
资讯 2024-07-02 阅读:54 评论:0
  比特币骗局最新消息-有人损失310万有人因此轻生-498科技Recent news of the Bitcoin con - 3.1 million people lost their lives to 498 techn...


Recent news of the Bitcoin con - 3.1 million people lost their lives to 498 technology.


Bitcoin is a fixed amount of encrypted electronic currency that is built on a globally distributed network, issued without the participation of central banks and third-party institutions. Its independence and decentralisation make it the gold of the virtual world.


"Sell the house, buy the whole bitcoin! He made $12.5 billion in six months" and "bitcoin went crazy in those two years."


In May of this year, Mr. Shinoshi in Ming Shui Street, Zinan, when he viewed the web page, discovered that a web page had bought and sold bitcoin, and then invested money in it. He was lucky to have been successfully intercepted and recovered by the Anti-Fraud Centre of the Château Division for his preparation for marriage. A similar case has occurred in recent times. According to the Guangzhou Public Security Department, the Guangzhou White Cloud Police took down the first group to “money-laundering” using digital currency for telecommunications, and a man who fired bitco was stolen 3.1 million.


According to the information office of the Guangzhou City Public Security Bureau, on 18 June, in the course of intensifying the fight against fraud committed by the telecommunications network, the White Cloud Police recently broke the chain of criminal money-laundering by breaking down the first group that used digital currency to “money-laundering” for the telecommunications network, capturing a total of 12 suspects, seizing computers, mobile phones, bank cards and u-guilders.


Mr. A., trusting Bitcoin for money, invested $3.1 million on an investment platform website, and found out that it was a fraud and that the website was fake. It was only then that he came to realize that he had experienced a telecommunications network fraud and immediately reported it to the police.


As soon as Mr. A. was reported to the police, a special unit was formed to investigate the case. According to the clues, a five-way police force was organized in Guangdong, Xiaoyang, Fushan and Guangzhou City. All 12 suspects, including Peng Feng and Peng Bhaili, were arrested and one computer, 17 mobile phones, 80 bank cards and a group of U.S. Shields were seized, successfully cutting off the grey chain of the “money-laundering” industry.


Digital currency “money-laundering”


When suspects are caught up in the net, they tell the police about the process of “money-laundering”: when they receive money transferred from a fraudster in the account, they transfer the money to micro-letters or payment treasures, and buy flexible Internet financial fund products from the platform. They then use these funds to buy and sell digital money online, and draw a percentage of the commission from them.


By using the hidden nature of digital money, and by supporting offshore transactions, fraudsters have successfully transferred their funds to offshore bank accounts, making it difficult for the police to trace them. According to suspects, police investigations have initially verified that they “money-laundering” for fraud syndicates through digital money for less than six months, profiting more than 300,000 yuan.


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