用比特币在暗网买毒销售 罪犯:宁愿从来没接触过

资讯 2024-07-02 阅读:51 评论:0


& & ldquo; I'd rather never have been in touch with ‘ dark net & rsquo; and it's too late to regret it. & & rdquo; Heisheng, 30-year-old Henan this year, obtained a court decision at Jiangsuhaian City Detention Centre. Last July, he was arrested by Jiangsu police for drug trafficking and then sentenced to two years' imprisonment and a fine of $10,000.


He was interviewed by & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; he was allowed to break the moral bottom line.


& & ldquo; & & rdquao; is a hidden network where ordinary Internet users are unable to search for access by conventional means and require specific software, configuration or authorization to log in. Because of the characteristics of “ & dark network & rdquao; anonymity, etc., various types of criminal offences are easily fostered by the use of the Internet as a tool for networking, some young people are caught in it. China Youth News & Middot; Chinese Youth Network Journalists' online search in China's Jurisprudence Instruments shows that there are & & ldquao; Undercover & & rdquao; 21 cases involving offences such as drug trafficking, dissemination of illegal and pornographic information and personal information against citizens.


It is a matter of concern that, as a result of domestic visits & ldquo; the dark net & rdquo; the growing number of young people and even the involvement of minors. In recent years, outlaws have made use of “ the dark net & rdquo; the increasing number of criminal offences committed, and the public security organs have continued to study “ the dark net & rdquo; the related offences, which have intensified the fight against & ldquo; the dark net & rdquo; and the fight against crime, and have urged the authorities concerned to intensify their efforts to protect the safety of the Internet and to block security risks at their source.


& & ldquo; while ‘ &rsquao; features such as anonymity and covertness, ‘ &rsquao; not ‘ &rsquao; and &lsquao; safe haven & & rsquo; & & rdquo; & & ; & & ; & & ; & ; & & ; & & Rdquo; & Wang Xiao, Director General of Cyber Security of the Ministry of Public Security, spoke at a press conference before the Ministry of Public Security.


sold domestically in bitcoin in &ldquao; dark net & rdquao; high prices after buying drugs


Around 2014, he liked to hang out in a web forum abroad, knowing unwittingly & & & & & & & & & ;. The network maintained his professional background, and he was curious about it. Through a series of operations, he saw a web world that was very different from what he normally knew.


& & ldquo; gun trafficking, drugs, organ trading, bloody video & Hellip; & Hellip; although it's not true, the evils of humanity are all over it. & & rdquo; Who says it is a web world where freedom, extremes and non-extreme things coexist. He first looked at something new and never thought of using it to do anything else.


Later on, he read foreign novels, and noticed that a famous writer mentioned in his book the hallucinogen LSD, which gave them an infinity of inspiration, & ldquo; I was particularly curious to know what it was like. ” what the world said.


LSD is called & ldquo; diethylamide & rdquo; it is a powerful semi-manual hallucinogen. Despite exposure to propaganda that drugs are harmful, in these books, the world sees & ldquo; technology upgrading & rdquo; magic. & & ldquo; this subverts my knowledge of drugs. & rdquo;


Who wants to start with the LSD first. In 2018, he made contact with a Polish, paid in bitcoin, buying drugs from LSD & ldquao, stamps & rdquao, the main component of a 200-dollar bill.


& & & ldquo; color disorder, time and space collapse, as if they had experienced several lives and lived three or three years. & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; the feeling that the hallucinogen is non-addictive and harmless.


He is aware that & & ldquo; stamps & rdquo; there are large markets in the country. Not long after, he quits his real estate sales work and specializes in contacting foreign sellers on the dark web to buy & & & & rdquo; & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & mail & & & & & & Qu & & ; and sells at a price of RMB 160 to RMB 200 per post.


&ldquao; dark net&rdquao; becoming a breeding ground for crime


The Chinese youth newspaper & Middot; Chinese youth network journalists entered keywords & ldquo; dark network & & rdquo; and searched 21 cases. Of these, there were 8 and 7 offences of smuggling, trafficking, transportation, manufacture of drugs, and violation of personal information of citizens. There were 3 offences of illegal possession of terrorist and extremist items, and 1 crime of kidnapping, of computer information systems, of making, copying, publishing, selling and disseminating obscene materials for profit.

  2018年9月,江西省萍乡市安源区人民法院公开宣判了萍乡首例侵犯公民个人信息案,被告人通过“暗网”购买公民信用卡信息,然后绑定手机支付, 盗刷信用卡获取非法利益。法院以侵犯公民个人信息罪,判处两名被告人有期徒刑,并处数十万元罚金。

In September 2018, the Anzheng District People's Court of the municipality of Ping Town, Jiangxi Province, publicly sentenced the first case of violation of citizens' personal information by the accused through “ the dark net & & rdquo; the purchase of citizen credit card information and the subsequent tied-up of a mobile phone to pay for the illegal gain. The court sentenced the two defendants to imprisonment and a fine of hundreds of thousands of yuan for the offence of violating a citizen's personal information.


In June of this year, the Roping County People’s Court in Yunnan Province also published a case of the use of & ldquo; the dark net & & rdquo; and the violation of citizens’ personal information. The defendant posted a website outside the country, indicating the service lines and prices for providing personal information about citizens, such as personal domicile, family domicile, house opening records, same residence records, and & & ldquo; the dark network & & rdquo; the market trade in Bitcoin, which between April and November 2018, illegally acquired and sold more than 1,000 personal information of multiple persons, profiting 1.33315 bits and converted 1.30948 bitels into yuan 4139.35.


The judgement shows that the accused, after claiming that he had been tricked into finding a job, gave birth to “ the idea of making money by providing personal information on the Internet & & rdquao; and the idea that he sold information mostly through the Chinese Forum Network, the hidden goods market, and in part through social software. The information consisted mainly of people's tracks, records of opening a house, information about opening a cell phone, etc. The most expensive of which was mobile phone location information, and the lowest was household information.


In addition, obscenity and fear videos are common in the dark web. A case decided by the Pingwa County People’s Court in Shandong Province shows that the accused passed & ldquo; the dark web & rdquao; learned about and downloaded, exchanged and obtained pornographic and fear video files and disseminated them to three people for profit.


According to an Internet technologist, access to anonymity, encryption of information and server concealment & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ) & & & & & & & ) & & & & & & & & & & & ) & & & & & & & & & & &


&ldquao; dark net&rdquao; and illegal outside


According to public sources, on 30 April this year, the largest & ldquo; dark net & rdquo; market & & & ldquo; dream market & & rdquo; declared closed. On the same day, law enforcement agencies from Europe, Canada and the United States conducted operations and announced to the public that 61 people had been arrested by international law enforcement agencies, 50 dark network accounts for illicit activities had been closed, and law enforcement authorities had executed 65 search warrants and seized 2995 kg of drugs, 51 firearms and more than 62 million euros.


Public information indicates that since this year, the public security organs of the country have jointly opened cases & ldquo; the dark net & rdquao; 16 related cases in which persons involved in & ldquao; the dark net & rdquao; and 25 persons suspected of criminal activities in violation of the law, of whom two have been sentenced to prison terms and 23 have been held in criminal detention.


With in-country access to & ldquo; & & rdquao; growing numbers, and growing youth groups. & & & & & rdquao; has become a new area of national cyberspace governance, & & & & rdquao; crime also poses new challenges to cyberspace governance.


According to Kim Ming, Deputy Commander of the 7th Brigade of the Criminal Police of the Jiangsuhaian Public Security Bureau, the current fight against clandestine crime has many institutional, technical and other difficulties, which make it difficult for countries to combat it. The interaction between networks and logistics has led to a more professional pattern of drug-related crime and a low age and professionalization of drug-trafficking groups.


Dr. Niejun, Research Institute for Cyber-Systems, University of Gangan, wrote that China should further study and implement governance measures that are appropriate to China’s circumstances, based on learning from foreign & ldquo; Dark Net & rdquo; and practices of governance experience. The relevant government departments should organize national priority cyber-security research institutes and carry out special engineering studies to have & ldquao; Dark Net & rdquao; and regulatory technical capacity to adapt to China’s cyberspace governance needs as soon as possible.


In addition, the State should work with a number of businesses involved in cybersecurity to develop technologies and tools, involving a number of professional technicians in governance & & ldquao; & & rdquao; and specific actions.


He also recommends that the relevant laws and regulations be strengthened, with heavy punches to eliminate the chain of Internet-based black ash production and sale of false identity cards, black telephone cards, false IDs, etc., and that the public security and Internet services jointly conduct special & ldquo; dark net & rdquao; anti-action campaigns to increase the level of control and suppression of &ldquao; dark net & rdquao; and use & & ldquao; dark net & rdquao; and that they monitor and combat criminal acts.

  中国青年报·中国青年网记者 李超 实习生 程蓉 来源:中国青年报

China Youth News & Middot; Chinese Youth Network journalist Li Wai Intern Cheng Yong Source: China Youth News


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