
资讯 2024-07-01 阅读:51 评论:0
虽然受到疫情影响,比特币价格持续低迷,但随着比特币产量的第三次减半,比特币的价格一路高涨,迎来了一个新的起点。Although affected by the epidemic, bitcoin prices continued to fa...


Although affected by the epidemic, bitcoin prices continued to fall, with the third halving of Bitcoin production, the price of bitcoin rose all the way to a new starting point.


As of 31 October, the price of Bitcoin had risen from a low of $5331 in March to $13001 today, equivalent to approximately $91,700, and it was not impossible to break the 100,000 mark in the future.


It is worth mentioning that “50 per cent of production” is a necessary event when China is writing the bitcoin code, which in the Bitcoin agreement provides for a total of 21 million bitcoins worldwide, while the number of bitcoins awarded will be halved for every 210,000 blocks generated.


To be sure, Bitcoin is indeed more valuable than it was before, and is now moving in the right direction, as Bitcoin began to appreciate gradually after the “half of its production” on May 12th of this year. Although the price increases were not as high as the first and second “half of its output.”


It's a bit difficult to dig after half the production.


It is well known that Bitcoin is a virtual Internet currency in the form of p2p, with a “decentralized” character, and that because of his limited volume and difficulty of acquiring it, a bitcoin is worth more than “gold.” And what we often say is that bitcoin digs, which is the process of using computer hardware to calculate the location of bitcoin and acquire it.


The so-called rich have a business, which, under the temptation of the high value of Bitcoin, has also led to the development of the “mining” industry, which has led to the birth of a large number of miners. But, while Bitcoin is now more valuable, as the Bitcoin reward is reduced by half, it seems that the miners’ income is “highly reduced”.

今年10月19日,区块链数据追踪分析平台Glassnode显示,比特币矿工收入急剧下降,达5个月低点,日平均值达29.956 BTC(约30枚比特币),较9月中旬缩水超90%。

On 19 October of this year, Glasnode, the block chain data tracking and analysis platform, showed that the income of Bitcoin miners had fallen sharply to a low of five months, with a daily average of 29.956 BTC (approximately 30 bitcoins), which was more than 90 per cent smaller than in mid-September.


It is known that after halving Bitcoin production, Bitcoin miners’ revenues have fallen by about 30 per cent compared to the past. Even media analysis suggests that nearly one-third of the Bitcoin mines may close down because of lower profits.


Whether the news is true or not, it is true that Bitcoin miners are living in worse times than ever before.


Can a home computer make money digging for a mine?


Of course, doing any business is risky. For professional mining companies, even though their output is lower, they are profitable and less stable because of the price of bitcoin. The revenues of these “miners” will change at any time because of operating costs, electricity costs, and bitcoin prices.


Personal mining, by contrast, seems a good option, because we don't have to put so much money into it like business, and the risks are very low. Is it really true that we can make money from mining?


Before we dig, it is important to note that the “mining” method, though simple, only needs a computer to download the mining software and run a particular algorithm. But the “bitcoin mining machine” has a professional mining chip that works more with a large number of visible cards, and the calculus is not comparable to the normal computers we usually use.


What we're talking about is the number of Hash values that can be calculated per second, and the more they can be calculated, the bigger they can be.


According to Babbitt's data for July of this year, the full net capacity of Bitcoin is currently around 127.72EH/s. A core miner T3T, which calculates the 13-dimensional Hashi collisions of 5.7*10 per second, while a normal computer, at most 1,000 times per second, is very different from a professional bitcoin miner.


It is understood that a core miner, T3T, would be able to get about 0.0001126 bitcoins a day, and it would take about 888 days to dig up a bitcoin if everything went well and if external conditions were to be removed.


So, as you can imagine, the odds of digging into bitcoin are very slim for a computer that is so far out of hand with a specialized miner. And now, with a total of only 21 million bitcoins, more than 80% of the bitcoins have been mined, leaving fewer and fewer bitcoins, which means that mining is more and more difficult.


It is also worth mentioning that mining with a home computer is dangerous, because mining requires that the computer operate day and night, that it is very damaging to computer hardware and that it is easy to come up with problems, so it is suggested that we abandon the idea of mining with a home computer, and that if the card is “exploitated”, it would be worth it.


In general, even though the price of Bitcoin has risen all the way, implying a breakthrough of $100,000, mining is now the easiest way to hoard it, and mining to get bitcoin from the first level of the market!


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