
资讯 2024-06-19 阅读:101 评论:0


Bitcoin, a real-time business today, has been announced by Square (founded by the founder of Twitter, Jack Dossy) to build a future decentralized financial services platform centred on bitcoin. With the volatility of bitcoin prices and market uncertainty, investors should exercise extra caution in choosing timing and trading strategies.


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1.Bitcoin SV中的“SV”是Satoshi Vision(中本聪愿景)的缩写。

“SV” in Bitcoin SV is an acronym for Satoshi Vision.


2. Bitcoin is a pure investment, and a significant portion of its price is determined by community consensus, with a high volatility presumably due to the practice of spree.


3. There are people who make money and people who lose money.


4. From now on, I believe that the final price must be beyond everyone's belief.


Pumpkin Chang, one of the "Four Kings" of Bitcoin, China, was designed in that year to produce 357 bitcoins a day.


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The latest current prices for BTC in Bitcoin are
strong <286263.17 (this is the real-time price) and the equivalent in United States dollars is
39899.53 .


Today's 24-year-old increase is 0.57, the 24-year-old maximum price is RMB 217957.53, the 24-year-old lowest price is RMB 214677.11, the 24-year-old turnover is 455557.82 BTC, the 24-year-old turnover is $13.328 billion, and the total market value of the BTC is RMB 561 trillion.


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Since the beginning of this year, there has been a sharp decline in the volume of global encrypted currency transactions and a decline in the volume of bitcoins, which raises questions about the future of the crown. Indeed, the decline in bitcoins represents a recent erosion of investor confidence in bitcoins, a negative sign that, in turn, will affect investor sentiment and create panic among investors.


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What's the decline in bitcoin transactions?


A lower volume of encrypted currency transactions may have a positive and negative impact on investors. On the one hand, low volumes are often seen as a sign of a lack of interest in the encryption market, which may indicate a low value.


For example, on 2 January 2022, a year ago, according to archived coingecko.com, global 24-hour trade stood at approximately $70.480 billion. Today, global 24-hour transactions fell by 67.43% to $22.95 billion.


Although all stable currency transactions today amounted to $16.44 billion, the volume of Tether (usdt) transactions amounted to $12.45 billion, or 71.63 per cent of the total as at 1 January 2023. On December 15, two weeks ago, most of the global transactions amounted to $54.78 billion. The volume of encrypted currency transactions has been declining since January 2022, with monthly peaks in May, September 2022 and November 2022.


What's the impact of the decline in bitcoin transactions?


There are three situations in which bitcoins are less and less divided, one where there is a decrease in high-level transactions, one where there is a decrease in low-level transactions, and one where there is a decrease in full-time transactions, which is analysed below.


1 with a reduction in high-level transactions

在2020年1月-2月,最高点曾经盘升至10500美元,距离6433最低点上来已经涨了60% ,算是阶段的高点。从时间上来看,涨了接近2个月的时间。在阶段高点出现高位,本合成交量来看,已经是明显的缩量上涨,说明继续上涨鬼缺乏量能支撑。同时,配合MACD来看,每一次上涨的动能都出现衰减,对成交量减少相应证。在此之后,BTC又开始一路下跌,最低跌到3800美元。

In January-February 2020, the peak rose to $10,500, a 60% increase from the 6433 lowest point, which is a high point of the stage. In terms of time, it rose by almost two months. At the height of the stage, the volume of this synthesis was already marked by a contraction, indicating that there was a lack of capacity to sustain the rising ghost. At the same time, together with the MACD, there was a decline in the power of each of the increases and a corresponding reduction in the volume of transactions.


Combining transactions to determine whether or not they are stage-high depends on whether or not they are scaled up at the same time as high price innovations, and if they are scaled up at the same time, the trend is relatively healthy; if the price is only rising and the turnover is decreasing, it may be the top of the stage. In addition to the volume, a combination of key indicators such as the K-line pattern and MACD, and if the top of the chain is constantly visible, MACD and previous increases can be reduced in comparison with the volume of transactions, probably at the top of the chain.


2 low-level transaction reduction


In November-December 2018, when there was a marked decline in turnover as prices continued to fall, it fell by one year. A combination of the frequency with which the K-line was downlined, and the change in the MACD, if the mass energy column were to grow as prices did not fall, suggested that after a long fall, the risk was largely released, and that the number of people reselling in the zone was reduced, not supported by volume, and could not be sustained.

如果人们买入并长期持有也会造成成交量减少,经过长期的下跌及盘整,看空的人和缺乏耐性的人纷纷离场,大量的筹 码逐渐分散到那些长期持有的投资人手里,大批流通的筹 码被逐渐消化吸收。而当某一天,某个突发事件掀起购买浪潮,买家就会发现市场上筹 码的供给稀缺,而标的价格也必然会被推高。

If people buy and hold for long periods of time, with long-term decline and consolidation, empty people and impatient people leaving the field, large amounts of chips gradually spread to long-held investors, and large amounts of fluid chips are absorbed. And, one day, a sudden wave of purchases starts, buyers will find that the supply of chips in the market is scarce, and the price of the markers will inevitably be pushed up.


3 with a volume reduction


In recent times, when the $6500-6900 inter-segregated, there was a marked decrease in the volume of transactions during the panning period, and the MACD followed a zero-axis course with no direction. The last option was to drop the volume down and fall again.

一般投资者在投资的技术分析过程中,要注意四大基本要素,分别是量、价、时、空,也就是成交量、价格、时间或周期、以及上升或下降空间,在各个方面都配合好的情况下,才能够有更大盈利的可能。而在这4个要素中,成交量可以说是最重要的,因为它代表了供需关系,并且成交量是所有技术指标中最不好造假的指标,价格可以被 操纵,但是很难操控成交量。

In the technical analysis of investments, investors in general pay attention to four fundamentals, namely volume, price, time, space, i.e. turnover, price, time, or cycle, and rise or fall space, if all are compatible, in order to have a greater chance of profitability. In these four factors, turnover can be said to be the most important, since it represents the supply-demand relationship and the trade-off is the least good indicator of all technological indicators, and prices can be manipulated, but it is difficult to manipulate the trade-off.


bitcoin update


Bitcoin prices remained stable above the supporting area of $16,000. A resistance area was formed at the bottom and slowly moved up to $16,350. Moving down from a high swing of $18,155 to a low of $15,833 and moving up a withdrawal of 23.6% in Faiporaci.


When's the lowest price in Bitcoin's history?


The historical lowest price of Bitcoin occurred on 06/07 2013 and the lowest price fell to RMB 437.92.


Due diligence:


As a rule, the system automatically generates fees when drawing money, but fees can also be set on their own.


If the fees are higher, the miners will be more motivated to pack your transactions and reduce the waiting time for withdrawals; on the contrary, if you lower them, you will have to wait a long time.


Is Bitcoin safe?

比特币背后的密码学基于美国国家安全局设计的 SHA-256 算法。出于所有意图和目的,破解这一点是不可能的,因为需要测试的可能私钥(22 56)比宇宙中的原子数量(估计在 10 78到 10 82之间)还要多。

The cryptography behind Bitcoin is based on a SHA-256 algorithm designed by the US National Security Agency. It is impossible to decipher it for all intents and purposes, because there are more possible private keys that need to be tested (22 56) than atoms in the universe (estimated to be between 10,78 and 10,82).


There have been several notable incidents of hacking and money theft on the Bitcoin exchange, but these services always represent customers in storing digital money. In these cases, it is the website that is blacked out, not the Bitcoin network.


Theoretically, if the attackers can control more than half of the existing bitcoin nodes, then they can agree that they have all the bitcoins and embed them in the block chain. But as the number of nodes increases, it becomes less practical.

据悉报道,Gauntlet在Aave社区发起更改以太坊在v3的借贷和供应上限提案。根据Gauntlet的供应和借贷上限方法,该提案建议将以太坊v3上的WSTETH供应上限增加至110万个,并将BAL供应上限增加至 70 万个。

According to reports, Gauntlet initiated a proposal to change the loan and supply cap in the community of Aave to the Ether at v3. Under the Gauntlet supply and loan cap approach, the proposal proposes to increase the WSTETH supply cap to 1.1 million on the Taiteng v3 and to raise the BAL supply cap to 700,000.

据悉报道,据彭博社高级ETF分析师Eric Balchunas在社交媒体表示,目前正在确认美国证券交易委员会批准贝莱德的iShares比特币现货ETF消息来源,他表示此前曾预计美国证券交易委员会会在未来几个月内批准现货比特币ETF,但现在似乎有点提前。

According to reports received, Eric Balchunas, a senior ETF analyst at Bloomberg, stated in social media that the United States Securities and Exchange Commission was in the process of confirming the approval by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission of the iShares bitcoin spot ETF source, who had previously anticipated that the United States Securities and Exchange Commission would approve the spot bitcoin ETF in the coming months, but now appears to be somewhat ahead of schedule.


According to reports submitted by the Office of a Member of Parliament of the Korea Financial Supervisory Authority, Credit Card Companies have blocked virtual assets transactions abroad for the past five years, as of March 2023, there were 46,409 illegal virtual assets transactions through credit card companies, which are expected to be significantly higher this year than last year, requiring special management. The previous figures were 15,820 in 2019, 435,300 in 2020, 57,203 in 2022.


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