来源 币黑
It's not as simple as a hundred times the amount of leverage that a big guy can use to kill himself.
6 月 11 日,我们在半夜紧急发布文章《突发:币圈大佬自杀真相,百倍杠杆做空比特币爆仓超一亿》,这篇文章在短短一天之内阅读量破 4 万,全网转载阅读量数十万,同时此事也以千万热度登上了百度热搜。
On June 11, in the middle of the night, we released an urgent article, " Blast: The Big Bang Kills Truth, 100 times the Leaning Out of a Billion ", reading 40,000 in just one day and reproducing hundreds of thousands of readings on the Internet, while the matter reached 100 degrees of heat with tens of millions of heat.
Our article was quickly discovered by knowledgeable personnel, and we were found, including a friend of the founder of the incident, Mr. Bitley, who was a former friend of Mr. Huixiang, and a core employee of the company. At the same time, we found some information on our own initiative, and most of the people found us and told us that the cause of the incident was a disservice to Mr. Huixiang and hoped that he would finally be able to do something for him.
By all kinds of efforts, we have discovered that the case is far more complex than we thought, that the truth is not as simple as a 100-fold leverage of a hundred million dollars in bitcoin.
Many of the contents of this paper are provided by a number of well-informed persons, and in order to protect the person in question from reprisals by interested persons, some of the information provided is taken by police evidence and is not published in our articles.
如果不是知情人士的透露,我们很难想象比特易居然与一家 P2P 公司有重大的关联,而这家 P2P 公司正是在上个月被立案的网利宝,网利宝的涉案资金高达 30.26 亿,波及了 4 万个出借人。网利宝实际控制人赵润龙以及高管在五月份被捕。(文末有资料链接)
It's hard to imagine that Bitley could have had a major connection to a P2P company that was founded last month, with $3.026 billion in money involved, and 40,000 borrowers involved. Jo Yunlong, who actually controls the net, was arrested in May.
比特易与网利宝的关联并不是我们子虚乌有编造出来的,赵润龙实际上是比特易的隐形合伙人,在股权结构上,赵间接持股 40% 以上,且看下图:
The link between Bitley and the Net Treasure is not a fictional one. Zhao Yunlong is actually an invisible partner of Bitley. In the equity structure, Zhao holds more than 40 per cent of the indirect shares, and look at the following figure:
甘家辉 : 甘家峰的弟弟,和赵润龙关系密切,实习在网利宝,实际上是赵润龙的股权代持。
After that, you'll be able to see that the relationship between Bitele and the Net Treasure is different, not to mention that it's still down there.
wrapping soft and silver investments
Bitley actually looks more like the form of a subsidiary, except for the equity relationship seen above, which is located on the 7th floor of the Naval Building, and Bitley's office on the 2nd floor of the same building, and, more closely, the technical product workers of Bitley and Nettle are basically in the state of public utility, but not in the public domain.
Soft silver and blue silver investment stations are also operated by Zhao Yunlong, who has two closely connected investors, one of whom is blue silver, and who usually chooses the track and invests it.
但最终软银其实并没有进行投资,具体看这次事件爆发后软银 PR 的说明:
But in the end, there was no investment in the silver and silver, as explained by the silver and silver PR after the incident:
尽管没有进行投资,但比特易依然把软银以及蓝驰的标志挂在了官网以及 APP 上,事实证明他们这个“包装手法”成功的帮助了比特易 C 位出道,2018年4月,软银中国和蓝驰创投联合投资“比特易”的消息出现在各大区块链媒体和创投媒体,比特易被称为软银中国在国内投资的第一个区块链项目,因此备受圈内人士关注,一时风头无两。
In spite of the lack of investment, bits and pieces of silver and blues have been placed on the web and on the APP, and this “packaging technique” has proved successful in helping bits and pieces of bits. In April 2018, joint investment.
Since then, a large number of investors have come in the name of the “strong” soft and silver investment
bitt's blood-transfusion net
目前网上流传一张图片,有人表示比特易承担了网利宝 28 亿资金转移出境的责任,这个我们无从查证暂且不表。
There's a picture on the Internet that says that bits can easily be held responsible for $2.8 billion in money transfers out of the country, which we can't verify for the time being.
但比特易输血给网利宝是真实存在的,网利宝作为一家 P2P 公司假标自融,借新还旧是大家都知道的事,今年以来 P2P 行业连环暴雷,挤兑风波对网利宝造成了巨大的影响,资金一直存在缺口。
But it is true that bits of blood is being given to the Net Treasures, that there is a gap in funding for the P2P company, which is known to be a fake label and borrows new and old, and that since this year, the P2P industry has had a huge impact on the Net Treasure.
赵启动了孵化了多个数字货币项目,几乎都是发币类型的,其中就包括了比特易,比特易收了大量 BTC 之后,部分换成了法币给网利宝输血。
网利宝的整个资金运作大家可以看下图: You can see the following picture of the entire financial operation of the Net Treasure: 从图中大家可可以看到,比特易只是其中的一个环节,而网利宝的资产大部分早已经转移走了,P2P 的钱实际流向的是武汉和长沙, 一个是赵父,一个是李泰敏(网利宝高层),其中李泰敏取保候审后,麾下公司17家法人全部变更。 As you can see from the map, Bitley is only one of those links, and most of the assets of the nettile have been transferred long ago, and P2P money actually goes to Wuhan and Changsha, and one is Zhao's father, and one is Li Taemin, who changed the company's 17 corporate entities after taking bail. 知情人士最后向我们透露,赵润龙出事前还找惠轶借了100万,借完之后惠轶对身边人表达过后悔,看来比特易当时的日子已经非常难熬了。 In the end, it was revealed to us that Zhao Yunlong had borrowed 1 million dollars before the accident, and that Huixiang had expressed regret for the people around him, and that it seemed that the days of Bitley were already very difficult. 比特易出事已久 {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Bet's been in trouble for a long time. 网利宝暴雷之后,比特易自身的赎回借贷关系已经没有偿还能力了。 In the wake of the Treasure Thunderbolt, Bitt's own foreclosure lending relationship is no longer in a position to repay. 知情人士透露比特易的资金问题出现很久了,年前连员工工资都发不出来,后来不知道惠轶从哪里搞到了 500 万发了工资,然后把大部分员工遣散了,只保留了人事、财务和两个技术。惠轶对员工挺好的,当时辞掉的人每个人赔了两个月薪水,有个经理一次拿了十几万赔偿。 Known sources have revealed that the issue of Bitley’s money has arisen for a long time, that even the employee’s wages were not forthcoming until then, and that Huixiang was paid 5 million, and then discharged most of his employees, retaining only personnel, finance, and two techniques. Huixiang was good for his employees, and each of the people who resigned at the time paid two months’ salary and one manager paid 100,000 at a time. 随后比特易搬离了海航大厦,搬到了一个不算郊区的别墅里,位置在北京四环将台地铁站附近,那时候惠轶肯定不会想到自己会在几个月后在这里作出最傻的决定。 Bittel then moved away from the ship's building and moved to a villa, not suburban, near the metro station in Beijing, when Huixiang would certainly not have thought that he would make the stupidest decision here in a few months' time. 自四月中旬开始,比特易的交易在接连不断地爆仓,只不过一直压着没对投资者公开,到五月已经开始随心所欲地拿用户资金去赌博了,而且越赌越大。 Since mid-April, Bitley's transactions have continued to explode, except that they have not been made public to investors. By May, they had begun to gamble on user funds as they wished, and the stakes have increased. 其中有个投资者在 5 月27 日,仍然与惠轶有过关于交易不断亏损的交流,其实从那时候的聊天内容我们就可以看到端倪,惠轶用超过协议约定的本金 4 倍去进行交易,而且多次爆仓。 One of the investors, on May 27, still had a conversation with Huixiang about the continuing losses of the transaction, but we could see from the chat at that time that Huixiang had traded four times more than the principal amount agreed upon in the agreement and that it had exploded several times. 我们知道连续多次地不合规操作已经为惠轶的结局埋下了伏笔。 We know that repeated non-compliance has led to an ambush for Huixiang's ending. 惠轶死亡细节 details of Hyeon's death (本段应该有录像,但由于录像在警方那边取证,所以只能给大家口述) There's supposed to be a video in this section, but because it's on the police side, it's just for the record. 惠轶并不是网上流传的跳楼自杀,而是自缢,地点就在他们办公的别墅的阁楼里。 Huixiang did not commit suicide by jumping online, but by herself, in the loft of their villas. 死亡事件是 6 月 5 日凌晨四点左右,警方在现场发现惠轶在死亡前大量额度饮酒以及吸烟,而据员工表示惠轶的酒量其实并不好。 The death occurred around 4 a.m. on 5 June, when the police discovered at the scene that Huixiang was drinking a lot of alcohol and smoking before his death, whereas according to the employees the amount was not good. 直到第二天早上 10 点员工来上班才发现。 It wasn't until the next morning at 10 a.m. when the employees came to work. 警方到达现在取到了别墅内的录像,录像显示惠轶是在 6 月 4 日的晚上 6 点回的公司,当时员工已经下班,然后录像显示比特易的联合创始人张歆彤女士带着另外一位股东来到了别墅,三个人在惠轶聊了一段时间,最后惠轶将两人送走。 The police arrived and now picked up the video from the villa, which showed Huixiang returning to the company at 6 p.m. on the evening of 4 June, when the employees were off duty, and the video showed Ms. Zhang/strong, the co-founder of Bitley's `strang', who came to the villa with another `strange' shareholder < / strong', three of whom spoke for a while and eventually sent the two. 几个小时后,惠轶在别墅内自杀。 A few hours later, Huixiang committed suicide in the villa. 至于三个人在惠轶办公室内聊了些什么,没人知道。 As for what three people talked about in Huixiang's office, no one knew. 联合创始人在说谎 The co-founder of the strong lied. 我们再来回顾下联合创始人发布的这篇死讯,当时我们看完就觉得她是在撇清和比特易的关系,但是没有什么证据,但现在我们拿到了可以证明她在说谎的证据。 Let us recall the death of the co-founder of the United Nations, when we read it and we felt that she was evading her relationship with Bitley, but there was no evidence, but now we have evidence to prove that she is lying. 比特易的受害投资者们都可以证明,这位创始人一直以来都是群内以比特易的身份和投资者沟通。 By way of proof, a bitley-affected investor has been able to communicate with investors as a group for a long time. 根据相关媒体报道,我们发现在2019年1月,张歆彤仍以比特易合伙人的身份参加胡润新金融百强榜论坛。这与她本人的自述明显不符。 According to relevant media reports, we found that in January 2019 , 另外还有一位投资人的聊天截图显示:从2019年2月24日到3月6日,她仍以比特易合伙人的身份再次向投资人介绍比特易的最新高收益项目,继续让投资者投入比特币。 An investor's chat screen also shows that from 24 February to 6 March 2019 , she again introduced the investor, in her capacity as a Bitley partner, to the latest Bitley high-yield project and continued to get investors into Bitcoin. 最后我们再次找到了知情人士以及比特易得员工求证,被告知,张歆彤在出事之前几乎主管了比特易的一切,并不是所说的去年 8 月离职,比特易从一开始到最后,所有的合同几乎都是张管的。 In the end, we found an informed person and an easy-to-get employee again, and we were told that Zhang was in charge of almost everything that happened before the accident, not that he left last August, and that all contracts were closed from the beginning to the end. 至于为何现在要这样撇清关系我们也从投资者哪那里得到了些许的证据,联合创始人张歆彤在隐瞒惠轶的情况下用私人账户钱包收了许多投资人的币,目前惠轶已经死亡,而死人不会说话。 As to why we now have some evidence from investors of how to leave a relationship like this, the co-founder of the coalition, Zhang, has collected many of the investor's coins from his private account wallet while concealing Huixiang, who is now dead and the dead do not speak. 目前比特易官方没有一个人对外发声,没有任何一个人给所有投资者一个交待,而这个无论是名义上还是实际上的联合创始人张歆彤却在试图撇清与比特易的关系。 At present, none of the Bitley authorities speak out, none of them give a word to all investors, while the co-founder of this coalition, Zhang Jian, in name or in fact, is trying to clear out his relationship with Bitley. 真相?真相就是没有真相。 The truth? The truth is the truth. 我们联系的几个知情人士、当事人、员工,他们站在自己能看到的角度对于惠轶的死都有各自的判断,到底是什么导致了惠轶最终做出了这样的决定,这个问题的答案或许只有惠轶才知道。 Some of the people we contacted, the people we knew, the employees, who, from the point of view they could see, had their own judgment on Huixiang's death, and what ultimately led Huixiang to make such a decision, and perhaps the answer to that question was only Huixiang. 吃瓜的群主只听说惠轶自杀是因为百倍杠杆做空比特币爆仓超过一个亿,谁又知道这可能只是压死骆驼的最后一根稻草。 The guacamole eaters only heard that Huixiang committed suicide because of 100 times the leverage to do more than a billion bitcoins, and who knew that it could be just the last straw to crush a camel. 网利宝的立案,实际控制人以及高管全部被捕,惠轶深知自己很可能被牵连、巨额的比特币亏空即将在这个月赎回、交易的连环亏损甚至不断地爆仓以及在他选择自杀前几小时与合伙人还有股东的沟通,都是导致他作出那个选择的原因。 The opening of the cyber-bolt case, the physical arrest of the person in control and the chief executive, Huixiang's knowledge that he was likely to be implicated, that the huge bitcoin deficit was about to be redeemed this month, that the transaction's chain losses even continued to explode and that his communications with the partners and shareholders a few hours before he chose to commit suicide had led him to make that choice. 用知情人士的一段话做个总结吧: summed up with a quote from an informed person: 比特易的交易员和风控人员为什么会在赎回资金钱铤而走险呢,业余炒期货的都知道不会这么冒风险,一个专业的正规军会做这种梭哈吗,其实不难猜测,比特易暗中向网利宝输血,早就败絮其中。 A professional regular army can do such a thing, but it's easy to guess that Bitley's secret blood transfusion to the net is already lost. 赵润龙和惠轶的经营思路都非常相似,就是吸储,吸金,无论是投资机构,还是投资人。无论是币,还是法币,套路都一样。 It's very similar to Huixiang's business approach, which is to suck stocks, to suck gold, to invest in institutions, and to invest in investors. It's the same for both coins and French. 华丽背景,专业投资,然后借新还旧,现在一个在经侦,一个轻生,扭曲的价值观,把钱看得太重,把生命看的太轻,伟大的生命倒在了那 hash 椭圆算法脚下,可悲。 A beautiful background, a professional investment, and then a new one, now one that's being detected, a light-born, distorted values, paying too much money, looking too light at life, and a great life at the foot of a hash elliptical algorithm, pathetic. (本文的内容完全由那几位朋友以及热心的投资者提供爆料,感谢他们不计后果把部分真相和细节告诉大家) (The content of this paper is entirely from those friends and interested investors, thanking them for their reckless efforts to share some of the truth and details.) 免责声明:自媒体综合提供的内容均源自自媒体,版权归原作者所有,转载请联系原作者并获许可。文章观点仅代表作者本人,不代表新浪立场。若内容涉及投资建议,仅供参考勿作为投资依据。投资有风险,入市需谨慎。
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