trade marketing practices, namely, research, analysis, targeting, and re-marketing of products, have become increasingly unworkable. In this context, a new marketing approach that focuses more on the actual needs of customers and individualized needs has begun to emerge, and has gradually become widely applied. Not only has it greatly enhanced customer satisfaction, but it has also contributed to the improvement of international trade efficiency. Third, it is based on the development of information technology, Internet technology, and so on. 2.2跨境电商对传统国际贸易法制方面的影响与变革 2.2 Impacts and changes of cross-border power suppliers on the traditional international trade law system 跨境电商对传统国际贸易法制方面的影响与变革主要体现在监管方式和国际贸易法规两个方面。其一,跨境电商发展背景下,传统国际贸易的监管方式逐渐转变为源头监管机制。其二,跨境电商中的合同多无实质体,同时其相关的信息数据又涉及证据效力等方面的问题。对此,传统国际贸易法就有必要在相关方面进行相应的调整和转变。2.3跨境电商对传统国际贸易理论方面的影响与变革当前所普遍通行的传统国际分工理论认为,自然资源、人力资源等方面的差异才是各国贸易优势形成的基础和原因。在跨境电商发展背景下,信息技术逐渐成了国际市场中最终的生产要素和资源,这无疑对当前所通行的传统国际分工理论造成了冲击。 The impact of cross-border electricity suppliers on the traditional international trade law regime and the changes in international trade legislation are mainly reflected in regulatory approaches. First, in the context of the development of cross-border electricity suppliers, traditional forms of regulation of international trade are gradually being transformed into source-based regulatory mechanisms. Second, in the context of the development of cross-border electricity suppliers, the multiplicity of contracts and their related information data relate to issues such as the validity of evidence. In this regard, there is a need to adjust and transform traditional international trade law accordingly. 2.3 The impact of cross-border electricity suppliers on traditional international trade theory and the prevailing traditional international division of labour theory, according to which differences in natural resources, human resources, and so on, are the basis and cause of the trade dominance of countries. In the context of the development of cross-border electricity suppliers, information technology has gradually become the ultimate factor of production and resources in international markets, which undoubtedly has a bearing on the traditional international division of labour doctrine currently prevailing. 3针对跨境电商对传统国际贸易影响与变革的建议 3 Recommendations for cross-border power suppliers on impacts and changes in traditional international trade 从总体上来看,跨境电商对我国传统国际贸易的影响与变革是正面、积极的,如果利用得当,就能够较好地促进我国传统国际贸易和跨境电商的发展。结合当前我国相关方面的具体情况,要想实现这一目的,就需要做到以下四点。 On the whole, the impact and changes of cross-border electricity suppliers on our traditional international trade are positive and positive, and, if properly utilized, can better contribute to the development of our traditional international trade and cross-border electricity suppliers. In the light of the specific circumstances of our current situation, the following four points need to be achieved. 3.1重视信息体制的建立和健全 3.1 Emphasis on the establishment and soundness of information systems 跨境电商的业务支付不仅仅涉及本国,还涉及其他国家,因此就有必要建立健全的相应信用体制。具体来说,就要做好两个方面的工作。其一,我国政府相关部门要重视对进出口企业与银行之间信用体制的完善,借助于此,来帮助进出口企业更好地了解另一交易方的资信情况,从而有效规避风险。其二,借助所构建的信息体制,同时也是为了促使体制的落实,我国政府相关部门还应当根据进出口企业资信情况的不同,采取不同的政策,以此来促使广大进出口企业提高对企业信用的重视程度。 There is a need to establish a sound credit system for cross-border electricity suppliers, not only in their own country, but also in other countries. In particular, it is necessary to do two things. First, it is important for our authorities to focus on improving the credit system between exporting and exporting firms and banks so as to help exporting and exporting enterprises to better understand the credit situation of another trader in order to avoid risk effectively. Secondly, through the information system that has been built, and in order to facilitate its implementation, our authorities should also adopt different policies, depending on the credit profile of exporting and exporting enterprises, that will enable them to raise the profile of corporate credit. 3.2加强建设信息化设施 3.2 Enhancing the building of an information facility 跨境电商的形成和发展始终离不开相应的信息化设施,而当前我国各区域的信息化设施建设水平十分不均衡。城市虽然具有较高的建设水平,基本能够满足目前跨境电商的发展需要。但是随着经济的发展,城市的发展潜力迟早会被挖掘殆尽,而有着巨大潜力的农村在信息化设施建设方面却显得十分薄弱。因此,我国政府相关部门应当制定合、理科学的电子化产业发展规划,并将其严格落实,以促使提高我国信息化设施的建设水平,从而促进我国跨境电商和国际贸易的进一步发展。 The formation and development of cross-border electric power suppliers has always been linked to the development of corresponding information-based facilities, which are currently very uneven in the various regions of the country. Cities, despite their high level of construction, are largely capable of meeting the development needs of current cross-border electricity suppliers. 3.3促使企业提高管理水平 3.3 Improved management of enterprises 跨境电商的出现、发展,给传统国际贸易带来的影响是全方面、多层次的。一方面,跨境电商的发展促使我国相应企业与外部交流得越来越频繁、深入。另一方面,跨境电商本身也对企业提出了很高的要求。在这种情况下,企业就有必要提高自身的管理水平。考虑到企业管理者综合能力、对企业业务流程等具体情况了解程度等对企业管理水平将会产生重要影响。此工作就应当从及时、深入指导培养企业管理者处入手,以此确保企业跨境电子商务和国际贸易的进行质量。 The emergence and development of cross-border electric power suppliers have had an impact on traditional international trade in a comprehensive and multilayered manner. On the one hand, the development of cross-border electric power suppliers has led to an increasing frequency and depth of communication between our enterprises and their external counterparts. On the other hand, cross-border electricity providers themselves have placed high demands on enterprises. 3.4进一步宣传跨境电商 3.4 Further promotion of cross-border power suppliers 虽然当前跨境电商在传统国际贸易中所占地位还不是太重要,但是随着技术、经济等方面的进一步发展,跨境电商在日后的全球经济中将会占据十分重要的位置。针对于此,我国就必要重视对跨境电商的发展力度。考虑到当前我国大众对跨境电商认知的欠缺,当前这一工作的重点就应该在于加大对跨境电商的宣传力度上。以此来逐渐引导人们使用习惯跨境电商,从而有效扩大跨境电商在我国的参与范围,促进我国跨境电商和国际贸易的快速、高质发展。 Although the current position of cross-border electric power suppliers in traditional international trade is not too important, as technological, economic and other developments further develop, cross-border electricity suppliers will occupy a very important place in the future global economy. To that end, we need to focus on the development of cross-border electricity suppliers. Given the current lack of public awareness of cross-border electricity suppliers, the focus should now be on increasing awareness of cross-border electricity suppliers. 4结语 4 Concluding remarks 跨境电商的出现、发展,给传统国际贸易带来的影响是全方面、多层次的,其所影响的绝不止于传统国际贸易本身,更包含了传统国际贸易法制建设、理论基础等方面的内容。而要想实现跨境电商、传统国际贸易的进一步发展,就需要以不变应万变,做好信用体制完善、信息化设施建设等方面的工作。 The emergence and development of cross-border power suppliers have had an all-encompassing and multilayered impact on traditional international trade, not only on traditional international trade itself, but also on the building-up of traditional international trade law, the theoretical underpinnings, etc. The further development of cross-border electricity suppliers and traditional international trade requires constant adaptation, improved credit systems, and the building of information-based facilities. 参考文献 References [1]宋洪姝.跨境电商对传统国际贸易的影响[J].现代经济信息,2017(3). [1] Song Hongjong. Impact of cross-border power suppliers on traditional international trade [J]. Modern economic information, 2017(3). [2]胡秋华.跨境电商发展对经济新常态下中国传统国际贸易的影响[J].商业经济研究,2017(20). [2] Hu Qiuhua. Impact of the development of cross-border power suppliers on China's traditional international trade under the new normal state of the economy [J]. Commercial economic studies, 2017 (20). 关键词:跨境电商;传统国际贸易;影响 Keywords: cross-border power suppliers; traditional international trade; impact 一、跨境电商的内涵特征以及两者之间的区别 I. CONTEXT OF CROSS-BORDER ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS AND THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 从名称上看,跨境电商指的是电子商务在对外贸易中的应用,是传统国际贸易商务流程的电子化、数字化和网络化。它是传统商务流程的一个近代化的标志。随着社会经济的快速发展和生产总值的提高,我国居民收入大幅度提升,生活水平也日益提高,在这样的大环境下。我国居民消费能力也相应的增加,间接推动了跨境电商在我国的快速发展。不可否认的是跨境电商在消费上很大程度上便捷了我们的生活。其一,跨境电商具有全球性的特征,这是跨境电商的优势之一。在科技高速发展的今天,社会朝着数字化的方向高速发展,市场由国内扩展到国外,实现全球一体化,这就导致我们必须增加跨境电商在全球市场中的占有额,不然只能遭到市场的淘汰。同时,在电子商务平台进行交易,必然会体现出全球化的特征。其二,跨境电商具有科学性的特征。这是因为随着科学技术的提高,不管是消费者或者是商家,都在用更加先进的科学技术来代替传统的人力资源,这样消费者逐渐以电子商务交易代替传统的实体交易为主。 As a result of rapid socio-economic development and the increase in the gross domestic product (GDP), the country’s income and living standards have increased considerably, and this has led to an increase in the share of cross-border electric power suppliers in the global market, which in turn has contributed indirectly to the rapid growth of cross-border electricity suppliers in our country. It is undeniable that cross-border electricity suppliers are more easily consumed. First, they have a global character, which is one of the advantages of cross-border electricity suppliers. 二、相比传统国际贸易,跨境电商的优势 II. Strengths of cross-border power suppliers over traditional international trade 首先,跨境电商的活动范围及交易的地点都是全球性的。所以,相对于在交易范围的地理趋势下,跨境贸易电子商务是比传统国际贸易具有很大的地理优势的。进而更加是从根本上实现了无国界进行贸易的做法,从而使得企业面对的是全球的消费者,不只单单是面对自己国家的人口。更加是将企业推向国外,走向全球的路线,使企业更加国际化,同时促进企业的更加完善,同时也节省了更多的产品出口,面向全球的复杂步骤。与此同时,中国的众多消费者也可更加直接的面对海外的商家,减少交易的复杂性。更加简单便捷的购买到全球的国际产品,所以说跨境电商不仅可以使中国自家的产品面向全球走向国际,也是中国消费者获得了更多选择海外产品的权利。这样就可以节省了很多中间环节,实现了开端到终端的面对面交易。不仅节省了中间成本,也节省了更多的人力资源,毫无疑问,这样会使商品更加便宜。在成本一致的情况下,毫无疑问,跨境电商会对传统贸易造成巨大的价格冲击。其次,在网络互联网的时代观念下,无疑我们所需要掌握及时的信息交流。所以,在跨境电子商务中,就可以简便的通过平台进行贸易双方的沟通了。且又可以在满意的交流沟通的过程中,在平台进行及时的下单,付款,这都是传统贸易所不能达到的便捷通道。而传统国际贸易就做不到这一点了,这就导致买家更加倾向于电商交易,因为谁都会选择更好的服务态度商家。最后,就是基于货品运输渠道的便捷性。在面对省去了诸多中间环节的电子商务显然传统的跨境贸易是不具有任何优势的。因为电子商务贸易不仅使得跨境贸易的门槛变低了,同时,还使得国际贸易变得更加的简单且透明,但同时却又节约了交易成本从而使得运营商,节省了一部分的运输费用,又缩短了运营周期使商家可以快速货物到达。所以说跨境贸易电子商务的平台降低了跨境贸易的门槛。使中小型企业或者是个人都可以参与进来,从而丰富了国际贸易的阵容使其变得庞大。 At the same time, many Chinese consumers can deal more directly with offshore traders and reduce the complexity of transactions. The easier way to buy international goods across the globe, so that firms can not only become global consumers, but also face the population in their own countries. 三、跨境电商对传统国际贸易的影响 III. Impact of cross-border electricity suppliers on traditional international trade 1.推动国际贸易管理方式的改变 1. Promoting changes in the way international trade is regulated 跨境电商对传统国际贸易带来了非常巨大的影响。跨境电商使用了现代先进的科学技术,为传统的国际贸易提供了科学化工作格局和不一样的按例。同时,跨境电商注重运用网络为平台进行交易,这为传统的国际贸易提供了更广大的市场环境。跨境电商的发展推动着传统国际贸易管理方式的不断改变。 Cross-border consumers use modern and advanced science and technology, providing scientific patterns and different patterns of traditional international trade. At the same time, cross-border consumers focus on using networks to trade platforms, providing a broader market environment for traditional international trade. 2.跨境电商推动国际贸易朝着无形性发展 2. Cross-border power suppliers drive international trade towards intangibles 跨境电商更多的在网络平台进行交易活动,随着互联网的不断发展,互联网环境不断完善,为跨境电商的发展壮大提供了良好的机遇,同样的是,国际贸易也正是需要这一点,网上交易正好为跨境交易提供的巨大方便,毕竟意识全球一体化,但是实际并没有发展到全球村的样子。这就使得在电商平台上交易的国际贸易基于互联网具有无形性。 As the Internet continues to develop, the Internet environment continues to improve, providing good opportunities for the growth of cross-border power suppliers. Similarly, international trade is needed, and online transactions are a great facility for cross-border transactions, after all, conscious of global integration, but not as far as the global village is concerned. 3.跨境电商推动国际贸易朝着即时化发展 3. Cross-border power suppliers drive international trade towards instantaneous development 现代科学技术的迅速发展,带动了通讯方式的快速更新,在传统交易模式下,物品信息的交流受到了时间和地域的各种限制,导致众多交易活动延期开展或者错过了交易。这就让很多物品没有得到交易。而这种情况在电商交易中是不存在的,因为现代网络覆盖全球,信息的发出和信息的的接受几乎可以同时进行,这就让物品各种信息得到交流,商人也可以从中发现良好的商机。相比于传统国际贸易,跨境电商受地理位置和时间的限制更小。 The rapid development of modern science and technology has led to a rapid updating of the mode of communication, in which the exchange of information on goods has been limited in time and geography in the traditional mode of dealing, resulting in numerous transactions being postponed or missed. This has left many items untraded. 四、跨境电商以及传统国际贸易的发展前景 IV. Development prospects for cross-border power suppliers and traditional international trade 1.跨境电商的发展前景 1. Prospects for the development of cross-border power suppliers 首先,相对于跨境电商来说肯定是以出口为主导的。然而,对于中国的出口贸易来说,其主要的需要建设及增进的就是几个点:及时的化解外贸企业突发的临时状况、且进行有效的市场拓展、并且树立品牌。另外从国际的角度来看,各个国家都是多出口贸易进行实施鼓励的政策的。同时,中国也是这样做的,并且进行适度的发展进口贸易。并且从国家的角度来看,进出口贸易是用来提升国民生活水准的有效措施,是对国内商品供给的丰富性及提高居民消费的层级起积极作用的。并且,我国的政策是在今后的发展中仍是会适度的发展跨境电商进口的,并且进行政策的创新,同时促进跨境电商的发展及提升其发展的质量。 For China’s export trade, however, the main points that need to be built and enhanced are the timely resolution of the sudden temporary situation of foreign-trade firms, effective market expansion and branding. From an international perspective, each country is engaged in a policy of encouraging more export trade. 2.传统国际贸易的发展前景 2. Development prospects for traditional international trade 首先,革新企业意识,开阔企业的视野。与国内的经济贸易不同,国际经济与贸易遵循的是国际贸易的惯例与规则,企业在进行贸易时,必须接受新的规则,了解新的制度,有利于革新我国传统企业的经济贸易意识,使得企业重新审视自己的产品与服务,从新的角度进一步改善自己的产品与服务。其次,跨境电商将国际贸易逐渐推向高级化,并与产业结构的优化升级相互为依托,在全球发展迅速而猛烈。五、结语目前,我国已经进入全面的跨境电子交易时代。跨境电子商务占据了我国进出口贸易方式中的大部分,推动了传统国际贸易的管理方式发生了巨大的变革,在新时代的背景下,传统国际贸易需要进行革新,才能得到较快的发展。 In contrast to domestic economic trade, the international economy and trade are governed by the practices and rules of international trade, and enterprises are required to accept new rules in their trade, understand new systems, and help innovate the economic trade consciousness of our traditional enterprises, allowing them to re-examine their products and services and to further improve their products and services from a new perspective. Secondly, cross-border electric power suppliers have gradually advanced international trade, relying on one another to optimize their industrial structure. 参考文献: References: [1]汪文进.第三方支付机构跨境外汇电子支付管理问题研究田[J].西部金融,2013,12(03):79-83. [1] Wang Wenjin... Study on the management of cross-border electronic foreign exchange payments by third-party payment agencies [J]. West Finance, 2013, 12 (03): 79-83. [2]黄永江.关于构建我国跨境电子商务及支付外汇业务管理体系的研究[J].金融会计,2013,20(07):22-29. [2] Huang Yongjiang. Study on the construction of our system for managing cross-border e-commerce and foreign exchange payments [J]. Financial accounting, 2013, 20 (07): 22-29.
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