
资讯 2024-06-24 阅读:59 评论:0
USDT是一种基于区块链技术的数字货币,全称是Tether USD。作为一种数字货币,USDT的交易主要通过交易而进行的,用户可以在交易所中买进或售出这类数字货币。那么,...

USDT是一种基于区块链技术的数字货币,全称是Tether USD。作为一种数字货币,USDT的交易主要通过交易而进行的,用户可以在交易所中买进或售出这类数字货币。那么,USDT交易是怎么提现的呢?USDT提现时需要注意的事项有哪些?下面,我们一起来看看。

USDT is a digital currency based on block chain technology, known as Tether USD. As a digital currency, USDT transactions are mainly conducted through transactions, and users can buy or sell such digital currencies on an exchange. So, how does the USDT deal cash? What does the USDT need to notice when it comes to cashing out?


There are two main ways in which USDT may be drawn up, one by an exchange and the other by moving USD to its own digital wallet.


1, on the basis of the exchange


The customer is able to present his USDT on the exchange in a form of payment, such as a savings card or a payment bond. The specific steps are as follows:


(1) Arrival Exchange account, where cash withdrawal options are selected;


(2) Select the currency that must be cashed (USDT) and enter cash withdrawals;


(iii) Enter its own payment method (saving card or payment treasure) and relevant information;


(iv) Carrying out applications for cash withdrawal pending review by the exchange;


(5) Upon review, the amounts raised are automatically transferred to the bound payment modality.


2, withdrawal based on digital wallet


Users can transfer the USDTs that they have selected from the exchange to digital wallets, and then cash them through digital wallets. The specific steps are as follows:


(1) Log in the digital wallet account and select the cash withdrawal option on the account;


(2) Select the currency that must be cashed (USDT) and enter cash withdrawals;


(iii) Enter its own payment method (saving card or payment treasure) and relevant information;


(4) Carry out the application for withdrawal pending the examination of the digital wallet;


(5) Upon review, the amounts raised are automatically transferred to the bound payment modality.


Before the USDT is presented, attention needs to be paid to the following:


1, determine if the current address is accurate


It is important to make sure that the current address is correct when the wrong address is available, because it is difficult to retrieve it. At the same time, in order to prevent the virus from stealing your personal information, try not to operate the computer's clipboard to directly copy the current address, but to enter it manually.


2, confirmation of fee for cash withdrawal


The BTC network usually collects a fee from its customers, which also affects the timing of the withdrawal. Therefore, prior to applying for a withdrawal, customers are required to know the fee charged by the exchange and to develop a reasonable cash withdrawal response based on this fee.


3, determining the adequacy of the exchange's assets


At the same time, some exchanges have a certain period of lock-in for property, and may be rejected or delayed if they apply for cash withdrawal during the period of lock-down.


In general, USDT is a stable digital currency, which is sold in the form of 1:1 exchange rate with currencies such as United States dollars. At the time of the transaction, the customer may choose to buy in or sell in the exchange. At the time of presentation, the user may choose to make a cash withdrawal on the basis of an exchange or a digital wallet, and choose the most convenient form according to his or her preferences. But before carrying out a USDT withdrawal, care needs to be taken to provide comprehensive security of the user's assets in terms of address, fee and sufficient funding.


This is how the USDT deal is presented. What are the details of the matters that need attention at the time of USDT's presentation, and more information about the details of the USDT's presentation, please pay attention to other relevant script house articles!

Tag:usdt   交易   提现  

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