at Taiga's today's price: $1,811.66
Ethereum当前价格为 1,811.64美元,24 小时交易额为 69,213,458.63。Ethereum的价格在过去 24 小时内下跌了 0.72%。目前,该币种市值排名为第 2 名,实时市值为 $216,822,433,318.00,流通供应量为 120,295,219 ETH。我们将实时更新 ETH/USD 的价格。 The current price of Etherum is US$ 1,811.64, with 24 hours of transactions amounting to US$ 69,213,458.63. The price of Etheum has fallen by 0.72% in the last 24 hours. At present, the market value of the currency is ranked 2nd, the real-time market value is $216,822,433,318.00, and the current supply is 120,295,219 ETH. We will update the prices of ETH/USD in real time. 以太坊(ETH)是一个开源、去中心化的区块链网络,是比特币区块链网络基础上的第二代区块链。相较于比特币区块链,以太坊有一些显著的差异和改进。它支持使用其原生货币以太币(ETH)进行数字支付,并作为软件平台创建和部署 去中心化应用程序(DApps)或 智能合约。 Ether is an open-source, decentralised network of block chains, a second-generation block chain based on a network of bitcoin blocks. There are some notable differences and improvements in Ether's chain. It supports the use of its native currency for digital payments in Tethi currency, and creates and deploys applications to centralize (DApps) or smart contracts as software platforms. 以目前的ETH价格计算,以太坊是市值第二大的加密货币,仅次于比特币。以太坊通过向区块链网络引入智能合约功能,改变了加密货币行业。智能合约允许用户和开发人员开拓新的领域,例如 去中心化金融 (DeFi)等。 At the current ETH price, the Taiyo is the second largest encrypt currency in the market, after Bitcoin. By introducing smart contracts into the block chain network, the Tai Tai has changed the encrypt currency industry. 以太坊网络被设计成一种任何人都可以使用的全球计算机。它旨在让用户完全控制其数字资产,并允许他们访问传统上由中心化实体机构控制的工具和服务。 It is designed as a global computer that anyone can use. It is designed to give users complete control over their digital assets and allow them access to tools and services that are traditionally controlled by centralized entities. 例如,在以太坊区块链上,任何人都可以提供加密货币作为抵押品,并获得即时贷款。在传统的金融世界中,这一过程将由一个中心化机构托管。对于以太坊,该功能的每个方面都完全可以由区块链上的智能合约处理。这就消除了第三方平台的需求。 For example, in the Taiyo block chain, anyone can provide encrypted money as collateral and get immediate loans. In the traditional financial world, the process will be hosted by a central institution. For the Etai district, every aspect of this function can be handled by an intelligent contract on the block chain. This eliminates the need for a third-party platform. 以太坊区块链还可以通过在分布在世界各地的公共节点的分布式网络上运行和提供程序,使任何程序能够抵抗审查、完善且不易遭受欺诈。 It can also operate and provide procedures on a distributed network of public nodes distributed around the world, enabling any process to resist censorship, integrity and vulnerability to fraud. 本着去中心化所有权的精神,任何人都可以提交他们认为可以为项目的集体利益改进以太坊的治理建议。提案提交后,以太坊代币的持有者可以对其结果进行投票。通过这种方式,以太坊社区对其正在进行的开发的结果负责。 In the spirit of decentralizing ownership, anyone can submit proposals that they believe can improve governance in the collective interest of the project. 由于区块链技术和智能合约功能具有看似无限的可能性,以太坊已经产生了几个数十亿美元的产业。这些包括DeFi、玩赚区块链游戏,以及广受好评的 NFT领域。如今,以太坊区块链拥有超过2,900个不同的项目,处理的价值超过11万亿美元。 Because of the seemingly limitless possibilities of block chain technology and smart contract functions, Etheria has produced several billions of dollars in industry. These include DeFi, the game of profit block chains, and a widely appreciated NFT field. Now, Ether Branch chains have over 2,900 different projects, valued at over $11 trillion. 以太坊区块链的原生代币称为ETH。以太在完成网络交易时需要支付手续费(GAS)。它也是存储在区块链上的加密货币资产的货币交换,就像NFT一样。在以太坊合并之后,ETH将用于保护网络并产生新的区块。 It is also a currency exchange of encrypted monetary assets stored on the block chain, like NFT. After Ether merges, ETH will protect the network and create new blocks. 当以太坊区块链在2015年最初推出时,它采用了工作量证明(PoW)共识机制。在这个模型中,新的ETH代币被创建并分发给矿工,作为生产新区块和维护区块链的奖励。 When the Taiwan block chain was first launched in 2015, it used the PoW consensus mechanism. In this model, the new ETH token was created and distributed to miners as an incentive to produce new blocks and maintain the chain. 这意味着被称为采矿设备的高性能计算硬件装置,被应用在解开采矿过程中的复杂方程时相互竞争。第一个解出方程的矿工将获得领导网络上新区块生产的权利,并获得新铸造代币作为奖励。这也是比特币区块链所采用的模式。 This means that high-performance hardware devices, known as mining equipment, are used to compete with each other in decomposing the complex equation of mining. The first miner to decompose the equation will be given the right to lead the production of new blocks on the network, and will be rewarded with a new monet. This is also the model used in the Bitcoin block chain. 以太坊区块链也有一个基于账户的架构。以太坊账户本质上是一个持有以太坊(ETH)余额的实体,可以在以太坊区块链上发起交易。以太坊账户有两种类型。 There is also an account-based structure for the Etherbank block chain. The Etherbank account is essentially an entity holding Ether’s (ETH) balance that can start a transaction on the Etherton block chain. 第一个是“外部帐户”,它由用户通过其私钥进行控制和管理。第二种是“合约账户”,也被称为智能合约,由它们各自的代码管理。这两个账户都可以持有、接收和发送ETH和其他受以太坊支持代币,并与部署在区块链上的智能合约进行交互。 The first is “ external accounts & rdquo; it is controlled and managed by users through their private keys. The second is & & & & & rdquo; also known as smart contracts, which are managed by their respective codes. Both accounts can hold, receive and send ETH and other Ether-supported tokens and interact with smart contracts deployed in the chain of blocks. 外部账户可以发起与其他外部账户和智能合约的交易。但智能合约只有在与外部账户或其他智能合约交互时才会生效。它们只能通过触发代码(涉及多个操作)、传输加密货币或甚至创建新的智能合约进行响应。 External accounts can initiate transactions with other external accounts and smart contracts. But smart contracts only work when they interact with external accounts or other smart contracts. They can only respond by triggering codes (involving multiple operations), transmitting encrypted currency or even creating new smart contracts. 以太坊虚拟机(EVM)构成了以太坊区块链的核心。EVM是所有以太坊账户和智能合约驻留的环境。它是一个计算引擎或虚拟机,功能类似于一个分布式计算机,容纳数百万可执行项目。 Ether's Virtual Machine (EVM) forms the core of the Ether's block chain. EVM is the environment in which all Ether's accounts and smart contracts stay. It is a computing engine or virtual machine with a similar function to a distributed computer, with millions of executable projects. 换句话说,EVM构成了以太坊完整运营结构的基石。作为单一实体,EVM由运行以太坊客户端的数千台相互连接的计算机(节点)同时维护。 In other words, the EVM forms the cornerstone of the complete operating structure of the Taiwan. As a single entity, EVM is maintained by thousands of connected computers (nodes) running on the user of the Etheraya. 与使用分布式账本的比特币不同,以太坊使用分布式“状态机”。以太坊在任何给定点上的“状态”都是一个大型数据结构,包含了账户和余额以及当时的“机器状态”。 Unlike bitcoin, which uses distributed accounts, the Taiwan uses distributed & ldquo; state machine & rdquo; & & rdquao; on any given point & & status & rdquo; is a large data structure with accounts and balances and then & & ldquao; machine status & & rdquao; 它还包含宿主和执行许多低级机器代码的能力。这个“状态”在不同的块之间不断变化,EVM定义了改变它的规则。 It also contains the host's ability to execute many low-level machine codes. This & & & & & & & & status & & changes between blocks, and the EVM defines the rules that change it. 以太坊网络有许多用例,其中创建和部署智能合约的能力是所有用例的核心。该功能允许开发人员在平台上开发各种去中心化应用程序,包括加密钱包、去中心化交易所、DeFi协议、NFT市场、链游等。 There are many examples of such networks, in which the ability to create and deploy smart contracts is at the core of all examples. This allows developers to develop various decentralised applications on the platform, including encrypted wallets, decentralized exchanges, DeFi protocols, NFT markets, chains, etc. 其代币标准,如ERC-20和ERC-721已广泛用于创建可替代及不可替代的代币,从而促进了各种数十亿美元的项目。特别是基于ERC-721标准的NFT代币,开创了NFT领域,该产业在2022年将达到30亿美元,预计到2027年将超过136亿美元。 Its token standards, such as ERC-20 and ERC-721, have been widely used to create alternative and irreplaceable tokens, thus promoting billions of dollars in projects. In particular, NFT, based on the ERC-721 standard, has opened the NFT sector, which will reach $3 billion in 2022, and is expected to exceed $13.6 billion by 2027. 另一方面,以太坊的原生加密货币ETH也有多个用例,主要的用例是在以太坊网络上支付交易费用的手段。 On the other hand, there are a number of examples of ETH, the original encrypted currency of Taipan, the main one being the means of paying transaction costs on the Taiwan network. 任何时候,用户传输ETH或基于以太坊的代币,或与平台上托管的任何应用程序交互,都需要支付ETH作为gas费。在未来的时间里,ETH也将被积极用于新的权益证明以太坊区块链上的验证目的,主动验证者需要质押32个ETH才能胜任这项工作。 At any time, users are required to pay ETH as a gas fee to transmit ETH or to interact with any application hosted on the platform. 随着以太坊需求的增长,该网络的核心架构也开始出现拥堵的迹象,每笔交易的平均手续费显著上升。因此,以太坊区块链面临的最大挑战之一是在网络高度阻塞时收取过高的手续费(GAS)。例如,2021年5月,该网络上基本交易的平均成本约为71美元。 As demand grows in the district, the core structure of the network is beginning to show signs of congestion, with the average fees per transaction rising significantly. Thus, one of the biggest challenges facing the district chain is to impose excessive fees when the network is highly blocked (GAS). For example, in May 2021, the average cost of basic transactions on the network was approximately $71. 被称为ETH 2.0版本的以太坊合并 是一个多年的计划,以逐步将以太坊区块链从其PoW转移到权益证明(PoS)共识机制。虽然这一转变不会立即解决高昂的GAS费问题,但它将使以太坊成为一个更环保、更高效的区块链网络。 The Etheria merger, known as ETH 2.0, is a multi-year plan to move gradually from the PoW to the PoS consensus mechanism. While this shift will not immediately solve the high GAS costs, it will make Ether a greener and more efficient network of blocks. 在PoW系统中,以太坊矿工彼此竞争,使用昂贵的计算资源,向链中添加新的区块,并获得ETH奖励作为回报。然而,在PoS模型中,他们将不再需要挖掘区块。 In the PoW system, they compete with each other, use expensive computing resources, add new blocks to the chain and get an ETH reward in return. In the PoS model, however, they will no longer need to dig blocks. 相反,当被选中时,它们将创建并添加新的区块,当不需要时,它们将验证其他区块。为了获得成为验证者的权利,他们必须在区块链中质押32个ETH。此外,由于验证器之间没有竞争,它们将不再需要昂贵和先进的硬件,如采矿设备。 On the contrary, when selected, they will create and add new blocks, and when not needed, they will verify other blocks. In order to gain the right to become certifying officers, they will have to pledge 32 ETHs in the block chain. Moreover, since there is no competition between the authenticators, they will no longer need expensive and sophisticated hardware, such as mining equipment. 尽管以太坊团队自2016年以来一直在计划这一过渡,它在2020年12月1日才启动了PoS信标链。 Although the team has been planning this transition since 2016, it did not launch the PoS beacon chain until 1 December 2020. 这标志着以太坊从单一PoW链向多链PoS网络过渡的3阶段过程的第0阶段。下面列出的是这三个阶段以及他们打算如何改造以太坊: This marks stage 0 of the three-stage transition from a single PoW chain to a multi-chain PoS network. 第0阶段(信标链)如上所述,这涉及到信标链的启动,这是一个与原始PoW以太坊主网并行运行的权益证明区块链。此外,它为以太坊未来的升级奠定了基础。截至目前,Beacon Chain上超过41万名验证者总共投入了1,300多万枚ETH。 Phase 0 (beam chain), as described above, involves the start-up of the beacon chain, which is an equity proof block chain running in parallel with the original PoW-Team network. In addition, it provides the basis for the future upgrade of Ether. To date, more than 410,000 certifications on the Beacon Chain have invested more than 13 million ETHs. 阶段1(合并)该合并计划于2022年第三季度/第四季度进行,包括将信标链与现有的以太坊区块链合并,用前者的PoS系统完全取代后者的PoWmodel。合并后,原来的以太坊区块链将成为新网络的“执行”层,而信标链将成为其“共识”层。 Phase 1 (Consolidation) is scheduled to take place in the third/fourth quarter of 2022, including merging the beacon chain with the existing PoS system, which completely replaces the latter's PoWmodel. The merger will result in the new network's & ldquo; execution & rdquo; layer, where the beacon chain will become & ldquao; consensus & & rdquo; layer. 阶段2(分片)Sharding预计在2023-2024年推出,将通过将网络负载分散到64个新的分片链来扩展以太坊的能力。目前的PoW以太坊链将成为这64个碎片之一。此时运行挖矿节点将变得容易得多,因为要存储的数据将远远少于单个PoW以太坊区块链。 Phase 2 (fragmented) Shadding is expected to be launched in 2023-2024, expanding the capacity of the Taiyana by spreading the network loads to 64 new sub-chains. The current PoW-Team chain will be one of these 64 fragments. It will be much easier to run mining nodes at this time, because the data to store will be far less than the individual PoW-Team chain. 通过向PoS共识机制过渡,以太坊网络将比以前更加节能和安全。此外,当以太坊区块链实现交易分片机制,显著提高交易吞吐量和提高网络速度时,共识模型将允许更大的可扩展性。 By making the transition to the PoS consensus mechanism, the community network will be more energy-efficient and secure than before. Moreover, the consensus model will allow for greater expansion when the trade segment mechanism is achieved by using the community block chain, significantly increasing transaction throughput and increasing the speed of the network. 2014年7月,以太坊基金会推出了ETH首次代币发行(ICO)。在这次公开销售活动中,大约6,000万ETH以2,000 ETH对1 BTC的初始汇率分发给投资者。 In July 2014, the Ethio Foundation launched the first Ethercopic issue of ETH (ICO). During this open sale, about 60 million ETHs were distributed to investors at an initial exchange rate of 2,000 ETH to 1 BTC. 当时,这使得ETH价格约为0.31美元。以太币在以太坊网络的创世区块分发给投资者。 At that time, the price of ETH was about US$ 0.31. Ether was distributed to investors in the creation block of the Etheraya network. 当以太坊主网启动时,最初的ETH代币供应量约为7,200万枚。虽然大多数代币分配给了早期投资者,但16.73%的供应分配给了以太坊基金会。 When it was launched, the original ETH was about 72 million. Although most of the money was allocated to early investors, 16.73% of the supply was allocated to the Ethio Foundation. 截止目前,以太坊代币的流通供应量约为1.22亿枚。自以太坊主网创世区块以来,通过代币生成,大约有4,800万枚ETH被添加到供应中。 To date, there are about 122 million items in circulation in Taiwan. Some 48 million ETHs have been added to the supply since the creation of the ETA Net. 新的ETH代币通过区块奖励生成并分发给矿工,使以太坊成为一种通胀的加密货币。虽然以太坊改进提案(EIP) 1,559伦敦硬分叉更新引入了一些通货紧缩机制,但这些机制目前并不能完全抵消以太坊的通胀。 The new ETH tokens are generated through block incentives and distributed to miners, making Ether an inflamed and encrypted currency. While the proposal to improve (EIP) 1,559 London hard fork has introduced some deflationary mechanisms, they are not currently fully offsetting the inflation in Ether. 以太坊区块奖励的发行量一直在稳步下降。当该网络最初启动时,新的以太币以每个区块5个ETH的速度产生。这些奖励是给矿工作为保护网络和验证交易的激励。2017年10月,作为EIP 649提案的一部分,该发行量降低到每个区块3个ETH。 In October 2017, as part of the EIP 649 proposal, the distribution was reduced to 3 ETHs per block. 以太坊的想法最初是在2013年底Vitalik Buterin(V神)的一份白皮书中描述的。Vitalik Buterin撰写这份白皮书时只有19岁。 The idea was originally described in a White Paper by Vitalik Buterin (V God) at the end of 2013. Vitalik Buterin was only 19 years old when he wrote the White Paper. 在把以太坊概念提出之前,Vitalik Buterin是一名经验丰富的程序员和开发人员,他之前创建了比特币杂志新闻网站。 Prior to the introduction of the Etherm concept, Vitalik Buterin was an experienced programmer and developer who had previously created the Bitcoin News website. Vitalik Buterin认为,可以利用区块链技术构建不受中心化机构控制的去中心化协议和应用程序。Vitalik Buterin是一款很受欢迎的网络游戏《魔兽世界》的狂热玩家。在它的创造者从游戏中删除了他最喜欢的咒语后,Vitalik Buterin决定没有一个实体可以完全控制一个应用程序,因此形成了以太坊区块链的概念。 Vitalik Buterin argues that block chain technology can be used to build decentralised protocols and applications that are not controlled by centralized institutions. Vitalik Buterin is a fanatical player in a popular online game, The World of Monsters. After its creator removed his favorite spell from the game, Vitalik Buterin decided that no entity could fully control an application, and thus developed the concept of a tether chain. 以太坊于2014年1月在迈阿密的北美比特币大会上正式宣布。这个项目是由八个人共同创立的。 It was officially announced at the North American Bitcoin Congress in Miami in January 2014. The project was co-sponsored by eight people. 俄罗斯裔加拿大人维塔利克·布特林(Vitalik Buterin)是以太坊区块链最重要的贡献者,并且一直如此。Polkadot (DOT)的Gavin Wood是以太坊基金会的第一任首席技术官。他用c++编程语言编写了以太坊的第一个技术实现,并创建了Solidity,这是创建以太坊智能合约的实际编程语言。 Russian Canadian Vitalik & Middot; Vitalik Buterin is the most important contributor to, and has always been so. Polkadot (DOT) Gavin Wood is the first chief technical officer of the Taiku Foundation. He has developed the first technology in Taiyaku in c++ programming language and created Solidity, which is the actual programming language for creating the Taiyaku Smart Contract. 如今,Solidity被认为是以太坊应用程序的基本编程语言,并在其他运行EVM的区块链上得到广泛使用。此外,Wood还找到了自己的替代区块链网络Polkadot,旨在纠正以太坊的一些问题。 Solidity is now considered a basic programming language for e-Team applications and is widely used in other block chains running EVM. In addition, Wood has found its substitute block chain network, Polkadot, to correct some of the problems of e-Team. 另一位著名的创始人是Charles Hoskinson,他在建立其他第1层区块链(LAyer-1)方面获得了声誉。由于对项目方向的意见分歧,Hoskinson最终离开了以太坊项目。然而,他与另一位早期以太坊同事Jeremy Wood一起创建了IOHK,并继续开发Cardano区块链。 Another famous founder, Charles Hoskinson, gained a reputation for building the other first-tier block chain (Layer-1). Hoskinson eventually left the Ethemi project because of disagreement over the course of the project. However, he created IOHK with another early Ethio colleague, Jeremy Wood, and continued to develop the Cardano block chain. 以太坊是能够支持智能合约的第1层区块链(Layer 1)。以太坊网络是一个完全去中心化的公共分类账,账户可以存储数字资产,如加密货币或NFT。 Ether is the first block chain that can support smart contracts (Layer 1). The Ethernet is a fully decentralised public ledger with accounts that can store digital assets, such as encrypted currency or NFT. 您可以从欧易交易所购买 ETH。欧易交易所为 ETH 提供了许多交易对,其中最受欢迎的包括 ETH/USDT 以及 ETH/USDC 等交易对。你也可以直接用法定货币 购买 ETH 或者将您的数字货币兑换为 ETH。 You can buy ETH from the OEX Exchange. The OEX Exchange provides many transactions for ETH, the most popular of which are ETH/USDT and ETH/USDC. You can also buy ETH directly or convert your digital currency to ETH. 在欧易交易所进行交易之前你需要先 创建交易账户。要用您首选的法币购买 ETH,请点击顶部导航栏“买币”下的“刷卡购买”。要交易 ETH/USDT 或 ETH/USDC,请点击“交易”下的“基础交易”。在同一选项卡下,点击“闪兑”将加密货币转换为 ETH。 You need to create a transaction account before a transaction is carried out by the ELEX exchange. To purchase ETH in your preferred French currency, click on the top navigation bar “ buy the currency &rdquao; below &ldquao; brush cards to buy &rdquao; to trade ETH/USDT or ETH/USDC, click on &ldquao; trade & & rdquao; base transaction & & rdquao; click & & ldquao; flash &rdquao; convert encrypted currency to ETH under the same tab. 或者,访问我们新的数字货币计算器功能。选择 ETH 代币和您期望转换的期望使用的法定法币,以查看大致的实时兑换价格。 Or, visit our new digital currency calculator function. Select the ETH token and the legal currency you expect to use to see the approximate real-time exchange price. 欧易交易所提供了一个高度安全的本地欧易钱包,可以有效地存储各种加密货币,包括ETH。您可以使用您的ETH进行交易,锁仓,或任何其他本地可用的欧易交易所服务。您甚至可以随时将您的ETH转移到外部钱包,没有任何限制。 The OEX Exchange provides a highly secure local euro wallet that allows for the efficient storage of various encrypted currencies, including ETH. You can use your ETH for trading, lock storage, or any other euro exchange service available locally. 在欧易交易所,我们建议你在客观投资之前研究任何加密货币。加密货币被认为是一种高风险资产,容易出现大幅价格波动。因此,我们希望你只投资你愿意承担风险的资产。 At the OCEX, we suggest that you study any encrypted currency before investing objectively. Encrypted currency is considered a high-risk asset, prone to large price fluctuations. So we want you to invest only in assets that you are willing to take risks. 与所有加密货币一样,ETH波动较大,并存在投资风险。因此,在投资之前,你应该做自身的研究学习(DYOR),评估你的风险偏好。 Like all encrypted currencies, the ETH is highly volatile and has investment risks. So, before investing, you should do your own research and study (DYOR) to assess your risk preferences. 目前,以太坊的流通供应量为约1.22亿枚ETH代币。 At present, there are about 122 million ETHs in circulation in Taiku. 以上就是以太坊最新价格行情_05月22日以太坊现在多少钱一枚人民币的详细内容,更多关于以太坊今日价格的资料请关注脚本之家其它相关文章! These are details of how much RMB is now in Etheria on 22 05, and more information about Ether's today's prices, please pay attention to other relevant script-house articles!
24H最高: 1,832.70
24H最低: 1,811.99
历史最高: 4,881.74
历史最低: 0.420897
24H成交量: 2.517亿
24H成交额: 20.82亿
发行总量: 1.205亿
市值: 2196亿
24H换手率: 0.95%
24H波幅: 1.14%
流通数量: 1.205亿
市值占比: 19.12%
昨开: 1,818.35
昨收: 1,821.68
流通率: 100.00%
完全稀释后市值 2196亿
7 天
$ -21.25
30 天
$ -45.11
3 个月
$ -19.56
Crypto.com Exchange
MEXC Global
Coinbase Exchange
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