比特币6月21日消息快讯汇总 现货ETF助推CME期货增长

资讯 2024-07-14 阅读:72 评论:0


The latest data show that the CME bitcoin futures market has increased by 80% since this year, indicating increased market liquidity and arbitrage opportunities. At the same time, the interest and involvement of institutional investors has been increasing, heralding further development and maturity of the Bitcoin and encrypted currency markets.

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2024-06-21 10:43

CF Benchmarks的首席研究分析师Gabriel Selby揭示,得益于现货比特币ETF的推动,CME比特币期货市场的未平仓合约今年以来已激增80%。这一增长主要归因于现货比特币ETF与CME期货合约之间的基础交易,此类交易为套利提供了机会,同时也为比特币市场注入了更多流动性,为构建更为稳健和互联的市场生态打下了坚实基础。

The chief research analyst for CF Benchmarks, Gabriel Selby, revealed that, thanks to the help of the spot bitcoin ETF, the CME bitcoin futures market has seen an 80% increase since this year. This increase is mainly due to the base transaction between the spot bitcoin ETF and the CME futures contract, which provides an opportunity for arbitrage, while also injecting more liquidity into the Bitcoin market and laying a solid foundation for building a more robust and interconnected market ecology.

2024-06-21 10:18


According to his predictions, the US macroeconomic conditions will favour the price of bitcoin in the next 10 days. Despite a slight decline of about 3.2% in June, prices are expected to rebound by the end of the month, given the Fed’s liquidity impact on the BTC/USD exchange rate.

2024-06-21 10:06


This new macroeconomic system is characterized by rising inflation, higher interest rates, and slower economic growth, which are likely to persist. Previously, United States Treasury Secretary Ellen said that the Fed’s long-term maintenance of high interest rates would increase the difficulty of controlling fiscal deficits and interest expenditures, and could lead to a collapse of encrypted currencies, such as Bitcoin.

2024-06-21 09:10


The issuer, Van Eckk, is optimistic that the product, despite differences in market size, is expected to achieve a similar growth trend to that of the United States current Bitcoin ETF.

2024-06-21 09:01

VanEck比特币ETF周四在澳大利亚证券交易所闪亮登场,其种子投资金额约为98.5万澳元。同时,BetaShares Holdings Pty和DigitalX Ltd.等公司也在排队等待上市。ASX发言人表示,目前VanEck是唯一获得批准的申请人,与其他发行人的接洽仍在进行中。彭博高级ETF分析师Rebecca Sin预测,未来几年亚太地区虚拟资产ETF的潜在市场规模可能超过30亿美元,若澳大利亚、韩国等地允许加密货币ETF上市,这些地区的市场份额有望平均分配。

Van Eckbitcoin ETF showed up on the Australian Stock Exchange Thursday, with seed investment of about $9.85 million. At the same time, companies such as BetaShares Holdings Pty and DigitalX Ltd. are waiting to be listed. The ASX spokesman said that VanEck was currently the only approved applicant and was still in contact with other issuers.

2024-06-21 07:14


After a hacker invaded the cloud data company Snowflake, personal information was stolen and sold to millions of American students, and ransom claims were reduced from $2 million in bitcoins to $150,000. The hacker threatened to reveal the data if ransoms were not paid within seven days. The stolen information included details of the students. Meanwhile, the police have arrested the leaders of suspected hacker groups, and security agencies are investigating the matter in depth.

2024-06-21 03:27


According to a recent study by CoinShares, the traditional 60/40 portfolio model is no longer adapted to the current market environment. The results suggest that the inclusion of bitcoins in the portfolio can significantly increase the return after risk adjustment. The configuration of 4 per cent of bitcoins in the 60/40 portfolio can raise the Sharp ratio from 0.48 to 1.05 and reduce the correlation between portfolio assets. Moreover, bitcoins show significant diversification and return-enhancing effects in various classic portfolios. The report suggests that the optimal bitcoins ratio should be between 4 and 10 per cent to significantly improve portfolio performance while maintaining a reasonable level of risk.

2024-06-21 03:27


Official greyscale data show that, as at 20 June, GBTC holdings had fallen by 280,000 bits of bitcoins and that its share of circulation had declined, but its asset management remained at a high level.

2024-06-21 01:13


The report issued by Bernstein, the analysing agency, states that although the share of agencies in the spot bitcoin ETF is currently only 22%, the increase in CMEbitco futures contract liquidity since the launch of the ETF indicates the dynamism of the underlying transaction. The report also predicts that Bitcoin ETF is expected to be approved in the third or fourth quarter of the year by major securities companies and large private banking platforms, thereby attracting more financial inflows.

2024-06-21 00:42


In a recent study, the broker, Bernstein, stated that Bitcoin and encrypted currency-related shares are currently undervalued and considered suitable for institutional investment. The report noted that, while some views suggested that the spot bitcoin ETF transactions were closed and that early configurations were mainly made by bulk investors, Bernstein argued that Bitcoin ETFs were expected to receive more endorsement from mainstream financial institutions in the third or fourth quarter.


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