
资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:29 评论:0


The Anti-Telecommunication Network Fraud Act of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Anti-Telecommunication Network Fraud Act) entered into force on 1 December 2022. The new provisions prohibit the provision of support for telecommunication cybercrime activities, such as money-laundering through virtual currency transactions. In this context, a Beijing court judge has warned against believing in any virtual currency transactions or helping to launder money through virtual currency transactions.


Today, telecommunication network fraud syndicates are upgrading their criminal methods, and virtual currency is gradually spreading through fraud. Using new technologies like block chains, virtual money, AI intelligence, GOIP, remote manipulation, shared screens, fraud syndicates are constantly updating their tools for upgrading crime. In terms of financial access, traditional triangular payments, money-laundering against public accounts have been reduced, and criminals are making extensive use of feeder platforms and digital money-laundering.

  案例1 构建虚假虚拟货币交易平台进行电信网络诈骗

Case 1 Telecommunication network fraud based on a false virtual currency trading platform


In the end, nearly 200 victims invested in the FIERY platform or BTHOT platform, losing approximately 6.9 million USDTs (valued in excess of RMB 4 million).


The court sentenced one of the defendants to 11 years'imprisonment and a fine; one of the accused, Choi, to 7 years'imprisonment and a fine; and one of the accused, Liang, to 6 years'imprisonment and a fine.

  案例2 先提供搭建、维护技术服务后帮助转移赃款

case 2 assists in the transfer of stolen funds by providing construction, maintenance and technical services


The accused Liu, knowing that others used false virtual currency APP software for criminal purposes, continued to develop technical support for each other, such as “Metzle currency”, providing server rents and maintaining the normal operation of the AP, at a total cost of more than RMB 20,000.


The court sentenced the accused Liu to two years'imprisonment and a fine, and the accused Qiu to three years'and six months'imprisonment and a fine for concealing and concealing the proceeds of crime.

  案例3 明知是金融诈骗所得还通过虚拟货币交易洗钱

case 3 Knowing that the proceeds of financial fraud are also laundered through virtual currency transactions


The accused Sun and Li, knowing that the funds were the proceeds of financial fraud, continued to provide the credit card numbers of the “heads” of Xiaoyang et al. to the accused Hu Fung and Li Fud, who, in turn, provided the above-mentioned card numbers to the line where the multiple funds were transferred through multiple accounts and transferred to the bank card by the accused Ho Fung Li, who purchased the encrypted digital currency and took the currency to the account controlled by the line.


The court sentenced the accused Sun to four years'imprisonment, nine months'imprisonment, four years'imprisonment, six months'imprisonment, four years'imprisonment, three months'imprisonment and four years'fine for money-laundering, covering up and concealing the proceeds of crime.


New Method Parsing


Telecommunications network fraud, which may involve virtual currency from the time it is prepared to be carried out to the transfer of the proceeds, may involve different levels of knowledge and involvement of the perpetrator in the fraudulent activities of the telecommunications network, and may be suspected of contributing to information cybercrime activities, fraud and concealment, concealment of proceeds of crime, and money-laundering, depending on whether the perpetrator meets the different elements of the offence.


The Anti-Telecommunication Network Fraud Act, which focuses in chapter IV on “Internet governance”, regulates the conduct of telecommunications operators, Internet service providers, and explicitly prohibits a series of acts that help and support telecommunications network fraud. In the case of virtual currency-related fraud, the new law prohibits from the source the construction and maintenance of false virtual money trading platforms.


Although virtual money is not currently of a traditional monetary nature, the new law explicitly criminalizes money-laundering, including virtual currency transactions, thereby achieving the objective of stifling the fraudulent transfer of funds by telecommunications networks.


Judge's reminder


Virtual currency transactions are not legal, and trust virtual currency trading platforms


Virtual currency-related telecommunication network fraud is mostly a crowd-based crime, using the unregulated status quo of a virtual currency trading platform to construct a false trading platform, or to fake an offshore virtual currency trading platform, to attract large numbers of victims to invest in a false trading platform and to commit fraud. A joint submission of 10 departments on 15 September 2021, a circular on further prevention and treatment of the risks associated with virtual currency transactions, clarifying the nature of the virtual currency and related operations, that the virtual currency does not have legal status equivalent to that of a legal currency, and that the virtual currency-related operations are illegal.


Do not build a fake virtual currency platform to help people with virtual currency transactions


The technology used to build and maintain a trading platform is not an offence in itself, but is subject to legal liability if it is used to build a false virtual currency platform and ultimately violates the laws and regulations. In this regard, the Anti-Telecommunication Network Fraud Act specifies that telecommunications operators and Internet service providers are required, in accordance with the relevant national regulations, to perform a duty of due diligence and to use the provision of applications, web technologies such as websites, production of products, maintenance services, and to engage in fraudulent support and assist in the monitoring, identification and disposal of activities.


The so-called virtual currency transactions on the market are not legal in our country and are beginning to play a role in the fraudulent transfer of stolen money by telecommunications networks because they are not regulated and concealed by our country. The fact that the perpetrators of transactions that help others to engage in virtual money transactions have different levels of knowledge about the proceeds may constitute different offences: the lack of knowledge of the specifics of the stolen money, merely being instructed to buy and sell virtual currency, may constitute a crime of facilitating information cybercrime; and the fact that knowing the source of the stolen money and carrying out a virtual currency transaction to launder money may constitute a money-laundering offence and a crime of concealing or concealing the proceeds of crime.


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