== sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man
4.16比特币能否重回60000下方?4.16比特币以太坊最新行情走势分析以及操作建议,4.16投资比特币以太坊怎么分析行情,4.16比特币周五多空怎么看?4.16做比特币以太坊投资亏损怎么挽回损失?4月16号比特币短线怎么操作?当前比特币以太坊阻力位和支撑位在哪里?新手投资比特币该怎么做单? 为什么你的操作总是套单,比特币以太坊被套单如何解套?
4.16 Bitcoin is back below 60,000? 4.16 bitcoin is the latest trend analysis and operational advice from the Tails, 4.16 investment in bitcoin is the analysis of behavior from the Tails, 4.16 bitcoin is the analysis of behavior on Fridays? 4.16 bitcoin is the recovery of loss on Fridays? 4.16 is the short line of the Bitcoins on April 16. Where is Bitcoin currently the resistance and support position?
== sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man
Market volatility never stops, there are no opportunities to repair losses, and investment market money never ends. A circle of people who can't handle it updates a real-time guidance strategy every day, and those who need to look can learn and make decisions first. Acknowledging the teacher's ability to do so, feels like you can't help it, and if there is doubt, you can do it together. If you are in trouble on the way to invest, you can't be sure, and you can't find a long-term loss, you can focus on Peng Gwang-chul, talk to me, and perhaps my words will help you break through the long-suffering technical bottlenecks, fear me nothing but a genuine heart; there is no 100% accuracy, but only a steady profit; and there is no backlash, so that every profit is real and true to you and benefit from it.
== sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man
Bitcoin once again rose to new heights in the early hours of the morning, reaching the 63768 position line, breaking through the Blin track line, starting to retreat, forcing the early movement to break the support position of the mid-track line, starting to rebound on the 62668 line, and is now warming, with the Bitcoin price running at the 62,600 position line.
As seen in the chart of the solar line, at the end of the 10 sun line yesterday, the most recent movement was even higher, the historical highs were updated, the price remained relatively low in the last two days, the five-day line was still on the rail line, and there was no success in breaking the five-day line. The mood began to slow down, with the fear of a low signal, and Peng Gwang Cheol suggested that the day should be dominated by air.
As seen in the four-hour scale map, the Bryn belt is running in a reduced position, and the early movement is two consecutive times out of the vaginal Klan as an auxiliary premise, the ten-day line and the five-day line are reconnected, the ten-day average is tested several times, the empty force is re-energized, and it is possible to break down the middle-track support of the Bryn belt once the current deadlock is broken, and vice versa, if the middle-track line is supported by a rebound, the daytime movement will continue to warm up, and Peng Gwang-chul has advised not to go blindly and carefully re-do the lower position.
== sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man
Empty list strategy:
Bitcoin rebounds by $63,300-63,800 to empty (buy-down) ten-thousand-threshold positions at $64,500, near target 62,500-62000, line 61,500. (It is recommended that for information purposes only, investments are risky and market entry is prudent.)
Multiple strategies:
More than (up) ten percent (up) of the area around the 61,500-62,000 return for bitcoin, 60800 and 62500-63,000. (It is recommended for information only, investments are risky, and entry is prudent.)
本周操作的朋友记住严格带好止损。近期突发消息众多,行情延续性差,多空反复,投资者切勿盲目追涨杀跌,做单切勿重仓,控制风险。 对行情把握不准的可以来问我,不要自己盲目操作以防被套。想跟上操作的朋友请以彭光哲实(HDLJ1688)时指导为主!
Friends who operate this week remember to be strict enough to stop damage. There's a lot of breaking news, bad continuity, and a lot of red tape.
== sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man
The price of the Queen always snuck up in the dark of the night, looking at it from four hours: the price of the Kline rose from yesterday night up to 2545, opening the passageway with Blin, and moving up to get a steady start. We stepped back and entered the field one-way.
In four hours, the Brenn belt opens up and runs upwards. A wave of MA7 averages are currently tested to support 2430, but they are not validly stable, and Gwang-chul predicts that this position is still to be reached during the day. The graphic indicator MACD is running at the top of the 0-axis, the red dynamic energy poles are still running, the price has not fallen too much since KDJ formed a dead fork, and today the idea remains much lower.
== sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man
Multiple strategies:
More than (up) ten percent of the storage space around 2400-2430, 20 points down, target 2460-2480, 2500 line down. (Recommends only for information, investment is risky, market is prudent.)
Multiple strategies:
More than (up) ten percent of the storage area near the farback of $2380-2400, 20 points down, target 2450-2480, 2500 line down. (Recommends only for information, investment is risky, market is prudent.)
本周操作的朋友记住严格带好止损。近期突发消息众多,行情延续性差,多空反复,投资者切勿盲目追涨杀跌,做单切勿重仓,控制风险。 对行情把握不准的可以来问我,不要自己盲目操作以防被套。想跟上操作的朋友请以彭光哲实(HDLJ1688)时指导为主!
Friends who operate this week remember to be strict enough to stop damage. There's a lot of breaking news, bad continuity, and a lot of red tape.
== sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man
One is that counter-market operations - when they are counter-directed, when they are counter-deficit, when they increase, when they stop, when they stop, when they come back, or when they go up, when they go up and down, they go up and they never keep up with the rhythm.
Secondly, it would be like throwing away the money without fixing it. It would be a bad idea to stress the problem of not wanting to be stressed again. I am a man who speaks straight and does not like to bend the corner. In a word, if you don't just lose it, whether your list is a loss or a loss, one day, another day, you'll be out of business and there'll be no place to cry.
Three: I don't understand how frequent operations – whether or not the list is ideal, irresponsible teachers should see that you have little money left, or ask you to raise it without you, and that you may find every excuse not to give real-time guidance, so that you can cool you down and at most give you a block to run back and forth. Is it necessary for you to do that?
== sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man
如果你还像无头苍蝇一样到处在市场上找分析策略或解套博文不妨可以找我聊聊,若有更多的疑问或者有不同观点也可以和光哲在线共同探讨后市黄金的趋势! 市场的波动永不停息,不用担心没有挽回损失的机会,投资市场的钱永远挣不完。把握不住行情的本人朋有圈里每天都会更新实时指导策略请记住,我是彭光哲,一个一直活跃在市场一线的分析师。我不仅是一位指导老师,也是你生活中值得一交的朋友,欢迎志同道合之士前来促膝长谈!投资只有一个目的,那就是赚更多的钱,为了让身边的人过的更好,没有谁的钱是大风刮来的,路上白捡的,这个市场不缺老师,缺的是一个有良心、责任心,站在客户角度去考虑问题的老师。风里雨里,只要你伸手,彭光哲将一直在转亏为盈的路口,等你。
If you're still looking for analytical strategies or dissipating scripts around the market like a headless fly, you can talk to me. If you have more questions or different points of view, you can discuss the trend of post-market gold online. Market volatility will never stop, there will be no chance of recovery, investment market money will never be paid. Remember, I am Peng Gwang-chul, an analyst active in the market. I am not only a mentor, but also a worthy friend in your life.
本文由彭光哲独家策划,感谢广大读者对这篇文章的喜爱和支持,希望大家能从文章中有所收获和感悟!文章的观点和策略不管和大家意见是否一致大家都可以找到笔者和我一起探讨和学习! 世上无难事,只怕有心人。
This paper, prepared by Peng Gwang-chul, thanks the readers for their love and support of the article, and hopes that you will learn from it. The views and strategies of the article, whether or not they are in agreement, can be found and studied with me.
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