Coinbase 将暂停加拿大用户的 USDT 交易

资讯 2024-06-20 阅读:27 评论:0
加密货币交易所 Coinbase 将暂停 Tether 交易泰达币 1.00 美元, DAI 1.00 美元,以及从 8 月 31 日开始为加拿大用户提供的 RAI 稳定币。The Encrypted Currency Exchange...

加密货币交易所 Coinbase 将暂停 Tether 交易泰达币 1.00 美元, DAI 1.00 美元,以及从 8 月 31 日开始为加拿大用户提供的 RAI 稳定币。

The Encrypted Currency Exchange Coinbase will suspend Tether's trade in Thai currency of 1.00 United States dollars, DAI of 1.00 United States dollars, and RAI stable currency for Canadian users from August 31st.

Coinbase 在 8 月 17 日发给用户的电子邮件通知中表示,“我们定期监控我们交易所的资产,以确保它们符合我们的上市标准”,根据其审查,上述稳定币的交易将不再向加拿大用户开放九月开始。该交易所就在几天前 正式成立了其加拿大子公司,尽管在此之前就已经向加拿大客户提供了服务。

Coinbase, in an e-mail notice sent to users on August 17, stated that “we regularly monitor the assets of our exchange to ensure that they meet our listing standards.” According to our review, the transactions in the stable currency will no longer be open to Canadian users in September.


Canadian users can still deposit and withdraw stable currency after the deadline.

“Coinbase Canada, Inc.已在加拿大某些司法管辖区提交了注册申请,但尚未获得注册。在 Coinbase Canada, Inc. 获得注册之前,它已同意遵守承诺条款。”

“Coinbase Canada, Inc. has filed an application for registration in some Canadian jurisdictions, but has not yet been registered.


今年早些时候,数字资产交易所 Crypto.com为加拿大用户下架了 USDT。安大略省证券委员会于 2021 年禁止 USDT,但从未解释禁令背后的理由。

Earlier this year, the Digital Assets Exchange set up a USDT for Canadian users. The Ontario Securities Commission banned USDT in 2021, but never explained the reasons behind the ban.


On 22 February, the Canadian Securities Authority (CSA) issued a circular requesting that an encrypted currency exchange registered or to be registered sign a legally binding commitment with the regulatory authority. This commitment requires, inter alia:

“CTP(加密资产交易平台)禁止客户在未经 CSA 事先书面同意的情况下通过加密合约购买或存入价值参考加密资产(通常称为稳定币)。”

“CTP (encrypted asset trading platform) prohibits customers from purchasing or depositing value-referenced cryptographic assets (often referred to as stable currency) through encryption contracts without the prior written consent of the CSA.”

Tether 是一种由法定储备支持的稳定币。与此同时,Dai 作为法定货币和算法稳定币的混合体而存在。另一方面,RAI 是一种不与任何资产挂钩的算法稳定币。目前,唯一获得 CSA批准在中心化加密货币交易所上市的稳定币是 USD Coin 1.00 美元。

Tether is a stable currency supported by statutory reserves. At the same time, Dai exists as a mixture of statutory and algorithmic currency stabilization. On the other hand, RAI is a stable currency that is not linked to any asset.

加密货币交易所 OKX 援引新规定,于 6 月退出加拿大。同样,加密货币交易所 Binance计划于 9 月退出加拿大。

The Encrypted Currency Exchange OKX withdrew from Canada in June, citing new provisions. Similarly, the Encrypted Currency Exchange Binance plans to withdraw from Canada in September.


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