前段时间,有个名叫 2021 华人富豪 TOP 5 的排行榜,可刷爆了大伙们的朋友圈。
而是在众多熟悉的名字中,一位名叫赵长鹏的陌生老哥,坐拥了 5733 亿的资产登上了榜首。
And it's ridiculous that most people don't even know what this guy is for.
Actually, Zhao Chang Peng? "? Rich?" Most of the assets come from a virtual currency exchange called MoneyAnn, making money in currency circles.
If you compare the currency circle to a big casino, then Zhao Chang Peng is the one who runs the casino and earns money.
虽然这份榜单上面的 BUG 多多,例如马化腾已经 50?岁了,并不是表中的 44 岁;赵长鹏也发推文表示自己的资产没有流动性,算不上是首富。
although the list contains a lot of BUGs, e.g. Matilten is 50 years old, not 44 years old in the list; Zhao Chang Peng also sends a tweet stating that his assets are not liquid and are not the richest.
But even so, many people still have some questions. Is it true that the Virtual Currency Exchange is making money? What about the Virtual Currency Exchange?
In order to understand these questions, it is also a privilege for the Commissioner to have a chat with a friend who was on a virtual currency exchange but who is now out of hand.
用一句话来形容这个圈子的话:那就是镰刀比韭菜还多,真 TM 的乱!
? the exchange has the capacity to roll money at any time? >/slang>
The first thing the bad judge learned about your virtual currency on the exchange is that it's not really safe because they can roll around at any time.
Let's just say that normally legitimate exchanges, like securities or futures, are held by banks, and they have no right to touch your ticket.
Even banks themselves have central banks that use deposit reserve systems to secure user withdrawals and liquidations.
But most of the virtual currency exchanges don't exist. All the assets are in their accounts.
So these money exchanges can move if they want to, but only their own conscience.
It's just that, in most cases, it's almost as if it can't be trusted.
就拿差评君采访的这位老哥为例,他就曾在全球某 TOP 20(?最高进过 TOP 10?)的数字货币交易所工作过。 他们的前老板就是挪用了用户的资产,去另外一家更大的平台买了比特币合约,而且还是加了高倍杠杆的那种。。。 Their former boss used the user's assets to buy a bitcoin contract on another larger platform, with the same kind of leverage. 本想搏一搏,摩托变路虎,可怎想赢只是过程,但输才是结果。 > > > > > > >. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >. 在爆仓了之后,资金链就顶不住了,最后自家交易所连提款都出现了问题。 After the explosion, the money chain went out of hand, and finally there was a problem with the drawings on our own exchange.
Although they've been deceiving themselves many times and saying that online gossip is all about it? “? Rumours?” But perhaps promises were made just because they weren't sure, and their former boss eventually chose the roll.
{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}It's not just a fee? {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FF00} {\cH00FF00} {\cH00FF00} {\cH00FF00} \cH00FF00} {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FF00} {\cH00FF00} {\cH00FF00}
Why do you have to play all kinds of tricks to make quick money? {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FFFF}
Theoretically, it's true.
就拿在美国上市的虚拟币交易所 Coinbase 为例,他们在去年的净收入就有 3 亿多美元,总收入中有 96%?都来自交易手续费。
但是呢,并不是所有的交易所都像 Coinbase 这样,有着数千万的用户排着队送钱的。
But not all exchanges, like Coinbase, have tens of millions of users lined up to deliver money.
of smaller two- or three-line exchanges, user dishes are not that big, and people don't want to go to the market, they don't have to comply or anything like that.
俗话说得好:为了 100%?的利润,不受监管的资本们就敢践踏一切人间法律。在币圈这个?“?法外之地?”,谁又会嫌弃钱多呢?
于是乎,包括挪用用户资产在内的,各种黑的、灰的赚快钱方式就层出不穷了。 ?有些交易所,给钱就能上_? Some exchanges, 在这些黑灰产中呢,就有一个名叫?“?上币费?”?的玩意儿。 in these black and gray products, there's one thing called ""? 还记得今年上半年,差评君为了讽刺币圈割韭菜的容易,花 5 分钟?“?发行?”?的虚拟币吗? 其实?“?割韭菜?”?的步骤,我只做到了一半。 >??? Slicing?? I only did half of the steps. 因为?“?发?”?的这些个币,全都躺自己的钱包里,发币方要割的,应该是用户们买币的钱。 这个时候呢,你只要愿意掏钱,这些交易所就会提供所谓的?“?上币服务?”,让你的空气币上架他们的交易所,这样就能面向广大的韭菜们了。 And at this point, if you're willing to pay, these exchanges will provide what you call a "span-default service?" Let your airbills go to their exchanges, so that they can be directed to a wide range of pickles. 根据爆料老哥的透露,因为他们交易所的体量较小,在 19 年前后,上架一个币的价格大概是 20?万左右(?当年他们上架了数百个新币?)。而某头部交易所 H ,当时最高能收到 200?万。 According to Big Brother, because they had a smaller stock exchange, and around 19 years ago, the price of standing in a single currency was about 200,000? 而这可还没完呢,因为他们还拥有有各种各样的媒体资源。 It's not over, because they have a variety of media resources. 只要钱给的到位,数百家的?“?区块链媒体?”?就可以帮你的币发通稿。 A few hundred if the money is in place? '? Block chain media?'? I can get your currency translated. 像是什么 XX 日报啊、X 色财经啊,立马就会把你上架的空气币给吹得天花乱坠,吸引韭菜们入局。 like a XX daily newspaper, X-manufacturing. >. >.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 而在交易所上好空气币、媒体们宣传到位,用户打开交易所准备交易后。。。 好戏,才真正地开始。 to really start. 数据造假,专割韭菜_? {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}"color-default"span class="font-size-20"" data counterfeiting, "span-size-20"
为了让韭菜们相信某某币的交易很火热,交易所们就为发币方推出了?“?付费 DLC ”,一个叫做?“?庄家交易系统?”?的玩意儿,能够自动刷空气币的交易量和深度。
, to convince pickles that a currency deal is hot, the exchange introduced it for the sender? “? Pay DLC”, a thing called “? Dealer trading system?” that automatically brushes the volume and depth of the transactions.
In simple words, it's a bill.
爆料老哥给出了一个惊人的数字,除那些主流币之外,不少山寨币 90%?的订单都是机器刷的。
What's worse is that they can use the system to keep tabs and coins up at the request of the project party (? An exchange can get their own bills, only their own ones?) and slowly raise the price of the air currency.
when the user is attracted to false data and incorporated into the set, the dealer can slowly throw his own coins away and finish the harvest.
if there's some project parties and exchanges that they don't want to see? “? Unusual transactions?” Exchanges are quick to turn back time, cancel the deal and erase it.
Besides, in order to limit your transactions, it's like showing any Internet error, connections are time-consuming.
If you ask the customer's service, it's the word: big deal, network congestion, or your own network is bad.
Let's just say that the exchange, the sender and the block chain media are all their people.
也因为各种中心化交易所的丑闻频出,不少散户便开始转战 uniswap、pancake 这一类的去中心平台。
and because of the frequent scandals of various centralized exchanges, a number of dispersed households have begun to turn to the uniswap, pancake type of access platform.
I don't think it's going to be cut off!
All I can say is that you're still too young for the exchange to centralize, but the distribution project is not to centralize, and some of the shallow air currency projects are less expensive to control.
项目方们同样把量化交易软件一开,把一万笔交易批量分散到 100?个账户上,在把每个账户的买卖行为配置的合理,就算数据公开,大部分人也都看不出异常。
Of course, sometimes it's more than just a user, and occasionally it's the guy who gives the money.
其中就有一个不愿买付费 DLC 的,他们只付了上币费,默默地上架了自家的空气币。
One of them doesn't want to pay for the DLC, they pay the upper price, and quietly put up their own air currency.
{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}There's only money to open an exchange? {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}
The scavengers will be cut, the block chain media will be dealt with, and even the project side will probably lose their blood.
So it's as if a platform exchange doesn't mess with itself.
How much would it cost to start an exchange?
Actually, the virtual currency exchange circle has long formed its own industrial chain.
稍微咨询了一下,你要是想开个交易所,最低只需要 5 万块一个月。。。而且除了钱之外,需要提供的只是一个域名罢了。
If you want to open an exchange, it'll take at least 50,000 a month. And in addition to money, it's just a domain name.
The fee they earn when your little exchange opens, they'll take it and then split it with you.
They don't usually pick up the money you're able to pull directly, but they can take all the tickets.
There's an interesting story in it.
化名为小 A 的大兄弟,就曾找爆料老哥所在的公司代开交易所,但是呢,却只开一个月。。。
the older brother, who used to find out where the big brother was running the exchange, but only for a month.
Why would anyone open an exchange for only a month?
后才得知,这完全就是个局。因为小 A 混迹各种山寨币空气币社群,认识了个想发币上交易所的冤大头项目方,但这项目方其实啥都不懂。
而小 A 开交易所的目的,就是为了坑这一个项目方。上币成功,拿到上币费跑路,这可不是就开一个月就够了吗?
只可惜那位冤大头,本想上币割韭菜,自己却输得那么彻底。 It's just a pity that he's the one who wants to cut vegetables in the currency and loses so much. 另外呢,市面上还早就有专门提供?“?合约服务?”?的商家了,简单地说就是提供期货系统,一些没能力自建合约系统的交易所们,往往就会花钱买他们的服务。 Besides, there's always been a dedicated supply on the market? “? Contract services?”? Businessmen, simply futures systems, and some exchanges that don't have the capacity to build their own contracts, often pay for their services. 甚至某些交易量 TOP 5 级别的虚拟币交易所,也都是买的 SaaS 商家的服务。 even some TOP 5-level virtual currency exchanges are buying SaaS services. 所以总得来说,建一个割韭菜的虚拟币交易所,其实是一件不需要多少技术含量,随便花点小钱就能做成的事儿。 你要是想自己做个 demo,?网上直接就有现成的代码。 If you want to make yourself a demo, there's a ready code on the Internet. 当然啦,说了这么多,差评君可不是为了告诉大家,这里人傻钱多速来。 Of course, if you say so much, it's not to tell you how quickly people come here with stupid money. 而是为了提醒一波大伙们这里水有多深,门槛有多低,别当韭菜被割了。 尾声_? {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}The end of {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}"color-default" {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}"font-size-20"? 但俗话说得好,命运中的一切馈赠,早已在暗中标好了价格。 But as the saying goes, all gifts of fate are priced in secret. 由于旗下小交易所的里各种虚拟币的控制权,是在提供服务平台的手上的。 is in the hands of the service delivery platform because of control of various virtual currencies in small exchanges under the flag. 最后爆料老哥前老板的爆仓跑路,就连引发了一些的暴雷,连着带崩了几十家用他们服务的交易所。。。 the final blasting of the old brother's boss's silo ran away, triggering several thunderstorms and destroying dozens of exchanges that they serve. 那些在国内打着?“?技术服务公司?”?的幌子,实则在给交易所提供技术外包服务的公司,也有一些被警方找了包,后面就进去了。 而且今年在国家对整治虚拟币乱像的大前提下,不少的交易所也纷纷注销了国内主体,清退大陆用户。 最后呢,还是那句话。 At the end of the sentence. 对于区块链技术本身,差评君是看好的,但是这可并不是币圈的一系列炒作和割韭菜的合理理由。 is good for block chain technology itself, but it's not a reasonable reason for a series of hypes and cuttings in currency circles. 而那想继续借此行骗的人,他们的结局应就像爆料老哥所讲的那样:双手抱头、蹲在地上。 因为法律的制裁,已经等候你们多时了。 It's been a while since you've been waiting for legal sanctions. ? 文稿来源:日更公众号【差评】? 撰文:江江? ?编辑:结界?&?面线? ?美编:焕妍 图片、资料来源: 爆料老哥的爆料 科创板日报,年底将近,15?家虚拟货币交易所撤离中国,纷纷注销国内主体 新浪科技 百度?&?谷歌图片 coinbase 招股书
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