现代企业需要使用适当的解决方案来实时共享数据,促进多方安全协作,满足业务发展需求。而区块链能够提供一个协作框架,驱动可信数据共享。Oracle 支持您通过多种方式轻松、便捷地使用区块链技术,包括云技术服务、本地服务以及面向供应链的 SaaS 应用。
阅读新发布的 Oracle Blockchain 电子书,了解企业区块链的好处、在各行业中的应用以及为何 Oracle 是将区块链引入企业的先行者。
Read the newly released Oracle Blockchain e-book to understand the benefits of the business block chain, its applications in various industries and why Oracle is a pioneer in introducing the block chain into the enterprise.
分布式账本能够以全新方式处理企业间对账。GE 首席架构师将带您了解 Oracle Blockchain Platform 如何实现近乎实时的处理、智能合约内置验证规则和控制、可靠 ERP 集成、例外跟踪和净额结算。
Distributed books can handle inter-firm reconciliations in a completely new way. The GE chief architect will show you how Oracle Blockchai Platform achieves near real-time processing, smart contract built-in certification rules and controls, reliable ERP integration, exceptional tracking and netting.
Juniper Research 指出,Oracle 提供诸多创新功能,正成为越来越多企业的首选企业级区块链提供商。报告还指出,近年来部署持续增加,一些客户已进入高级试用阶段或正式生产阶段。
According to Juniper Research, Oracle, which provides many innovative functions, is becoming a preferred business-level block chain provider for a growing number of enterprises. The report also notes that deployment has continued to increase in recent years, with a number of clients entering the advanced trial phase or the formal production phase.
Create a network of licensed multi-block chains easily and work together safely within minutes. Rapid integration with back-office applications and deployment of secure multi-block-chain networks in the production environment without costly integration of all dependencies.
查看 Oracle Blockchain Platform 演示 (3:17)企业适配器和丰富的 REST API
轻松连接各种本地部署或云端后台系统及客户端,以驱动区块链事务并使用区块链事件。内置 API 网关支持 REST API、回调式事件订阅和自定义用户注册。
The API gateway supports REST API, echo event subscriptions and custom user registrations.
了解 REST API开放、可互操作的多云区块链
选择适合您的云端部署、本地部署或混合部署方案。面对多样化的生态系统,您可以在 Oracle Cloud 的内部和外部部署区块链,与其他 Hyperledger Fabric 节点互操作。除了原生 Fabric 链代码,还可以使用 DAML 或 Solidity 智能合约。协调与其他常用分类账的集成。
Select your cloud deployment, local deployment, or hybrid deployment options. In the case of diverse ecosystems, you can interope with other Hyperledger Fabric nodes within and outside Oracle Cloud. In addition to the original Fabric chain code, you can also use DAML or Solidity smart contracts.
利用具有内置身份管理和治理、链上访问控制、企业级性能、动态横向扩展和分析集成的高度可用、安全且可扩展的区块链即服务来建立竞争优势。利用直观的操作 UI、丰富的 DevOps API 集、托管式零停机修补和升级以及动态横向扩展来支持不断增长的负载。
Use highly available, secure and scalable blocks or services with built-in identity management and governance, chain access control, enterprise-level performance, dynamic horizontal expansion and analytical integration to build competitive advantages. Use visual UI, rich DevOps API collection, hosting zero stopover repair and upgrade, and dynamic horizontal expansion to support growing loads.
快速构建增强型 Hyperledger Fabric 成员管理式区块链,在业务合作伙伴之间实现安全、实时的数据共享和可信交易,在数分钟内开发和部署智能合约应用。
A fast-track construction of an enhanced Hyperledger Fabric member-managed block chain to secure, real-time data-sharing and credible transactions among operational partners, and development and deployment of smart contract applications within minutes.
- 自动处理智能合约
- 安全处理私有事务
- 将区块链事务整合到其他应用中
- 全面监视,支持您专注业务发展
- 构建值得信赖的业务网络
Oracle 能够出色满足您更严格的数据隐私需求。如果您所在国家和地区的法律法规禁止在云端运行业务,Oracle 可提供预组装的本地区块链 — 以软件设备的形式在受支持的虚拟化管理程序上运行。
Oracle can provide pre-assembled local chains – operating in the form of software devices on supported virtual management programs.
- 区块链平台管理器
- Hyperledger Fabric 区块链的所有组件
- Oracle Blockchain Platform 控制台和 DevOps API
- 面向事务、查询和事件的 Oracle REST API
- 基于 OpenLDAP、MS Active Directory 和 Oracle Directory 的身份管理
Build trust among trading partners to provide end-to-end supply chain network visibility while supporting individual members in tracking, tracking and surveillance services and related assets, projects and files.
- 实现端到端的供应链可见性
- 低风险地使用区块链技术
- 跟踪、追踪和监视产品状况
- 预集成的区块链,支持快速部署
- 可连接至其他应用和数据源
面向 Oracle Database 的防篡改区块链表
Block chain technology is effective in preventing database fraud.
- 不可变表:防止内部人员非法更改。允许只插入 SQL 操作,不允许更新和其他修改,并限制删除。
- 区块链表:检测非法的黑客更改。以加密方式将新行链接到现有行,使得验证能够检测绕过数据库的任何删除或更新。
- 分布式表摘要:检测数据库回滚或授权的非法更改。使用户能够获得区块链表的 schema 所有者签名的加密摘要,并通过 REST API、公共区块链等进行分发。
- 用户数据签名:防止冒充者进行欺诈。允许最终用户使用从未传递到数据库的私钥对其插入的数据进行加密签名,并使用 X.509 证书中的公钥验证签名数据。
更快速地处理跨境支付、企业间财务、采购合同和 SLA、特许权使用费追踪,以及分销事务。
Deal more quickly with cross-border payments, inter-enterprise finance, procurement contracts and SLA, royalties tracking, and distribution services.
Decentralized records such as property, assets, electronic health records and government certificates are shared safely.
Create digital assets on block chains to perform day-to-day business with fewer files.
Provide reliable data on sustainable sources, compliance and authenticity of products, conflict minerals and food security.
区块链产品管理高级总监 Mark Rakhmilevich
Mark Rakhmilevich, Senior Director of Block Chain Products Management
12 月,我们发布了第 22.4.2 版的 Oracle Blockchain Platform 和 Blockchain App Builder。此发行版中的一个亮点就是为企业区块链引入了 Web3 功能和互操作性。主要亮点包括:
In December, we released version 22.4.2 of Oracle Blockchain Platform and Blockchai App Builder. One of the highlights of this release is the introduction of Web3 functionality and interoperability for the business block chain. The main highlights are:
- 通过原子事务 API 的以太坊互操作性,您可以在单一原子操作中同时调用 Blockchain Platform 和 Ethereum/EVM 事务。
- 通过 Blockchain Platform 上的 Solidity/EVM 智能合约的 Fab3 提供商,实现 Web3 钱包和去中心化应用的互操作性。
- Blockchain App Builder 资产通证化 (tokenization) 引擎支持 ERC-1155,允许在单一模板和链码中结合使用 FT 与 NFT
- 利用资产通证化引擎中引入的内置流动性池设施,为基于 Token Taxonomy Framework 的 FT 实现通证交换。
Oracle Blockchain 的最新特性
查看就绪材料,了解 Oracle Blockchain 解决方案的最新特性。
View the ready materials to understand the latest features of the Oracle Blockchai solution.
Oracle Help Center 提供快速入门指南、进阶使用场景内容,以及将目标解决方案和 Oracle Blockchain Platform 结合使用的详细信息。
Oracle Help Center provides a quick entry guide, step-by-step use of site content, and detailed information to combine target solutions with Oracle Blockchai Platform.
关注区块链:加入 Oracle 社区
Oracle Blockchain 博客提供区块链技术的最新资讯。立即订阅了解相关优秀实践、产品更新和使用场景信息。
The Oracle Blockchain blog provides up-to-date information on block chain technology.
Oracle 提供大量免费资源,帮助您顺利部署区块链网络,驱动企业成功。
Oracle provides a large amount of free resources to help you successfully deploy the block chain network and drive the success of the business.
获取面向 Oracle Cloud 客户和服务管理员的专业教程,了解如何上手使用 Oracle Blockchain Platform。
A professional course for Oracle Cloud clients and service managers on how to use Oracle Blockchai Platform.
了解 Oracle Blockchain Platform 将如何确保食品安全,并在需要时更快速地召回产品。
Understanding how Oracle Blockchain Platform would ensure food safety and recall products more quickly when needed.
下载可独立安装的 Oracle Blockchain Platform。该版本基于 Docker 容器打造,以预构建的 VM 映像形式提供,支持多种虚拟化方法。
Downloads a stand-alone Oracle Blockchain Platform. This version is based on Docker packagings and is provided in the form of pre-constructed VM images, supporting various virtualization methods.
Note: In the absence of doubt, the following terms are used on this web site:
- Oracle专指Oracle境外公司而非甲骨文中国。
- 相关Cloud或云术语均指代Oracle境外公司提供的云技术或其解决方案。
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